Hermione gets struck by Dolohov's Curse in the Department of Mysteries and that sparks a change in the relationship between Harry and Hermione. Rating: M. The Dragon's Bride by Rizzle - Draco and Hermione wake up naked, hungover, and tattoo'd. Shameless smut for my OTP and to help fill up the Bottom!Ron Weasley tag that is sorely lacking. "What am I asking? He didn't say much after that, but his cross-eyed grin told her everything. "Right. So she does the only thing she knows how to do in order to try to keep them safe.". ". The room was dead silent. and our Before she could turn, Hermoine pulled her close and kissed her lips softly. He took a couple moments before he said in a voice closer to normal, "I swear Mum does that on purpose, making us wait until the last second to get us to the train. Tags will be updated as chapters are added. "Already, Harry?" : , . "I'll probably do that again soon. Draco read the headline, then the article, knowing that The Daily Prophet was mostly speculating on the death of the child. He raised a hand. For Harry, the Weasleys, Hermione, Sirius, and Remus were the closest thing he had to family, ranking above the Dursleys, who were blood relations. One of the most important moments in the development of Ron and Hermione's relationship occurs in Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1, when the Horcrux the group has been carrying shows . The subreddit for discussions about the Harry and Hermione pairing in the Harry Potter universe. ", Luna showed up at the cabin at about that time. "Ah." Harry Potter is done with trying to live up to the Chosen One standards everyone else expects. "He's obviously managed to meet up with Hermione Granger, and it bugs you that someone you consider to be unintelligent managed to out-think you. "It may well be," Heidi interjected. Harry derailed it by forcibly removing his arm from her grip. Rated M for mentions of child abuse, some swearing and mild adult situations. Was I in parts unknown? ", "What? "I think those brains did something to me, to be honest. You understand the conundrum! Harry Potter gave us a lot of couples out of its storyline, but the one at the top of the list is Ron and Hermione. "The Ministry has been up in arms trying to deal with Dumbledore this summer. It can't be nowhere, because then it doesn't exist, which negates the whole thing. I live with Muggles - or did. And new friends, like Hermione Granger, and Professor McGonagall, and Professor Quirrell. Yes, Harry loved her, or so he thought. She called us on it. He had been the one to find the boy, had been the one to capture the supposed murderer. Hermione Granger disappeared at the end of her seventh year shocking the entire school. 13 May 2022. That's when Krum insults Harry and Hermione laughs at the joke. Please consider turning it on! How the fuck is Harry going to deal with all of this? "Contact the Headmaster and ask him if his intention was for me to miss the Welcoming Feast, if you would?" She just hadnt expected for sex with him to occur the way it did. Could she really leave him behind to explore magic all over again? Por qu todo el poder concentrado en una sola familia? bueno te pregunto Realmente creas que con un Ministerio y Albus Dumbledore, el poder no estaba destinado a unos pocos? ", Luna bit her lower lip. Luna's eyes widened, and tears formed in her eyes. ", "Thank you," Cho said. Then he'll drill you in the showers. Marry her by his twenty-first birthday, or he dies. "I need to talk to you later. Because of it, the dead boy, he is speaking to Granger again after over ten years. The twins and I are less than pleased at what we've been hearing at home. And may I offer congratulations to you as well, Cho? "One request, you two," he said, looking at Neville and Luna. well, you're female, and reminding me that it's the case." It's also insanely melodramatic. In fact, it will be downright difficult, what with senile old men manipulating his life and friends who were never really his friends, but his mates (mates! "There, that frees up room for one of you." "That was interesting," Ron said. Heidi asked with amusement, noting his rampant condition. "Safety. "We've got each other, and we know the truth.". "Sure," Harry said brightly, before moving Hermione solidly into his lap. ", Hermione shivered under the sharp gaze of the blonde, and Harry was amused to note that it wasn't fear. What I imagined was nothing like the glorious reality.". Your Reminders, I will be messaging you in 3 days on 2021-04-05 16:36:34 UTC to remind you of this link. "Yes. Hermione should have known better, she was the researcher of the three and friends with one of them since she was eleven. "Headmaster Dumbledore says you not required to be in his office right now. Doesn't necessarily have to be them in a relationship (though it is preferred), but they MUST have a strong friendship with each other. Some were unsatisfied with the answer they got. Most of the students I've run across that weren't in Severus's House have told me that they think I was the best teacher for that class you've ever had. Luna tilted her head slightly. and y'all know that's basically canon. Both Harry and Ron have something to confess , they both like each other. Even when Harry and Ron came along, it was always the three of them against the world. said Hermione, this time clearly audible over the rain thundering on the tent roof, but again, he ignored her. The scene takes place during the First Year, though the fic itself spans several years. Luna because Hermione had healed Harry's broken heart and allowed Harry to love her, and Hermione because Luna had rescued her from Ronald 'bloody git' Weasely, but most importantly, because she had been willing to share Harry with her. ", Luna focused on the pretty brunette. It almost felt like he was trying to convince himself as his cheeks began to grow redder. The Harry and Ginny coupling has a lot of naysayers, which leaves Ron and Hermione as the best couple out of all others. Avid_Querent 2 yr. ago. "Nice to know that I'm not the only one looking forward to finally being able to make love to you completely." Hermione, Cho, and Ron had to leave for the prefect's meeting, but Neville and Luna remained behind, as well as Heidi. "If it's neither here nor there, then where exactly is it? A collection of smutty ficlets written for HP Kinkuary 2023. What will Harry do when he finds out a secret that's tearing draco apart? Your arrogance knows no bounds. Press J to jump to the feed. hermionegranger. Also available as: Epub | pdf | mobi | lit | txt, "I am going to injure that child when I see him next," Severus Snape growled. The rain was falling harder and heavier; it pattered on the leaf-strewn bank all around them and into the river chattering through the dark. They stopped halfway up the corridor and turned to Cho. His face was a brilliant red, and the way his eyes kept slipping to Luna's chest, Harry suspected that he was interested in a hands-on inspection. When Hermione is asked to the Yule Ball by Viktor Krum, Harry is stuck without a date, until he asks Fleur Delacour at least. Extreme measures become necessary to escape the nightmares, and, with the help of her friends, she can begin to recover and face the monster who has taken so much from her. He seated Hermione and then kissed her hand, then turned to Heidi and helped her sit. "It's okay. End of statement. Hermione herself was going back into the muggle education system in order to get a degree from Oxford. "Besides, now that the Weasleys have gotten everything put away, they're coming back over. "Harry, I'm not wearing a bra, because you like the way I make my shirts bulge. This fic starts the summer before 3rd year, updates will be on Tuesdays. Harry looked and saw that her nipples were poking gently against the cloth of her blouse. Leave now," he demanded. She feels safe enough around me to know that if I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder, or rip her blouse open, that I'm actually aroused, rather than doing it in anger. Cho blushed as well, but bulled through. Promise you'll never leave me [a Harry Potter and Hermione Granger love story]. Her parents wanted to take a trip - just the two of them - to Greece. "Sorry about the points," Harry said, "but he was determined to hit me for things that happened over the summer. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. With that, he pulled her closed and kissed her gently. Hey Heidi? Harry was generally more considerate of her feelings than Ron, and she knew he would never have knowingly said those things to her for fear of hurting her feelings. and what the hell is this about a betrothal contract!?!? Completed . "Let 'em talk," Hermione whispered. Hermione and Luna had also come to love each other, though not to the extent that they both loved Harry. Right in front of her parents, if you can believe it. Dont let me spoil your fun. . "I do not think you will be laughing in a few minutes. You ask headmistress and she tells you how much he wants the job. "Sorry. Otherwise known as Harmione, the H.M.S Pumpkin Pie, Harry x Hermione, and Harmony. Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor by cloneserpents - In this beloved erotic comedy with over 1,000 reviews, Harry leads his friends on a Horcrux hunt after reading a magical book that gives him special powers. ", "Nah, I just ignored almost all incoming owls, especially from Dumbledore. Hermione told Harry to calm down because she already told Dumbledore. "I believe that I told you to remain where you were until the Headmaster came for you, Potter," he growled. "I've got three incredibly sexy women in the room, all naked, and we've just given Cho an orgasm that I'm sure managed to bleed through the silencing spell we cast. He might still work for the Ministry, in a job that never fluctuates or changes, and he might still be untrusted by the general public because of the war. When Hermione is asked to the Yule Ball by Viktor Krum, Harry is stuck without a date, until he asks Fleur Delacour at least. "I think we should stop this line of conversation, or else I just might prove it," she whispered. F/M, F/F, Multi. (My story starts off when Ron leaves Harry and Hermione in the deathly hallows and this bit is from the book.) As the investigation progresses it becomes readily apparent all is not as it seems. "I'm just having trouble making peace in my head with the fact that you've got a wife, the both of you are friendly with last year's previous girlfriend, and none of you seem to have a problem with the fact that your bodyguard is likely to be hit on by seventh years. What he did not figure was that he would somehow be the one pulling the threads that would determine the fates of the survivors of an extinction event. Mudblood. You two carry on. Harry Potter and The Last Horcrux is not like most HP fanfiction. She was laughing as she finished. 17 days ago. will be there for him, supportive in all he does. "Yeah, hi." Harry grumbled. ", Snape was glaring at him, and he rose and approached Harry. # 1. And in case you havent noticed, wevefound on Horcrux. Hey guys looking for a fic where hermione is with someone else and realises later on she loves Harry or where she rejects him and realises her mistake. He looked to the Headmaster. When Harry is called as the fourth champion he does something that changes the course of the future. And who knows, there might even be some surprises along the way. This is the one where Harry rejects Hermione at first. All the characters and settings mentioned aren't owned by me, rather J.K . Ginny asked. This does not please Dumbledore or a certain Weasley Matriarch, but the plans of Lady Magic are not to be trifled with. He smiled honestly at her, and she relaxed. . That night, Snape vowed to always protect the boy, as was his duty as Alpha. "We'll need a safe word, like 'Azkaban' or even 'safety', but if we've got a good one, then I've no problems if you walked up to me, dragged me into a classroom and then literally tore the clothes off my body. ", "Long story, and you're right. Her dad stepped up and blocked his hand. Draco had been in the right place at the right time, or maybe it was the wrong place, wrong time. I was inspired by their work and decided to see if we could tie those universes together. For more information, please see our C'mon," Harry encouraged, offering Ron a hand. Harry knows his journey through the Wizarding World - and isnt that funny, the fact that there is an entire other world out there that nobody non-magical (called muggles, he remembers) knows about - wont be easy. Hordes of disgruntled fans took to fanfiction sites to write their own interpretation of canon, giving rise to "Weasley-bashing" tropes that involve depicting Ron and Ginny in a less than . Ron breathed, being about all he could do after rushing to make the train. "Heavy thoughts," Ron said with a slight smile. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I have had so many fantasies about this girl that involved her naked and sweaty, and I discover that the reality is even better than my imagination." There were several plunks on the canvas over their heads. Yeah, he would, said Harry, who did not want excuses made for Ron. I do not believe that Amortentia would be problematic to use for you as well. "Hmm, not even waiting for dinner. So what part of it isnt living up to expectations?asked Harry. Ron quirked his brow, moving his head to the side. "On a different note, the goblins are especially surly with me this past month, and I have been unable to ascertain why. Everything is going great until the goblet of fire goes wrong and Harry and Hermione's peaceful year is gone replaced by the chaos of another year.What will Harry do when he discovers his Godfather is rotting in jail! "I spent a week in the Mediterranean because of that insufferable . When one decision changes everything. Enjoying a quiet evening alone with her two favorite wizards, Hermione is surprised by the arrival of her very recent ex-boyfriend Ron and his accusations against her. Also someone who kinda adopted me as a little brother." Ginny asked. Who know about each other? "I'd like some time to recover, though. Harry Potter heroine Hermione Granger and flame-haired friend Ron Weasley's unlikely romance left some fans calling for the female character to be paired up with the protagonist instead. Best Harry/Hermione/Ron recs. Work Search: "Congratulations, Hermione. Well, that wasnt entirely true. "After all, I'm engaged to be married to him soon as well.". Let's not forget that it also keeps the money out of Voldie's hands as well. A beautiful bodyguard, and two girlfriends? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Hearing that, Harry dances with her and makes . Except its the one person that he never thought possible: Hermione Granger. He had brought home one of the babies of the Norwegian Ridgeback that was hatched recently on the dragon reservation in Romania, because he was imprinted on by the little guy and he wanted an excuse to get him out of the reserve. ", As Heidi undid the knots in the silk ropes holding Cho gently to the bed, Cho admitted, "I've had this recurring fantasy that you came into the locker room after a practice or a game and pressed me against the edge of the shower. All these years of loving Harry with all her heart and he really loved her back! "The truth can be quite uncomfortable sometimes," Luna said in her soft, sing-song manner. Savior of the Wizarding World. When it was pointed out that the Ministry's own choice was less than satisfactory - to be gentle in the phrasing - they permitted me greater latitude in hiring. "Okay, time to get up. I wish I'd known before now that you include women in your sexual orientation. Luna nodded vociferously, making it look as if her head were going to roll off. Results may vary. Molly waves, before continuing her conversation with Harry about Ron's new mysterious rash. The moment was gone a second later as an impish look came into her eyes. He'll never stop fighting for her, though. He looked at her. I'm pretty sure that I'd be wet enough to slip Firenze a good ways inside me by the time you got me naked." Yeah, and were about as near getting rid of it as we are to finding the rest of them nowhere effi ng near in other words? But at the moment, she found herself wishing Harry were a bit more like Ron. They help each other deal with the grief, finding solace in each other and, eventually, love. Neville showed up next. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13666807/1/A-Harmonious-Escapade, https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3808497/1/The-Road-Not-Taken, Come on, man, everyone has a guilty pleasure. Years later, their daughter Rose has joined an ICW operation that tries to stop Voldemort's power from spreading beyond Europe. Set right after Ron leaves Harry and Hermione in the Deathly hallows. "Harry! Harry Potter Fanfic Harry And Hermione. Between the Weasley girl and yourself, we should be able to regain and then retain control of Harry. I am not certain as to how, but I suspect that Harry is behind that as well." I find that it does interesting things to my pulse as well. Harry and Hermione return to Hogwarts for their fourth year. Cookie Notice ", "Was," Hermione corrected. Further tormenting her are the nightmares Voldemort sends in which he continues to torture and assault her. This was Hermione's wildest dream coming true. In other words, no manipulative!Hermione nor jealous!Ron nor indie!Harry. Severus is jealous and tired of being denied what he wants. After all, They had been each other's favorites growing up. Years later while on a business trip to Gotham city the Dursleys meet their end to the Scarecrow, who takes Harry and raises him like a son. "Certainly, Harry," was Neville's response. ", Ginny's face went white. Harry held up his arm for Hermione, and led her to the Gryffindor table when she took it. You wouldnt be talking like this if you hadnt been wearing it all day. The sheen of sweat on her golden skin was drawing admiring looks from the others in the room. Voldemort sees Gloria Potter as a prize to be won - or taken by force. Cho smiled and walked to her table amidst complete silence. He must be angry," Harry murmured as he began to follow the Potions professor. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings. "I'd imagine he rather likes you as Head Girl, although he's thinking of something different at the time. Upon hearing from Draco about Hermione's work, Narcissa hires Hermione to help investigate a question that has been haunting her since the Battle of Hogwarts " Why did Bellatrix end up the way she did?". "Some people are aroused by that tone of voice. Ron parked next to Neville and Luna. "More later, but that should make the point," he said as the kiss ended. ", He cocked his head. Hermione had heard that Harry was moving back into the muggle world, though she didn't know what he planned to do there. Before the last two Harry Potter books were released, speculation was rife about who Harry was going to end up with: Ginny or Hermione. In the graveyard, he assaults her. You'd force my hips back so that I had to lean against the wall, and then you'd pound me, Harry. Flash forward 10 years later, and Lord Potter runs the Wizengamot, and Hermione returns. He looked at Harry. "Another fifty points lost from Gryffindor. 23 votes, 11 comments. She's laying there naked and sweaty and so damned sexy that I wish I wasn't vowing to keep her virgin until we can get married. An act of kindness turns into an unlikely friendship might it develop into something more? thing. But that's neither here nor there," he finished. [HarryxGinny] Dumbledore bashing, Ron bashing, Hermione bashing, Soul-Bond. "Not angry at Harry for saying it?" "Next time I'll do it without a bra, if you'd like," Luna giggled. Ron! She looked at Harry for a moment, eyes twinkling, and he nodded at her. "Harry, after you left the platform last year, Ron and Hermione got into a big fight. I've been at fault by not trying to stop them, and I was a prefect. Draco Malfoy is done with trying to be the perfect son of the perfect pureblood father. I don't own anything from J.K. Rowling's Wizarding World or Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti's Zodiac Academy universes. When Ron turns on Hermione, she knows there's only one person who can help her. Never. Personas que nunca pens que le daran la mano. I don't even know what came over me." Dont expect me to skip up and down the tent because theres some other damn thing we've got to find. "I now say a childish thing intended to get you angry, since I think you're attractive and am doing the verbal equivalent of pulling pigtails." "I've been having thoughts of adding a sticking charm to your fantasy. "Hello," she said in her dreamy manner. Ron Weasley Gets Swooned with Words of Affirmation and Affection. While she manages to fight back, there are nonetheless lasting consequences in the form of an unwanted pregnancy and extensive trauma. "I shall inform the house elves not to unpack your trunks, since you will not be staying, ladies." What the headmaster didn't take into account was Harry's knack for survival. His fate lies in the hands of a woman who hates his very existence. 215K 4.7K 34. Harry immediately gets worried for Hermione and angry at Ron. "I make no apologies for it. But what if things turned out differently? ", "Let's change the conversation then," Harry said. He's itchy about the fact that you got away from him. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Drama - [Harry P., Hermione G.] - Words: 4,902 - Reviews: 49 - Favs: 360 . Ginny looked a little put out at Harry perching Hermione on his lap, but sat down next to him. How will the wizarding world fare when they are confronted with the Son of the Scarecrow?! They saw the Unholy Trio walk past the cabins and look into them, but he merely scowled and walked past. Still in active progress. Thank you for the show, though. Harry Potter was really the last person he would expect to be a vampire, let alone an Omega. I tend to think so, if he's here. "You should come along," he said to both Cho and Hermione. I'm his bodyguard.". "Wait here until the Headmaster arrives," Snape sneered at them. "Is he part of the 'Keep Harry stupid' crowd as well? When Dumbledore catches him, the manipulative bastard decided that changing Harry into animal and sending him all but gift wrapped to Voldemort is the best way to get rid of him. Your mother convinced Mrs. Granger that Hermione was not really interested in Harry but in Ron, and that she really wanted to go but was too shy to ask. And theres people out there who love him! A quick ride up the moving stairs led them to the door to the office proper, which opened for them. You try to work it out with him but find it's not just your job he wants. After getting divorced from Ginny, Harry has no where else to go except his best friends' house. "What in Merlin's name is going on?" Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality by Less Wrong (#1) Petunia married a biochemist, and Harry grew up reading science and science fiction. Harry can do that better than I can." I thought you knew what youd signed up for, said Harry. Neville's hand came up and he began to massage his forehead. Marry the Death Eater who tormented her as a child, or let him die. She's a Fae. The teachers explain that Hermione doesn't do schoolwork correctly, leading to lower scores. He has to return, if only because of his friendships with others here. "I assume that you're cataloguing all this? Munich is quite well known. One-Shot. - will have quite a bit to explain to the Board of Governors for this school, as well as your proper wizarding guardian. She has to make a decision. Her demeanour was happy and proud. "Yes," he said simply. We'll get together later and talk. The golden trio aren't faring much better, with a friendship tested by fire as Harry struggles to cope with images of a dead boy's face, a rising of a Great War, and a new year mate who makes Divination class impossibly awkward. "Yes. (My story starts off when Ron leaves Harry and Hermione in the deathly hallows and this bit is from the book.). Edit: I forgot to update it here because another group I'm in found it, sorry. The Darkening of Your Soul by Maeglin_Yedi. Sort by: Hot. ", "Well, assuming I'm still a student here in a few hours, I'll explain it all soon." Fifty points from Gryffindor for your cheek." "Ginny, you're making him uncomfortable," Ron said. So I mixed up the details between 2 stories, so the actual story I was looking for was "The Darkening of Your Soul" by Maeglin_Yedi (https://archiveofourown.org/works/22230682) Thanks for all the suggested stories though, I really appreciate it! All right, Ill spit it out. The mosteligible bachelorin the wizarding world. She grinned as she answered him, and then turned to Neville. Hermione Granger disappeared at the end of her seventh year shocking the entire school. Did you think wed be staying in five-star hotels? Sometimes I have that 'What the hell does that mean?' "I don't think she wanted to hear that," Ron said, shrugging. "I had a lot of time to think at the beginning of the summer. Press J to jump to the feed. When Harry hears about the dance and the need for a partner he decides to not participate in it. "I think he needs so much watching that I married him this summer," she finished, holding out her left hand. Three years after the war Hermione Granger has completed multiple masteries and begun work on magical inventions involving time and mind magic. It capped what was an extremely odd seven years at Hogwarts. . Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. ", Hermione blinked, and then got a slightly evil look on her face. I was watching, and I noticed the rest of you watching as well. ", "A Dutch national that Dumbledore managed to kidnap, rather than me. Flash forward fifteen years and the class who graduated in 1998 is reconvening at their alma mater. Ron grinned. Parent commenter can delete this message to hide from others. Something thats led to an amazing relationship hed never imagined as well as one of the best birthday presents he could imagine. Which room and surface gets christened first? Eventually, Hermione accuses him of cheating after he performs a transfiguration spell correctly the first time he tries. ChatGPT is a large language model developed by OpenAI that can converse with humans on a wide range of topics. "I'm sorry," she said, and sidled up to his arm. but don't worry Harry is up for the challenge. I just hoped, you know, after wed been running round a few weeks, wed have achieved something. "Your Mother believes that Percy will be home for dinner." The first of September rolled around and found everyone working their way through the barrier between King's Cross station and Platform 9 . He saw her back turned to him, the prominent sweep of her hair and her bulging bookbag. On the night before he's about to marry the girl of his dreams, however, he finds himself thrust into the middle of a plot to ruin him and he loses everything as he is wrongly thrown into prison to rot. Finding solace in each other after all this time, Narcissa and Regulus hatch a master plan; They should get married. Ron muttered in a voice that was obviously intended to be heard by everyone. Life just got filled with a bit more danger, and a lot more magic. "I know that you're with him. "So Harry, what really happened this summer?" "Actually, Luna, you're absolutely correct," she purred. Severus Snape was definitely shocked when he found the boy that fateful evening. In all honesty, Hermione, you need someone who can challenge you. There was no one inside. He grabbed Harry's arm and threw him forward, making Harry stumble. "As it is, you have cost your houses fifty points each." he nearly squeaked. Somehow," Tonks concluded nastily, "Hermione's running off with Harry does not lend credence to that theory." While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. This leads to Harry placing her under the curse repeatedly as she tries to break the curse, while he makes her do many naughty things. My Hero by Cynthia_klein. For more information, please see our This is new and it made me feel sorry for Harry even though he has done wrong. She did mean toreally wanted to, in fact. Fight for Her, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction. and our I tried to go to the goblins and was rather soundly insulted by them, and was stunned by Dumbledore and returned to my relatives. Diverges from canon after Voldemort's defeat. ", "Hey Neville. "After we're married, I promise I'll do that again, but with you in Hermione's position," he told Cho. I want to see a fanfic where Harry rejects hermione's friendship or rejects her declaration of love. Cookie Notice You're a new teacher Hogwarts and picked up the Defense Against The Dark Arts course. Oh you heard me, Harry replies with a light giggle, I would top you.. "Heidi is my bodyguard, and Cho is . La cara, de ese da que marc el fin de la primera guerra mgica, es la historia que todos conocemos, mientras que cruz es la escrita en estas pginas, aquella que te dir que hizo la oscuridad en cada momento y porque hicieron lo que hicieron.Dirs Pero por qu la violencia? I've pretty well screwed my chances to be a really good student over-all, but I've decided to work on it this year." Harry Potter and the Last Horcrux by Mike. As an impish look came into her eyes Gryffindor table when she took it with Harry about Ron 's mysterious... New and it made me feel sorry for Harry even though he has done wrong case you havent noticed wevefound! 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