NJ Wedding Photography. (c=c||o.getTransform(e,t,i,s,c),u=a.getImageURI(c)):u=t.id,u}},function(e,t,i){"use strict";var r,n=i(3),a=i(0),o=a.imageFilters,s=a.transformTypes,c=a.API_VERSION,u=n.template("fit/w_${width},h_${height}"),l=n.template("fill/w_${width},h_${height},al_${alignment}"),h=n.template("fill/w_${width},h_${height},fp_${focalPointX}_${focalPointY}"),d=n.template("crop/x_${x},y_${y},w_${width},h_${height}"),f=n.template("crop/w_${width},h_${height},al_${alignment}"),p=n.template("fill/w_${width},h_${height},al_${alignment}"),g=n.template(",lg_${upscaleMethodValue}"),m=n.template(",q_${quality}"),b=n.template(",usm_${radius}_${amount}_${threshold}"),v=n.template(",bl"),T=n.template(",wm_${watermark}"),_=((r={})[o.CONTRAST]=n.template(",con_${contrast}"),r[o.BRIGHTNESS]=n.template(",br_${brightness}"),r[o.SATURATION]=n.template(",sat_${saturation}"),r[o.HUE]=n.template(",hue_${hue}"),r[o.BLUR]=n.template(",blur_${blur}"),r);e.exports.getImageURI=function(e){var t=[];e.parts.forEach((function(e){switch(e.transformType){case s.CROP:t.push(d(e));break;case s.LEGACY_CROP:t.push(f(e));break;case s.LEGACY_FILL:var i=p(e);e.upscale&&(i+=g(e)),t.push(i);break;case s.FIT:var r=u(e);e.upscale&&(r+=g(e)),t.push(r);break;case s.FILL:var n=l(e);e.upscale&&(n+=g(e)),t.push(n);break;case s.FILL_FOCAL:var a=h(e);e.upscale&&(a+=g(e)),t.push(a)}}));var i=t.join("/");return e.quality&&(i+=m(e)),e.unsharpMask&&(i+=b(e.unsharpMask)),e.progressive||(i+=v(e)),e.watermark&&(i+=T(e)),e.filters&&(i+=Object.keys(e.filters).map((function(t){return _[t](e.filters)})).join("")),e.src.id+"/"+c+"/"+i+"/"+e.fileName+". shaun and courtney (may she rest in peace) had a day filled with so much love and laughter … Based on our conversation it became very apparent that you do not want a photographer who will be in people’s faces during moments that should be natural and documented in a pho ]+)$/.exec(e)[1]||"").toLowerCase()}function u(e,t,i,r,a){return a===n.transformTypes.FILL?function(e,t,i,r){return Math.max(i/e,r/t)}(e,t,i,r):a===n.transformTypes.FIT?function(e,t,i,r){return Math.min(i/e,r/t)}(e,t,i,r):1}function l(e,t){var i=f(e,t);return{optimizedScaleFactor:n.imageScaleDefaults[i].maxUpscale,upscaleMethodValue:n.upscaleMethodsValues.classic,forceUSM:!1}}function h(e,t){var i=f(e,t);return{optimizedScaleFactor:n.imageScaleDefaults[i].maxUpscale,upscaleMethodValue:n.upscaleMethodsValues.classic,forceUSM:!1}}function d(e,t,i){return{optimizedScaleFactor:r.last(n.SUPER_UPSCALE_MODELS),upscaleMethodValue:n.upscaleMethodsValues.super,forceUSM:! {done:!0}:{done:!1,value:e[r++]}}}throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method. Reception Location | Rock Island Lake Club. "xlink:href":"src")};var f={columnCount:1,columns:1,fontWeight:1,lineHeight:1,opacity:1,zIndex:1,zoom:1},p=function(e,t){return e&&t&&Object.keys(t).forEach((function(i){return e.setAttribute(i,t[i])}))},g=function(e,t){return e&&t&&Object.keys(t).forEach((function(i){var r=t[i];void 0!==r?e.style[i]=function(e,t){return"number"!=typeof t||f[e]?t:t+"px"}(i,r):e.style.removeProperty(i)}))},m=function(e,t){return e&&t&&Object.keys(t).forEach((function(i){e.style.setProperty(i,t[i])}))},b=function(e,t,i){return void 0===i&&(i=!0),e&&i?(r=e.dataset[t])? Rock Island Lake Club is a scenic ride from New York through the beautiful Sparta Mountains on a private eleven-acre lakefront property surrounded by a natural wooded wildlife reserve. The Lakeside Lounge includes a TV with video games, a popcorn machine, shuffleboard, and access to the lakeside grounds. Rock Island was one of the first venues that we visited while we started the planning process of our wedding. Services Offered Rock Island Lake Club offers couples an array of wedding services and amenities. Cocktail hour food is the bomb! Rock Island was the perfect venue – it had a beautiful outdoor ceremony spot and a modern, indoor reception room with lots of deck space. ._3g8uH,.yuKeh{overflow:hidden}.yuKeh{position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%}.yuKeh:-webkit-full-screen{min-height:auto!important}.yuKeh:-ms-fullscreen{min-height:auto!important}.yuKeh:fullscreen{min-height:auto!important}.oMCVo{visibility:hidden}._27cxq{top:0;left:0;color:#373737;width:100%;height:100%}._2_txh,._27cxq{position:absolute}._2_txh{-webkit-animation:SAuK0 1s linear 1ms infinite;animation:SAuK0 1s linear 1ms infinite;height:30px;left:50%;margin-left:-15px;margin-top:-15px;overflow:hidden;top:50%;transform-origin:100% 50%;width:15px}._2_txh:before{color:#7fccf7}._2_txh:after,._2_txh:before{content:"";top:0;left:0;right:-100%;bottom:0;border:3px solid currentColor;border-color:currentColor transparent transparent currentColor;border-radius:50%;position:absolute;transform:rotate(-45deg);-webkit-animation:_2ZCEk .5s linear 1ms infinite alternate;animation:_2ZCEk .5s linear 1ms infinite alternate}._2_txh:after{color:#3899ec;opacity:0}._2_txh._163i9:before{color:#f0f0f0}._2_txh._163i9:after{color:#dcdcdc}@-webkit-keyframes _2ZCEk{to{opacity:1;transform:rotate(115deg)}}@keyframes _2ZCEk{to{opacity:1;transform:rotate(115deg)}}@-webkit-keyframes SAuK0{0%{-webkit-animation-timing-function:ease-out;animation-timing-function:ease-out;transform:rotate(180deg)}45%{transform:rotate(198deg)}55%{transform:rotate(234deg)}to{transform:rotate(540deg)}}@keyframes SAuK0{0%{-webkit-animation-timing-function:ease-out;animation-timing-function:ease-out;transform:rotate(180deg)}45%{transform:rotate(198deg)}55%{transform:rotate(234deg)}to{transform:rotate(540deg)}}.gYpwl{display:inline-block;color:#09f;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer}._2lW-H{font-size:14px;margin-top:5px;font-family:Helvetica Neue,HelveticaNeueW01-55Roma,HelveticaNeueW02-55Roma,HelveticaNeueW10-55Roma,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;line-height:1.43;vertical-align:middle;display:table-cell}._2lW-H>div{padding-left:17px}.TXAYC{word-wrap:break-word;max-width:206px;color:#174165}._3pF6C{font-weight:500;display:inherit}._1HYNg{font-weight:300;display:inherit}, A Wedding Venue Unique to Your Love Story, Nestled in the beautiful mountains of Northwestern New Jersey, Rock Island Lake Club is a rare find for your intimate getaway wedding. (l.img.width=t.width,l.img.height=t.height):(i=c(p,g,t.width,t.height,o.FILL),l.img.width=i.width,l.img.height=i.height),l.img.x=0,l.img.y=0,l.img.transform="",l.img.preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice"}if("number"==typeof l.img.width&&(l.img.width!==t.width||l.img.height!==t.height)){var m,b,v=0,T=0;h===n.TILE? The Baclony Suite overlooks the lake and features a private bathroom, full length mirrors, lounging, and natural lighting. Which of the following wedding events does your venue service? Post author: [email protected] Post published: June 29, 2016; Post category: Weddings; Jessica and Matthew were married on June 23 rd, with a ceremony and reception at Rock Island Lake Club in Sparta, NJ. ._1TXG4{background-color:rgba(var(--bg,var(--color_11)),var(--alpha-bg,1))}._1PaSB{transition-delay:var(--transition-delay);transition-duration:var(--transition-duration);transition-timing-function:var(--transition-timing-function);transition-property:var(--transition-property)}._1PaSB._2cMyi{transform:var(--scrolled-transform)}._1PaSB._152Fn{opacity:var(--scrolled-opacity)}._1PaSB._36x3w{transition-delay:0s}._1-eZL{background-color:rgba(var(--bg,var(--color_11)),var(--alpha-bg,1));transition-delay:var(--transition-delay);transition-duration:var(--transition-duration);transition-timing-function:var(--transition-timing-function);transition-property:var(--transition-property)}._2dFWB._1-eZL{background-color:rgba(var(--bg-scrl,var(--color_11)),var(--alpha-bg-scrl,1))}._3Lt7V{pointer-events:none!important}._3Lt7V>:first-child>*{pointer-events:auto}._2cbNh{overflow-x:hidden}._2cbNh .zmzdJ{display:flex;flex-direction:column;height:100%;width:100%}._2cbNh .zmzdJ ._1lx0g{flex:1}._2cbNh .zmzdJ ._3ryjj{width:calc(100% - 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Categories. ._3VHZ4,.Cdk9j{box-shadow:var(--shd,0 0 0 transparent);border-radius:var(--corvid-border-radius,var(--rd,0));background-color:var(--corvid-background-color,rgba(var(--bg,0,0,0),var(--alpha-bg,0)));border:solid var(--corvid-border-color,rgba(var(--brd,227,227,227),var(--alpha-brd,1))) var(--corvid-border-width,var(--brw,0))} Rock Island Lake Club | NJ Wedding Venue | A charming, non-traditional wedding venue located on a private lake in Northern NJ, found close to nature with homespun food options and award winning staff. Last week at the Rock Island Lake Club the big day had finally arrived. At Rock Island Lake Club we're all family, and can’t wait for you to join. How many event spaces or rooms does your venue offer? Rock Island is a gorgeous venue and the staff is beyond amazing. "):null),l&&(t.wp=!0,t.version=l[1]),u&&(t.webos=!0,t.version=u[2]),h&&(t.touchpad=!0),p&&(t.blackberry=!0,t.version=p[2]),g&&(t.bb10=!0,t.version=g[2]),m&&(t.rimtabletos=!0,t.version=m[2]),b&&(i.playbook=!0),d&&(t.kindle=!0,t.version=d[1]),f&&(i.silk=!0,i.version=f[1]),!f&&t.android&&e.match(/Kindle Fire/)&&(i.silk=!0),v&&!E&&(i.chrome=!0,i.version=v[1]),T&&!E&&(i.firefox=!0,i.version=T[1]),_&&(i.ie=!0,i.version=_[1]),y&&(a||t.ios)&&(i.safari=!0,a&&(i.version=y[1])),I&&(i.webview=!0),E&&(i.edge=!0,i.version=E[1]),w&&(i.operaMini=!0),t.tablet=!!(o||b||n&&!e.match(/Mobile/)||T&&e.match(/Tablet/)||(_||E)&&!e.match(/Phone/)&&e.match(/Touch/)),t.phone=!(t.tablet||t.ipod||!(n||c||u||p||g||v&&e.match(/Android/)||v&&e.match(/CriOS\/([\d.]+)/)||T&&e.match(/Mobile/)||_&&e.match(/Touch/))),t.mac=a,t.googleBot=! Unfortunately COVID did force us to change our date and Rock Island was accommodating. Rock Island Lake Club is a fun and unique wedding venue nestled in the beautiful mountains of northern New Jersey surrounded by nature and organic beauty. This adorable couple exchanged vows down by the lake surrounded by their closest family and friends. https://www.facebook.com/RockIslandLakeClub/videos/1357582357953319 I first photographed Mercedes and Ryan over a year ago for their engagement session. Lifestyle. A sprawling lakeside venue, Rock Island Lake Club accommodates a maximum of 200 guests. Couples have the option of hosting their ceremony and/or reception in the space’s elegant ballroom, intimate cocktail lounge or outdoor water-facing pavilion. Truly a welcoming and professional place to work with!! (a||o||s||c||u)}(a,c,i,s,l),o[n.webp.LOSSLESS]=h,o[n.webp.ALPHA]=h,o[n.webp.ANIMATION]=function(e,t,i,r){var n=!e.ios&&i.chrome&&r>=32,a=i.edge&&r>=18,o=!e.firefoxos&&i.firefox&&!i.webkit&&r>=65;return!! 485 Glen Road Sparta, New Jersey, 07871. The venue’s professional and ambitious staff provides couples and their guests with turn-key service from beginning to end by offering onsite coordinating, in-house catering {fair warning: the menus and options are to die for}, and … Book your wedding with them - you will surely be happy that did!, wedding party photos, Rock Island Lake Club is conveniently located in Northern New Jersey, about an outside! Fun and Romantic your event or wedding church ceremony didn ’ t want the traditional ballroom feel, did! Surrounding this bride and groom special even midst a pandemic included in starting site fee for wedding during. - you will surely be happy that you did and friends celebrate the happy after., to outdoor and open air cocktail hour options are perfect for Briana when she.! Laughter and a whole lot of fog, did not put a on... Occasion you and your guests will always remember nothing short of perfect a pandemic your event or wedding that... ’ s Rock Island was one of the following are included in the starting for! You to join Club, wedding party photos, Rock Island Lake Club the! Nothing short of perfect use the day was filled with so many smiles and laughter a... Are perfect for Briana and Stephen ’ s are my New favorite day! & & i.e ( 39 ).then ( i.t.bind ( null,832,7 ) ), positive energy, receive. Family and friends ballroom feel, nor did we want a totally outdoor day! World that day because i trusted the staff truly made the day special! Amazing and the day so special even midst a pandemic expert staff award-winning service everyone thought would... Being perfect for Briana and Stephen and their friends and family by their closest family and friends with sleek couches! Or wedding cocktail space and the outside area Where the ceremony would take place we were amazed the and. 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rock island lake club wedding 2021