If they are not able the enterprise will not be successful. is the oldest form of organization. Every person in the organization is only accountable to his superior who has delegated authority to him, and to none else. As a business owner, there may be different [Read] about How does a Valuator Value a Business? Specialisation: The staff officers concentrate mainly on the planning function and the line officers on the "doing" function. 2. The lower-level employees have no knowledge and authority about their performance. Unified Control. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. This way, youll be self-motivated to perform well, get along with your coworkers and do a good job. Simple and Easy To Understand 2. One of the advantages of the line organization structure is simplicity. (c) Scope for Favouritism Since only one executive controls all the activities relating to his department, there is much scope for favouritism and nepotism. Development of Executives: This system offers more opportunities to the executives for training and development. So line organisation enables the fixation of authority and responsibility. Hence, it is quite expensive and small and medium-sized concerns cannot afford it. 4. Besides the straightforward organization system, it also involves staff of different departments. (iii) Line organization is not suitable to big organizations because it does not provide specialists in the structure. A line of credit is usually cheaper than using a credit card. Each man will, more or less, have the same kind of work to perform up to the higher levels. In the pure organisation, the activities at any one level are the same with each man performing the same type of work, and the divisions exist solely for control and direction. Managers of a department have line authority over employees directly reporting to them. One person should get orders from one supervisor only. Moreover, unity of command, according to which an employee can be given orders only by one superior, and the employee on his part will be accountable to that one superior only, is essential in a line organization. The decisions are implemented without comments even if these appear to be detrimental to the interests of the organisation. (1) It is simple in operation and definite in assigning authority to different persons in the organisation. How Does a Human Resource Manager Have Line, Staff & Implied Authority? The staff officer may plan and implement them with their own judgment without suggestions from others. All persons at the same level of authority should be independent of one another. 5. The improper distribution of authority and responsibility can create problems within the organization. The organizational structure defines the relationships and connections between organizational units and individual employees, determines the division of powers and responsibilities. Answer: The advantages of the functional organization are as follows: Application of specialized knowledge Reduction of autocracy Specialization and employee development Increase in Flexibility Assist in controlling Question 18: What are the Limitations or Disadvantages of the Functional Organization? BusinessManagementIdeas.Com. 3. WHO IS A STAFF MANAGER? How to Improve Line and Staff Organization? He lost his job after the pandemic and took initiative to make a team and start the project. For this reason, it is given the name line organization. A manager just communicates his decisionwhether in the best interests of the organization or notand the subordinates have to act according to them. Under this, the line of authority flows vertically downward from top to bottom throughout the organization. So, there is a lack of stability in enterprise performance. A line-and-staff organizational structure features multiple layers of managers, assistant managers and supervisors, all of whom report to a single managing director. The links in the chain of command should not be skipped. The line officers cannot be experts in every line of business. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Quick Decision-Making In a hierarchical structure, decision-makers don't wait for inputs from other members of the organization before making decisions. from Harappa Diaries and understand how teams functions in your organization. You consent to our cookies if you continue to use our website. Thus, it permits flexibility in operation. Every company operates on the basis of a specific organizational structure, which forms the basis of its functioning. It is a different matter though that our armed forces, particularly the army, are increasingly asked to rescue civilians in times of natural or man-made disasters, such as floods (remember, Mumbai, Chennai, Uttarakhand, and Allahabad), earthquake (remember, Nepal and Uttarakhand), civil strife (remember, handling separatists in Kashmir and insurgents in Chhatisgarh, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh). 7. There is a scope for favouritism in line organisation. The first and foremost advantage of line organization is that it is very simple to understand and implement in the organization and hence there is no need to give extensive training to employees about the structure of the organization as all employees will know that flow of authority will be in a line and that too from top to bottom so there is The chain of command goes from top to bottom. The line organisation represents the structure in a direct vertical relationship through which authority flows. A top-down approach is a rigid structure that can hamper coordination and collaboration. (iv) The authority and responsibility of each person is clearly specified. In the words of J.M. They are not provided with an opportunity to put forward their view point or problems or suggestions to persons at the top level. It is simply used to indicate a straight flow of authority resembling the lines of command in a combat unit. To give an exact idea of a line type of organisation an illustration of a departmental store will serve the purpose. Conforms to the scalar principle of organization. The top-down approach helps streamline communication. (v) Prompt decision The unification of authority and responsibility ensures quick and prompt decisions. (ii) Line officers reject the advice without giving reasons. (iii) As staff officers are specialists only in a specific area, they cannot see the whole picture objectively. (iii) There is unity of command. : In pure line organisation, the activities at any one level are the same and all the individuals perform the same type of work and the divisions or departments are made for the sake of control and direction. The concept of line organization holds that in any organization derived from a scalar process, there must be a single head who commands it. (iv) Lack of Communication- There is failure to get correct information and to act upon it due to lack of communication. (iv) Which are engaged in the work which is largely of a routine nature. Staff and line are names given to different types of functions in organizations. It improves different coordinations among all employees and personnel. Communication- Communication is fast and easy as there is only vertical flow of communication. The line officers and staff officers perform their specific functions to contribute to the overall operation. Line-staff organization, in management, approach in which authorities Advantages of this structure may include: Fosters open dialogue Flexible workplace environment Disadvantages of this structure may include: Leadership confusion Conflicting leadership loyalties Potentially more costly Roles may not be clearly defined Potentially heavy employee workload What are the benefits of organizational structures? As a manager, hes the one who has to communicate the CEOs orders to the assistant manager. Moreover, an employee knows to whom he/she is responsible and who are responsible to him/her. While better coordination is an advantage of line and staff organizational structure, it can also be the other way. All departmental heads try to run the departments in their own way and according to their suitability. The subordinates start keeping distance from the superiors. In the line organisation, the line managers cannot be experts in all the functions they are required to . He may neglect some of the duties and there may be inefficiency in management. 4. Lets explore the pros and cons of aline organizational structure. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of . This affects their creativity and capacity for independent thinking. This organisation is a vertical structure where one person delegates authority to his subordinate and who in turn delegates to his subordinate and so on. 2. Fixed Responsibility 5. Did you know Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Mark [Read] about Advantages and Disadvantages of Visionary Leadership Style, Every organization has a specific hierarchy [Read] about Advantages of Seniority Based Pay Systems, Planning and budgeting are essential parts of any [Read] about How to Prepare a Sales Budget, Any business of any size can encounter financial [Read] about What to do When Your Business is in Financial Strife, Although digital marketing is all the rage in the [Read] about Custom Merchandise Ideas to Boost your Brand Identification, Estate planning is a complex process involving [Read] about A New Frontier in Estate Planning with Guardianship Bonds, Canada is known as the Great White North, but when [Read] about Buying a Restaurant in Edmonton, Alberta, is the Newest Golden Egg: Three Reasons you should Jump on his Hot Opportunity, As a small business owner in Canada, it's [Read] about The Top Canadian Tax Deductions for Small Business Owners, A reliable business internet connection is [Read] about 6 Tips for Optimizing your Business Internet Connection, As a Filipino woman, finding the right career [Read] about Tips for Filipino Women to Find Career Opportunities. Under this method, authority flows in a vertical manner form top to bottom. Line or military type of organisation is the oldest type of organisation. Flexibility: This system is flexible in the sense that it is subject to quick adjustments to suit the changing conditions. A line function is one that directly advances an organization in its core work. This structure is suitable for large organizations but not the best choice for small businesses. They must stay within the limit of their authority and act accordingly. Line Organization: It is also known as Scalar organization or Military form of organization. Such decisions are executed promptly also. This will help to reduce the energy expenses and also it will preserve energy sources for future generations. (b) Overloading In this type, an executive is overloaded with work and hence he may not be in a position to direct and control the efforts of his subordinates properly. This may also upset the foremens control over his immediate subordinate machine-men (including this particular machine-man) in general. Employees are expected to work on the same tasks without upskilling or learning about other aspects of the business. about 5 Ways your Company can Achieve Regulatory Compliance. These subordinates, in turn, delegate authority to their own subordinates, and so on. The Commander- in-Chief is at the top with various other officers at the lower levels. It is extremely difficult for one person to handle activities of diverse nature. Clear definition of authority-responsibility means that an employee can only be given orders by his manager, his immediate boss. Line personnel command the workers and give feedback. A line manager is responsible of achieving the main objectives of the organization by executing main functions such as policy making, target setting and decision making. In simple words when you are driving a car and the brake of the car is not working then you know that it is you who has to handle this situation as you are in the driver seat a and you cannot escape the situation in the same way in case of line organization the top management has to face and solve the problems as they cannot rely on others for solving the problem. Chain of Command in Organizational Structure, Advantages & Disadvantages of an Egalitarianism Company. Required fields are marked *. The reactions of subordinates also reach top management in a short span of time. Line organisation suffers from a number of drawbacks. There is no complexity in the organisation because every person is accountable to only one boss. Every employee knows his/her position and the level of authority vested with him/her in line organization. (iv) There is scalar chain in line organization. Minimum number of employees are required to adopt line organization. The advantages of a divisional structure include the following: each specialty area can be more focused on the business segment and budget that it manages; everyone can more easily know their responsibilities and accountability expectations; customer contact and service can be quicker; and coordination within a divisional grouping is easier, Each manager in the line organization has an independent status and can take a quick decision within his authority. It is dictatorial in nature as all important powers are concentrated in the hands of a few top executives. Only one person is in charge of a department or division. Line Organisation is suitable in the following cases: (i) Where the business is on a small scale and number of subordinates is less. A flat structure elevates each employee's responsibility inside the organization and eliminates excess management layers to improve coordination and communication. The number of subordinates is limited under line organisation. Since the manager has to take all important decisions, he can make changes if new situation warrants. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. However, you can make the best out of it by making adequate changes in the organizational structure. On the contrary, project organization structures like the matrix structure distribute power between functional and project managers. The staff does not have the authority to issue orders to contractors, but has a strong influence on the supervisor. (h) Definition of Authority As the powers and authorities of various person are defined, the conflict in their powers and authorities is avoided. The decisions may lack objectivity. In the fashion world, patterned dresses are a [Read] about What Fabric Choices Work Best for Printed Dresses? Development of Employees: It creates confusion among the employees, and they may double-perform a task or miss some. There is scope for favouritism. Simplicity. employees are accountable to one person the manager; possibility of quick interaction between employees and management; each employee or department is responsible for one issue; lack of specialization, which requires the top level to deal with all functions in the organization; many intermediate management links that prevent the employee from quickly contacting and getting answers from top management; low flexibility and adaptability to new or crisis situations. Line managers can work more efficiently with staff managers handling specialized functions. There are many advantages to the functional organizational structure: It Develops Specialist Employees When companies use a functional organizational structure, groups of employees with similar skills and knowledge are grouped together. It is simply used to indicate the straight flow of authority resembling the line of command in a combat unit. Report a Violation 11. Thus, the functional authorities may think their suggestions are not taken well. A line and staff organizational structure is a variation of the original structure. Thus, the managements dependency increases on staff for information. And others may be good at execution but not so when it. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. This finding underscores the increasingly recognized need for companies to improve their I&D engagement with core-business managers. If the executives try to keep up with every activity, they are bogged down in myriad details and are unable to pay proper attention to each one. Departmental head is given full freedom to manage his department. Department Managers Function Independently of One Another: All department managers enjoy equal status and authority; also, they function independently of one another. 7. vi. There are no better examples than those of history. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Direct Communication: As this system enables direct contact between the superior and his subordinates, direct communication is made possible. In simple words, in the case of this organizational structure, there is no need for a 100-page document to ensure that employees understand whom to report or whose order to follow as everything is crystal clear thus ensuring that employees do not have any reason to pass the blame to others for their failure. It is primarily used in companies that deal with complex projects, problems, and programs which require input from a wide variety of skillsets that are often spread across the business. The authority is given with reference to the assignment of task. Everybody knows his work and also to whom he is responsible. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Lundy, It is characterised by direct lines of authority flowing from the top to the bottom of the organisational hierarchy and lines of responsibility flowing in an opposite but equally direct manner.. Each foreman is supposed to take his orders from the production manager and is accountable to him for planning and execution of the work assigned to him. This greatly reduces the establishment cost. (d) The work is of a routine type and is in continuous process which can be directed with no difficulty. Disclaimer 8. It is the units that perform all the functions that make up the companys business processes. Therefore, it is unsuitable for large-scale business enterprises having modern business activities. In this type of organisation, the whole unit is divided into different departments that are convenient for control purposes. The open office arrangement has the fantastic benefit of enhancing business culture. Fewer levels between employees . This type of organisation is largely existing in modern industry. Each sub-department is look after by one supervisor and adequate number of workers are working under them. Even within a department, there may be several sub-departments or units. It reduces the time taken for multiple approvals. (ii) Staff authorities are not acquainted with the practical problems of the enterprise as they are only academics. There is a lack of provisions for experts and specialists in the decision-making process. The staff personnel does not supervise the line officers. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. (ii) Unified control It makes for unity of control thus conforming to the scalar principle of organisation. iv. 1. Merits of Line Organisation: The line organisation has the following good points: 1. Polska 114 60-401 Pozna bluewhale-press.com. The demerits of line organization are as under: (i) With growth, the line organization makes the superiors too overloaded with work. (iv) It ensures excellent discipline in the enterprise because everyindividual knows to whom he is responsible. : this system offers more opportunities to the overall operation pros and of. Advantage of line organisation represents the structure superior who has to communicate the CEOs orders to the assistant manager according... Serve the purpose the top level is given full freedom to manage his.... To persons at the lower levels the departments in their own judgment without suggestions from others: this enables. Of all the functions that make up the companys business processes officers reject the advice giving... A category as yet the hands of a departmental store will serve the purpose division of powers and responsibilities audience... Development of employees: it is the units that perform all the that. 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