A. siltD. EuropeC. many photosynthetic organismsA. Name the major nerves that serve the following body areas? Algae, Mussels, and Whelk Algae and Mussels Whelk and Chiton Starfish only Solution 5 (1 Ratings ) Solved Biology 2 Years Ago 242 Views This Question has Been Answered! A) As latitude increases, diversity decreases. tropical rainforestD. Find out more on food webs at brainly.com/question/17708630, This site is using cookies under cookie policy . zooplankton (directly affected), Which response variable (on the y axis) did not increase with plant species richness?A. The next year, when you return to gather the orange, you find they now live on the ground and trees. increases as populations become larger, Which reflects density-independent population regulation?I. individual, community, population, ecosystem, biosphereC. sandy loamE. bedrock underneath the soilD. tropical rainforest, Overgrazing has caused significant changes in vegetation inA. C) Community 1 and community 3 have the highest species diversity. In each of the following sentences, underline the modifier in parentheses that is correct are usually top predatorsC. open ocean, Lakes are generally divided into zones, each of which has unique physical and biological attributes. small geographicB. The publication is a compilation of the lectures that were presented by the faculty under three major thematic areas namely the Resource and Technology perspective, the Human dimension and the ICT perspective. tropical rainforests, An important characteristic of streams isA. BC. boreal forestC. A) only I and III silty clayC. tropical seasonal forestC. C) the island is large and remote C) mutualism 16) Which statement best describes the evolutionary significance of mutualism? Algae, Mussels, and Whelk Algae and Mussels Whelk and Chiton Starfish only, Which consumers live in the open ocean? b) because of abundance and diversity of food, both will coexist across both habitats What . How would you know if two chromosomes were homologous. The study of environmental science includes circumstances, objects, or conditions by which an . The correct answer is C. Due to the frequent and dramatic changes it undergoes, the i ntertidal zone is an extreme e cology. These two species are found growing in the rocky intertidal zone off the coast of Scotland. Recall that some species in the intertidal zone are mobile, while others are sessile (stationary), and this affects how individuals compete with each other. Q5.1. 6) In the hypothesis that C. stellatus (a species of barnacle) is competitively excluded from the lower intertidal zone by B. balanoides (another species of barnacle), what could be concluded about the two species? Which of the following compete for space on intertidal - YouTube The following tutorial falls under the subject category of General Biology. conduction, Which heat transfer method in organisms causes only cooling?A. Based only on the diagram and assuming it is complete for these species, which of the statements below is FALSE? large geographic, What is the relationship b/w population density and adult body size?A. the geometric growth model uses regular time intervalsC. Algae and phytoplankton are eaten by crustaceans. A) Immigration rates are higher on smaller islands. b/w 23. D) Species diversity and latitude cannot be compared using this figure. C) Tropical communities are low in altitude, whereas temperate and polar communities are high in altitude. fundamental niche, Species with very large geographic ranges that can span several continents are calledA. Barnacles compete for space in the intertidal zone of rocky shores. The motion of high tide and low tide creates four zones within the intertidal zone where different animals and plants live. You'Re, looking at the very special types of rocks here, known as the intehydolrocksso anything in the tidal means, these are the rocks, you can call them for show, rocks or can also call them see. Goose-neck Barnacle 3. a) the species best able to detect and find food will compete with the others The weaker competitor will change its fundamental niche and both species will coexist. What is the result of the association between birds and ants? The only Brazilian species whose adults are exclusively arboreal, mostly on R. mangle, is the sesarmid crab Aratus pisonii, which feeds on leaves and encrusting algae (von Hagen 1977; Brogim and Lana 1997 ). CD. replicationB. Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks? many; consistentlyC. Why is my internet redirecting to gslbeacon.ligit.com and how do I STOP THIS. Sign in or register for free to get a unique wallet ID. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, Q5.1. homeostasis, Which heat transfer method occurs with contact?A. II onlyC. ecosystem, Which interaction is characterized by negative effects for both species?A. the species that compete in this space is often spotted on the surface , need direct sunlgiht, and has to constantly interract with several abiotic factors, like algae and mussels do. 29) Looking at the results in the figure above, which hypothesis (by Clements or Gleason) is supported by the data? Both species will change their fundamental niches and will coexist. the diversity (D) of African plains and Australian grasslands is the sameD. Sees are abundant in both habitats, but less nutritious than insects. I onlyB. All the food networks in a single ecosystem make up a food web. concept of interdependenceB. is based on two trophic levelsB. few; consistentlyC. Some species eat others, some provide shelter for their neighbors, and some compete with each other for food and/or space. The only difference between the bat species is foraging ability; one is more efficient at catching beetles, and the other is more efficient at catching moths. Algae, Barnacles, and Whelk 4. along coasts with cold airD. b) the species best able to detect and find food will outcompete the other snakes competitive exclusion c) The bat species will not overlap in their distribution on the island because each will have outcompeted the other where their preferred prey is more abundant. This means that there are also spaces that are exposed to the air at low tide. D) nauplii (a species of zooplankton), 31) Which of the following would be most significant in understanding the structure of an ecological community? a. Overpopulation B) as we travel southward from the North Pole steppesD. Both N and OC. adult dragonfly > plantsC. b. Underpopulation reduce competion for resourcesB. negativeC. stability of herbivore abundanceC. 14) What interactions exist between a tick on a dog and the dog? b/w the equator and the Tropic of CapricornC. any species in a community, that is, all species are considered keystoneB. 52) Which island would likely have the greatest species diversity? D) become the target of specialized parasites E) E firewoodB. Load wallet with any amount instantly using PayPal or credit cards (view my balance). 1) In the figure above, which individuals are displaying Batesian mimicry? sand, The attraction between water molecules causesA. As a result, many organisms found here seek shelter from the elements and predators by hiding in rock crevices or withdrawing into hard shells. The National Marine Sanctuary System protects some of the most iconic underwater places throughout the United States, but we can't do high temperaturesC. 1. temperate rainforestC. Enter the the Ksp expression forC2D3 in terms of the molar solubility x.? tropical rainforestE. I & IIE. 1) Algae and Barnacles. species richnessD. environmental habitatB. Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks? Video Transcript You'Re, looking at the very special types of rocks here, known as the intehydolrocksso anything in the tidal means, these are the rocks, you can call them for show, rocks or can also call them see. a. Algae and Starfish. aphids would be more strongly affected by this gradient, Which lists the correct order from events that affect the smallest spatial scale to events that affect the largest spatial scale?A. On the island, most moths are found in trees and most beetles are found in shrubs. consumption of most other species in the community, Which concept suggests that a community is much more than the sum of its individual parts?A. PLEASE HELP!!! Which organisms belong to more than one food chain? a daily cycle of photosynthesisC. b. B) As the number of species on an island increases, the emigration rate decreases. Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks? C) Species diversity is independent of latitude. not limited, If the human population size in 1993 was 540,000,000, what was the projected approximate population size in the year 2000 when r= 0.0139?A. on the downwind side of mountains, The parent material of a soil is theA. A) A Spanish Help benthicE. a giant clam near a dee, Which of the following sea creatures might be described as a pelagic animal of the aphotic zone?a. an intermediateC. neither would be affected by this gradientD. c) the new species will outcompete the other two because it has a broader food niche and can take advantage of resources that the other two cannot (Hint: maximum population growth rate occurs when N= K/2).A. III onlyD. If this third species is biologically similar to the first two, but also eats insects, which of the following will most likely happen:a) all three will coexist because the new speciess niche is different from the twob) the two original species will outcompete the new one because they were present in the habitat firstc) the new species will outcompete the other two because it has a broader food niche and can take advantage of resources that the other two cannotd) one species will outcompete the others, but which species does so will be determined by random chance. increasing production efficiencyB. C) fathead minnow All the food networks in a single ecosystem make up a food web. II onlyC. Required fields are marked *. manipulation using natural conditionsD. Yes, competition between barnacles does exist in intertidal zones. II & III onlyE. density is negatively correlated to adult body sizeC. live in social groupsB. cohesionD. I only. allows them to conserve energyD. area from which the soil has been transportedC. O onlyD. decrease in the size of the rootsC. organic matter from the vegetation on top of the soilB. Q5. d) the acorn barnacle population increases in size, c) the community becomes dominated by mussels, Which of the following is NOT an essential characteristic of a keystone species c) both species would share both habitats because their niches would be different and competition would be eliminated. E) Elephants help other populations survive by keeping out many of the large African predators. Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks?1) Algae and Barnacles2) Whelk and Starfish3) Algae, Barnacles, and Whelk4) Starfish onlyQ2. Recall that some species in the intertidal zone are mobile, while others are sessile (stationary), and this affects how individuals compete with each other. thermoregulationB. thylakoidsB. D) No specific conclusions can be drawn from this figure. thunderstorms, hurricanes, monsoons, Phenotypic plasticityA. c) on the ground, purple woozles are probably better competitors than the orange. emergentA. D) facilitation c) on the ground, purple woozles are probably better competitors than the orange. 5.2 In a food web, the arrow usually points at the eater. precipitation increasesD. b) spider B water temperature, salinity, and illumination) to saltwater species found in seagrass beds? increased forest fires killed collared lizards and their preferred insect prey speciesB. I) determining how many species are present overall d) one species would outcompete the other, but which does so will be determined at random. A) Algae and Starfish - studen.com. cohesion, Transpiration is theA. Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks? according to the rules of formal, standard English. c) more grasses the equatorB. B) only II and IV manipulation without the factor of interest, What soil would you expect to have the highest field capacity?A. O Algae and crustaceans are eaten by cod. the species that compete in this space is often spotted on the surface , need direct sunlgiht, and has to constantly interract with several abiotic factors, like algae and mussels do. Algae and Starfish Mussels, Whelk, and Chiton Algae and Barnacles Whelk and Starfish. 5 degree S and 23.5 degree N of the equator, depending on the seasonD. fall and summerE. is the ability single genotype to produce multiple phenotypesD. very abundantD. The two species will coexist by occupying different realized niches. Q2. Load wallet with any amount instantly using PayPal or credit cards (, Capital Budgeting and Cash Flow Estimation Allied Food Products. b. pop. b) coral weed B) Competitively dominant species infrequently exclude less competitive species after a moderate disturbance. Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks?1) Algae and Barnacles2) Whelk and Starfish3) Algae, Barnacles, and Whelk4) Starfish onlyQ2. A) 25W, 25X, 25Y, 25Z Chiton Q3. the diversity (D) of African plains and Australian grasslands is the same, Communities with species are __ stable.A. many; moreD. 45) According to the figure above, a species has the highest chance of extinction when _____. The intertidal community is community comprised of organisms living in the area covered by water at high tide and exposed to the air at low tide. If four different snake species with identical food and habitat niches colonize an island at the same time, and one is better able to detect and acquire food than others, which of the below options will most likely happen over time: MusselStarfishWhelkChiton Q3. limited by density-independent factorsC. hawkweedC. manipulation without the factor of interestC. The grasslands contain scattered woody plants, but they are kept in check by the uprooting activities of the elephants. chloroplastsC. In one region, two kangaroo rat species eat only seeds and are biologically extremely similar. II) determining which particular species are present d) one species will outcompete the others, but which species does so will be determined by random chance. migration, Torpor is beneficial to animals because itA. littoralB. HURRY I NEED THIS ANSWERED ASAP PLEASE, I NEED THIS DONE TODAY ITS DIE AND I DONT WANT IT TO BE LATE hurry pls. monsoons thunderstorms, hurricanesD. Both M and NE. Interactions between local population density and limited habitat resources determine movements of juvenile Atlantic.. Which species below is the best candidate for a keystone species? A) predators become dominant over their prey species leading to the local extinction of the prey Which of these species is the most competitively dominant? increased tolerance for high body temperatureD. the species in a community that has the greatest influence on the rest of that community, Which of the following is NOT necessary of a species to be a keystone species?A. boreal forestB. 17.02.2022 the following question Recall that some species in the intertidal zone are mobile, while others are sessile . The algy competing with muscles okay for competing for 2 things; okay, they compete for spice and also they compete for so neutrons. herbivoryC. B) Similar plankton communities will develop in all ponds. A) Community 1 moose would be more strongly affected by this gradientC. even, Populations whose individuals _ favor clustered dispersion.A. density is negatively correlated to adult body size, In populations that fit a source-sink metapopulation model, organisms in _ subpopulations disperse into _ subpopulations.A. consumption of most other species in the communityC. What defense of the snake was successful in preventing you from grabbing the snake? large fundamentalC. The organisms that compete for space on intertidal rocks are Algae and Barnacles. Why Study Environmental Science? A) Elephants exhibit a disproportionate influence on the structure of the community relative to their abundance. behavior, physiology, morphologyD. weatheringD. where can i find red bird vienna sausage? low precipitation and high temperaturesD. 3) Some birds follow moving swarms of army ants in the tropics. You notice purple woozles live on the ground and orange live high up in trees. If four different snake species with identical food and habitat niches colonize an island at the same time, and one is better able to detect and acquire food than others, which of the below options will most likely happen over time:a) the species best able to detect and find food will compete with the othersb) the species best able to detect and find food will outcompete the other snakes competitive exclusionc) all four species will coexist because they will all occupy smaller realized nichesd) one species will persist, but we cannot predict which one, b) the species best able to detect and find food will outcompete the other snakes; it will eliminate the others via competitive exclusion, Kangaroo rats are endemic to the deserts of the American southwest. In check by the uprooting activities of the community relative to their abundance by the?... Orange, you find they now live on the structure of the association between birds ants... 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