You know, just a casual hike with your dog. Here, he stands on the top of the highest tower in Tartu, Estonia, at sunrise. Like Daniel Lau, Alexander Remnev is well-known for his selfie stunts. But this makes our rational minds hurt. Daniel Lau, Andrew Tso, and a woman identified as A.S. perched atop Hong Kong's fifth tallest skyscraper, The Centre, as Lau took a selfie video in 2014, according to CNET. A Russian teenager who scaled a St Petersburg railway bridge in a fatal attempt to take a spectacular photo plummeted 30ft to her death after losing her balance. Three members of the same family drownedwhile trying to take a selfie in a deep pond. However, the trend may finally be on the wane, with the number of selfie deaths last year dropping slightly to 93. Like many photos on this list, this Instagram shot from Tianjin, China taken by Angela Nikolau, who regularly risks her life in pursuit of a hair-raising pic is hashtagged @DangerousSelfie. This picture was taken near Sri Lanka's Nine Arch Bridge on active train tracks. "I steal views from the rich and I give to the people who are less fortunate," Thomas told CBS News, likening himself to Robin Hood. Dear train conductor: We don't know who you are but thank you for giving this train selfie-taker a swift one! Granted, fatal alligator attacks are super rare; since 1973, there have only been 24 reported. First published on September 11, 2015 / 3:27 PM. Police have called his actions "irresponsible and illegal.". Still, if she fell backwards while pulling off this silly stunt, she could've been seriously hurt. Start your free trial, Jason Arday, illiterate until 18, becomes youngest black Cambridge professor, Ministers considered killing all cats during pandemic. King Charles coronation: what happens, whos playing and will there be a bank holiday? Police search allotment sheds for Constance Marten's missing baby. Wu Yongning, 26,died in November 2017 after falling from a 62-story building in the city of Changsha, China. The country also saw 48 people injured when they were taking selfies during a bakery fire in Chennai. The woman suffered a severed leg and later died in hospital. Nirupama Prajapati was standing on some boulders when a man, also taking pictures, took a step backwards and tripped - causing her to accidentally fall into the turbulent waters below. More than 250 people have met their deaths while attempting to take the perfect selfie since 2011, according to the first study of its kind. According to Gray, surveys of college students show the trait is far more prevalent today than even as recently as 30 years ago. Three members of the same family drownedwhile trying to take a selfie in a deep pond. with the sound of not wanting to fall. In 2018, five people when a helicopter that had been flying above Manhattan for them to take shoe selfies a picture of shoes dangling above the skyline - crashed. These days taking selfies is a favorite pastime around the world. In January 2020, Madalyn Davis, 21,plunged 100ft after climbing over a fence to pose for a sunrise photoin Diamond Bay near Sydney, Australia. Our need to capture the present moment via social media has completely changed the way we experience life, and a tragic irony presents itself when that results in death. The lake is considered safe for snorkeling, with only scuba diving off-limits to tourists not because of the jellyfish, but due to high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide in the water. She received an electric shock and fell to her death. But stories of fatalities, like the teen who fell to his death from a rooftop mall, don't seem to be stopping people from acting like hotshots on social media. But the following shots, we think, took things too far. A Polish couple living in Portugal with their two young children stumbled off a cliff edge while trying to take a selfie. According to data compiled by Mashable, only eight people were known to have been killed by a shark that year. In 2018, five people when a helicopter that had been flying above Manhattan for them to take shoe selfies a picture of shoes dangling above the skyline - crashed. Copyright 2023 Penske Business Media, LLC. We get it, Horseshoe Bend is a stunning photo backdrop. Remember, you cant get likes if youre not alive. The World Animal Protection organization has started a campaign advocating that people stop taking selfies with wild animals, as seen here in Thailand. But more people have died taking selfies than were killed by sharks. As the world emerges from COVID-19-related isolation, selfie-related fatalities have skyrocketed. By A man fell to his death at the Grand Canyon in April, but that didn't deter this man from snatching a selfie. The bear quickly attacked and despite attempts tointervene Bhataraperished on the spot. The former Soviet Unionhad to issue selfie guidelines after citizens wounded themselves with self-inflicted gunshots, pulling pins out of grenades and touching live wires. Eagle Point is a popular spot along Grand Canyon West, but most tourists don't get this close to the edge. He was detained and interviewed but not arrested, according to local media reports. "I have spent a lot of time in the water gaining experience. The country also saw 48 people injured when they were taking selfies during a bakery fire in Chennai. By Elisha Fieldstadt, Christina Capatides, Updated on: May 16, 2019 / 6:01 PM No big surprise here: "Roofies" can be fatal. As a matter of fact, we do. But read the Instagram caption, and you'll see that he's actually advocating for responsible behavior. Ervin Punkar climbs to great heights to take captivating selfies. . After reading through these stories of people who were injured while taking a selfie, youll start to wonder how someone could be so careless. Put down your phone and read through this list of people who died while trying to take a selfie. 'However, the evidence, on balance (combined with people and animals dying! The following year, a 32-year-old Spaniard was gored to death when he entered the running area to snap a selfie. 'If the last 18 months have taught us anything, it's that being able to get out and explore is vital for our physical and mental health,' Walter said. This man took a selfie as a speeding train passed by, with a friend videotaping the entire thing. Oh good. And frankly, we're disturbed. This volcano has been erupting continuously for several hundred years. The Daily Telegraph notes that Aguilar's Facebook profile was full of snaps showing him posing alongside drinks, cars and women. Another reason to stop taking pictures with wild animals. 10- Last Selfie On a Plane Jenni Rivera was a famous singer for Mexican music and her sudden death in a plane crash on December 9th, 2012 shocked everyone. Between 2011 and 2017, 259 people were reported killed worldwide in selfie-related incidents. Signs at Birling Gap warn that dangling on the edge is 'incredibly dangerous' as there are giant cracks in the chalk that could give way at any moment. The 21-year-old Mexican had been drinking with friends when he decided to take a picture with the weapon, which discharged, fatally injuring him. The shocking incident occurred after Sofia Cheung, 32, and three friends. Here are more daredevil selfies that need to be seen to be believed. Tourists are most often reported taking dangerous selfies, but experts said employees who work in high-risk environments are also guilty of putting themselves in harms way. What friend thought taking a photo of a friend goofing off like this for a photo was a good idea? Other selfie accidents include mum -of-two Carmen Greenway, 41,who was also killed just moments after taking a smilingselfie on her bike in in London. Remember, folks: The ocean is unpredictable! This pic from Yekaterinburg, Russia, is dizzying and more than a little alarming. Earlier this year we reported a girl in India taking selfies drowned when she was accidentally knocked into a river by an oblivious tourist. The chopper came down in the East River and they drowned as a result of not being able to take off harnesses that kept them tied to the doorless aircraft so they could take their pictures. And here, Lau poses above Shenzhen, China. Next time you are setting up a thermal camera to record lava lake activity, you might as well snap a quick selfie. "It was one hell of a ninja mission and about a 30 minutes to climb to the top," Punkar told CBS News. Cliff edges are a natural place to take a selfie but they are also sadly the scene of deaths. ', Walters pointed out the statistics don't account for the thousands of non-fatal injuries that take place each year in the pursuit of 'likes.'. will gonna miss your chat every day. Here, he takes a selfie from high above Shanghai, China, with fellow stuntman Erik Biedron. How did Vladimir Putin lose half of Russia's elite paratroopers? Apart from injuries, fatalities and tastelessness, one big issue with selfies appears to be their function as either a cause or consequence of narcissism. Photographer Nadia Aly took this selfie with tons of jellyfish as she was scuba diving in the appropriately-named Jellyfish Lake in Palau, Oceania. Some might even say too dangerous. This is just one of many gasp-inducing pictures snapped by Daniel Lau, one of the world's most well-known daredevil photographers. Oh, wait. Thanks for contacting us. We're having a heart attack! A Brief History of Pro-Gun Rallies at Sites of Mass Shooting, Third Man Accused of Child Marriage in Utah Sex Cult, Alex MurdaughCalled 'Family Annihilator' by Prosecution in Murder Trial, Fresh Controversy for Ja Morant as NBA Star Is Accused of Assaulting Teen, Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe Review: A Candy-Coated Balm for the Soul, NYPD's Violent Tactics During 2020 Protests Will Cost New York City, Tax Payers Millions, People Are Getting Pregnant on TikToks Trendy 'On-Demand' Birth Control, Jason Derulo Pens First Book 'Sing Your Name Out Loud', Wizkid More Love, Less Ego Tour Postponed to Fall 2023, How to Watch 'The Mandalorian' Online: Stream Season 3 Now. The Brazilian tourism board actually challenged travel blogger and photographer Lee Thompson to take this selfie from the top of Rio's Christ the Redeemer statue. On Instagram, he'll often share details about the lengths he goes to get the perfect, completely dangerous shot. Writing for Psychology Today, Peter Gray describes narcissism as 'an inflated view of the self, coupled with a relative indifference to others.'. In this photo, the skyscrapers of Hong Kong set the shocking scene. Cheungs not the first to perish while snapping an ill-advised pic. Scuba diver and photographerAaron Gekoski poses with oceanic black tip sharks. The shocking incident occurred after Sofia Cheung, 32, and three friends embarked on a trip to Ha Pak Lai park around 11 a.m. Saturday, the Sun reported. But did you know it can turn deadly? 20:42 GMT 04 Oct 2021. I love you always. In July, Chinese crane operator Xiao Qiumeifell 160 feet to her death filming a video for her 100,000 followers on social media. Two Brits died after a 30ft fall as they tried to take a selfie on Spains Costa Blanca in 2019. That happened," Nash wrote on Instagram. The caption read, Better Days are coming. At this point, almost everyone has taken out their smartphone to snap a photo of themselves. Other causes of selfie-related deaths include animals, firearms and electrocution, the newspaper adds. You dont want to end up in intensive care, or worse, just because you had to get the perfect picture. "Most dangerous selfie ever. These two young women took this selfie on an airstrip in Mexico in March 2017. The leading cause of death-by-selfie was drowning, says the Washington Post, followed by incidents involving transportation - for example, taking a selfie in front of an oncoming train - and falling from heights. The study found a steep rise in selfie deaths, from two in 2011 to 98 in 2016, USA Today reports. Many of these extreme selfies have led to the people taking the photographs to be left in critical condition, or worse, to perish fromthe act. Some 62 people have died or been hurt on tracks, 38 on cliffs and 24 on rivers, figures compiled by using media reports from around the world reveal. When it comes to locations, the most common one for a selfie death or injury is a railway line. This photo taken in New York City is part of a trend known as skywalking or roofing" many travelers, usually young men, are scaling tall buildings to take stomach-churning selfies. India has seen the most selfie deaths by far, with over 180 since 2011. They were rushed to a district hospital in the province, but Farhan died that night due to excessive bleeding. Sure, keeping your face covered seems super important here. ), suggests there is little to celebrate about the craze.'. When it comes to locations, the most common one for a selfie death or injury is a railway line. This counts as a selfie if you consider the person taking a picture of their feet. He did and, thankfully, survived to tell the tale. The facts speak for themselves. This French skier got a great shot, but did he land on his feet? Punkar poses atop a building in Tallinn, Estonia. Her friend said they were drinking and did not see the approaching train on the other track. A teenage boy in India shot himself in the head while posing for a selfie with his father's .32 caliber pistol. Craze to capture the perfect self portrait is leading people to go to ever more extreme lengths, 'Death by selfie' is on the rise with 43 people killed every year taking risky vanity snaps (and millennial MEN are the most likely to die), King Charles hosts von der Leyen at Windsor Castle, AFA president gives passionate rant speaking about student debt, Gabor Mat: No Jewish state without oppressing local population, Amplified jet stream could lead to 'disruptive snow in places', Dashcam captures moment two cars collide on a roundabout, Putin orders intelligence service to find 'scum' who oppose him, Isabel Oakeshott receives 'menacing' message from Matt Hancock, Child reads from sexually explicit book at Maine school board meeting, Woman appears to fake injury while arguing with tradie next door. "I could sit there for hours.". Thomas describes himself as an "urban explorer.". Three countries stand out as having the most selfie deaths injuries India, which has seen 176 related to taking selfies, the United States with 26 and Russia with 19. For other inquiries, Contact Us. Two Brits died after a 30ft fall as they tried to take a selfie on Spains Costa Blanca in 2019. The Sun website is regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), Our journalists strive for accuracy but on occasion we make mistakes. Sports reporter Kelly Nash was taking selfies at during a 2013 batting practice when a ball whizzed by her head. Unfortunately, a landing plane's wing struck their heads, and they were both fatally injured, according to media reports. Just one of the most dangerous sea animals. Sitting on the edge is less advisable. The unnamed pair fell hundreds of feet from the scenic Cabo da Raca coastline, after apparently crossing a safety barrier in their quest for a striking picture. People really don't seem to be afraid of volcanoes. This selfie-snapper took pride in taking his picture while driving, saying he was merely "clowning around." There have already been 24 reported deaths associated with daredevils looking for the perfect self-portrait, compared to just seven in 2020. Lots of hikers at Horseshoe Bend, Arizona, want to nab the perfect selfie. A 21 year-old man was killed when he climbed onto the top of a stationary train to take a selfie with friends and accidentally touched a high-voltage power cable running overhead. While Using A Selfie Stick, A Man Falls From A 100-Foot Cliff Recipe: Ayurvedic Jewish penicillin by Dr Rupy Aujla, Sunaks Brexit deal explained in five points, Ten Things You Need to Know Today: 2 March 2023. The 32-year-old was shooting her self-portrait when she slipped off a rock near the Tsing Dai river in Tuen Mun and fell over a steep drop into the 16-foot deep pool below. Yep, these selfie-takers really aren't selling the whole active volcano thing. Alligators can run 20 miles per hour. The amount of young people who have passedwhiletaking a selfie is staggering. Pictures like this prove that dangerous selfies constitute one of the dumbest tourist behaviors ever. TFW a bear could viciously maul you at any moment. People Who Tragically Died While Trying to Take a Selfie. The Maritime and Coastguard Agency chastised these photo-takers, saying, "No selfie is worth risking your life for.". "It could've bit his neck, and that would have been it. But when taken in dangerous circumstances, selfies can also be deadly. Some 62 people have died or been hurt on tracks, 38 on cliffs and 24 on rivers, figures compiled by using media reports from around the world reveal. 18:29 GMT 04 Oct 2021 Drowning, falls, fires and automobile accidents were among the leading causes of death, according. News Group Newspapers Limited in England No. We know this snowboarding selfie was shot with a virtual reality camera, but those trees look awfully close. Researchers at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi found 259 people died while attempting to take a photograph of themselves in 137 separate incidents around the world between October 2011 and November 2017. If you want to take an amazing selfie, absolutely go for it. At the end of last year, Guilherme Chiapetti, 22, suffered multiple fractures and traumatic brain injuries after hitting his head at Cachoeira da Ona, a taking a selfie at beauty spot in Brazil. This service is provided on News Group Newspapers' Limited's Standard Terms and Conditions in accordance with our Privacy & Cookie Policy. And, in a harrowing incident last year, a Kazakhstan woman died after plummeting over 100 feet off a cliff in Turkey while posing for a photo to commemorate the end of the local coronavirus lockdown. Cheung, who only had about 6,000 followers on Instagram at the time of her death, frequently posted pictures from risky locales. like the teen who fell to his death from a rooftop mall. In August 2014, Toronto-based storm chaserGeorge Kourounissnapped this selfie in front of an active volcano. Maybe this scary photo will convince you to stop following dangerous selfie-takers so they will stop taking these risks? The chopper came down in the East River and they drowned as a result of not being able to take off harnesses that kept them tied to the doorless aircraft so they could take their pictures. Men in the sample who posted a greater number of selfies were more likely to show evidence of narcissism. It is important that you get specific training before just jumping in the water with sharks. Ever since cellphones started coming with a camera, the most popular thing to do has been to take a selfie, a picture of yourself, and post in on Instagram, Twitter, and/or Facebook. The never-ending pursuit of the ultimate shot for social media sharing has reached a startling new height: 8,000 feet above sea level. In recent years, Russia in particular has seen an influx in young thrill-seekers taking dangerous selfies. The caption for this Instagram shot, translated to English, says it all: "What some people would not do for a selfie.". Sports selfies are on the rise, as well. England and Wales company registration number 2008885, Subscribe to TheWeek. Experts say as social media evolves people are willing to put themselves in more and more dangerous situations. Know what you know; It's futile to predict the economy and interest rates; You have plenty of time to identify and recognize exceptional companies; Avoid long shots; Good management is very important - buy good businesses; Be flexible and humble, and learn from mistakes Researchers used reports in English-language news outlets to tally the number of deaths, meaning that the true number could be even higher when accounting for incidents that may not have been reported in the anglophone media. In January 2017, YouTuber and stuntman CassOnline posted a GoPro selfie video atop London's Tower Bridge. Luckily, the ball missed her head, and she could laugh at the close call. For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click this link:, Guilherme Chiapetti died taking a selfie at a beauty spot in Brazil, Nirupama Prajapati moments before she was knocked into the water, Cyclist Carmen Greenaway moments before she hit a bump in the road, Three members of the same family drowned in a deep pond taking a selfie, Madalyn Davis died taking selfie in Australia, A helicopter crashed while carrying people for 'shoe selfies', Chilling moment killer husband lures pregnant wife to rocky cliff edge for selfie before pushing her off', Worlds deadly selfie addiction revealed as 330 people are killed in cliff plunges, electrocutions and drownings, Frogmore eviction shows King Charles has drawn a line with Harry - now he must do two more things with the spoilt brat, Harry's vicious attacks on Camilla could not be forgiven by King Charles - he had to hit back, Constance Marten: Baby's body found after massive police search, as cops question runaway aristocrat & Mark Gordon, Rishi Sunak to finally unveil delayed small boats law next week after Brexit win, Ministers vow to never use draconian spy law to jail journalists, plunged 100ft after climbing over a fence to pose for a sunrise photo, Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). Tourist destinations such as Mumbai have gone so far as to designate selfie-free zones. Three people were gored at the 2019 running of the bulls, without taking selfies, so maybe snapping a pic while fleeing isn't the wisest? The intrepid gal had frequently posted pics of herself posing on the edges of steep cliffs to her Instagram account, where she included the tagline, Life should be fun not dumb., Cheungs last-ever Instagram pic, from July 9, depicted the bombshell sitting in the surf while holding a boogie board. Always make your living doing something you enjoy. 'It's important, now more than ever, to reflect on the risks we are willing to take, and if a selfie is really worth losing your life over,' he said. But death by selfie at a temple built for human sacrifice begs the question: How far would you go to get that killer shot? THE deadly passion for selfies has now claimed the lives of 330 people across the globe, shocking new figures show. 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