Article 21. (4) The provisions of this section shall not apply to employees or agents of the division of wildlife or to field agents of the United States department of agriculture when such employees or agents are acting in their official capacity, nor shall this section apply to any person who lawfully takes a black bear in defense of livestock, real property, a motor vehicle, or human life pursuant to section 33-3-106. For example, indicating a non-service animal is a service animal to bring it into a public business that generally would not allow animals on the premises. Animals bitten by animals known or suspected of having rabies to be confined, § 25-4-606 . Excessive damage to property--permit to take wildlife--when--harassment by dogs. Amended by Laws 1994, H.B.94-1029, § 444, eff. West's Colorado Revised Statutes Annotated. No dog or cat shall be designated as a candidate for medical or any other kind of experimentation unless such dog or cat has been made available for adoption during the two-week period it is cared for by the pound or shelter. (2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section, a municipality shall not require a dog, cat, or ferret to be inoculated against rabies any more frequently than is recommended in the “Compendium of Animal Rabies Control” as promulgated by the national association of state public health veterinarians, and a veterinarian may issue a written waiver exempting an animal from a rabies vaccination order as provided in section 25-4-607. CREDIT(S)Amended by Laws 1999, Ch. Repealed and reenacted by Laws 1977, H.B.1716, § 1, eff. § 33-4-101.3 . Further municipal restrictions not prohibited. Courts and Court Procedure. Who gets the pets in a divorce? June 3, 1983; Laws 1992, H.B.92-1192, § 8, eff. County Powers and Functions. Article 4. (II) Pounds and shelters shall not participate in the practice known as "red tagging", which, for the purposes of this section, means the isolation, without opportunity for adoption, of healthy, amiable dogs and cats for research animal buyers. June 29, 1984; Laws 2003, Ch. The health department or health officer may capture and impound any such dog, cat, other pet animal, or other mammal found running at large and dispose of such animal in accordance with local program policy. Order of board of health requiring inoculation of animals--veterinarian waiver of order, § 25-4-608 . (5) “Owner” means any person who has a right of property in a dog, cat, other pet animal, or other mammal, or who keeps or harbors a dog, cat, other pet animal, or other mammal, or who has it in his care or acts as its custodian. Part 1. (3) In any case described in subsection (2) of this section in which it is alleged and proved that the dog owner had knowledge or notice of the dog's viciousness or dangerous propensities, the court, upon a motion made by the victim or the personal representative of the victim, may enter an order that the dog be euthanized by a licensed veterinarian or licensed shelter at the expense of the dog owner. Comp.Laws 1921, § 3152. Amended by Laws 2003, Ch. Amended by Laws 1994, S.B.94-23, § 16, eff. Title 13. (5) A dog owner shall not be liable to a person who suffers bodily injury, serious bodily injury, or death from being bitten by the dog: (a) While the person is unlawfully on public or private property; (b) While the person is on property of the dog owner and the property is clearly and conspicuously marked with one or more posted signs stating "no trespassing" or "beware of dog"; (c) While the dog is being used by a peace officer or military personnel in the performance of peace officer or military personnel duties; (d) As a result of the person knowingly provoking the dog; (e) If the person is a veterinary health care worker, dog groomer, humane agency staff person, professional dog handler, trainer, or dog show judge acting in the performance of his or her respective duties; or. Wildlife. View more. Oct. 1, 2002; Laws 2003, Ch. 318, § 319, eff. Justia Ask a Lawyer is a forum for consumers to get answers to basic legal questions. The laws and regulations in this handout are paraphrased for easier understanding and are intended only as a guide. (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection (1), a board of health of an organized health department or a county board of health shall not order the inoculation of dogs, cats, or ferrets against rabies any more frequently than is recommended in the “Compendium of Animal Rabies Control” as promulgated by the national association of state public health veterinarians. (b) The owner of an animal seeking an exemption from a rabies vaccination for his or her animal must provide the veterinarian with written consent for the exemption. § 13-21-124 . Disease Control. Animal control officers--peace officer designation. Damage or destruction of dens or nests--harassment of wildlife. General. © 2020 Michigan State University College of Law. Some dogs are known for being more aggressive or dangerous than others. Notice of order requiring inoculation of animals. The ADA and Colorado law define a service animal as a dog that is individually trained to perform tasks or do work for the benefit of a person with a physical or mental disability. Article 4. (4) Deleted by Laws 2003, Ch. up to 6 adult dogs or cats, or any combination Adult animal is defined as any dog or cat over the age of 4 months. Aug. 11, 2010. Any wildlife killed as permitted under this subsection (3) shall remain the property of the state, and such killing shall be reported to the division within five days. The city's dog parks are appropriate places to let your dog off-leash. Black bears--declaration of intent--spring season hunting prohibited--prohibited means of taking--penalty. Amended by Laws 1983, S.B.275, § 9, eff. Part 1. Dec. 1, 2005. Agriculture. Government--State. Uninoculated animals not to run at large--impounding and disposition of animals. The pound or shelter may charge a reasonable fee for housing the dog or cat during the two-week period the animal is cared for by the pound or shelter. Agriculture. (1) It is the intent of the voters of Colorado in adopting this measure to prohibit the taking of black bears when female black bears are rearing their cubs. § 33-6-128 . That's right, you could have your dog taken from you if you do not have it spayed or neutered. The order of a board of health of a health department or a county board of health requiring inoculation of all dogs, cats, other pet animals, or other mammals shall not become effective until twenty-four hours after notice of adoption of the order requiring inoculation of all dogs, cats, other pet animals, or other mammals has been published in a newspaper of general circulation in the county or district. Personnel so engaged shall be included within the definition of “peace officer, firefighter, or emergency medical service provider engaged in the performance of his or her duties” in section 18-3-201(2), C.R.S. May 22, 2003. CREDIT(S)Amended by Laws 1975, S.B.322, § 6, eff. § 30-15-103. There is no state-wide leash law in Colorado, but dogs are required to be under control at all times. Livestock. No registration permit or license shall be issued by any board of county commissioners unless and until the owner of a dog, cat, or ferret exhibits to the board or designated official a valid rabies vaccination certificate indicating the dog, cat, or ferret has been vaccinated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian. (1) Nothing in this part 6 shall be construed to limit the power of any municipality within this state to prohibit dogs from running at large, whether or not they have been inoculated as provided in this part 6; and nothing in this part 6 shall be construed to limit the power of any municipality to regulate and control and to enforce other and additional measures for the restriction and control of rabies. Animal attacking or biting person to be confined--examination, § 25-4-605 . This … Under 38-20-102, any feeder, veterinarian, or other person entrusted with the pet for feeding, keeping, boarding, or medical shall have a lien for the amount of costs incurred in the care of the animal. Sections 25-4-610 and 25-4-611 shall be in force and effect only in those counties, districts, or portions of counties or districts where an order requiring inoculation of all dogs, cats, other pet animals, or other mammals is in effect. § 33-3-106. Updated October 21, 2020. 242, § 48, eff. Personnel engaged in animal control, however titled or administratively assigned, may issue citations or summonses and complaints enforcing the county dog control resolution or any other county resolution concerning the control of pet animals or municipal ordinance without regard to the certification requirements of part 3 of article 31 of title 24, C.R.S. The division of wildlife shall cooperate with and aid the health department or health officer in the enforcement of this section as it affects animals found or suspected to be affected by rabies when such animals are in its care, jurisdiction, or control. § 35-80-101 - 117 (an act regulating pet animal facilities (i.e., shelters, large kennels, and breeders) and establishing pet overpopulation fund). May 6, 1991; Laws 1994, H.B.94-1029, § 439, eff. May 6, 1991; Laws 1999, Ch. Title 13. The City of Colorado Springs allows up to four (4) dogs or cats over four (4) months of age per property. Rabies & ID Required - It is required all dogs and cats be vaccinated against rabies by a licensed Colorado Veterinarian. Section 18-9-204.5 of the Colorado Revised Statutes makes it a crime to own or have any interest in, or control over, a dangerous dog. Nuisance Wildlife Laws in Colorado Following are summaries of Colorado’s most common regulations and statutes pertaining to nuisance wildlife questions. If authorized by the county resolution, the penalty assessment procedure provided in section 16-2-201, C.R.S., may be followed by an animal control officer or any arresting law enforcement officer for any such violation. The person who brings a pet dog to the outdoor dining area does not allow the pet dog on chairs, benches, seats, or other furniture or fixtures and maintains control of the pet dog, including leashing the pet dog or confining the pet dog in a pet carrier; and Law Enforcement and Penalties. Rev.St.1908, § 6387. This section imposes strict liability on owners when their dog bites a person who is lawfully on public or private property. No person shall obstruct or interfere with the authorized person in making such examination. Livestock. Excessive damage--permit to take wildlife--harassment by dogs. Disease Control. The laws vary by state, and in some cases, by county as well. Amended by Laws 1991, S.B.91-142, § 16, eff. Any contracts (or copies thereof) made by the owner of the pet animal with the person caring for the animals may be filed with the county clerk where the owner resides (or where the contract was made fo… May 22, 1994; Laws 2002, Ch. Branding and Herding. The health officer or health department shall enforce the provisions of this part 6, and the sheriff and his deputies and the police officers in each incorporated municipality and the division of wildlife shall be aides and are instructed to cooperate with the health department or health officer in carrying out the provisions of this part 6. Title 30. General Provisions. Upon request by the property owner, whenever the wildlife causing the excessive damage exceeds the wildlife objective set by the division for that species for that geographical area for the current year, the division is encouraged to issue a permit under this section. (2) The commissioner may promulgate rules creating and requiring pet animal health certificates. The division may bring a civil action against the owner of any dog inflicting death or injury to any big game and to small game, birds, and mammals for the value of each game animal injured or killed. May 6, 1991; Laws 1994, H.B.94-1029, § 441, eff. Code of Colorado Regulations 5 2. (1) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires: (a) "Bodily injury" means any physical injury that results in severe bruising, muscle tears, or skin lacerations requiring professional medical treatment or any physical injury that requires corrective or cosmetic surgery. July 1, 1994. May 6, 1991. Lone Tree bans all "fighting breeds" including pit bulls, American Bulldogs, Dogo Argentinos, Canary Dogs, Presa Mallorquins, Tosa Inus, Cane, Corsos, and Fila Brasilairos. § 29-5-112 (law that requires local law enforcement to undergo training in order to prevent the shooting of dogs by local law enforcement officers in the line of duty). May 22, 1994. Title 25. Please respect dog regulations on all parts of Open Space and Mountain Parks. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection (3), “pet animal” does not include wildlife, livestock used for any purpose or which is estray as defined in section 35-44-101, C.R.S., or animals which are owned or bought and sold through the efforts of those that are licensed, inspected, or both, by the United States Department of Agriculture, the Colorado department of agriculture, or both; however, nothing in this subsection (3) shall be construed to exempt such animals from county control regulations. CRS 13-21-124 is the Colorado statute that governs dog bites. Link to Article 80, Pet Animal Care and Facilities Act, C. R. S. A. April 21, 2004. Animal control officers--peace officer designation. (1)(a) The board of county commissioners of any county may adopt a resolution for the control and licensing of dogs and other pet animals as provided in this part 1. The state gives local governments the authority to make leash laws for individual municipalities. July 1, 1999; Laws 2008, Ch. Liability for accident or subsequent disease from impoundment. Any person who violates this subsection (2) is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of two hundred dollars. Title 33. It is unlawful for any owner of any dog, cat, other pet animal, or other mammal which has not been inoculated as required by the order of the county board of health or board of health of a health department to allow it to run at large. “Colorado has one of the strictest set of regulations for interacting with dogs, and this place was on board and behind that,” Newell said. (b) For purposes of this subsection (1), "experimentation" includes any research, or testing, or the use of an animal for the training of students or medical personnel. § 35-43-126; § 13-21-124; § 24-80-910.5; § 25-4-601 to 615; § 30-15-101 to 105; § 33-3-106; § 33-4-101.3; § 33-6-128; § 35-42.5-101; § 35-50-112, CO ST § 35-43-126; § 13-21-124; § 24-80-910.5; § 25-4-601 to 615; § 30-15-101 to 105; § 33-3-106; § 33-4-101.3; § 33-6-128; § 35-42.5-101; § 35-50-112. (3) A Colorado wildlife officer or other peace officer may capture or kill any dog he or she determines to be harassing wildlife. Civil actions against dog owners, Title 24. (2) Any offense involving bodily injury to any person by a dog or other pet animal shall be a class 2 misdemeanor, and any violator shall be punished as provided in section 18-1.3-501, C.R.S., for each separate offense. In the event that a dog or dogs accidentally chases a black bear while the owner or person in control of such dog or dogs is in legal pursuit of other game, such owner or person in control of the dog or dogs shall not be charged with the illegal taking of a black bear so long as the dog or dogs are called off as soon as the mistake is realized and the black bear is not injured or killed. June 14, 1975; Laws 1985, H.B.1380, § 32, eff. (1)(a)(I) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires, an animal "shelter or pound" means a nonprofit private or publicly owned facility where stray, abandoned, lost, or unwanted pet animals are held and which facility contains four or more pet animals at any given time. Colorado Springs and El Paso County have ordinances regarding pets. (1)(a) Where wildlife is causing excessive damage to property, as determined by the division after consultation with the property owner, the division is authorized to issue a permit to the property owner, the property owner's designee, or to such other person selected by the division to kill a specified number of the species of wildlife causing such excessive damage. Many of those individuals use a service animal or assistance animal to cope with their disability. (1)(a) When it is deemed advisable in the interest of public health and safety, the board of health of an organized health department or a county board of health may order that all dogs, cats, other pet animals, or other mammals in the county or district be vaccinated against rabies, such vaccination to be performed by a licensed veterinarian. Part 1. § 25-4-615. In considering proposed changes to the restrictions on the taking of black bears which are established in this measure, the Colorado general assembly shall take notice of the fact that this measure was adopted by a vote of the people at the 1992 general election. Part 6. All fines and forfeitures for the violation of county resolutions adopted pursuant to this part 1 and all moneys collected by the county for licenses or otherwise shall be paid into the treasury of the county at such times and in such manner as may be prescribed by resolution; or, if there is no resolution providing for the payment, it shall be paid to the county treasurer at once. Animal Shelters and Pounds. Any dog found running, worrying, or injuring sheep, cattle, or other livestock may be killed, and the owner or harborer of such dog shall be liable for all damages done by it. In addition, persons convicted pursuant to this section shall have their wildlife license privileges suspended for five years and persons convicted of a second or subsequent offense pursuant to this section shall have their wildlife license privileges suspended permanently. Their own rules and regulations § 25-4-603 have current rabies vaccine and current! June 1, 1987 ; Laws 2002, Ch most common regulations and statutes pertaining to nuisance questions. By law to wear their rabies tags on their collar cats are to. Noted breed-specific ordinances and mandatory pit bull or other breeds to property -- permit to wildlife... Wildlife questions making such examination, California Colorado department of Agriculture will if... A public place without its master on a leash in Belvedere,.... § 1, Denver, Fort Lupton, La Junta, colorado laws about dogs of livestock -- animal!, 2007 cats are required to be confined to prevent spread of.. 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colorado laws about dogs 2021