See the first code sample below. Exports a specified set of pages to a multipage PDF document for a map document (.mxd) that has Data Driven Pages enabled, Returns a Data Driven Pages index value based on the name of the page, Prints specific pages from a Data Driven Pages-enabled map document (.mxd) to a specified printer, Refreshes an existing Data Driven Pages series. The Data Driven Pages setup provides three optional fields that you can use to further customize your pages. A number that controls compression quality value when image_compression is set to ADAPTIVE or JPEG. A jpeg_compression_quality of 100 provides the best quality images but creates large export files. The longest vertical length of the feature is 150 km. Data Driven Pages must first be enabled and authored within a map document ( .mxd) using the Data Driven Pages toolbar in ArcMap before it can be referenced with arcpy.mapping. See Create a bookmark map series for information on the required and optional properties for a bookmark map series. Other points of measurement may be larger than the specified fit. Here is a breakdown of page index, page number (dynamic text), and page number with count (dynamic text) for a map series of 10 maps and the starting page number set at 4. . Create beautiful maps that tell your story, visualize your data, and enhance . You can use the geoprocessing Calculate Adjacent Fields tool to create the data you can use to label adjacent pages. The following script prints a specific set of Data Driven Pages to a local printer: You will want to use the refresh method if one of the following occurs: (1) features are added to or deleted from your index layer; (2) edits are made to the Sort or Name field values; (3) the data frame extent is changed due to zooming, panning, or change to map scale; or (4) edits are made to any field being used by Data Driven Pages for an index layer feature that is driving the current geographic extent. This list includes fields from a table joined to the index layer. There is a dynamic table called the Graphic Table Element that is part of this extension that works well in conjunction with data driven pages. LZW Lempel-Ziv-Welch, a lossless data compression. Figure 10: Collating the Legislative District Atlas. Here is an example of the path to the WGS 1984 projection file: The last way to apply spatial reference is to use factory codes. These include short integer, long integer, double, and text. These fields must be an attribute of the index layer or field from a table that is joined to the index layer. You may want to create Data Driven Pages, based on a route, such as a highway, or along a river as seen in the strip map example below. The mapping platform for your organization, Free template maps and apps for your industry. For example, you might see "14 of 20". Data Driven Pages must first be enabled and authored within a map document (.mxd) using the Data Driven Pages toolbar in ArcMap before it can be referenced with arcpy.mapping. This list includes fields from a table joined to the index layer. This list includes fields from a table joined to the Index Layer. LAYERS_AND_ATTRIBUTES Export PDF layers and feature attributes. You cannot use a layer from another data frame, another map document, or a stand-alone layer file (.lyr) as an index layer. Geoprocessing functionality includes the ability to calculate coordinate system information, such as the central meridian and UTM zone, calculate the rotation angle for true north, and create and populate fields to label adjacent pages. These pages define the map extents for the example map book above. A feature layer, or index layer, divides the map into sections based on each index feature in the layer and generates one page per index feature. Here is an example of a spatial reference string for geographic coordinate system WGS 1984: GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]]. The following script will export only the selected index pages (pages 1-10) out to individual PDF files. The following script exports each page of a Data Driven Pages series into an individual PNG file. Using an index layer representing a grid, you can easily create a series of pages of equal area that cover the town as shown below. The script loops through each named page and sets the currentPageID accordingly. This drop-down menu displays a list of layers from Detail Data Frame. This value is displayed in the Data Driven Pages toolbar when Show Page is selected; it represents the y of x of y. Returns a reference to the index layer in a Data Driven Pages enabled map document. You can also use the Calculate Grid Convergence Angle geoprocessing tool to create values that can be used to rotate the map to true north for each map page in your series. Thanks for contributing an answer to Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange! Often, these values also match the order in which you want to sort your pages. For information on general printing in web applications see Printing in web applications. You should see a message box when creating Data Driven Pages and the index layer has more than 2,000 features. An integer that defines the resolution of the export file in dots per inch (dpi). The map book example above specifies each map should be at a scale of 1:50,000. It may not be obvious which index value represents a specific page. You need to incorporate a number of files to get this final product. When you enable the map series again, the properties are still set. This layer contains features that define the extent of the main data frame for each page in the series. If the value is negative, the rotation is clockwise. The trick was that on each page, the match lines were all shown at 90 degrees and about 1 inch from the left and right margins - on every page. To add the Data Driven Pages toolbar click Customize > Toolbars > Data Driven Pagesor click the Display Data Driven Pages toolbar button on the Layout toolbar. A string that defines output image quality. No other data is needed to re-create this map series. If a value is null, Data Driven Pages uses the scale value of the previous page. Or you could convert your map polygons to polylines and do the same. (They have a catchment attribute). Or, you can apply the formatting tag Page to an existing text element. The Data Driven Pages setup provides three optional fields that you can use to further customize your pages. One of these documents is the map with the Data Driven Pages for the 10 map features. This is expected. , . By default, all pages are exported into a single, multipage document. Margins specified in map or page units are also measured from the edge of the data frame to the closest point of the index feature. Or, you can apply the formatting tag Page or to an existing text element. You have three different ways to apply spatial references in Data Driven Pages. You create and customize new Data Driven Pages using the Setup Data Driven Pages dialog box. It then extracts the value from a field in the index layer called TRS. A string that defines output image quality. This option is only valid when page numbers are calculated internally. This check box needs to be checked to create, view, and utilize Data Driven Pages. 542), How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. However there is a workaround that can roughly do it. The extents are defined by the features in a layer and are sometimes called tiles, sections, or areas of interest (AOI). For example, you may want to create a map book, or map series, of a town's parcels. Cara membuat peta per lahan sekaligus dan ekspor secara otomatis dengan fitur Data Driven Page di ArcGIS.Salin contoh kode python untuk ekspor peta di sini:h. It next parses the values, strips away leading zeros, reconstructs the text element title string, and sends the results to a printer. Returns a field object that represents the field used in the index feature class when setting up Data Driven Pages. There are two geoprocessing tools available from the Data Driven Pages toolset in the Cartography toolbox to help you create an index layer: Grid Index Features and Strip Map Index Features. It only takes a minute to sign up. At the other end of the axis, and along the horizontal, you will see margins greater than 50 km. The index layer can also be used to define a number of other things that can be added to the maps, including the page name, page number, map scale, rotation angle of the data frame, and coordinate system. In this case, the map document can still be authored with Data Driven Pages enabled, and arcpy.mapping can handle the custom text element string requirements. The ListPrinterNames() function is an easy way to get the string for the printer_name parameter. I received Jim's images and can see that this is a sophisticated requirement. If you're using a Windows printer, use a .prn extension. This is what I do, draw them manually in a separate layer. The index layer contains the data that drives the creation of the pages in the series hence the name Data Driven Pages. Yes, you can. You enter 4 in the Starting Page Number text box on the Data Driven Pages Setup dialog box. The default Data Frame for Data Driven Pages is the active data frame. Page index is also reflected in the export dialog box. Learn how to use ArcMap's Data Driven Page functionality to create map books and atlases. For example, you may want to create a map book, or map series, of a town's parcels. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? This template shows how an entire map book can be created and collated in ArcGIS. The page name can be displayed on the Data Driven Pages toolbar. By default, the active data frame is chosen. Exports a specified set of pages to a multipage PDF document for a map document (.mxd) that has Data Driven Pages enabled, Returns a Data Driven Pages index value based on the name of the page, Prints specific pages from a Data Driven Pages-enabled map document (.mxd) to a specified printer, Refreshes an existing Data Driven Pages series. In many cases, you may want to apply your own page number values. #example values from a field called TSR are "080102", "031400", '"PageNumber" >= 1 AND "PageNumber" <= 10', exportToPDF (out_pdf, {page_range_type}, {page_range_string}, {multiple_files}, {resolution}, {image_quality}, {colorspace}, {compress_vectors}, {image_compression}, {picture_symbol}, {convert_markers}, {embed_fonts}, {layers_attributes}, {georef_info}, {jpeg_compression_quality}, {show_selection_symbology}), printPages ({printer_name}, {page_range_type}, {page_range_string}, {out_print_file}, {show_selection_symbology}). create and customize new Data Driven Pages, Legislative District Atlas of Massachusetts, Coming Soon: New Technical Support Site Experience. The page number can be based on field values of the index layer. See the following help topic: This can also drive a dynamic text element in the layout. LZW Lempel-Ziv-Welch, a lossless data compression. This can be a file local to your machine or a file on a network. Image compression is defined separately. This value is displayed in the Data Driven Pages toolbar when Show Page is selected; it represents the x of x of y. By choosing the Data Driven Scale option, the map scale of the detail data frame for each page in the Data Driven Pages series is data driven. Matchlines with Data Driven Pages in ArcGIS,, How to label adjacent pages in data driven pages, The open-source game engine youve been waiting for: Godot (Ep. Select the Name Field from the list in the Name Field drop-down menu. One way is to use the entire spatial reference string. In many cases, you will want the first map in your map book to be on the page after page 1. You can also use points and lines as long as you use a feature layer. Each page in the map series needs a name, and the names are taken from this field. I've produced strip maps long before DDP but can't picture what you mean. The data comes from the USA Topographic map service available at ArcGIS Online. However, setting this parameter to True disables font embedding for all character-based marker symbols, which can result in a change in their appearance. This customizable script is provided in the template. A Boolean that enables exporting of coordinate system information for each data frame into the output PDF file. This requires that the data frame be rotated. Why do we kill some animals but not others? You can equate the following data-driven pages terms with product library terms: Once imported, the product's instances and AOIs can then be searched, displayed, and selected using the Product Library tree view. There may be cases where you want to use specific spatial references for specific pages in your map series. When Data Driven Pages are enabled, you have the option to print or export the current page, all pages, or a specific range of pages. The extents are defined by the features in a layer and are sometimes called tiles, sections, or areas of interest (AOI). In summary, I have a DD map series whose index was created with the default ArcGIS tools. The factory code for geographic coordinate system WGS 1984 is 4326. For example, I made the cover page for the map book in ArcMap using graphic as well as data elements, and arcpy was used to collate the book into a single PDF document. Static elements stay the same. Font embedding allows text and character markers to be displayed correctly when the document is viewed on a computer that does not have the necessary fonts installed. A Boolean that controls the conversion of character-based marker symbols to polygons. By default, all pages are exported into a single, multipage document. Yes, there is. Do EMC test houses typically accept copper foil in EUT? RASTERIZE_PICTURE Rasterize layers with any picture markers/fills. There is no default spatial reference. An option to control how the output PDF is created. 2: Use of Page Definition Query:At the larger scales this template shows the road and street network. Custom coordinate systems have a factory code of 0. That works for a regular grid. A jpeg_compression_quality of 100 provides the best quality images but creates large export files. With this functionality it is possible to restrict labeling, in this case, to the district shown on each Data Driven Page. VECTORIZE_BITMAP Vectorize layers with bitmap markers/fills. If using data driven pages you could set it up so that areas outside of the particular map sheet are masked Except for the other map page polygons. Once you have the lines, you'll need to potentially modify your reference feature grid. A path that includes the name of an output print file. Arcpy.mapping is a Python scripting module that is part of the You can navigate through your pages using the Data Driven Pages toolbar. These page number field values can be used to drive dynamic text in the map layout. and Height properties so the cells will automatically adjust to fit the returned attributes. qgis arcgis-desktop data-driven-pages Share Improve this question Follow edited Nov 16, 2013 at 22:14 PolyGeo 64.4k 28 104 320 asked Nov 16, 2013 at 21:49 sirgeo 1,989 5 32 43 Add a comment 1 Answer Sorted by: 10 That feature is called Atlas in QGIS and you'll find it as part of the Print Composer. The Extent tab allows you to define the margin between the edges of the data frame and the index feature for each page. JPEG will be used for large images with many unique colors. arcgis-desktop data-driven-pages strip-map match-lines Share Improve this question Follow edited Jan 17, 2017 at 0:22 PolyGeo 64.4k 28 104 320 asked May 14, 2013 at 20:51 Jim Cunningham 41 1 2 Are you able to elaborate on or provide an illustration showing what you mean by "vertical match lines"? Share Improve this answer Follow A string that represents the path and file name for the output export file. These are five interesting features in this template: Lets look at each of these in a little more detail. When exporting to PDF, all the pages can be exported into a single PDF document. There are also optional settings for map rotation, spatial reference, page number, and scale. See the first code sample below. My index layer is 15 pages and I'm using the 'Angle' attribute of the layer to keep each page horizontal (the dynamic north arrow rotates). ArcMap PDFs are editable in many graphics applications and retain annotation, labeling, and attribute data for map layers from the ArcMap table of contents. You should see a 50 km distance between the data frame edge and the closest part of the feature. Data Driven Pages are definitely worth exploring if you are involved with any map book or map series projects. A string that identifies the pages to be printed if the RANGE option in the page_range_type parameter is used (for example, 1, 3, 5-12). A Boolean that controls whether the selection symbology should be displayed in the output. required to build complete map books because it includes functions Data Driven Pages can be exported to individual graphic files or incorporated into a multipage PDF. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Make sure this is the data frame you want to use. The script loops through each named page and sets the currentPageID accordingly. In this case, the map document can still be authored with Data Driven Pages enabled, and arcpy.mapping can handle the custom text element string requirements. The format created is dependent on the printer. ArcPy site package. Returns a reference to the data frame the index layer resides within a Data Driven Pages enabled map document. There are two geoprocessing tools, Grid Index Features and Strip Map Index Features, to help you create index layers. First, you need to create a new feature class and actually draw in the matchlines where you want them. There are some great enhancements in ArcGIS 10 that work in conjunction with data driven pages and make it possible to create dynamic locator maps and add some interesting page effects to your map books. A margin percentage value set at 110 percent results in a data frame of (150 km * 110%) = 165 km, with a margin of 7.5 km on either side. Data Driven Pagesare available at the ArcView license level. A number that controls compression quality value when image_compression is set to ADAPTIVE or JPEG. Additionally, some counties that are home to large cities also contain inset maps. Data Driven Pages gives you the ability to generate a set of output pages by taking a single layout and iterating over a set of map extents. There's a tool for this that would work in some cases (Calculate Adjacent Fields), otherwise you just manually add an attribute and populate it yourself (which can also help control what your match line text says). This list includes fields from a table joined to the index layer. Dynamic text elements include page name, number and count, as well as labels identifying neighboring pages. DEFLATE will be used for all other images. If there is no field using "PageNumber" in the field name, Data Driven Pages will then use FID or ObjectID. The DataDrivenPages class only has a single exportToPDF method but that does not mean other export files can't be created. Dynamic text has tags to automatically identify document properties such as the pathname and the time the .mxd was saved. PDF files are designed to be consistently viewable and printable across different platforms. I thought about inserting polylines in each rectangle of the index but then they would rotate as the pages advanced. The index layer must be a feature layer. A drawback to using the spatial reference string is that it can be very long and cumbersome. How do I print and export Data Driven Pages? Or, you can apply the formatting tag to an existing text element. The following script will export only the selected index pages (pages 1-10) out to individual PDF files. These fields must be an attribute of the index layer or field from a table that is joined to the index layer. PDF exports from ArcMap can define colors in CMYK or RGB values. I am glad you asked! Since sort order is required for Data Driven Pages to work, a default field is chosen each time a new index layer is selected. You need to have the proper permission to these files. Below is a code sample: import arcpy, os mxdPath = r"C:\Project\DDPMap.mxd" mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(mxdPath) mxdDir = os.path.dirname . This list includes fields from a table joined to the index layer. Arcpy.mapping can be used to automate map Determining rotation of rectangle features for Data Driven Pages in ArcGIS Desktop? PDF_MULTIPLE_FILES_PAGE_NAME Export single-page documents using the page name for the output file name. Select the newly added text element and move it to the location you want it on the page layout. They are commonly used for distributing documents on the Web and are becoming a standard interchange format for content delivery. PDF_SINGLE_FILE Export a multipage document. For more information, see Creating Data Driven Pages. Using the newPage Definition Queryfunctionality available with ArcGIS 10, this template shows how you can achieve smarter labeling. Another way to apply spatial references is to point to a projection file on disk, if you have one. Data Driven Pages gives you an easy-to-learn way to produce them automatically using the data in your database. Disabling the map series temporarily stops the map series functionality, while still preserving all the properties of the map series. If you need to create an index layer or create data in the index layer for the customizations described above, you can use geoprocessing tools from the Data Driven Pages toolset. You must manually change the spatial reference to get the data frame back to the one you want. Figure 5: Map Template for the Legislative District Atlas of Massachusetts. Any feature layer may serve as the index layer. It's described in the user manual. An integer that defines the resolution of the export file in dots per inch (dpi). The index values are automatically generated based on the Name and Sort fields. 3: Relating Information from Different Pages:The keymap also updates to highlight the same district as the main map; this link between the main map and the keymap was set up through a Page Definition Query that was mentioned above. For example, you can create Data Driven Pages using a polygon layer of U.S. states. One of my goals when I was creating the template was to showcase Data Driven Pages and to help you become more familiar with their use. This module provides functions to automate exporting and If the value is null, Data Driven Pages uses a value of 0. printing. The bar scale is worth noting because it is a normal map element that now updates with each Data Driven Page. An example of this would be a scenario where a text element's string information needs to be formatted using custom logic or needs to be constructed from multiple fields. These values can be alphanumeric. The resulting PDFs will have the index number appended to the output file name. You want the map book to include a title page, a table of contents, and an overview map, and you want tabular information to be inserted between each map page. To account for the anticipated pages at the beginning of the map book and the inserted page between each map page, add a Page Number field to the index layer and populate the field as follows (the features have already been sorted accordingly). A string that represents the name of a printer on the local computer. Click the Data Frame arrow and choose the detail data frame. Could you please add an illustration (if Jim agrees). Nonfeature layers, such as raster layers, cannot be used for the index layer. You may want to label adjacent grids on your layout. It would be unnecessary to have to do everything in arcpy.mapping just because of such a simple, custom requirement. A string that represents the path and file name for the output export file. production; it extends the capabilities of Data Driven Pages and is PDF exports from ArcMap can define colors in CMYK or RGB values. Please note the difference, as highlighted by the table below, between page index/page with count and the page number. Choose the extent option that you want to use. Similar to other definition queries, Page Definition Queries allow you to specify with a SQL query which features or labels of a layer are drawn, but the difference is that they dynamically update for each page. This index changes when you change the sort field or refresh the pages after editing the sort field values. A string that defines the color space of the export file. Then, after exiting the Setup Data Driven Pages dialog box, set the scale of the Detail Data Frame to the scale you want. These fields must be an attribute of the index layer or field from a table that is joined to the index layer. The atlas can be built using separate MXDs for the overview or index map page, pages containing the inset maps, and the remaining maps. The location of this closest point determines whether the margin is measured along the horizontal or the vertical. The drop-down menu is filtered to display applicable field types. The recommended range is between 70 and 90. The drop-down list is filtered to display applicable field types. Learn more about exporting Data Driven Pages. Data Driven Pages will accept null and duplicate values in the Sort field, but you should try to avoid this whenever possible. The reverse is also true: map series can be completely scripted using arcpy.mapping without using the Data Driven Pages user interface in ArcMap, but there are good reasons for combining both techniques. Matchlines are typically a feature found on plans, not maps. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. When you specify a Data Driven Scale field, values from this field define the map scale of the detail data frame for each page in the Data Driven Pages series. A string that identifies the pages to be printed if the RANGE option in the page_range_type parameter is used (for example, 1, 3, 5-12). The ArcGIS Geoprocessing Resource Center hasseveral good example scriptsthat you can experiment with to use arcpy with Data Driven Pages. , draw them manually in a little more detail a name, Data Driven Pages will accept null duplicate..., long integer, long integer, double, and scale exporting of coordinate system information for each Driven... Back to the District shown on each Data frame definitely worth exploring if you involved. Adaptive or JPEG animals but not others houses typically accept copper foil in EUT accept null and duplicate values the... Labeling, in this template: Lets look at each of these documents is the map series string... That now updates with each Data Driven Pages gives you an easy-to-learn way to get the string for the PDF... Gives you an easy-to-learn way to produce them automatically using the page name for the District. 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