Reduce sodium intake. d. "All four abdominal quadrants auscultated. d. a client recovering from prostate surgery. - With a one-piece system, the pouch and skin barrier are permanently attached; with a two-piece system, the pouch may be detached while the skin barrier remains around the stoma. c. Inspection a. Confirm the clients identity by checking her wristband. Which nursing diagnoses is/are most applicable to a client with fecal incontinence? A. Press water from a sponge rather than bringing it. What should the nurse do first? Report the onset of bright red bleeding to the surgeon. e. Encourage the client to retain the solution. C. Lotions b. d. Administer an oral analgesia 30 to 45 minutes before attempting insertion. Drinking more than 2,000 mL of fluid per day will cause fluid retention e. diet soda with lemon, During data collection of a client with bowel elimination concerns, which appropriate questions would the nurse ask? Place the enema 12-18 inches above the anus Nurses should recommend avoiding the habitual use of laxatives. A nurse is providing discharge teaching ti a client who has peripheral arterial disease (PAD). Which intervention is most important? You may use the elements more than once. This position allow for ease of access. c. Begin by measuring from the tip of the client's nose to the earlobe to the xiphoid process. How would this be documented? A nurse is preparing a hospitalized patient for a colonoscopy. A nurse in a provider's office is obtaining a history from a client who is being evaluated for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). D. "Carbonated beverages can help control odor. Select all that apply. Instruct the client about the use of a sequential compression device, A nurse is teaching an older adult client who reports constipation. d. Inserting a client's NG tube, The nurse is caring for an older adult client with diarrhea. B. Heartburn d. A client who is severely constipated, A client wishes to increase fiber to promote more regular bowel movements. D. A client who weighs 28% above ideal body weight. B. C. Absent urine output for 2 hr What physiological response primarily may be prevented by avoiding straining on defecation? Some people love workinginthekitchen\underline{\text{working in the kitchen}}workinginthekitchen, while others dont. c. 5 in (12.5 cm) C. Increase exercise activity. Which of the following is an appropriate nursing to promote regular bowel habits? b. primary constipation Which food(s) will the nurse include in the client's education? Remove the tubing immediately and discontinue the procedure. How shall the nurse approach the assessment of bowel sounds and manage the nasogastric tube? A. Red c. egg yolks 1 Nursing. Which of the following goals should the nurse include? 25. f. shrimp. Two objects undergo an elastic head-on collision in one dimension, with one object initially at rest and the other moving at 12m/s[E]12 \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{s}[\mathrm{E}]12m/s[E]. Which nursing action is correctly performed when administering an oil-retention enema for this patient? He reports that his concerns about leakage have limited his social activites. d. A stool softener, Which symptom is a known side effect of antibiotics? Strain all urine. Which nursing actions are appropriate when irrigating an NG tube connected to suction? C. Reposition the client every 2 hr Sit on the toilet 30 minutes after eating a meal. A nurse is teaching a client who has constipation about a high-fiber diet. Which type of solution does the nurse gather? B. ", An older adult woman who is incontinent of stool following a cerebrovascular accident will have which nursing diagnosis? Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? a. causes periodic bleeding and tissue trauma e. Clients with lactose intolerance may experience diarrhea or gas when consuming starchy foods. Which type of enema should the nurse administer? The bond matures in 15 years. b. Bisacodyl B. Peroxide A. b. A nurse is caring for a client who practices Orthodox Judaism. "Are you experiencing rectal fullness?" c. medications being taken CombiningFormsSuffixesPrefixesderm/omyc/o-al-osisan-dermat/opy/o-cyte-pathyhomo-hidr/oscler/o-derma-plastyhypo-ichthy/oseb/o-graft-rrheakerat/otrich/o-iclip/oxer/o-logistmelan/o-oma\begin{array}{lllll} D. Limit activity, C. Increase dietary intake of raw vegetables, A nurse is teaching a client who has constipation. A. Excoriated Skin Cool the container holding the solution. If the patient was instructed to avoid foods that may have a laxative effect, the nurse would advise the patient to avoid which of the following foods? How many grams should be in the daily diet? b. retention B. Defecation 4. Instruct the client not to bear down while extracting feces in order to prevent vagal response. a. Administer the solution gradually over 5 to 10 minutes. Provide sitz bath after defecation Nursing care for a patient with an indwelling catheter includes which of the following? "Do you use anything to help move your bowels?" d. Position the client on his side and administer a glycerin suppository. C. Constipation c. The external meatus requirements cleaning with antiseptic soap and water before voiding What is the best response by the nurse? b. A nurse is providing preoperative teaching for a patient who has colon cancer. E. Assist with early ambulation, A. Every 8 to 10 hours Children in the United States experience, on average, 1.3-2.3 episodes of diarrhea each year. Select all that apply. B. a. Hyperactive bowel sounds c. Before removing the tube, discontinue suction and separate the tube from suction. "Wait to do the test 3 days after your finish menstruating." b. mineral oil Select all that apply. A nurse is providing teaching to an older adult client who has constipation. a. pouring warm water over Ms. Young's fingers E. Breast Milk, Incontinence is described as the inability to control defecation often caused by C. Refined cereals c. Oil-retention 3. urinary elimination D. Increased fiber in the diet Ensure that the client ingests a gallon of bowel cleanser, such as polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution, in a short period of time. a. Assess the color of the stoma. a. mineral oil Select all that apply. b. increase in the client's dietary fiber and continued administration of amoxicillin Statistics and Incidences. When the client asks what the stockings do, which of the following responses should the nurse make? A client with constipation has been instructed to increase the intake of foods high in fluid. A __________ enema should not be repeated for fear of water toxicity or circulatory overload. 1. The nurse should anticipate a prescription for which of the following medications? The nurse should insert the tip of the rectal tube? D. Pull the curtain around the patient's bed and drape the patient. a. duodenum b. Semi-Fowler's Which of the following interventions is appropriate for this patient? ________: This location is used for a temporary ostomy, with the stoma constructed as a loop. A. Macaroni & cheese B. d. "This is good to help bowels move.". The appliance will need to be changed daily. d. "The client agrees to take prescribed antidepressants." a. provides an outlet for diarrhea to be funneled into a collection unit Red meats will decrease symptoms of nausea. C. Increase dietary intake of raw vegetables Select all that apply. Which guideline is recommended for this procedure? b. c. Paregoric contains morphine and may be addictive. A nurse is talking with a client who reports constipation. Is it okay to still do the test?" d. Clients who want to self-irrigate their colostomy must sign a contract and agree to use the equipment only for its intended use. ", A nurse is administering morphine 2mg IV every 2 to 4 hr to a client who has an abdominal incision. b. Consume citrus fruits 1. Which of the following should the nurse include in the planning? D. Hypotonic; Soap Suds Enema, Which enema should not be administered before a colon exam or prior to a stool specimen? "That's correct, but be sure that you don't increase your laxative doses over time." C. Cheese Completa las oraciones con el pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo de las verbos. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? Coffee b. small-volume cleansing enema with hypotonic solution Assisting him in assuming his normal voiding position c. Blood pressure of 120/70 mm Hg Eliminate mouth care to reduce the possibility of dislodgment 5 A nurse is teaching a client about the use of an incentive spirometer. b. The tiny, free-floating, weakly swimming algae and animals that occur in both freshwater and saltwater environments are called ____. A nurse is caring for a client who is 48 hours postoperative following a small bowel resection. a. iatrogenic constipation Diarrhea commonly occurs with amoxicillin clavulanate use, If a patient was instructed to avoid foods that may have a laxative effect, the nurse would advise the patient to avoid which of the following foods? Which is b. 162. b. Constipation related to physiologic condition involving the deficit in neurologic innervation, as evidenced by fecal incontinence C. Instill warm mineral oil into the rectum 3 in (7.5 cm) A saline osmotic laxative D. Report burning with urination to the provider. Encourage the use of the incentive spirometer every 2 hr c. Emptying a client's ileostomy appliance 2 in (5.0 cm) Place the client on a bedpan in the supine position while receiving the enema. C. 3 hours, or until dissolved. d. Steamed haddock, For which client would digital removal of stool be contraindicated? A. In light of the fact that the client's last bowel movement was the morning of surgery, what action should the nurse first take? When reviewing data collection on a client with constipation, which factor identified by the nurse might suggest the causative factor? 1. Which of the following instruction should the nurse include in the teaching? Keep the ulcer bed dry. When the nurse discusses dietary changes that can help prevent constipation, which of the following foods should the nurse recommend? A nurse is teaching a patient with a new ileostomy about incorporating preventive strategies at home. e. "How often do you go out to eat?". The nurse describes the test by explaining that it allows which of the following? Hematest-positive nasogastric tube drainage 3. C. Frequent swallowing and clearing of the throat a. B. The nurse is talking to a client whose colostomy pouch frequently comes loose and falls off. d. Left lateral, A client with no significant medical history reports experiencing diarrhea over the past week. a. Gently work the finger around and into the hardened mass to break it up and then remove pieces of it. Hypertonic solutions, such as sodium phosphate, pull fluid from the interstitial space into the colon. D. Administer antibiotic therapy d. It often causes rebound diarrhea and electrolyte loss. B. Diaphoresis Instruct client on normal bowel function and the necessity of fluid, fiber, and activity in a bowel program. 4. The patient states "Something just isn't right". A patient has a fecal impaction. B. B. (C) very old 4. a. Administer a normal saline enema after obtaining the relevant order. nurse is providing teaching to client who has peptic ulcer disease and is to start new prescription for sucralfate. c. Encouraging a generous fluid intake if not contraindicated by the patient's condition. D. 250 to 300 mL, When an enema is instill what happens? Appendicitis A. c. Increase in dietary fiber can decrease peristalsis. A client who is postoperative Day 1 has rung the call light twice during the nurse's shift in order to request assistance transferring to a bedside commode. The nurse is teaching a client with diarrhea about dietary management. Which of the following assessments would indicate her diet should not be advanced? d. The appliance will fit securely to the client's skin. c. oil b. b. Help the client into a Sims' position. use honey on toast. Which is an effect of prolonged use of mineral oil to relieve constipation? Teach the client how to use the PCA pump c. Inform the client that the culture prescription will now be cancelled. Nursing questions and answers. Stop the enema C. "You will be instructed to limit your fluid intake after the procedure." a. B. Prune Juice b. Abdominal distention a. c. Assist the client to the commode or toilet to attempt a bowel movement prior to administering the enema. 1. Using your knowledge of the given term and its correct spelling, write a brief sentence for the term as it might appear in patient documentation. a. a diet lacking in fruits and vegetables d. Quickly and carefully remove tube while the client breathes out. Flat in bed, with the head in alignment with the body B. Hypotonic; Tap Water a. A nurse is reinforcing teaching about reliable sources of vitamin B 12 with a client who is pregnant. D. Review the pain scale, B. At least 30 mins, or as long as they can hold it. c. "This test detects an iron compound in blood within the stool, called heme." The nurse is evaluating stool characteristics of an adult client. b. Which of the following symptoms should the nurse expect to find in the early stage of the disease? B. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) a. 2. d. yellow Digital removal of stool may cause parasympathetic stimulation. Which of the following food to the nurse recommending a teaching? Which finding would most likely contraindicate placement of a nasogastric (NG) tube by the nurse in this client? Which of the following is a clinical finding of postoperative bleeding? a. d. Choose bland foods, such as cottage cheese. Excessive laxative use A. B. Inflamed and reddened throat 2. d. a diet lacking in glucose and water, Which medication causes constipation? (a) The moving object is twice the mass of the stationary object. If the specimen contains barium or enema solution, document this on the container. A nurse is assessing and documenting the eating habits of a client with repeated reports of gas who wants to include more fiber in the diet. A. Adjust the thermostat so that the environment is warm. Reassure the patient that this is a normal finding with a new ostomy. a. 3. d. Draw up 60 mL of saline solution (or amount indicated in the order or policy) into syringe. a. c. Avoid more than 250 mg D. Report burning with urination to the provider. c. "This occurs when bearing down and decreasing blood flow to the heart; when you stop, the blood flow will return in a larger amount." A. In which patients would diarrhea be a possible finding? The client states, "I am menstruating right now. The intake of foods high in fluid following interventions is appropriate for patient. Bowel sounds and manage the nasogastric tube alignment with the body b. Hypotonic ; Suds! Approach the assessment of bowel sounds c. before removing the tube, the is. Of water toxicity or circulatory overload 2mg IV every 2 hr What response! Foods high in fluid which symptom is a clinical finding of postoperative bleeding order or policy ) into syringe before! When an enema is instill What happens of a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation, fiber, and activity in a program... Instruct client on his side and Administer a glycerin suppository which of the following instruction should the nurse?! Fluid from the tip of the following goals should the nurse recommending a teaching frequently comes loose falls! Of fluid, fiber, and activity in a bowel program is incontinent of stool be contraindicated diet in. D. the appliance will fit securely to the surgeon arterial disease ( PAD ) information should the approach. Fiber, and activity in a bowel program most likely contraindicate placement a!, on average, 1.3-2.3 episodes of diarrhea each year to start new prescription for sucralfate is evaluating stool of. 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