The courageous voices of survivors, their family members abroad, researchers, and international advocacy groups have thoroughly documented the PRCs discriminatory use of surveillance technologies and trumped-up administrative and criminal charges to abduct and detain more than one million Muslims, including Uyghurs, ethnic Hui, ethnic Kazakhs, ethnic Kyrgyz, ethnic Tajiks, and ethnic Uzbeks, in as many as 1,200 state-run internment camps throughout Xinjiang. The PRC initially denied all allegations, dismissing them as international interference in its domestic affairs. Janine Gannon The President has determined it is in the national interest of the United States to waive the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to the Government of National Accord (GNA) in Libya and has certified the GNA is taking effective and continuing steps to address the issue of child soldiers. Congo, Republic of the In partnership with international organizations, the government also continued to undertake measures to prevent and end the use of child soldiers, including separating child soldiers from non-state armed groups, and conducting age verification screening of recruits. Mauritius Page v: Panos Pictures/Karen Robinson The Government of Cameroon also acknowledges that recruitment and use of child soldiers by armed Anglophone separatists and Boko Haram is a problem. Maurice W. Johnson In 2019, Congress amended the TVPA to acknowledge that governments can also act as traffickers, referring specifically to a government policy or pattern of human trafficking, trafficking in government-funded programs, forced labor in government-affiliated medical services or other sectors, sexual slavery in government camps, or the employment or recruitment of child soldiers. List of Waivers or Exceptions Exercised under Section 404(a). Governments and other anti-trafficking organizations are already taking action to weave anti-trafficking measures into crisis responses. Her office oversees the three shelters and partners with the inter-secretarial human trafficking commission, civil society organizations, among others to keep them running and provide services to the residents. While the Russian government reported the number of North Korean workers in Russia declined in 2020, the government issued almost 3,000 new tourist and student visas to North Koreans in 2020 in an apparent attempt to circumvent the UNSCRs. Shelly Westebbe The number of arrests reported for human trafficking involving involuntary servitude increased from 66 in 2015 to 146 in 2019 before declining to 92 in 2020. As tasked by MC Decision 6/17, the OSR/CTHB contributed to the development of Guidance for OSCE Procurement on Combating Human Trafficking and Labour Exploitation in Supply Chains as well as to the OSCE Procurement and Contracting Workshop and a pilot training. This has had cascading effects for local anti-trafficking organizations and their efforts, as many donors reneged on promised funds and funding opportunities diminished across the sector. Tatum West Court closures at the onset of the pandemic also delayed prosecutions, contributing significantly to judicial systems backlog of cases. As of April 5, IMET funding was obligated for the following activity: military professionalization training. Kathleen Vogel Page 44: Elisabetta Zavoli Individuals in underserved communities faced barriers to accessing healthcare, while foreigners were stigmatized as carriers and spreaders of the virus, placing them at higher risk for exploitation and violence. Evidence collection for trafficking investigations remained a significant problem, the report said. To address these gaps, the 2017 Human Trafficking Leadership Academy fellows, organized by the Department of Health and Human Services National Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Center (NHTTAC), defined a survivor-informed practice as the meaningful input from a diverse community of survivors at all stages of a program or project, including development, implementation and evaluation.. Sandy Perez Rousseau The reality is that abuse, pain, torture, and exploitation is the only existence these survivors may have known. Ariana Holly Unlike during the years under former President Kabila, senior Congolese Armed Forces (FARDC) leadership now welcomes increased military cooperation with the United States. The anti-trafficking field has identified and delineated the recruitment, grooming, and exploitation practices traffickers use in various scenarios of both sex and labor trafficking. The OSCE provides workshops and training to participating States on preventing trafficking in the organizations supply chains, and identifying and protecting trafficking victims. A list of drug-related corruption cases involving public officials during the 1983-1985 period is included. Oman Jamaica We know recent events have led our country to grapple with unequal treatment and racism here at home that has reverberated around the world. Design opportunities for survivors in the organization to receive continuing education on leadership and professional development. This limited approach to realizing both goals causes harm, especially when those organizations then claim they are survivor-informed but only focus on the survivors story or benefits to the organization and decline to implement the survivors recommendations or consider their feedback. Shehas traveled throughout Europe, mentoring and training others and becoming a leading spokesperson for anti-trafficking initiatives in Europe. Business owners and landlords pressured individuals to take out loans in exchange for cheap labor or commercial sexual exploitation. Around the world, governments, companies, and consumers committed to eliminating human trafficking from global supply chains can all play a role in demanding an end to the use of forced labor in Xinjiang and beyond. From forced labor in local or national public work projects, military operations, economically important sectors, or as part of government-funded projects or missions abroad to sexual slavery on government compounds, officials use their power to exploit their nationals. An Increase in Forms of Online Sexual Exploitation. For example, training on trafficking indicators should be expanded to healthcare workers, such as those supporting COVID-19 testing and vaccination efforts as they might be the few people a victim could interact with in public. Iran These included women and children, people affected by travel restrictions and stay-at-home orders, communities in areas of food insecurity, and survivors of trafficking, as well as persons directly and indirectly affected by the disruption of economic activities and reduced livelihood options. Applying an equity-based lens involves evaluating and understanding how individual organizations perpetuate the marginalization of vulnerable populations, including persons with disabilities, LGBTQI+ persons, indigenous peoples, and members of racial, ethnic, and religious minority groups. In Burma, families experienced drastic declines in household incomes, with 94 percent of households surveyed reporting a reduction of incomes, 81 percent reporting at least one family member losing a job, and 69 percent reporting having to take loans making these families vulnerable to trafficking. Since the declaration of a national state of emergency in Peru, the assignments of police units, including those focused on anti-trafficking efforts, shifted to enforcing the government-imposed isolation measures. We need to be seen as people experiencing victimization. Those with lived experience help run the mobile units, and they are able to effectively identify and approach potential trafficking victims. Rachel Fox Smothermon Page 2: Katie Orlinsyky Equatorial Guinea In the absence of a political settlement, the war in Libya will continue to destabilize the broader region, creating space for violent extremists to regroup. When their employer abruptly left, the men were able to seek assistance at their national embassy. The traffickers coercive scheme is what matters, not a victims prior consent or ability to meaningfully consent thereafter. Multiple NGO reports indicate the continued unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers by governmental armed forces and that the collection and verification of information pertaining to child soldier recruitment and use was often hindered by access constraints. This pattern of fracturing families and communities has led to an unjust overrepresentation of Black individuals in other systems, like prisons, runaway and homeless youth services, and foster or institutional care, that exacerbate the social isolation and vulnerability on which traffickers prey. The pandemic also stymied investigators progress as victim-witnesses were occasionally quarantined by the Ministry of Health. Human trafficking can take place even if the victim initially consented to providing labor, services, or commercial sex acts. 106-386, 108, as amended. Since 2003, the primary reporting on the United States' anti-trafficking activities has been through the annual Attorney General's Report to Congress and Assessment of U.S. Government Activities to Combat Human Trafficking ("AG Report") mandated by section 105 of the TVPA ( 22 U.S.C. 2370c-1), the President has determined that it is in the national interest of the United States to waive the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to Afghanistan, Cameroon, Iraq, Libya, and Nigeria; and to waive, in part, the application of the prohibition with respect to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia, South Sudan, and Yemen. The rates can be found here:, Inside Front Cover: Panos Pictures/William Daniels As seen in most fields during the pandemic, technology has become a powerful means to connect people and collect information, while limiting individuals exposure to the virus. Page 25: Panos Pictures/Karen Robinson The report said These courageous efforts have pushed the government to start identifying these individuals as human trafficking victims. With her determination, endless work, and leadership while working in the federal governments Specialized Investigations Office on Organized Crime, Mexico obtained its first criminal sentencing for crimes involving human trafficking and organized crime in June 2011. Organizations must listen to survivors and determine how best to adapt practices that honor and incorporate their input. We arent victims because we chose this life. U.S. security assistance supports a more stable, democratically-governed nation through improving the capacity and governance of core national-level security institutions, creating an environment conducive to economic opportunities, responding to urgent humanitarian needs, and addressing the root causes of conflict. The owner locked the 12-year-old in a dirty room with several other children and forced them to make bangles for 15 hours a day, using lacquer melted over dangerous burning coal and making only US $0.70 a week. Throughout her longstanding and impressive career in law enforcement, she has led multiple trainings for government personnel. Senegal In 2021, the roll out of the module in Field Operations has started. Receiving various services in one place and during the same timeframe shields the survivor from having to repeat the story of what happened to them multiple times. While the help of the public is a crucial part of anti-trafficking efforts, the public can inadvertently interfere when its actions are based on false information or on tips from individuals with no direct knowledge of human trafficking situations. The 2021 Trafficking in Persons Report includes the following 11 governments with a documented policy or pattern of human trafficking, trafficking in government-funded programs, forced labor in government-affiliated medical services or other sectors, sexual slavery in government camps, or the employment or recruitment of child soldiers: Afghanistan Invite a diversity of lived experience experts to be part of organizational staffing, not only because of what they have survived but also for the professional skills and expertise they offer. Survivors of human trafficking often discover that human traffickers have taken control of their financial identity or banking products and limited or prevented their access to the financial system, spoiling their credit record and hindering their financial reintegration. PKO funded counter-terrorism assistance to Cameroon helps improve its capabilities to combat Boko Haram and ISIS-West Africa, which increases stability and protects civilians in the Lake Chad region. It has exacerbated our isolation, increased our stress, and undermined our efforts to recover from trauma. PKO-funded assistance to Nigeria includes AGI advisory support to increase Nigerian Air Force effectiveness and reduce civilian harm; advisory support for Nigerian military intelligence institutions; development of a Fast-Rope Insertion and Extraction System; and Civil-Military Operations training. Governments can enhance efforts to reduce disparities that widened during the pandemicwhich also contributed to trafficking risks and emboldened traffickersby formulating policies and programs that meet the needs of underserved communities. These delays decreased victims access to justice and legal assistance, which hampered victims emotional well-being, recovery, and repatriation, while allowing traffickers to continue their criminal activities and intimidate victims from pressing charges. Speaking at the UNC's Sunday media conference at the Office of the Opposition Leader . Indeed, in many places the diversion of law enforcement attention from human trafficking toward enforcing pandemic-related measures has resulted in other community actors carrying out identification efforts, often in ways that are more culturally responsive and less likely to re-traumatize victims. Page 9: Picture Alliance Katherin paid US $1,500 to escape Venezuela and find security and opportunity in Guyana. Each victim story is based on real experiences, and the victims names have been changed as a result. Stay-at-home orders and travel restrictions made it more difficult for front-line officials to protect individuals through proper identification and screening techniques, leaving officials to rely on victims to self-identify during the pandemic, which already occurs rarely. South Sudan Section 4. When a White person goes missing, you hear about it every five minutes. The ways in which a service provider would engage with an eight-year-old child exploited by a family member will need to be different than when engaging with a child who has a safe home with a trusted adult. UnderPooles strategic direction, MWLaddressesthe root causes of human trafficking, focusing oncommunitieswhereRoma, migrants, women, and childrenare most vulnerable. More than 175 countries have ratified or acceded to the UN TIP Protocol which defines trafficking in persons and contains obligations to prevent and combat the crime. Joriz began sexually abusing Benilda on camera, live-streaming it to the internet for money. India Whether the government of the country monitors immigration and emigration patterns for evidence of severe forms of trafficking in persons and whether law enforcement agencies of the country respond to any such evidence in a manner that is consistent with the vigorous investigation and prosecution of acts of such trafficking, as well as with the protection of human rights of victims and the internationally recognized human right to leave any country, including ones own, and to return to ones own country. It wasnt until my adult years that I was able to process how closely this aligned with racial oppression. This is not a new truth, but it is a somber, unacceptable reality. Sex trafficking encompasses the range of activities involved when a trafficker uses force, fraud, or coercion to compel another person to engage in a commercial sex act or causes a child to engage in a commercial sex act. Whether the percentage of victims of severe forms of trafficking in the country that are non-citizens of such countries is insignificant. These inequities undercut our goal of combating human trafficking and embolden traffickers. In other cases, the default method of conducting interviews virtually may not have been optimal for victims, who have reported feeling more comfortable developing a relationship with investigators before sharing their experience. Other collaborative efforts have provided anti-trafficking stakeholders, including service providers, investigators, prosecutors, and first responders, with the tools, equipment, and guidance to protect themselves against and screen for the virus, which is essential to ensuring the health and safety of victims, survivors, and vulnerable populations. The 2021 report, which covers the period of April 1, 2020, to March 31, 2021, identified which governments around the world are meeting the minimum standards to eliminate human trafficking under . To support survivors in rebuilding their lives and preventing further exploitation, the financial sector can offer account qualification exception programs and low-to-no fee second chance accounts. Overall, the intensified impact on the mental health and physical well-being of trafficking victims and survivors from long-term isolation, reduced access to services, and general COVID-related risks reaffirms the need for comprehensive, trauma- and survivor-informed, and victim-centered anti-trafficking responses during the pandemic. Russia NATO Human Trafficking Policy (2004) to be up-dated in 2021. Guedet Mandzela |Gabon, Stopping Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by International Peacekeepers and Civilian Personnel, International, Regional, and Sub-Regional Organizations Combating Trafficking In Persons, Annual Report on the Use of Child Soldiers, Sections 405(c) and (d) of the Child Soldiers Prevention Act (CSPA) of 2008 (22 U.S.C. The use of child-friendly spaces reflects a multidisciplinary approach, providing a place for children to feel safe in the wake of trauma and for social workers, medical professionals, law enforcement, and others to conduct victim interviews, psychosocial counseling, and medical care all in the same location. 5. 4. If a government has penalized or punished a victim in such a way, the government should vacate the conviction and/or expunge the victims record. A comforting environment and informal play can assist survivors in expressing their feelings of fear and distress while also supporting their resiliency. Resources for these organizations are often already strained and should be directed towards evidence-based solutions to combat human trafficking. Sweden The government did not screen North Korean workers for trafficking indicators or identify any North Korean trafficking victims, despite credible reports in previous years that the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK) operated work camps in Russia and exploited thousands of North Korean workers in forced labor. The organization also donated proceeds from the production of artisan goods, including the masks, towards medical care and social services for survivors. Finally, all services provided in the space should be trauma-informed, age-appropriate, and culturally and linguistically sensitive. While the TVPA already directs the Secretary to consider the extent to which officials participated in, facilitated, condoned, or were otherwise complicit in trafficking when determining tier rankings, this new section more directly links government involvement in trafficking crimes to a Tier 3 ranking. 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