My moon is conjunct asc. and IC in Pisces conjunct Venus and Saturn both in 4th house. Three malefics at once in a sensitive point like Nadirguess will be horrible. Thirty years ago ( 1990-1993) l was also doing total renovations wen partner unfaithful and l chucked him out . Hi, I have Sun at 16 Aries too, with the added joy of Saturn being conjunct at 15. . The South Node (dragons tail) trines my IC and sextile my MC. I see, since a conjunction to your IC means an opposition to your MC how was your public persona and or career affected? The Sun conjunct Saturn transit will be a time of hard lessons and an awareness of the fears that cripple our potential. Looking back, Saturn transiting the 4th, the 5th, times were tough, but thats life. Powered by Infopop 2000 Im scared anyway. In fact, its 2business ideas one has 2 spin-offs to make the 4. P.S. I dont know what my Saturn-IC transit has in store for me, what I know is that Im moving forward. Luckily I was already pretty downsized so I was able to pack up quickly. Would love to hear more about your experience of the unaspected moon ruling a crucial element of the chart (your sun & my MC). Greetings to all and best wishes for 2023. I dont think I will ever see positive in this period. I realized I was not as good a writer as I'd preferred to think and started working harder on developing my ability, increasing consistency and discipline towards that. I accidentally left out that around the same time Pluto was trining my N Sun (1,5 degree orb between the Sun and the Moon), so the time period was mixed with pain and happiness. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. Pluto has transited my N 4th H, and on its way out to Aquarius, will soon square my N Moon. With Saturn conjunct Ascendant, you may feel that the Universe holds you back in life. I have Saturn transit MC and starting the square to my stellium in Libra with Pluto, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Uranus and Lilith. Tell us when and whats happening. The transit frequently coincides with an empty nest. Talk about taking the lord thy gods name in vain! Diana, many parallels between your experience and mine of Saturn transiting 4th. But past efforts will still be rewarded. Plutos gonna be a stab in the back from people in power or even men. Hi BPip, I also thought of the queen when I read this!! thus opposite saturn so it was all very painful in both fronts. Mars opposite Saturn:This transit calls for caution, diligence, and responsible behavior. Pluto square sun-what house is your sun. Pluto square my sun, Venus and mars has been a test of freedom for me. I have an unaspected moon also, ruler of my MC and located in IX. I think of this now as there have been a number of murderers lately whose defense is that god told them to do it or that the person(s) they killed was spawned by satan. Both malefics. Yes saturn on her MC the duty , the responsibility, wow. Avoid procrastination if you know that something needs doing. Yes, youre right, very hard to see anything positive sometimes. And then I decided what will be will be and stopped trying to control it. Thats what Ive done & while draining at times, it has been profitable & also used up the energy so to speak. I cant even think what will happen when transit Mars conjunct those. The second dream involved me buying a house without having seen it first. But any alignment of stars and planets gives a certain amount of potential and free will to rise above limitation. I am not interested in online dating. Only this time i was not the one attracted to these pschos and socios because i knew what Uranus intentions were when he entered the 2nd decan of Taurus to activate a transiting YOD with Chiron in Aries and the NN (and other transits in Gemini in 2021). My Sun is in the 5th in conjunction with Saturn. Also, is Mars the ruler of Uranus Transit the IC because its in Aries? The treasure is that spark of individual destiny, the inner glow that provides ones unique essence, and the heroic experience is the retrieval of that essence.. Definitely NOT. The 2020 debunking by Saturn-Uranus square was a second move in a wrong direction. Im currently laying low for a bit (the duration of the transit?) Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read them. My nadir is the last degree of Aquarius. Theres my duality. The South Node in the Natal Chart I am now selling because it is too large for me with my Mom passing this year and my kids moving on. Interest rates were rising so I had to make a choice: see my eldest through high school or think about my youngest. I also have a new Moon in my solar return chart, and read that in an adult life, it may mean new beginnings in ones professional life. What happened when Saturn transited your nadir or 4th house? Oh yeah! I felt the beginnings of the transit in spring of 2017 with some poignant dreams. On the other side that eclipse happened so close to my natal North Node at 27 of Cancer with the transiting North Node at 26. Can you imagine? Respect is something you want and you should earn. Others struggle with some heavy family burden. Saturn conjunct my IC was in my 3rd housethat was a pretty good time, in retrospect. I was lonely. But what about transiting Saturn conjunct IC? It was a rectangular house, you had to go through each room to get to the next, no hallway (no bypassing!). I always knew my family is no good but this year, after Pluto and Saturn together Im just flipping out!! So.capricorn/earth/10 house will be the challenge. Hi BPip, The most important part of the transit takes place when Uranus passes over the I.C, which indicates that an inner breakthrough is required. It can be the start of something new, some new work of sorts. Hardness in the way you interact with the outer world. Just FYI in case she has a minute to fix them. She was taken to the hospital where she died soon after of an acute heart condition. Im going solo and will find employees. Loads of questioning my past choices that got me to this point, and it is a struggle to be positive in the present, but Im managing, if anyone reading this is wondering if this transit is subject to coping. haha sure, but anyway Ive never stepped into so many psychos haha I hope is only a period of time and then back to normal, one or two a day, no more than 10 haha. That is the only way if we are talking about real astrology. . So the current Saturn transiting my Capricorn moon means Im mourning those losses, while Pluto conjunct Nadir lets me know something new will eventually be built up if I do the work (Capricorn moon, Venus square Saturn). You will have some important duties and responsibilities to attend to which may involve one of your parents. I have saturn (conjunct ic) in opposition with neptune (conjunct mercury and mc). And the event happened when I was in the womb. Then I inherited from her. It generally marks an emotional low. My Solar Return for 2023 suggests that I might move again the next time I have Saturn conjunct my IC. Your email address will not be published. Thanks again for sharing our thoughts and experience. Fate and your early environment play their part, especially the influence of your dominant parent. It all feels very life or death to me. In my horoscope the IC is conjunct the South Node at 28 degrees of Scorpio. Ohhh that would be a depth and expansive communicational mind! Nice aspects Sextile moon in Taurus, 0 orb Trine Venus in Scorpio 1 orb Tricky aspects Square Mercury and Pluto in Libra, 0 orb Inconjunct Neptune in Sag, Jupiter in Aquarius, making a Yod The sextile with the Moon is the base point of another Yod with Neptune st the apex. Comparing oneself with others is bad, yes, I know. To have Saturn and Jupiter activate my IC is music to my ear. Saturn conjunct the south node in synastry can indicate that you have to overcome some challenges together. It will arise out of the ashes like the phoenix as Pluto hits my Venus 29 degree cappy. Saturn Transits to Personal Planets: Conjunctions Saturn's influence is direct and personal when it transits conjunct a personal planet. It also says a lot of things when the aspects are not there. Uranus transits on the IC are amazingly strong - Adrian. Eventually leo tenth cusp ruled by sun on I c will be end of the matter and this house will be a showpiece. Youre right. Saturn conjunct Midheaven transit is a time of culmination in your career or long-term goal. (Now Neptune is with Mars/Venus.) Definitely not a Uranian, Im already Uranian with Marsian traits, two Uranian heads arent going to help each other. Venus is square Jupiter natally, and this one trines Mars. People will come to you for advice and you may be a teacher or mentor. Mars conjunct Saturn:Because you have a strong sense of limitations and bristle at the obstructions you face, this tends to be a challenging transit. Perhaps my expectations as to whats going to happen, are mistaken. This interpretation of Saturn in aspect to the Midheaven embraces a loose brainstorm-style of writing to explore astrological themes. I have saturn conj. I sold my home over a year ago and am living in a cottage by the ocean in Western Australia. Saturn conjunct Chiron natal aspects are connected with low self-esteem and an inner expectation to accomplish a lot. I would say the feeling is normal but it's not necessarily typical. The Moon rules my 10th H. New Moon in a solar return chart may mean a new relationship. The first involved me driving a plastic preschooler car to meet my parents for my mothers birthday dinner, she decided to go to an expensive restaurant and I was expected to pay for it. My 10year journey of death and rebirth continues. Mine is unsuspected as well. The transiting South Node was on my IC in Capricorn, sun the ruler of my North Node was at 0degrees of Aquarius. All was new, and although i managed to maintain the job I could not find a place I could pay for and call home and problems arised and followed me every time i moved. When that natal planet is Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Mercury, Venus, or Mars, we feel the effects in a personal way depending on the planet involved. Karmic indeed. A work in progress. This eclipse squared Uranus, the Great Awakener. Home / Aspects / Saturn Aspects / Saturn Conjunct Midheaven. Saturn conjunct Midheaven natal is also termed Saturn culminating. I finally understood the family politic. It felt exciting! Sun-When the Sun is in the fourth house, the native was thought of as an important part of the family. My natal Saturn at 4degrees Taurus already squares MC and IC. This has been hands down the hardest year of my life, and Saturn is only approaching my IC. How apropo for my natal Pluto square Saturn setup. As a child I would lie in bed watching the roses on the wallpaper turn into malevolent faces as daylight faded; I had to make bargains with . The more responsible you have been and the harder you have worked, the greater the achievement and recognition. Good things to come? Ill be having it conjunct Pluto :'(. It coincided with my first year at a new school. transit saturn conjunct IC. Its not like things were perfect after that, but I had a certain inner contentment after Saturn left my 4th house, that I didnt have before or during for the most part. For me, this transit involves the nodes, thats what adds to its significance. Saturn conjunct IC at 27 Capricorn opposite MC in Cancer, Im on the right track and cannot wait. What more will there be? I will get to that and all other transit Ann. As far as shes concerned her main concern is her horse and corgis. Sent 3-5 times a week. I always knew what lurked beneath the surface of my family, but I didnt believe it was really as bad as it turned out to be. Yeah agree. As Transiting Pluto conjuncts my Venus I am experiencing many changes in my life due to my marriage. At the same time I started an ambitious remodelling of my flat which ended up with half the floor falling through into the neighbours bathroom below, when the conjunction was exact. Its a huge change, one which the whole world is going through right now, and I know how blessed I am to have had a safe, loving place to land. What happens now will be in accordance with the reality of what you have achieved. When Saturn transitted my nadir at 28 Pisces I fell out with my two best friends, never spoke to them again. I think unexpected planets are little understood. You are reaping the reward of at least 7 and possibly 14 years of striving. I imagine it will be an interesting time for both of us. Ill be having it in few years. The same applies here!! January 9, 2019 at 10:52 pm . That s the way to do it! My family and I moved into a new house when Tr Saturn was conjunct my IC. It follows the 2012-2018 period of Plutonian-Uranian-Chiron-Jupiterian-Neptunian metamorphosis which cleared the slate and left me reeling to find Mars and Saturn to help me rebuild. Saturn conjunct the Descendant to Saturn conjunct the MC This starts a period where you become more outgoing and are usually eager to offer your skills to the world. It feels as if I went through hell with hope to get to something better on the other side, but ended up up in the same place where it all started. Oh I hope not. MC thankfully not exact! My Saturn-IC conjunction comes at the right time, Im not complaining because I surrendered to the universe and have done the hard work. Im observing the energies to see what that means. BUT, for the first 8 months of my Prog moon in the 4th I watched TONS of WW2 documentary and I was crying all the time watching them! Now Im too tired and old to get the most out of it. Skyrocketing cost of living is steering my way sociopaths (total strangers with hidden agendas, hit hard by the PlutoSaturn conjunction austerity measures) who think im going to be part of their Uranus in Taurus triggered changes and adjustments regarding their finances and accommodation. Saturn Conjunct Midheaven Transit. I've been back in Brazil for just over 3 weeks and much has happened already, or has it not?! There are typos in Elsas article on the 4th. I know its in Taurus from the Saturn returns. I also had the NN return at that time, in my Taurus 1H! Saturn transiting the nadir is animportant transit. My natal Saturn is 20 degrees sagg, and so I had my saturn return last year. Actually, alongside the process (lifetime) my prevalent thought is that I feel some deep questioning as to WHY these transforming processes come so late in life! There is oppositionVenus and Jupiter in cancer. A certain inner contentment is a great way to describe my experience, too! I dreamed I was on a ship at anchor in mid ocean: the whales and dolphins leaped for joy! The bathroom had a circular queen sized porcelain tub (baptism anyone?) Scorpio rising resilient sign of ambition that is never down for the count. They need powers beyond Pluto, well beyond that which is visible to humans. My very first Saturn IC transit brought me a 85 year old nun they pulled out of retirement to teach one more year. She is 92 now i think and STILL doing her duty, what an inspiration. But, I have a feeling if I resolve the issue surrounding household renovation to meet my needs Ill be able to successfully address the osteoporosis!Mainly I want a bigger dining area so I can entertain friends I am a Libra after all and having a better place to accommodate friends will help me express my Sun in Libra and relieve some Saturn transiting the 4th sense of isolation. Well, Saturn has been transiting my 4th house for almost 4 years now and there are 3 months left to go. When Saturn crossed my IC, I moved to be nearer my job. This configuration coupled with the Saturn square forced me to adopt the cold detachment of Aquarius while remaining aloof refusing to connect or reconnect with psychos and socios i should have no contact with or get attached to, and do this without fear of anything, because planets are on my side. I could do with a lucky break. It has been one of the most difficult periods in my life. I have Saturn transiting my IC in Aqua now. From the outside, transit Uranus conjunct Ascendant is notably nuts. I guess, Im no longer that bothered about transits.. Two men resembling Jesus and John the baptist were there (they were the previous tenants!note, I am spiritual but not a Christian). COVID-19 showed me my North Node, I dont know how the IC comes into play, am keeping an open mind and listening to the energies. I dont know, I sincerely feel that Saturn has to do with karma. the girls had a longstanding agreement that if one died, the other must begin to speak and live a normal life. In dwadashamsha (dwads), the 27 degrees of Capricorn is linked to my North Node in Pisces and Neptune in Scorpio, both water signs notorious for keeping things hidden. In June 2012 VenusRx occulted the sun in Gemini 2degrees from my natal sun, in 2019 Mercury occulted the sun in Scorpio and my rising degree was in the Rx zone. My Solar Return for 2023 suggests that I might move again the next time I have Saturn conjunct my IC. Hi Lou , Saturn has ingreesed one degree into the fourth and is now sat atop natal mercury. Sign up here! around this time Chiron will square my natal Chiron and mars will conjunct my natal Chiron. So pleased that you see the positives that come from Saturn crossing your IC. You will most likely feel a strong sense of duty and will strive with determination to do something significant with your life. My life was forever changed. Also very recently, a coming to light of the prospect of a government compulsory land aquisition of between 5ooo & 10 000 hectares of my & surrounding rural suburbs. Loui, Pluto is conjoining my Nadir right now, and Saturn is conjoining my moon in the 3rd. Birthday Report Package Deluxe Transit Report 1 Year Get A Natal Chart ReportProgressed Chart Report Deluxe Asteroids Report Get A Solar Return Report Get A Lunar Return Report Child Natal Report 1 Year Transit Report Outer Planets, Find Your Soulmate Saturn Transit the 12th House Using Astrology To Get What You Want. I consider this one of the most difficult transits a person can have, especially if youre prone to depression. I think Jupiter is the teacher / mentor; Saturn is more a discipline. Where did you read that?? A voice from within me put in a bid on his house. 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