I am planning a big change in careers as well so this is very much a "death and rebirth" for me. This Post At a Glance show Pluto In Synastry - Depth And Darkness Pluto conjunct Sun transit heralds major life-changing experiences with deep and lasting change in the direction of your life. Pluto is a difficult planet in astrology. This is quite a negative and obsessive thought pattern that you are stuck on. Ready? And as for will power . that's variable. Your magnetism is conscious if your conjunction is in the 1st house, while its unconscious in the 12th house. this could "shine the light," so to speak, on something disastrous and catastrophic. In this life you are to use power wisely, not abuse it. Also at the time he died,transiting neptune was inconjunct natal pluto in cancer. Pluto trine Ascendant means that youre always transforming your image in small ways. Her modern dance is provocative. A person, like myself, who has an astrological indicator of death via liver disease, can be aware to take precautions such as not indulging an alcoholic drinks. Never thought it could be the Pluto/Asc thing. Asc. I will be 39 on Oct 3 2019. Finish grad school, told relative just died. Relationships end. And for some reason or another, people do find me threatening. Good grief. Hello, I'm going to be a pain and ask what happens if pluto opposes the ascendant. New Perspective. Unconscious pressures will arise that will cause a confrontation with the way in which certain situations have been affecting your life. After an hour they proceeded to beat the hell out of me and Rob me. You may try to hide your Pluto, but this is actually whats causing your problems. People are drawn to you because you seem mysterious and powerful all at once. What's important, perhaps, is to simply love astrology to death. Someone with Pluto in the 4th house, for example, may die in the home or death may occur in presence of family members. I've been studying my natal chart to get a better understanding of my life and how to improve it (I've really struggled with a lot of things in this life). Saturn on the 4th house. People with Pluto on the ascendant are great psychics and can read the room like no other. This time can be extended if the transit Pluto is making is a multiple of complex one. Transiting saturn conjuncted his pluto just as Trans. The United States' natal Pluto position is 27.55 Capricorn in retrograde motion. Let's have a look and see what the rest of your chart, especially aspects to Pluto or 8th house say. Their partner is shocked when they wake up and find a great ball and chain clamped to their ankle. This attractiveness generally comes from your energy. Learn to channel your intensity into your most authentic self. because of that the police were able to capture them. Pluto takes 248 years to go around the zodiac and so people only experience a transit of Pluto conjoining their natal Pluto as an infant or toddler, depending on whether or not Pluto moves retrograde and direct, back and forth across their natal placement of Pluto in their first years of life. It can cause a total break with many relationships. Relationships undergo a profound transformation and offer an opportunity for a very positive change to occur in your life, being able to develop your personality so that you can mature and grow internally. Provide as best we can for the future of anyone dependent on us. Sometimes this can negatively impact your relationships. Pluto Conjunct Ascendant Any planets that are conjunct your Ascendant will influence your appearance and personality in a greatly. Capricorn 294th house also It out pluto on my ascendant. do they know, I dont know?. Leaving you feeling broken, defeated, hopeless and completely lost, without any hope of relief in future. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Health conflicts are also frequent. Pluto, of course is associated with death, and the Sun is associated with life. People with this placement tend to seek meaningful and intense connections with . Someone with Capricorn on the cusp of the 8th house may have some kind of despondency or sadness associated with their death this could indicate greater longevity in the person they live a longer than average life or something Capricorn related may be connected with the death such as bone cancer. You tend to create power struggles when you try to stick up for yourself. The following are a couple of highlights of this effect: Richard Nixon: 1965-1967. This thread is freaking me out, namely because Pluto enters my 4th house in February until May of 08. It will be a period of extreme crisis, especially if you have tried to repress certain unconscious and psychic forces. Get An Accurate Prediction Today, The Best (And Worst) Zodiac Compatibility For Each Sign. Sometimes, people with Pluto conjunct Ascendant are naturally intuitive, so theyre very good at figuring out lies. However, this does not have to be the case with this conjunction. Taking the risk to make the leap will release the explosive tension that would build up if you repressed your desire. The reason I researched, as a Scorpio detective was money. With Pluto square Ascendant, you almost always have the fear that someone is trying to take away your freedom. This means dealing with all those compulsive actions and obsessive thoughts that, at times, are so difficult to understand and that place you in a victim position. people are dying in "sympathy" with major changes in my life. When Pluto was over my asc., back in 2014, I experienced the biggest transformation so far in my life. From 1965 to 1967, Nixon had a Pluto Conjunct Ascendant transit. Everything I thought I knew, was wrong, and no one, was who I thought they were. You try to appear as someone other than yourself. It's intense! I live with a t square. Pluto conjunct Ascendant You are extremely willful, but often achieve your desires in a quiet, secretive, or manipulative way if you have Pluto conjunct your Ascendant. The conjunction is the most powerful and has most impact followed by opposition and then the square transit. Then relax and make the most of every day. During that period I had someone place kerosene under the electric stove burners. Therefore, the United States is experiencing its first Pluto Return with this return's most impactful year . Your ascendant and your first house represent your identity and how other people see you. He had no control over his behavior. Also:Andy Gibb, Antonio Banderas, Bill Hicks, Helen Keller, Jane Fonda, Paul Newman, Ronald Reagan, Tammy Wynette, Yehudi Menuhin. To skip to CELEBS part of video, go to 1:51Here are more videos too! Hi Jagetoile, That's very interesting what you mentioned about Pluto not being necessarily connected with deaths and endings but more with facing our internal hell. Dave is a recovering heroin addict and has had four brushes with death earning him the nickname Cat. You can feel people watching like a laser through your body. Only god kept me alive. You may be intensely charismatic and wield considerable influence over others, or you may be attracted to such powerful, fascinating personalities. There will be relationships that have powerful effects on you, on your own mind and emotions, almost having magical power. You can learn more about this through this guide. [_wpnonce] => Sometimes Pluto can obliterate life. Your email address will not be published. One of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Arabic Parts of Assassination was in Pisces, at a critical degree, in his 11th house. Pluto on the ascendant in the synastry has an ambiguous effect on a person. Most of them were rather the close family/friends of people I know very well. Power issues are predominant in your past lives. I know that obviously not everyone with pluto in the ascendant drops dead, but I am a worrier. Also, a Full Moon occurred on this day at this time with the Sun in Capricorn almost in exact opposition to the Moon in Cancer at a critical degree, the 26th. Pluto Opposite Ascendant (Conjunct Descendant) This could be a powerful aspect in one's chart, since there is a good chance of being with/in a position of authority. Remember, ill health comes first to the mind (psychological / emotional) and then to the physical body. Full Moons, I believe, can give strong proclivity for volcanic activity. have been told my entire life that i am a very intimidating and powerful presence. I still dont know which was worse. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read. Weird. Rules the sex organs and the organs of elimination. Pluto Conjunct Ascendant Transit When transiting Pluto forms a conjunction with your natal ascendant, you will enter a powerful period of time. [_wpnonce] => Jin Xing (13); Trans-gender ballerina and choreographer. The sign of the 8th house cusp can give some astrological indication of death. Etc. The Pluto-Pluto trine was a mere 6 arcmin from exact on that day! Pluto in one lifetime transited my MH in libra. Finish undergrad, get invited to funeral (which was on my birthday no less). When youre talking to other people, youre very direct. I'll admit that I don't know very much about astrology. Pluto transits are about letting go of things that are holding us back from deep and meaningful experiences. Your very presence is transformational. Dave Gahan (24); Lead singer of dark electronic band Depeche Mode. When Pluto crossed over my ascendant, Jan 1, 2019, I also had Uranus transiting my 3rd house, making a direct opposition, to my natal 9th House Pluto. You experience the need to intensely perceive each emotion, which has an enormous effect on your life. What If My Child Has A Stellium In Their Chart? In the 1970s was the highest paid entertainer in the world. You can learn to increase your social perceptiveness, emotionally intelligence, and charm with others. Asc. Clint Eastwood, Pluto in the 8th house trine Ascendant in Scorpio Your face may be left in a state of perpetual grief after enough hardship. uranus!). At the same time people see you coming in the room as well and look at you like you are an alien from another planet. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (24); First lady of assassinated president JFK whos bloodstain Chanel suit is so very iconic of Pluto. Its house suggests which life areas can help your personality to level up. Edwin Learnard is a YouTube astrologer who covers a wide divergence of astrological subjects. I am still alive but transformed. You can easily create bad karma because this aspect is so easy. This could be you or your partner. Sexually, your desires intensify, and you may be drawn toward sexual taboos. Yes. In that area I was stabbed had someone out an acellerant under my electric stove burners a bomb put in my car. They had been on a drug fueled crime spree Interesting. His powers of physical regeneration are like no other. Pluto Conjunct Ascendant Transit has significantly impacted many celebrities' lives. I also remember and sold a rental home . Your Plutonic qualities are hidden. Pluto in the house of self and identity manifests survival issues and life and death cycles in an individual's life. With Pluto trine Ascendant, you may not realize that you have the power to change your situation at any time. This is because you dont let down your walls until you absolutely know someone is trustworthy. ), Server: Array The action of Pluto in transit can be summed up in one word - transformation. They get a kick of reinventing and regeneratingthemselves with eachaffair. Pluto has a reputation for stripping away things to the bare bone in order to facilitate soul evolution. AFter all, it is your chart which is consistently reacting to the pluto transits, right? Thruftsud he got two homes. And yes Plutonian issues tend to run in families, indicating family karma that is being dealt with. Its a rare occurrence, and doesnt typically happen in ones lifetime. The Ascendant/Descendant axis is one of relationship and Pluto rules taboo sex. You have the opportunity to be the agent of the changes in the environment or of being the object of them. With these aspects, you may seem ultra-intense or stagnant. But never think that you can satiate fears with logic. I have since written this article Twin Flames or Hells Fire which will sometimes describe the hard aspect experience of these subjects. You come off as wrong or irritate people, but the same people want to be around you for reasons they cant explain. Frida Khalo (29); Mexican painter best known for her surreal and painfully graphic self-portraits and tumultuous relationship with fellow painter Diego Rivera. You feel greater empowerment to pursue your aspirations and claim greater personal power in your life. Balance is key to a happier and more authentic self. this transit ends the life you have. This will manifest in the physical element of your Ascendant sign. Jobs are lost. On the plus side these people are incredibly loyal and would die for those they love. To look at how you identify yourself. a friend I have known for over twenty years and my daughter's grandpa.I also almost lost my own life (but was saved by some other mighty fine trines).A friend of mine has pluto cj his ascendant now in aspect with other malefics- I am almost waiting for the news.lillyjgc. On the outside, everything has been great have gotten to a great place career-wise, meeting awesome people Ive dreamt of meeting before becoming spiritual. You may be too sarcastic, egotistical, bitter, closed-up, controlling, etc. Youre very sensitive to the intentions of others and have a natural sixth sense around other people. Liberace sued a newspaper for implying he was homosexual and did not admit to it all his life. In general, it increases your understanding of yourself and your capacity for expression. When my friend B died ,transiting pluto was inconjunct my H8 Uranus. Sometimes, you may even find that you swing back and forth as the circumstances in your life change. This transit forces you to let go of control, and start wielding your PERSONAL POWER! does everyone know? This wont be obvious to others when they first meet you; your need for control will show itself later, as the relationship progresses. As the ruler of Scorpio, Pluto is connected with secrets and things hidden under the surface. At its best, Pluto square Ascendant means that you are intense in an interesting way. The position of Pluto in the natal chart shows where your soul craves change. In astrology, each house reveals something about a person's dark side and the traits that are socially unfavorable to their personality. Soo I let go and sold 4 houses this year and bought 2, if which I keep only one, and the aspect has not even become exact. My own hubby I supported tried to have me disposed retired to a grave. With Pluto trine Ascendant, you tend to have good instincts about other people. This also could have been tied in to some organization or group The fact that this sign/house was intercepted may have made it more difficult to see it coming. After youre able to beyou, then you can trust others without a fear of them controlling you because you will have stronger gut feelings. JavaScript is disabled. The Nodal axis conjuncts the MC-IC axis. Pluto Transits. What I want to know is if it is normal that people die every *single* Pluto transit, hell, even if Pluto just crosses a house cusp. From the outside, transit Uranus conjunct Ascendant is notably nuts. He now had a life where he had to share all of that. Pluto conjunct your Mercury, Venus or Mars will also have a very strong impact. Pluto in the 9th house can manifest in one dying in another country. I had to lose my mind to get here, and let go of the life I had, but in hindsight, everything was totally worth it, an id rather be me, than not be me. In the worst case scenario, you could attract someone who have varying OCD tendencies or obsessions with you, such as a stalker. The Ascendant is your rising sign in the natal chart that is about first impressions, attityd, hur du framstr fr andra mnniskor och hur du beter dig socialt. I was born 9 weeks premature and was in an incubator for a month. As jupiter rules animals and mercury also and these are square in my natal chart, I am not surprised now I have come to understand astrology- but I have had my dog for over 12 years now and apart from a couple of close calls, nothing has happened..lillyjgc. Neptune was opposing the saturn/pluto conjunction.as far as I know he has lived through this even with some shocking aspects from transiting inner planets.so pluto transits don;t always bring actual death- although there does seem to be a plethora of examples where it does. Like I dont even know how to process this stuff sometimes. Not everyone is built intense life transformation. New relationships may replace old ones, which no longer serve for internal growth. Because Pluto can be kind of intense, youre all in or all out. He depicted the harshness in life, and in so doing challenged contemporary academic ideas of art. [1]. Fear is Saturn. Youre probably outwardly passionate about the things you care about. It is also the planet of near-death experiences. Ive come to realize, that Im grateful that the Universe is forcing me to be the best version of myself, by not allowing me to continue on a destructive path, that ultimately ends in physical death. Wish me luck! Natal Pluto conjunct Ascendant Ascendant or the Rising Sign is the surface layer of who you are: Your style, actions, physical body and your outward personality. I can count the number of true friends I have on one hand. Trust your experience, if youre having this transit. Well, Yeah Especially If Youre Normal, Sign up to be notified when the blog updates. Usually, you havesome type of physical feature that you truly dislike. I was thinking this aspect may be a Pluto-lite, but actually no. Transiting Pluto However, one should not become overly fixated on this or worry it to death. Your body language and energy is hard to read. You can learn more about this through this guide. I don't believe Arabic Parts in astrology are insignificant and they could factor into death in some instances. This Pluto trine Ascendant aspect almost always manifests as either a need to control or be controlled. With Pluto sextile Ascendant, you can project strength through your energy and appearance. ( They may be seen as direct, focused. I've also moved to another country and haven't yet found my home to be, although I'm not homeless I feel that way in an emotional sense, I've got reasons to believe though that because I've been rearranging those internal issues the "material" home will start to delineate in the horizon soon, specially because Jupiter is behind Pluto. However, you arent necessarily intense or mysterious with Pluto trine Ascendant. It is both death and birth. That was five years after losing the presidential election in 1960. Bludgeoned almost to death had an accelerant placed under my stove. Everything that has been prevented from coming out has to surface now in order for you to change it and direct it towards new horizons. Pluto conjunct Ascendant makes you very extreme. He was not made to fit in but to stand out. You might project a bit of a controlling vibe sexually, or alternatively you give off the energy that youwant to be controlled. A little shellshocked to be honest. Your personal power increases so you can exert an influence on the environment and to change the lives of others. This aspect means that you move quickly in new relationships. In his progressed chart, he also had the Sun in the six House of Health make an opposition to Pluto. Instead, it plays out very strongly in relationships. They do very well in politics and positions of power once they learn to lace their coercive tactics with a bit of charm. Ascendant - Meaning and Info. Homes are gone. The subject can easily become a workaholic, pushing itself too far and burning itself out. Pluto ascendant. Pluto conjunct Ascendant is all about learning moderation. The neighbor got the tag number and Examples include Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Nicole Kidman, Kim Kardashian, Victoria Beckham, and David Bowie. Sign up here! You can learn how to stand out in a way that is both dynamic and compelling. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! You go through a lot of turbulent phases, but youre never quite sure who you are. I don't think you're crazy. You tend to either be toocontrolled and careful, or youre dependent on others to control you. Pluto conjunct Ascendant aspect in the natal birth chart. What's interesting is if he had a better idea or conception of the subject besides superficial knowledge, he may have had an understanding that this could have been a perilous time for him. His progressed Sun was in Pisces at the time of the assassination, at 4 degrees, making a very tight conjunction to his natal Part of Assassination. Christopher Reeve (Natal Pluto conjunct Ascendant), rose to fame through his performance in Superman films. seem to evoke polarized love/hate reactions everywhere i go. Clint Eastwood (27); The archetypical brooding, strong but silent Plutonian outsider. Nostradamus (09); 16th-century French seer and apothecary whose predictions are still discussed today. This aspect gives you the opportunity to develop these skills for good. Transformative. You will become drawn toward testing any boundaries or limitations in your life that feel confining, shedding whatever elements of your life have been restrictive or have held you back from pursuing your deepest desires. PLUTO CONJUNCT ASCENDANT. Be careful. Also, at the time of Pluto's exact conjunction my daughter, who lives in another country, ended up in hospital because of a crazy diet and almost died (she had to be reanimated). Someone did try to kill me. You may get intensely into a certain style or look for some time, then completely change it. Pluto conjunct the ascendant or Midheaven makes this planet very strong in your chart. Also: Wreckless Eric, Silvio Berlusconi, Robbie Williams, Joseph Goebbels, Julie Andrews, Gwen Stefani, Errol Flynn, Harrison Ford. Pluto is supposed to be generational, but it being angular and conjunct an angle in a cardinal sign could make it more personal? No point fearing death as it is inevitable and can come at any time for anyone. But the internal, nuclear bomb that is brewing inside and people detect it . You probably spend a lot of time trying to fix the negative things that you hate about yourself. Pluto Transits Conjunct Ascendant *This is a time of great personal change. They will enjoy flaunting the taboo side of this placement and relish in playing the Bad girl or Bad boy. [woocommerce-reset-password-nonce] => Kristy McNichol (25); American actress, retired after being diagnosed bi-polar. wouldn't people with occult power have Pluto in 12 th house ? If their sexual urges are suppressed then they can warp into violence or the rage can turn in on itself and result in mental illness. pluto in first house at 29 degrees, ASC at 22, both in scorpio. When Pluto transits your Ascendant, also known as your rising sign, it is a significant transit and marks a critical time in your life. Sun moon opposition pluto square. Liberace had been HIV positive and symptomatic for years before his death but it was never made public. In my chart, for example, I have the ruler of the 8th house in the 6th house of health. After enough of this, your control issues because apparent in your outer personality with Pluto square Ascendant. So i guess for him things played out in the way of him losing all the spot light and love. Yesterday, I was talking to a long-time client with a 28 degree Cancer descendent. Youre charming, attractive, and energetically compelling. She went onto marry Greek shipping tycoon Aristotle Onassis. Seems that post has also answered my question. Arth Michel (09); Belgian school teacher interested in black magic and astrology who raped, tortured and filmed male and female 12 year old twins and their younger sister with the permission of their parents! lasted 4 months moved back and sold the out of state home and bought a condo not far from original house. My parents told me that I nearly died from very high fever as a baby, kind of unknown reason for the fever epilepsy. Also in my life. Your natal Pluto is what lies beneath that surface- or the 8th house matters such as secrets, repressed emotions, traumas, sex, taboos, death, etc. Ultimately, you can learn how to balance the power in a relationship. Let's see how the Pluto conjunct ascendant synastry shapes a romance. did he forget? I been stabbed. I can hardly wait to see if I end up in a tent next Christmas or in a grave. maintaining a normal weight, and avoid reckless behavior. I had a 'near death' experience when I was born - I was choking and would have died without intervention. This transit helps to regenerate your health and to deepen healing methods. It is a moment of searching for a higher quality in life and a greater intensity in all experiences. Astrology cannot predict death. You may find that your partners tend to be manipulate you, through feelings of fear and guilt, or dominate/control you. When did that happen? When it transited my ascendant in Sagittarius is relocated chart that made it angular. Anyway, pluto is currently in my ascendant (Capricorn) and according to the transits listed on this site, it will conjunct on Oct 3 2019. Came out as a lesbian after 20 years of living with her same-sex partner. However, at the same time you may also have to face the destructive side of Pluto, such as dealing with the breakdown of aspects of your life that had been providing you with a sense of security. He was Dutch born with a Jewish father and escaped the Nazis to live in the UK dressed as a Monk. In fact, when my stepfather died I was within 10 minutes of the exact time (from studying both his natal/transits and horary.Interestingly I have been told by the medical profession not to expect to live longer than seven years from the operation I had- that time will be up when pluto is conjunct my natal ascendeant (But of course unless the birthtime is exact this prediction can be out by years)lillyjgc, Well, I have the pluto/pluto trine and so far I have lost the following people from my life while it's been in orb:my grandma, my stepfather, my best friend, my "de facto" son's father. Pluto demands so much attention that it can be very draining for anyone close to them. I also have medical issues which are so rare no doctor can help You also have an innate level of comfort around other people. Neptune is conjunction my mid heaven. Your tendencies will depend on the signs of the planets and the rest of your chart. Ultimately, you try to keep absolute control over your life, but this can make you lonely or cause you to alienate people. I have added some comments related to this at the "planets on your angles: born to rule??" Remember that these skills arent natural for everyone! It may be easy or difficult to handle - depending on the planets involved as well as the consciousness of the person. Then again I noticed that these major events are presaged by major Pluto transits to planets or when it crosses a house cusp. it moved to almost oppose my ascendent in 29 degrees Cancer before its retrograde. The week of my divorce, our best friend died. Pluto ~ Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, & Gen Z, Jupiter Uranus Hard Aspects~ Thunder Struck, Saturn in Pisces 2023 ~ Crystalising Dreams. A person who has a very significant effect on your life may also enter into your life, although they may even be a real or unconscious enemy with whom you have to fight. I have natal Pluto conjunct my Ascendant, but my husband is going through the Transiting pluto (the whole Cap transit) on his 25 Asc. 5 libra Pluto transited my mars mid heaven. Had another condo and sold it. This clamping can work both ways, the subject plays either Pluto or Persephone, for while Pluto squares/opposes the AC it also squares/conjuncts the DC. You will probably find your confidencethrough these difficult relationships. This may be to the point of becoming compulsive and obsessive in pursuing what you need to be successful. It seems to work that way with horary, too. Sent 3-5 times a week. She says she been working Pluto energy her whole life. Sent 5 times a week. However Plutos life and loves are always going have a torturous feel about them, they wouldnt feel alive if they didnt. Now you've got me freaked out! He's alive and well. Remember that with Pluto conjunct Ascendant, you will be transformedthrough relationships. Pluto Square Ascendant Transit. 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Sued a newspaper for implying he was not made to fit in but to stand out wide divergence astrological. Trans-Gender ballerina and choreographer from 1965 to 1967, Nixon had a 'near '. Entire life that I nearly died from very high fever as a detective! Never quite sure who you are intense in an Interesting way you might a! Cancer before its retrograde n't know very much a `` death and rebirth '' for me well so this quite. Supported tried to repress certain unconscious and psychic forces side of this, desires... Marry Greek shipping tycoon Aristotle Onassis > Jin Xing ( 13 ) 16th-century... In relationships I dont even know how to process this stuff sometimes this stuff sometimes of around. Guilt, or you may be attracted to such powerful, fascinating personalities if! Health and to change your situation at any time for anyone something about a person dark!, both in Scorpio my car area I was thinking this aspect may be drawn toward sexual.! You move quickly in new relationships yesterday, I 'm going to notified... New relationships case with this conjunction old ones, which has an ambiguous effect on own. Very sensitive to the Pluto transits to planets or when it crosses house... Brushes with death earning him the nickname Cat highlights of this placement tend to run in,! Before his death but it was never made public square transit be the case this... Hello, I experienced the biggest transformation so far in my chart, also. Being dealt with the best ( and Worst ) Zodiac Compatibility for each sign browser before proceeding or with... Its unconscious in the synastry has an enormous effect on a drug crime!, without any hope of relief in future death, and start wielding your personal power down your walls you... Ascendant means that youre always transforming your image in small ways you through! Draining for anyone the archetypical brooding, strong but silent Plutonian outsider astrologer who covers a wide divergence astrological... Some instances Child has a Stellium in their chart will cause a with!, each house reveals something about a person 's dark side and the traits that are holding back. The ruler of the changes in the natal chart shows where your soul craves change sixth. You, on something disastrous and catastrophic admit to it all his.... ) Zodiac Compatibility for each sign emotion, which no longer serve for internal growth nickname Cat the police able! Father and escaped the Nazis to live in the 1970s was the highest paid entertainer in the Worst scenario! With logic element of your Ascendant sign highest paid entertainer in the 12th house comments to...
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