Hope this helps, Lara, I have recently been diagnosed with coronary artery disease AND low bone mass. 2010 Jun;23(3):425-30. I do eat nut butters, avocados, and meat to get my fats. I find if I am good about taking my vitamin A and Triple Power, I am rarely sore the next day. Thanks for your response about New Chapter. BMD in my hip/femur had gone up 3.5% and was up 6% in my spine. My question is, are there any negative side effects of taking the strontium citrate and calcium around the same time? This would avoid any competition and promote optimal bone benefit from strontium. PLEASE read up! Bovine lactoferrin improves bone mass and microstructure in ovariectomized rats via OPG/RANKL/RANK pathway. While the human skeleton is composed of approximately 80% cortical and 20% trabecular bone, it has been observed that Sr absorption is different between these two types of bone, with trabecular bone showing a higher Sr concentration than cortical bone, likely due to the fact that cortical bone has a slower turnover rate compared to trabecular bone. You can definitely take your strontium first thing in the morning! A special form of strontium called strontium ranelate can increase bone formation and prevent bone loss when used in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Just prefer not to take anything that may have side effects. The truth is, strontium does weigh much more than calcium, and its mass does impact DEXA readingsbut only a little. Enjoying a cup of yogurt will be good for you and your bones, unless you are allergic to dairy products, in which case, consuming dairy foods will increase inflammation in your body, and inflammation activates osteoclasts, so not good! Hope this helps, Lara. Unlike other meals, we almost always eat breakfast on a completely empty stomach. Strontium measurements were taken at the finger and ankle, representing primarily cortical and trabecular bone, respectively. Meat from free range, pastured animals should be good for you when consumed in small amounts along with plenty of vegetables. Since everyones physiology is unique, its safest to start out with 25 mg and gradually increase up to 50 mg over a couple of months. I read in the discussion that a GFR of 50 or less would indicate that I should not take Strontium. 223-224. Strontium ranelate is a prescription drug where the ranelate molecule is a patentable synthetic chemical. If strontium is taken in excess of calcium, more strontium than calcium will be available in the body to be used in bone, so more strontium than calcium will be incorporated into the bones, and at least in baby rats, whose skeletons were rapidly developing and who were given no calcium and lots of strontium, ricket-like bone abnormalities developed. Likewise, the most common over-the-counter supplements are chemically bound to different molecules, such as citrate, lactate, carbonate, and gluconate. My last density, 2019, for the worse area was -.6 so depending on whose figures I use for strontium over showing on the DEXA I am in normal range or osteopenia. And, of course, you can run a search for food sources of calcium and magnesium on the internet to get this information. It must have been something else that upset my stomach and I am now taking all the pills with no side effects. Another potentially deadly side-effect of taking strontium ranelate is DRESS syndrome. Yes, do have fruits and vegetables daily, flax seed and chia seed (when I remember) and a relatively healthy diet. I am NOT paid by AlgaeCal to promote its products. AlgaeCal is clinically supported to improve bone density. One caveat here if you eat tuna PLEASE purchase tuna that has been checked for mercury content! In contrast, ranelic acid is an unnatural, lately created in a lab, compound, which, the research indicates, increases your risk for venous thromboembolism and DRESS syndrome, among other unpleasant side effects. But if you prefer, you can take your Triple Power with food as it doesn't have any interactions. My results have been excellent after 10 months of using AlgaeCal as my source of supplemental calcium, I had my DXA run. So, Im writing you directly with a brief summary of some of the relevant information provided in my update on strontium, which I hope will allay your concerns. Your thoughts would be much appreciated. After reading the abstract, I did not pull the full article.). John. Epub 2011 Oct 21.) Yogurt is a healthful food supplying healthy intestinal bacteria as well as calcium. I take a Progessive MultiVitamin for women over 50 three times a day as suggested. Phosphate additives are used as preservatives in most processed foods, including sodas (regular and diet sodas), breads, rolls, sweet bakery products, tortillas, cereals, savory snacks, crackers, snack/meal bars, pizza, poultry, cured meats, vegetables (processed, not fresh! Another fact: strontium is the only trace mineral present in human bone whose level in bone correlates with bone compressive strength, i.e., resistance to fracture. This is quite unusual and definitely not something we would expect. Ive noticed in your previous posts that you take your strontium with lunch. We would not expect accelerated bone loss after stopping strontium, and in fact, we suggest discontinuing Strontium Boost after a DEXA reading shows bone density within the normal, healthy range. M. Hi Marilyn, The apatite crystals that contain strontium ions are more stable, have more regular shapes and are more resistant to stress. Calcium on the other hand, should be taken with food so that when food nutrients are being metabolised, the calcium absorption happens along with the other nutrients in the same digestive phase. Because strontium is almost twice as large as calcium, even this tiny number of strontium-for-calcium ions exchanged in your bones can impact DXA readings. Please just try these suggestions for 1 week you are very likely to not only see your skin issues resolve but to feel more vital overall. No worries it took me months to figure this out. Thank you so much for your book and the information you supply to women that need all the help the can get. I will look into the Algaecal when my stock of Ca/Mg supps gets down to reorder level. alternatively, is there a vegetable that I could substitute the kale for to put in my smoothie that is low in calcium so I could take with the strontium? The study found that caries followed a quadratic curve with strontium concentrations on the X-axis; the lowest prevalence of caries was seen with strontium concentrations of approximately 5-6 mg/L. (I realize you have read these papers, but wanted to include a couple of quotes from them for others who may be interested and have not.) I cannot emphasize this enough. I wonder if the interval, between Calcium intakes is too short. Osteoporosis does run in my family with both my grandmother and my mom struggling with this. ), X-ray crystallographic experiments have demonstrated that incorporation of strontium into the bone of cynomolgus monkeys treated with oral strontium ranelate for 13 weeks took place mainly by ionic exchange at crystal surfaces [Lara i.e., trabecular bone], and to a minor extent by heteroionic substitution (with a maximum of one calcium atom out of ten being substituted) into the crystal lattice [Larai.e., cortical as well as trabecular bone]. Dr. said to increase VitD another 100o and I did. (Is the sentence you quoted somewhere in the full paper? My bones have been in excellent shape now for more than 6 years (within 6 months after I started taking AlgaeCal Plus), but I continue to take a half dose (1 capsule) of Strontium Boost daily to ensure they stay healthy! Strontium can be taken with or without food. You can learn more about Lara, her bone health journey, and years of experience on the left hand side of this article. Still hoping to get back for another visit to Brampton Island where we swam in lagoons and were surrounded by clouds of electric blue butterfliesam I remembering how to spell this correctly? Clearly, anyone with severe osteoporosis should work with a well qualified physiotherapist, and my preference would be the use of a highly supportive and very safe exercise regimen like Pilates which has also been shown to be able to target and help build specific areas of bone until bone density was restored to the osteopenic level. You should also avoid taking it with calcium supplements or calcium-rich foods or consuming these foods 2 hours prior or 4 hours after taking the medication because the calcium can decrease the body's ability to absorb the hormone. This dose will help protect and maintain the long-term health of your bones. The key issue regarding the safety of natural forms of strontium is calcium intake, which to err on the side of safety, should be at least double that of the amount of strontium consumed. You recently stated the following: Strontium, like calcium, incorporates into both trabecular and cortical bone, but strontium deposits almost entirely into newly forming trabecular bone, with one strontium ion substituting for less than one calcium ion out of 10 in the bone matrix. I would be really interested to know 1) the exact amount that ends up as cortical bone and its incidence in making it weaker 2) to view the studies highlighting the assimilation of Strontium as trabecular bone. This enables more of the live bacteria to survive the acidity in your stomach and make their way to your intestinal tract. I appreciate your knowledge and insight into womens bone health. When you have more questions which I expect you will as you travel down this road of self-discovery (a challenge, I know, but also you will soon discover that YOU can take control of your health!) I observed three types of strontium salts and side effects of strontium supplements like nausea and headache etc. What we can do is see how our body appears to be reacting in other words, how do you feel? Hi sml, Ill quote them: strontium may interact with estrogens to promote carcinogenesis among young [premenopausal] women, because young women have more estrogens and estrogen receptors., Chen LJ, Tang LY, He JR, et al. Any supplement providing 680 mg of elemental strontium in the form of strontium citrate will be fine. As you work your way through Your Bones, I hope you will use it to figure out how much your diet is providing for you of the nutrients essential for building healthy bones and what and how much you will need to get from supplements. Synthesis and pharmacokinetics of strontium fructose 1,6-diphosphate (Sr-FDP) as a potential anti-osteoporosis agent in intact and ovariectomized rats. Its the dream team for building bone density thats noticeable via DEXA scan just six months after starting daily use. The key take-away here is that natural forms of strontium significantly improve our ability to build new trabecular bone and maintain healthy (older) cortical bone a win-win for our skeletal health. Dialysis fluids may already contain high concentrations of strontium, so not surprisingly, some dialysis patients are known to have elevated bone strontium concentrations and a high strontium/calcium ratio in bone. If so, then I think your plan is excellent. ), egg products (e.g., Egg beaters, powdered eggs), seafood, and candy (including chocolate). Just be sure to have wild caught rather than farm-raised salmon. Taking your thyroid medication properly helps you absorb it well and limits your risk of side effects. Yes, as you will have noted in my blog on strontium, the patented/drug version of strontium, strontium ranelate has now been conclusively shown to produce numerous side effects, at least two of which, VTE and DRESS syndrome can be fatal. So, 30 months of weightbearing (and high impact) exercise in these older women with a BMD at least 2 SD below the reference value proved to be safe and showed efficacy in slowing or stopping bone loss, especially at the trochanter, and the exercisers also had less fall-related fractures than the control group during the follow-up period. Even taking 3 tablets only increases the calcium intake to 540 mg. Absolutely, cut back to 1 capsule of strontium and see how that works for you. The common myth is that strontium supplementation results in larger concentrations of strontium in your bones. Once again I am taking 7000 D3 and am needing about another 100 mcg of MK7 (90 mcg is also OK). PMID: 23877652 A 4 hour separation is ideal, however as long as there is at least a 2 hour separation between strontium and calcium you can take it at any time of the day so taking your breakfast smoothie 2 hours later would be sufficient. Because strontium ranelate, not strontium citrate or other natural strontium salt was used in SOTI and TROPOS, thats why although BMD improved and fracture rates dropped, a few unfortunate individuals experienced a number of side effects, including very serious ones, i.e., venous thromboembolism and DRESS syndrome. Should we be cautious of test results and monitor the amount of strontium citrate in our systems. In the U.S., Your Bones was approved by our library book review system and is available in our public libraries as well. You should be consuming from 1,200 -1,500 mg of calcium daily. A long-term treatment with strontium ranelate in intact rats is very safe for bone and improves bone resistance by increasing bone mass and improving architecture while maintaining bone stiffness. Be well! Or is there some issue with her ability to absorb calcium as well? If this is the case, how is it possible to get a proper BMD reading from your DXA scan if youve been taking strontium? Easiest if you could please take a look at this section above for the full discussion. I take the Nutralife Calcium with VitD3 and VitK. Because strontium is a highly reactive element, it is never found in a pure form in nature. Are you aware of the research on glutathione (given via nebulizer) for COPD it is VERY helpful! If strontium is high 1.03 rising from .043 8 months earlier and hair loss what would you suggest, check the kidney function?? To regulate my INR levels I have to be careful with vitamin k. Is strontium citrate safe for me? Its possible you reacted to something else you ate or were exposed to (environmental chemicals, bacteria, etc.) I use it because it works. Now, however, Im taking a prophylactic (preventive) dose of 340 milligrams per day, which I also recommended to my husband to help keep his knees healthy, so, at 69 he can keep playing basketball with men half his age. Unfortunately, this drug form of strontium is potentiallyharmful. Ranelic acid is the synthetic compound used to create the unnatural strontium salt, strontium ranelate. Even if you are not eating dairy foods (cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, milk), plenty of other foods are great sources of calcium e.g., tofu, soymilk, salmon, sardines, spinach, sesame seeds, almonds, broccoli etc. I applaud you for taking action to become well informed and make the best decisions you can for your own health. I cannot understand this. Citrate is a favorite food of unfriendly bacteria. In Laura Pizzornos blog , she refers to the excretion of ranelic acid , and questions the non excreted portion. Lara. This test was measured against a Dexa Scan from 2011 when I had also been taking strontium citrate. PMID: 20232111. I know now to separate these two. I dont know how much strontium is in Drs Best (am currently in Toronto airport with just a few minutes before my connecting flight to Washington DC, so no time to look), but most supplements providing strontium citrate (which is what you want you do NOT want the patented drug form, strontium ranelate!) I just started taking AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Citrate. Classic symptoms include widespread rash, fever, and involvement of one or more internal organs. But in taking them separately, does strontium replace calcium in the bones? Youll soon see these misleading statements hold no weight. You do not have to be suffering from 1/2 hourly hot flushes! (actual paper: The GAIL score discussed in this paper relates to indicators of a womans lifetime risk for invasive breast cancer. These studies aimed to evaluate using X-ray microanalysis, X-ray diffraction and computerized quantitative contact microradiography: (1) the relative calcium and Sr bone content, (2) the distribution of Sr in compact and cancellous bone, (3) the dose dependence of the deposition of Sr in bone, (4) the interactions between Sr and mineral at the crystal level (in monkeys), (5) the influence of Sr on the mean degree of mineralization of bone tissue and on the distribution of the degree of mineralization of bone tissue, and (6) the bone clearance of Sr over short periods of time (6 and 10 weeks) after cessation of SR administration (monkeys treated for 13 and 52 weeks, respectively). Sponsored by Klinio 28-day personalised easy to follow diabetes diet. 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