Others are unique to Latin America, such as El Burrito Sabanero. in darkened windows A sanctity flows through this space like incense, a sanctity unsanctified by any official church. By contrast, people in the “Southern Cone” countries of Argentina, Chile and especially Uruguay are among the most secular, with relatively low levels of religious commitment. In Costa Rica, families visit friends before attending mass and plan for dinner afterward, where tamales are a not-to-be-missed staple of the meal. A hard snow was spitting across the darkening sky. multi-grey cumulus mounding (In few places do they keep the custom of gift-giving on the Feast of Epiphany, the Day of the Three Magi – 6 January.). of baptism, marriage, and death varying among different Catholic Latino The Fiesta Quinceanera marks the right of passage from girlhood to young womanhood. Semana Santa – Holy Week – is one of the most important holidays in Latin America, both religiously and secularly. Quiteños have a very traditional and spiritually powerful procession on this day. Medicine. One Sunday, a friend stops at a stand in Mercado América to buy some naranjillas. There are three main tales about the life and deeds of Antonio Mamerto Gil Núñez, who came to be known as Gauchito Gil. Mortiño was a sacred fruit for the Andean indigenous nations. (One of his most famous cases was the stoning of Saint Stephen.) Religion has been a remarkably dynamic force in Latin America since the 1960s, paralleling the shift from dictatorship to elected government. Protestantism has gained many followers in recent decades. The religion was brought by the Spanish conquerors and combined with native and African beliefs, giving origin to a diversity of religious festivals. Some towns, like Antigua (Guatemala), San Salvador (El Salvador) and Ayacucho (Peru) adorn their streets with intricate carpets made of flowers or sawdust. (Of course, there ALWAYS has to be a love angle to a tale, no?). The list of ingredients is a mish-mash of native fruits, herbs and spices, and those introduced by the Spaniards: The bundle of herbs used in the colada morada is called a guanguito. This serenade will continue until the wee hours of the morn, when then the all-day procession commences with a mass, and ends with an evening of seven dances…, Iglesia Nuestra Señora de Guápulo (Quito, Ecuador). With Hallowe’en just around the corner, it’s time to go explore some of the creepy and the scary destinations in South America. No longer did the kings function as the official heads of the church and its mission. It should come as no surprise that in Latin American countries, which are predominantly Roman Catholic, Easter is the most widely celebrated and important religious holiday of the year. Several others and I debark. According to the findings, ... which began in the late 15th century during a time when Spanish conquerors forced Indians living in Latin America to accept the Christian faith. One year, I was in Arica for the feast days of San Pedro and San Pablo. Other countries have their santos populares. The most famous of these celebrations is the Inti Raymi, celebrated on or near the June solstice. photo © Lorraine Caputo. But each country, each place also has its traditions. The feast day of Saint Anthony of Padua is celebrated on 13 June. Religious Tradition view of Euthanasia State One Religious Traditions View Of Euthanasia Euthanasia is described by the Oxford English Dictionary as ‘The bringing about of a gentle and easy death, especially in the case of incurable and painful diseases’ . If you are on a tight budget or looking for peace, for tranquility – avoid these destinations! Please note that as of July 2015, this page is no longer being actively updated or maintained. Yakarí offered to be my guide through the two days of celebrations in the Los Crepúsculos neighborhood. It is said to have originated with San Antonio himself, during his missionary work in northern Africa. Sometimes he also holds a book or a lily blossom. Describe gift-giving traditions in Latin America. Colada morada – a rich infusion of fruits, herbs and spices – and guaguas de pan – doll-shaped breads – are the traditional offerings Ecuadorians leave on their families’ tombs during the Day of the Dead (Día de los Difuntos) celebrations. In other countries, he is the patron of travelers. Entry to the event is free; but if you want a seat during the five-hour ceremony, expect to pay top dollar. Every year, the village of La Tirana attracts religious people on the week of July 16 to pay homage to Virgen del Carmen, the patron saint of the city. Some include the story line that he was in love with the widow owner of the estancia (ranch) where he worked – who also throbbed the heart of the local chief of police. such as demonstrated by the early Teatro Campesino (Peasant Theater) Gauchito Gil is found not only throughout his matria¸ but also in neighboring Paraguay, Uruguay and southern Brazil. The surveys explored the religious beliefs and behaviors of Hispanics and compared them with non-Hispanic believers. A particularly spectacular one is at Parque Arqueológico de Monquirá, called “El Infiernito” by locals. What are these small shrines so boldly decorated? As with many Latin American countries, Christmas Eve mass is part of the tradition. is of Little interest among Cuban Americans and Puerto Ricans, and But in the holiness of this space, I feel uncomfortable to ask probing questions about their faith to a saint the Catholic Church (let alone any other) would adopt as its own. The first is a calendar of 36 stones in parallel lines that marks the sun’s movements, showing the time when the earth (and the women) would be most fertile and planting should begin. And however and wherever you are celebrating this holiday, may your season be bright, and the New Year be full of wishes come true. Let’s take a look at how they celebrate it in that northern Chilean port city. as well as modern stylized forms reinterpreting these traditions, Argentina has the largest communities of both Jews and Muslims in Latin America.Practitioners of the Judaism, Buddhist, Islamic, Hinduism, Bahá'í Faith, and Shinto denominations and religions also exercised in Latin America.. Hinduism is the second-largest religion in Suriname.According to the 2012 census of Suriname, Hindus constitute 22.3% of the population. The tamunangue not only honors San Antonio on his feast day, but it is also performed to fulfill a promise (promesa) to him for granting a good harvest, a family request (for wishes of healing, a new home, studies, etc.) The burning of Judas is a popular Easter-ritual in Mexico and Venezuela where an effigy of Judas Iscariot is burned or exploded with fireworks. Dangers included getting stuck in mud, bottoming out the car and ripping the oil pan out, and accidents. The herbs are sold in a bundle called guanguito. by Miguel A. on his blanket Christmas Posadas last from December 16 until Christmas Eve. For a pair of days in early January, after Gauchito Gil’s feast Day, Pay Ubre hosts a chamamé music festival. The procession then wends through the streets, with dancing and drumming until dusk. African and African-inspired religions in Latin America and the Caribbean are as diverse as the region itself. San Antonio. Most of the region is located in the tropics, and it is summer south of the equator. Although most Latinos adhere to the Catholic church, evangelical Jan 1. Everyone heads to the beach during the Christmas-New Year holiday, if they can. The Andean indigenous cosmovision has four festivals or raymi: Inti, Kulla, Kapak and Pawkar. photo © Lorraine Caputo. But what was the original name of colada morada – and what is its origin? Hispanic American Religious Cultures. Iglesia de Sn Antonio (M’burucuyá, Argentina). photo © Lorraine Caputo. grilling sandwiches, serving beer 24 June 2015 7 colourful festivals of Latin America. LATIN AMERICAN SOCIO-RELIGIOUS STUDIES PROGRAM (PROLADES) A CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM OF RELIGIOUS GROUPS IN THE AMERICAS BY MAJOR TRADITIONS AND FAMILY TYPES Clifton L. Holland, General Editor Linda J. Holland, Assistant Editor First Edition: 30 October 1993 Last Modified on 18 June 2018 PROLADES Apartado 86-5000, Liberia, Guanacaste, Costa Rica Telephone: (506) 8820-7023; E … (save a pharmacy) The discovery of Santo Domingo in 1492 marks the beginning of Latin American church history. Today we shall witness Quito’s famous Good Friday procession – and take a look at the human face behind the hoods and veils. Once the naranjilla-blackberry mixture is cooked and cooled, it is run through a blender and then a sieve. This is to ask the Saint for permission to present the dances promised to him. sits in a lawn chair Death and Afterlife. Because making tamales can be pretty time consuming, many people opt to participate in tamaladas , or tamal-making parties, where participants swap recipes and bond as they prepare this delicious holiday staple in bulk. & the clouds One morning, doña Marcela’s invites me into her kitchen where she and her maid, Rosalía, are preparing the recipe handed down by Marcela’s abuelita (grandmother). photo © Lorraine Caputo. The term for this drink, colada morada, is obviously Spanish: colada, strained + morada, purple. After the mass, families retire home for a big feast and to exchange gifts. 13 Latin American Christmas Traditions You Should Know About by Bill O’Connor November 22, 2019 It’s that time of year again — you’ve surely noticed the deluge of Christmas decorations, music, and frenzied shopping all around you. Only in the extreme north of Mexico (perhaps, depending on the year) and the highest of mountains will you find snow. African and African-inspired religions in Latin America and the Caribbean are as diverse as the region itself. CHRISTIANITY: CHRISTIANITY IN LATIN AMERICA. His given name was Antonio Mamerto Gil Núñez. Worker movement in California. photo © Lorraine Caputo, The crèche in Iglesia La Merced, in the Historic Center of Lima, Peru, occupies one large side chapel of the church, and includes scenes of the Peruvian life in the countryside and the city. photo © Lorraine Caputo, BEST PLACES TO EXPERIENCE SEMANA SANTA (in Latin America). The liberation of Spanish and Portuguese America from European political control began a radically new period of Latin American church history. other syncretized Religious ceremonies do among Latinos, but typically While these languages were once confined to Europe, they later spread to the Americas during the European colonization of the region. One of the most spectacular Semana Santa processions in Quito is that of Good Friday, dedicated to the Jesús de Gran Poder. Below are just some of the places where you can put on your itinerary. Nothing sums up Latin America's spirit and colour quite like its festivals: from religious fiestas to the 'Dance of … In Trujillo, on Honduras’ Caribbean coast, the Indio Bárbaro accosts people for donations to community projects. Wherever you may be wending in the region, you will experience the festivities. It is also an important time for children and their growth. American culture is a diverse mix of customs and traditions from nearly every region of the world. At these seasons, they gather across the globe to welcome a new year, or prepare for the sowing or the harvest season. However, there some cultural similarities that tend to bring these diverse backgrounds together. Still, one can readily find listening to chamamé photo © Lorraine Caputo. photo © Lorraine Caputo. For example, if you see a black cat, it means mischief. Why do so many thousands come and camp along this highway every 8 January, his feast day? theater, and cinema has brought a new awareness to the population; It divides the field into studies of socioreligious formations (particularistic and universalistic formations, more specifically) and studies of cosmologies or worldviews (so-called perspectivism). San Antonio was born Fernando Martins de Bulhões, in Lisbon, Portugal, in 1195. The equatorial sun on the June solstice. The Festival del Auténtico Chamamé Tradicional (Authentic Traditional Chamamé Festival) occurs in February. This tradition is interesting to me since in Ecuador we have a new year’s eve tradition of burning an effigy. A Mexican side dish is ensalada de Nochebuena (Christmas Eve Salad), made of apple, celery and walnuts dressed with heavy cream. The tamunangue consists of the Dedicatorio or Serenade to San Antonio, which includes the Batalla (Battle), performed by two men. Often they do this barefoot, at times with shackles and chains. The city’s Feria de las Flores (Flower Festival) dates back to the 1950s and is held each summer in late July or early August, to capture the beauty of the local blossoms. A Pew Research Center survey of 18 Latin American countries and Puerto Rico asked people whether eight specific behaviors — including homosexual behavior and having an abortion — are morally wrong. Inti Raymi (Sun Festival) is the most famous of the Andean sun festivals. He was beheaded for being a Christian on 29 June 67 AD, during the reign of Nero. On the sideboard, the naranjilla and blackberries, which have been cooked together, are cooling. down a deserted street, As that twelve o’clock hour nears Red streamers and flags to hang upon his massive statue in the center of the crowded compound and red candles to light the way of their requests to this popular saint. Beyond the usual cast of characters, though, is a motley assembly of animals: Among the expected sheep, camels and burros are farm animals – chickens, pigs, cows, etc. Their religious devotion in one example of how local culture affects the styles and practices of work in Latin America. This season, it is believed, is one of the times of year when the veils between the World of the Living and the World of the Dead part, allowing families and friends to once again reunite. associated with the Indian-Mestizo segment of the population in Mexico, Even many years after that night in Los Crepúsculos, the serenade sounds through my mind. strummed sultry, Every time I encounter a statue of San Antonio – no matter the season – I mouth the words and sway, dancing to this great saint. This is then followed by a round of seven dances performed by couples: These are just two of the ways San Antonio is fêted in Latin America, in the countryside and in the city, by campesinos and by African descendants. photo © Lorraine Caputo. The saints are paraded around the harbor in flower-festooned boats, followed by special masses. photo © Lorraine Caputo, A sprig of arrayán (myrtle). A small band – guitar, violin and accordion – is playing chamamé music. photo © Lorraine Caputo. By IPS Correspondents Reprint | | Print | Diego Cevallos. Viernes Santo (Good Friday) is the day of the crucifixion. Statue to chamamé music. This includes much of Central and South America as well as the Caribbean. photo © Lorraine Caputo. photo ©Lorraine Caputo, bucklets of choclo con habas, of salchipapas, The Jueves Santo procession in Quito. For the great majority of Latinos, regardless of their religious tradition, God is an active force in everyday life. Saint Anthony became a monk of this order, and was famous for his knowledge of scripture, being able to teach them through simple words and deeds. photo © Lorraine Caputo. During his life, it is said, he was recognized for his healing abilities and known as a devoteé of San La Muerte. The three Magi are from Otavalo, Esmeraldas and Tsáchila. With a large wooden spoon, doña Rosalía lifts each herb out of the simmering tisane, to teach me the names: ishpingo and pimienta dulce. Prices rise – for transport, lodging and food – and the strand is über-crowded with lots of drinking people blaring music. Large manger scenes decorate the churches, homes and even hilltops. How are religious beliefs infused into the Christmas traditions in Latin America? photo © Lorraine Caputo, The shrine to San Pedro in Puerto Cisnes, in southern Chile. Many homes and businesses will also have one set up – like this inn in northern Mexico. characterize a rich artistic cultural element. He was contemporary of Saint Francis of Assisi (San Francisco de Asís), founder of the Franciscan order. Secular song and dance genres, from son, to salsa, merengue, rumba, and samba gained … Religious freedom. Under the arcades surrounding the main plaza, dozens of women had stalls set up, selling guagua de pan with a steaming cup of colada morada. Please dress and behave respectfully. At dusk, a group of us headed out to watch the Marcha de Antorchas (Torch Parade). When the Spaniards arrived, the conquistadores prohibited the removal of bodies from tombs. Iglesia San Francisco (Quito, Ecuador). These are some of the places with the biggest, most spectacular Holy Week celebrations in the region: Mexico – Taxco, San Luis Potosí and Querétaro (traditional ceremonies and on Good Friday, the penitents’ procession); Iztapalapa, Guatemala – Antigua (with floral carpets), El Salvador – San Salvador (with sawdust carpets), Honduras – Comayagua (with sawdust carpets), Costa Rica – Heredia, San Rafael de Oreamuno, Venezuela – Tacarigua de Mamporal, Guatire, Villa de Cura, Ecuador – Quito (with very traditional masses – including the arrastre de caudas, and processions, especially of penitents on Good Friday). The walls are covered with plaques, photos, handwritten notes – all thanking this renegade saint for his intersession. The juice is placed in a 20-liter pot and the herb water is added. Generosity, in the Native American tradition, is a religious act as well as a social one. This is how Western Christianity sets the dates for these religious observances: A roadside shrine to Gauchito Gil near Río Turbio, in Argentina’s southern Patagonia. Already the pots are steaming. North Dakota Quarterly (issue 86.3 / 4, November 2019), Iglesia Santo Domingo (Quito, Ecuador). These traditions reflect the distinctive mixtures of Native American, African, and European influences that have shifted throughout And the rest is history. from a tree, The hotel watchman Even though Catholic Church teaching forbids some of these behaviors, Protestants across the region are more likely than Catholics to see … Travel with VIP Journeys: COVID-19 Update. The jailer prayed to the renegade gaucho, and his son was cured. Leave the beaches to the locals during holidays – you can go any time.) “Colada morada! But throughout the Andes, you’ll also find mountain villages honoring these saints, in hopes of rains for the season’s crops. Because many families head to the beach or other popular national destinations during the holiday, hotel and food prices in those places triple or even quadruple. Vendors call, Wrapping paper, five sheets for a dollar! Water is another honored element (and commonly used in Andean carnaval celebrations). Religious Celebrations. The most renowned Inti Raymi is held on Saint John the Baptist’s day. Cooked fruits cooling off: strawberries (front), babaco (back, left) and pineapple (back, right). Ninety percent of the U.S. population speaks and understands at least some English, and most official business is conducted in English. ... patron saint of San Juan, Puerto Rico’s capital. The laughter, the music But each country, each place also has its traditions. On Nov. 13, 2014, the Pew Research Center brought together members of the Latin America community, religious leaders, scholars, members of the media and other experts for a round-table discussion about the latest data on religion in Latin America. He is the patron saint of lost causes, lost (or stolen) items, lost people and of the poor. In the Patagonia, traditional Mapuche celebrate the June solstice with Tripuinta, their New Year. On this day, the Virgen Dolorosa (Virgin of Sorrows) is silently carried through the streets, everyone joining in the mourning of her first-born son. According to his research, colada morada’s roots extend almost five thousand years in the past, to the Quitu-Cara and older indigenous nations. The longest day and longest night occur at this time. photo © Lorraine Caputo, The cucuruchos wear hooded robes. (literally "Day of the Dead," but known as All Barely heard above the ruckus are the greetings of the jolly fat man dressed in red, perhaps accompanied by two curvaceous elves dressed in micro-minis. curanderos He returned a hero, but immediately was drafted into the civil wars (1814-1880) raging through the region. It is not unusual to see a cock towering over a Magi. at sidewalk tables, All else is closed mounts, pulsed by sprays of Catholicismis the main religion in Latin America. Posadas. Upon passing the Arctic and Antarctic Circles, you’ll experience over two months of pure light in summer, and pure night and twilight in winter. Traditions – of indigenous, migrant and other populations – also exist near the poles, where the solstices mark the shortest and longest nights of the year. I shall do more than that … I shall look for the origins of the drink ….. Each have a sprig of cinnamon and a few cloves floating amongst the hunks of fruit. Discussions about the historical foundations for these Holy Days of late October and early November. Latin America, but varies in form and practice from country to country (worship of African gods clothed in Catholic dogma) beliefs and Originally Spanish Christmas traditions, Posadas are now also Guatemalan and Mexican traditions. photo © Lorraine Caputo, The Virgen Dolorosa’s black dress is embroidered with gold thread. After the morning mass at the parish church, tamunangueros dance through the streets, carrying the beloved saint from house to house. “Mortiño, babaco, piña …” She recites the list of fruits, both from these Andean mountains and those brought by the Spaniards from strange lands over the eastern sea. The second version of the tale recounts that he was drafted into the Colorado forces to fight against the Liberales in the civil wars. They are the personal Christs of several generations of the family: mother, daughters, aunts, grandmother. Rituals include baths, purification and healing ceremonies, as well as thanks giving to the powers of the Cosmos. He never knew Jesus in person. Already renowned for their vivacious colors, lively music and strong cultural ties, the countries of Latin America tend to pull out all the stops when it comes to festivals. In Mexico, are the posadas, nine days of processions through neighborhoods, topped off with tamales and hot atole drink. Above the Arctic Circle in June and below the Antarctic Circle in December, the sun never sets. El Dia de Los Muertos WHEN THE VEILS PART : Honoring Our Dead – Part III. If you are traveling at any of these seasons, your best chance of seeing (and perhaps joining in) on the festivities are in areas with a strong indigenous sense of pride, especially in Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. Latinos generally subscribe to Christian beliefs of an afterlife in In Mexico, are the posadas, nine days of processions through neighborhoods, topped off with tamales and hot atole drink. pulsed by lightning, a rain washing Instead, it inscribes a circle on the edge of the horizon. Since mid-October, restaurants and families have been preparing this laborious drink that is served to honor the dead. This article reviews the principal tendencies in the contemporary studies of indigenous South American religious traditions. Throughout Latin America, in big cities and small villages, processions occur from Holy Wednesday through Holy Saturday of Semana Santa (Easter Week). ) and seafood dedicated to the Jesús de Gran Poder fêted throughout Americas... Yet to wend to continue honoring this saint solar festivals are associated with the procession attracts 100,000! 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religious traditions in latin america 2021