Cornmeal only works in an organic program. I plan to stop spraying with chemical fungicides altogether, and only fertilize with organic products (i.e. I also spent five months back in Iowa this sumer and found the efficacy in terms of white powdery mildew on our K. Blue Grass to be remarkable. Ive seen cornmeal work on my lawn and heard of others using it successfully too. gain knowledge of more and more. Below is William Shakespeare 2000 rose with manganese deficiency in my alkaline clay, pH 7.7 The picture is taken years ago, now its greener since I fixed the hole with cracked corn ($2.99 for 10 lbs. If some scientist thinks they have demonstrated something, it is not their job to prove they are correct. Nitrogen Sources for Organic Vegetable Crops. Silvicide in trench: $1000 first application minimum / $750 second application minimum. Oak wilt can even attack and kill healthy trees. That makes the disease especially challenging to control once its in a neighborhood. They refer to Stintzi et al (29), as a reference, but I dont have access to the table of references. Spray it with Corn Meal Tea). The data appear to be out there, its just a question of finding them. Perhaps your job does not require you to work with the public or to otherwise dissemination information in a user friendly way. Linda also is the award-winning author of five books: the horticultural myth-busting The Informed Gardener (2008) and The Informed Gardener Blooms Again (2010) from the University of Washington Press and Sustainable Landscapes and Gardens: Good Science Practical Application (2009) from GFG Publishing, Inc., and How Plants Work: The Science Behind the Amazing Things Plants Do from Timber Press (2015). The treatment needs to be repeated every two years. There is no end to what the public will buy, so long as its correctly packaged and marketed. New Oak Wilt Locations Found in Glenville . If youve followed the link to column in question, youll see that the original research is attributed to one of Texas A&Ms research stations in Stephenville, TX. All trees were stable but all look like they have battled Oak Wilt. Oaks that belong to the group of red oaks (pin oak, black oak, northern red oak) are more susceptible than white oaks (white oak, bur oak, swamp white oak). I really dont know what else to do. Im not trying to be argumentative and I have a lot of respect for your other articles that Ive read but like I said I dont believe you busted anything which is a shame because you have the knowledge and equipment to do so in this case. Valuable advice, Onn Yu but it applies to *everyone* who has commented here on using cornmeal, not just Nancy. Is it really that hard to understand? I did not spray the control group. I have now not sprayed for four days and the experimental group remain rust free. Oak wilt is a vascular disease of oak trees, caused by the fungus Bretziella fagacearum*. And has been for decades. I too, tripped over this while doing some general research on Google. She did not write in fact, she was very careful about not writing that corn meal not being a fungicide does not mean that it is without benefit. Photo credit: Wisconsin DNR. @OrganicLawnCare: Im really not trying to pick on you, but are you really so wildly naive as to actually believe that it would be impossible for someone to package and successfully market corn meal specifically for lawn/plants/organic gardening (if it were proven it worked or even if that proof were lacking)? The author speaks in absolutes, such as: This is absolutely false! There are no absolutes in science, new things are discovered all the time. If the would is severe, or there are other trees in the area with oak wilt, a preventative treatment of a fungicide may be a good idea. I checked the nutritional profile of bone meal: zero values on most, except for 90% calcium at 900 mg, and 36% phosphorus at 360 mg. My soil is limy alkaline clay, and Im next to limestone quarry, with manganese deficiency in plants. and finally, at least twice in this thread you stated how it is illegal to recommend the application of cornmeal as a fungicide, (Im assuming you are refering to FIFRA regulations and EPA reg. an assertion regarding the efficacy of a novel therapeutic technique) is false. It would be interesting to see a comparison of culturing techniques to answer your question. That will be 100 square feet in total (10 feet by 10 feet). For homeowners, the injection costs might a viable option. Linda, I found your remarks above interesting. Provide habitat for wasps and theyll kill off many pests for you. Oak Wilt Disease. Of course, there are certainly many epicenters currently unknown. If you have an oak tree that died from oak wilt, remove it promptly to prevent the disease from spreading. Risk Level: Red oaks are most susceptible and often die within a few months after symptoms appear. I doubt any of the proponents of the practice have researched it as thoroughly as you suggest (and as needed). Ive been using the cornmeal on my irises for leaf spot for several years, and it works wonders! The opinion of this article appears to be that organic mulch is better than cornmeal. It depends on what they are. Part two My new to me house had an ailing Cypress tree. For several years, tests have been conducted in Texas using corn meal to stimulate Trichoderma development as a way to control the major soil-borne disease fungi. For more information, visit There is NO scientific proof of anything in any field that was not originally stimulated by anecdotal report, leading to hypothesis and subsequent research. In the spring, red oaks that died of the disease last summer and fall may produce spore mats under the bark. Corn gluten meal, yes. By then we no longer used the broadcast method because of issues with squirrels, deer, and fire ants. It appears, therefore, that C. solani depends entirely on parasitic nutrition for its persistence in the soil. A barrier should be at least four, and prefer- ably five feet deep. By the way, heres how Mayo Clinic handles similar situations: Fungal nail infection (onychomycosis) @Steve, as I mentioned in the original posting (and one of the comments), these tests have not been published in any scientific journal. see most clipped and recent clippings The only thing he said was that it was for a specific fungal relationship and that it will not work for all plant diseases. (As a footnote, let me say how annoying it is when gardening personalities grant themselves advanced degrees or certifications in their titles. This is absolutely false! 5) Your iris society would probably benefit from talking to iris growers, who depend on sound science for their livelihood. So all we have is hearsay and old adages to rely on in our organically orientated world. I am fed up with experts who spout strong opinions about something they never validated. from what I can tell you have done absolutely nothing with cornmeal, so how can you prove it doesnt work when youve never even tried it? Oak wilt can also spread through the transportation of firewood from oak-wilt trees to new areas, so make sure you don't move infested wood. Youre correct. Nothing Ive seen has refuted the TAMU study and the Iowa study that led to the discovery of pre-emergent herbicidal properties has a bit in it to suggest that cornmeal might have prevented the establishment of a different lawn pathogen. I would need to apply products that would suppress or eliminate rust. Not that Id encourage you to be unethical, but try it: Recommend corn meal to a client, and charge them double what you pay for it at your local grocer. Overview of oak wilt Oak wilt symptoms Jay, you apparently dont understand my job or what I do. Any publishable research requires time and money not just expertise. That is why the research that is done is coming out of Europe and Great Britain where agrochemical use is so restricted. And its a real stretch to take this lab-based research to application of corn meal to soil. Dr. Nick Christian's stuff at Iowa State University discovered the use of corn gluten meal for use as a natural weed and feed. When I take your quote above and search in Google, the only place it appears is in gardening forum web pages. She also is one of the Garden Professors a group of academic colleagues who educate and entertain through their blog and Facebook pages. Issued in furtherance of MSU Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Give it a few weeks for the Trichoderma to grow then plant your daylily. If you get a chance, play with Trichoderma and see what it will do for your disease control. These are the same people who believe in Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster and Fairies! You might be able to get the local Tree guys to give you wood chips assuming they are small enough to work into the lawn. Oak Wilt is a vascular wilt disease of Oak trees caused by the fungus Ceratocystis fagacearum. Understanding why something might work is always nice and helpful, but not always necessary. (A certified arborist can make a recommendation for your tree and apply it via injection.). In the meantime, Im sure as a PhD you recognize that anecdotal information can help inform research, but will never replace it. Oak wilt is complex, with a high degree of variability in distribution, severity, and associated management options. There is a clear denial present in the current culture of science (and I would wager in most other professions as well) that I feel reasonably sure is meant to insure that the various scientific disciplines are protected from being seen as nonviable, or being unable to justify their existence. The biggest drawback of horse manure is the salt-content, plus the de-worming medications given to horse. This has led me to experimenting with cornmeal. If and when the science changes, then Ill modify my stand on the topic. Multiple stands treated at the same time will bring the price down. The half I have sprayed with the corn meal are now totally free of rust and have new leaves which are also free of fungi. thats like saying that predatory mites exist naturally in the environment so we should never have mite issues on our plants. It wouldnt be patentable and it wouldnt be able to compete with grocery store/costco corn meal in most places. It is also successful, used in generous amounts, to control difficult Southern Blight. In addition, PR-proteins expressed in apparently healthy tissues during normal plant growth such as seed development and flowering, may have additional unsuspected roles in morphogenesis or in symbiosis. In fact, if one does a internet search for zeamatin, youll find many links to research papers on this topic. Please read the articles to get the science-based information, and dont rely on recipes found on non-educational sites. There are two main recommendations that are generally given to treat oak wilt infection areas: 1. I dont know what distributors you speak off. I need 12 bucks, 30 minutes of my time to spread it, and 3-4 weeks to see if I notice a difference in my lawn. THAT is how science is done. Some things are true whether you believe it or not. Irrigation to each patch should be the same only difference is application of cornmeal to one. A bulldozer is often needed to clear a path for the vibratory plow. Of those evaluated, feather meal, seabird guano, and liquid fish stand out as more economical organic sources of available N. Organic sources generally lack uniformity and are bulky, unstable, and inconsistent as a group, and this contributes to additional hidden management costs for organic growers. I happen to use corn meal in my lawn in the spring and have found it to be effective for me. Some gardeners apply cornmeal to the soil or create a cornmeal spray to prevent blight. Just now I updated my literature search on cornmeal as a fungicide, using the AGRICOLA, BIOSIS and CABI databases. . Because of that popularity and the concomitant impact on the general public, that show and many others on that channel are not only disgusting, but actually irresponsible. The best times to prune oaks are during the heat of the summer or the cold of winter. More tomorrow. Apply as soon as you see the first signs of disease. are identical. The oak wilt fungus requires live tissue to survive. From there it progresses downwards along the margins towards the midrib and the leaf stem. This is not controversial. Oak wilt is a vascular wilt disease caused by a fungus that infects the water-conducting tissues of oak trees and causes them to wilt and die. In 2018 Linda was featured in a video series The Science of Gardening produced by The Great Courses. As far as leaks go with ArborJet, watch for O rings and threads gone bad as well as plugs being to shallow. The fungus continues to spread until there are no live oaks left; at that point it will disappear because it needs live tissue to survive. Although tea tree oil is thought to have activity against several fungus species, there is not enough information to make recommendations for or against the use of tea tree oil on the skin for this condition.. Onn Yu, thank you for the information, but reconstructing our existing daylily beds is not an option. Count (estimate) the population of trichoderma in control and test soils before application of cornmeal, count the populations each day and see if the population of trichoderma has increased in the cornmeal soil compared to the control and possibly compare population of trichoderma to other fungi for comparison. My husband was a research scientist in the medical field and seems to feel that the evidence for our situation is enough to continue using the cornmeal at this time. Just the SIR reaction does not appear to be enough to reliably suppress Oak Wilt. That would require a controlled, scientific experiment. I want to thank you for this opportunity to give my little story about cornmeal. Its not like corn gluten meal which is a viable commercial product that can be sold in areas that do not have easy access to a feed store. I dont think youd find any scientist who would suggest otherwise. The publication I first mentioned, page 114, section 5.4.2 Anti Fungal Activity. Also found a second report of bone meal causing chlorosis and nutritional deficiency. One paper grew Trichoderma in soil amended with cornmeal as a nutrient source. Its pretty clear that cornmeal will enhance Trichoderma populations in the lab. Which comment? Sorry, BLouis, thats not accurate. Post-treatment in a mixed species forest stand. If the conclusions have changed or some flaw was found in the paper wouldnt it be updated with those conclusions or another article would correct it? Cornmeal Juice can be mixed with Garrett Juice or any other natural foliar feeding spray. USDA. Tijdschrift Over Plantenziekten (European Journal of Plant Pathology) 1962 Volume 68, Issue 5 , pp 268-277, After addition of 20 g corn-meal to 1 kg of soil, in most instances combined with Trichoderma, the following effects were obtained: 1. fewer weeds, 2. delayed appearance of the sprouts, 3. fewer (though in a single case more) sclerotia on the crop, 4. less scab, and 5. increased yield. Corn meal is not a fungicide. A control patch of soil and a patch of soil where you apply cornmeal at the recommended rates. is just a content mill and they dont have much of a review process from what I understand. The snippet you gave us, I believe, is a laundry list of bioactive compounds and another list of affected pathogens. If you would like to know more about oak wilt, how to identify it, and the potential treatment options, there are several good resources availa-ble. Oak wilt kills thousands of trees each year in forests, woodlots and urban areas. Thats a pretty specific claim, and its unfortunately gotten traction, mostly for the reasons given in her article. Apr 6, 2020. I absolutely agree with the author in the following comment: Just nurture your soil with (repeat after me) a thick layer of coarse organic mulch.. Its pretty simple to set up. Also, the gent apparently is not a critical reader, and knows no difference between cornmeal and corn gluten meal. program! We had four other sections that developed a lot of rust. To decrease the attractiveness of fresh wounds to insects, always paint wounds on oaks, no matter the time of the year. As far as approximate pricing: Arborist consultation: (free - $200 per hour) Machine transport costs: $750-$1500. Seriously. Corn has a protein named zeamatin that is a known fungicide. Were still missing the evidence for this claim. So if you want to waste money on a snake-oil product that hasnt ever been statistically shown to be effective in field conditions just for the sake of organics, step up to the counter-they will be more than glad to take your money!. If so, be sure all other treatments (water, fertilizer, etc.) The other half (sprayed with water) still look very sickno new growth at all and with the leaves gone, the rust is now moving down the stem. It also works great to make cornbread, pretty sure my great grandma used it before there was any scientific data to prove it! Finally, some true words of wisdom! It does appear to take a little longer to work in gardens that have been sprayed with chemical fungicides, but eventually it does get the leaf spot under control more easily. They are also working with Salicylic Acid (active ingredient in aspirin) for SIR effects and several other products and organisms. If other tree species are mixed-in, then the visual impact will be significantly less. I returned in two months to inspect the treated trees and there were no symptomatic leaves on any of the five Live Oaks, in the tree or on the ground. Transmission occurs by root grafts or beetle vectors. An oak wilt contamination can be more easily contained when treatment begins early. I believe you could have avoided much of this comment hoopla (and thus my entertainment this morning) if you had only said There is no published evidence that cornmeal is fungicidal instead of Myth Busted!, Finally, though I admire your academic rigor, all honest scientists admit that new knowledge is ever arising and that proven, published literature is constantly being revised, updated, and thrown out. The discovery of cornmeal's fungal disease control came about by noticing the peanut crops. Because youre right science is always evolving. These include injecting infected oaks with slow-acting fungicides, preventing contact between neighboring trees, and destroying a tree entirely once it succumbs to the infection. Leaves of infected oaks can wilt, brown at the edges, and fall off. In the presence of living potato plants C. solani persisted as well in natural, untreated soil as with the addition of maize meal, sodium nitrate, or calcium hydroxide. Seems like people need to read the ingredients in corn meal (niacin,ferrous sulfate,thiamin mononitrate(vitamin B1)riboflavin(vitaminB2), Folic acid)Im not a scientist but I do know what works. I didnt come here to get in an argument of whether or not corn meal works to control lawn disease I came here to point out that you did not bust the myth. it aint going to happen. So these products can be recommended as science-based home remedies for gardens. Oak wilt is one of the most destructive tree diseases in the U.S., killing millions of trees in 76 counties of Central, North and West Texas. The cornmeal only needs to soak for 1-2 hours to get the Trichoderma into the water. He founded and runs Urban Loggers, LLC, a company offering residential tree services in the Midwest and Connecticut. And the fact that something is based on anecdotes,is not the same as saying you have proof that it is incorrect. I know David (if hes the David Im thinking of) has some advanced degrees and I was still thinking of him based on the roses quote and knowing he has been the most vocal about corn meal. I did use the baking soda and molasses on this rust-prone plant, but that didnt work either. The spores can be anywhere in the plugs, in your garden soil, etc. There may be a hundred other things that cornmeal does to get results we do not understand right now. , there are certainly many epicenters currently unknown no matter the time of the practice have researched it as as! Foliar feeding spray prevent the disease last summer and fall cornmeal treatment for oak wilt produce spore mats under the bark method. For its persistence in the spring and have found it to be that organic mulch better! Is one of the summer or the cold of winter never have mite issues on our plants,! Plant, but will never replace it academic colleagues who educate and entertain through their blog and pages. Cornmeal, not just Nancy my irises for leaf spot for several years, and fire ants *... Have now not sprayed for four days and the fact that something is on., woodlots and urban areas a control patch of soil where you apply cornmeal at same... 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