It gets even better if you go superior firepower. - Start training the 16 infantry with support art and engineers (Divisin the Infanteria) right away. Weariness of war is the herald of downfall. Republican Spain's decisions take 37 days and add 37 days to the timer, effectively canceling that time; Nationalist Spain's RNG-controlled "decisions" take 39 days (supposedly 38, but take an extra day to complete after reaching 0) and remove 25 days from the timer. I must be very bad at the game, I manage to win the civil war, but I still don't have 300 planes in 1942 and 0 motor/tank. - Deploy the infantry you were training before and reinforce Eduardo Medrano until he has 24 (or 30 if he is skilled staffer) infantry. This branch also gives bonuses to war goal justification time and decisions to create anarchist uprisings in foreign nations as well as the coring of states with high compliance. We must ensure the loyalty of the Assault Guards, our well-trained heavy police reserve. I only have one foreign arms purchase. France has had a recent history of communist sentiment. We must light this flame! The country finds itself seemingly in the grips of the starting stages of a workers' revolution; strike upon strike paralyze the industry and daily life as workers demand less work and more pay, and poor tenant farmers increasingly appropriate farmland while the government turns a blind eye. As such, a civil war is inevitable and the player can only choose between supporting either the Nationalists or the Republicans. Use the fleet in Mlaga to convoy raid in the mediterranean, some times you can kill one or two of them. Tried making my first 2 hoi4 portraits. The army has proven its disloyalty and has been disbanded by the government. Should we be attacked, especially by strong naval powers, we will not be able to rely upon aid from the Soviet Union. Our navy was as torn by the start of the civil war as our army was, and its rebuilding should be a priority for the national security of our state. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. By seizing them we no doubt risk drawing the ire of the government, but it might allow us to finance our war effort by funding foreign arms purchases from the black market. Information, Frequently Asked - Start the focuses towards anarchism and the civil war you MUST reach the disband the army Focus, so don't waste any day. Do you need 100 PP to spare to implement them on day 1 in the war? The Strait of Gibraltar separates Spain and Europe from Africa, specifically Morocco, with the closest points being only 13 km apart. Our geographical position is one of isolation from our allies. Should they see the wisdom in our cooperation in the furthering of the worker's goals then we will join forces, but should they not be so enlightened we must bring socialism to them by force. The communists are nothing but a necessary ally in the fight against fascism. Accidentally had non-historic national focusses and both France and the UK turned Fascist with Italy forming the pact of Rome with Austria and the Czechs. Deploy them as son as possible. - Decisions for the civil war: again just make sure to get one decision after the other immediately! Please do not delete. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Game file description Also I really like the lore and idealism of anarchism (even if I am for sure not one), and is probably the suited phylosophy for WC in the time period. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Also with integrated support a 10 inf unit with support art and rockets has almost the same soft attack with much better organization. Ignoring (and thus bypassing) Reserves and Masters can get your later focuses faster, but that may be a bad thing - All Must Bear the Torch will remove Autonomous State from Catalua, Galicia, and Pais Vasco, but only from the ones you own (though this really seems like unintended behavior), so trying to delay it until the war is over can be profitable. We will rename our organization to something appropriately inclusive of all peoples on this planet. Vic2 - cores biggest benefit is allowing for assimilation, I know having accepted pops is really good . Even if it may spark the plotters into action, we have no choice but to attempt to disband the army with immediate effect, and seize the initiative. Our tenuous position in Europe's west would be greatly strengthened by the development of new weapons and equipment for our armed forces. ago. The polarization of society is increasing, and violence along with it. We either maintain our unshakable belief in achieving a peaceful future, or we fall. It is in the interest of the Republican player to delay the civil war as long as possible via decisions to gather the maximum possible strength to fight against the Nationalists. In HOI4 it is possible to become anarchist (like in the Spanish civil war). The population in a state is tracked by five numbers. They do not have any special relations with countries, but that will change quickly especially with the civil war. Disloyalty in the military is now all but certain, and it is clear we cannot rely on them to defend the values of the Republic. There is no room in defeatist thinking when the whole world is against you. I don't really care for grinding traits since Lina already has adaptable and Durruti has aggressive assaulter, the Anarchists also have a focus to immediately end the recovering from civil war, so that's not a problem either. To accomplish this, consider the math of the Military Plot: the timer starts with 250 days, but this number isn't "real", since both sides' decisions move it back and forth. However, if the Nationalists choose Franco's path it may be worth waiting - or even retreating - to let them Consolidate the North since the extra 5 factories will be very useful post-war. So that the Worker's fight is not endangered we must eliminate these dissenting voices and unite under one leader. This branch also gives bonuses to war goal justification time and . 1 pre civil war branch leading into 3 main branches and 2 shared branches. A new and loyal army shall be created to defend the interests of the Spanish worker against foreign threats. - Kill the Nationalists once you take the Portuguese nationalism NF. Game file description By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Democratic branch of the Republican Spanish national focus tree.Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row. Even in my really successful game where I'd conquered Italy and half of France and with Germany fighting the USSR, I realised after declaring war that I probably should have waited 6 months to build up equipment. In order to construct larger military vessels we must look into enlargement of our dockyard facilities. This will grant many benefits in terms of worker autonomy, morale, and, as a result, overall productivity. It was a bit of a perfect situation, but I've had other games which didn't go so well and I was generally able to grab some land somewhere to get the ball rolling. Is not Republican Spain, Has not completed focus The Phalanx Ascendant Could somebody please explain how the anarchist/global defence council coring works if it works at all? Firstly let's talk about the wrong ideology. - The allies won in Africa and french indochina was already with Japan at the start of the war. 4 Unify the Nationalist Front Branch. I was uncertain also, did you recommend starting with a few MIL factories, then civ until 50, then 1-1? Anarchist and Communist shared post civil war sub-branch of the Republican Spanish national focus tree.Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row. Democratic post civil war sub-branch of the Republican Spanish national focus tree.Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row. We were abandoned by the West in our struggles against the fascists, but things have changed since then, and they have found themselves in their own war. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, I've played two games and in those two I've had situations where things did not go smoothly. I produce content varying from general gaming news, let's plays, walkthrough, tips, science related and even some storyline-through-emergent-gameplay er, stuff! Like the Francoists with Consolidate the North, the Republicans will get military and civilian factories with the Expand Soviet Aid sub-branch which you can then take from them. Anarchist Conversion. The Republic's gold reserves are at risk of falling into Fascist, or possibly even worse, Stalinist hands. So to spend at most 16 days not delaying the Military Plot, a Republican player will not be able to contest garrisons early but can start contesting 20-cost garrisons after a month or two and can completely take over Nationalist garrisons during the last two focuses. Firstly, (as should really have been the case from the beginning), Anarchist Spain is given access to the "local autonomy" occupation law, normally accessible only to democracies. We will give them the tools of warfare they require. There is two reasons for that: 1- you want the nationalists to have more than 50% of you factories in order to get Total mobilization + woman in the workforce in the first day of war ; 2 - It allows you to do a huge encirclement in the south (discussed bellow). - It takes arround 60 days to go from Europe to Macau, so keep it in mind. Until we make the loyalty of our officers certain we must rely on people's militias rather than a professional army. The Spanish Republic is generally divided into three eras, the First Biennium, the Dark Biennium, and the Popular Front government. The social revolution has only partly succeeded. The price of the Soviet aid that made our victory possible has been subservience. We can no longer ignore the signs of disloyalty in the military. - The first two weeks of the civil war are VERY important, don't assign frontlines yet. Rush the Port of Cdiz and the city of Sevilla. - Let Sevilla, Crdoba and Extremadura garrisson fall (in all my five runs they prioritize those 100% of the time), but don't let they take anything else. In my try I started the civil war with too much land to go full war economy unfortunately. You actually make planes as anarchists? All must be taught to wield a weapon in self-defense, so that when the time comes they may fight for their future. The whole civil war thing is lame. The Spanish community as a whole must be rallied in a single great drive to repair the damage resulting from our violent civil war. Or move your entire army to the Balearic Islands before the Civil War fires, then set your navy to convoy raid around Iberia. While repairing these, we should look into expanding them as well, so that we are prepared for future naval expansion programs. Without the expansion, it utilizes the Generic national focus tree instead. Spain has 2 Espaa-class battleships, 3 Prncipe Alfonso-class light cruisers and 3 Alsedo-class destroyers docked in Galicia, 1 Repblica-class light cruiser, 1 Mndez Nes-class light cruiser, and 4 B class submarines docked in Sevilla, and 9 Churucca-class destroyers, 2 B class submarines and 6 C class submarines docked in Murcia. I produce gaming content most days covering anything either Sci-Fi, Strategy or Science related! Until we make the loyalty of our officers certain we must rely on people's militias rather than a professional army. It is imperative that the differences between us and our allies are, for the moment, forgotten, so that we may all focus on the more important fight: against the fascists. Only by freeing our mind from these superstitions can we be truly free. To transform our army from a temporary emergency force to a true national military, we must re-professionalize it and instill it with the proper discipline and command structures. The next step is the liberation, empowerment, and education of the working class woman. The army has proven its disloyalty and has been disbanded by the government. Finally, mainland Spain contains over 1,500 rivers of which are mostly small. We cannot remain idle while our enemies choose when and where to attack us. This page was last edited on 22 January 2023, at 08:38. If they cannot put their differences aside, then we must simply rid our cause of their influence. Interactive corporate website, Upon the start of the civil war, gain 5 trained units, Upon the start of the civil war, gain 5 well-trained, Upon the start of the civil war, gain 10 untrained, If this focus is not taken, the government will. - Push east into Germany and Soviets heretics before they rebuild and show them what true communism is. Our great nation's industrical capacity must be improved so that we may provide these weapons. Galicia is a good target for its 1 military factory and 2 dockyards, as are Burgos and/or Valladolid to split the Nationalist forces in two. 1 / 2. We will reach out to our contacts there to form a united front of Socialism against Trotskyism and Stalinism. Game file description As Spain, have at least 5 spies and stage 5 coups against other nations. The maximum concession NF add 70 days to the event. However I did something differently (IMHO better) so I will summarize check list of the things you need in order to win the war. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. - After the first week every province will get the Unprepared Offensive modifier giving some terrible attack bonuses to everyone and making really easy to kept the nationalists trapped. We must prepare for war with each and any one of these defunct nation-states. and our Spain is currently focused on rebuilding the country and less willing to join a faction. - Once you are close to complete the Master of our own fate, move troops to Madrid south Spain and in order to avoid encirclement once the Republicans and Carlists become independent. Yeah, Germany tends to be a struggle. We must fortify the government against communist influence, lest they surreptitiously manage to take take control of the Republic from within. Valve Corporation. You must log in or register to reply here. Spain is seriously my new favorite country to play, TONS of flavor, cool unit models and a campaign packed with will make a guide for those who wish to give it a try. Always do the political imprisonment and imprison Primo the Rivera when available, if not do concessions to the left. With the extra time from The Maximum Concession and a good pre-civil-war phase, it's possible to completely defeat the Nationalists before the uprising happens. Last question, in the linked video at 16:11, I notice the dude's screen, the decisions options, looks different than mine. Leading to this awkward moment where you are not at war, but the national focusses pretend you are still in the civil war. This mod implements a few changes to streamline Anarchist Spain's process of occupying, raising compliance, and eventually coring enemy states. Did you go with concentrated or dispersed industry? . Like a red tide, our forces will wash over any who oppose us. Is not Republican Spain, Has completed focus The Condor Legion Wars are won by showing initiative, and so that is what we must do. Torchbearers of Tomorrow Sub-branch Once the Spanish Civil War is over, Anarchist Spain may rebuild its economy in preparation for future wars. 25 days after the 9th Nationalist decision, the timer will reach 0. In my near world-conquest game, France went monarchist and Italy had its own faction, so I was able to backstab France relatively easily while they were at war with Germany, then I took out Italy, then finally fought Germany while they were also fighting the Soviets. I consider it like this: If HoI4 implemented the failed 20th of July plot it is equal to Germany losing Rhineland and Westphalia with tons of divisions and militia. The total population is the population the state starts with; it is shown on the state's info panel. We will begin undermining Soviet efforts to spread communist influence over our country, in preparation for a final struggle for our freedom and independence. Is not Nationalist Spain, Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate We have not forgotten this, and our reply is finally at hand. I'm not sure if there's a bug or if I'm missing something obvious, but after several games, I haven't been able to core any conquered territory as anarchist Spain, even when I have compliance above 80%. Game file description Following the Provisional Government between April and December 1931, the 1931 Constitution effectively established the Republic. Question about Total Mobilization and Women in the Workforce. Our allies number many who work in the public transport sector, and these are eager to put their vehicles at the service of our brave soldiers. Significant rivers are the Duero, Ebro and Guadalquivir. I saw a tip suggesting not to build factories in Catalonia because it has an autonomous modifier that decreases production speed (until you hit a focus that removes it). Spain has 36 interwar fighters stationed in Madrid, 24 interwar fighters stationed in Sevilla, and 27 naval bombers stationed in Murcia. - Once you kill the repubublicans, Occupy everything but Gallicia. The civil war will start in one of two ways: either the "Military Plot" mission timer reaches 0, or you complete the Disband the Army focus. Everyone unde Fieldmarshal Durruti. Everywhere we turn we are met with a cold shoulder, or even outright hostility. I had 30, 14/4 divs under Lina, and maybe a couple hundred fighters, I also spent the intervening years taking out Iran and Iraq for the oil. Even this failure has not discouraged disloyal officers, however, as even within Spain itself many desire to see a return to a Monarchy or even a strong Fascist dictatorship. A great project of infrastructure works spanning the country will ensure rapid movement of goods between the most remote areas of the peninsula. Ideally, you'll have taken one of Burgos or Valladolid to split the Nationalists into two pockets; use the equipment from the disbanded army to train some elite (relative to the garrisons and militias) divisions, focus your prepared offensives and strong divisions on one pocket, then turn all your attention to the other. Communist post civil war sub-branch of the Republican Spanish national focus tree.Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row. A post civil war sub-branch can be split from each of these branches. Perhaps we can convince them to relax the reins. A post civil war sub-branch can be split from each of these branches. Republican Spain also borders France via Spain's colonial holdings in Spanish Africa, Rio de Oro, and Equatorial Guinea. When the anarchists rise in Catalonia, you should focus again on keeping them in the north relying on the fascists to fight them. I find it really dumb that the soviets can puppet a ton of stuff (including greater Germany) just because they lost a ton of people and got wrecked by the germans, even if they barely did any occupation. Only then will they make it clear that they see us as valuable allies in our shared struggle. Has not completed focus No Compromise on Carlist Ideals Redirect page. Spain has multiple important borders to bodies of water, such as the Mediterranean Sea, Strait of Gibraltar, Atlantic Ocean, and the Bay of Biscay. In general, just play a smart war. Is not Republican Spain, Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate Expanding the army raised by its local government should go a long way to fortifying the frontlines there. I don't think 7-2 is worth it for Spain (at least with superior firepower). Confederacin Espaola de Derechas Autnomas, Confederacin Nacional del Trabajo/Federacin Anarquista Ibrica,, Play But the Spanish civil war is great to farm army experience, experienced divisions and god-like generals. Republican Spanish national focus tree. How can you tell what you have cored vs what you haven't? This will require the establishment of new infrastructure, which we will begin immediately. These only serve to reinforce class structures or pacify the workers into obedience. We cannot afford this escalating out of control. The Soviet Union must be made to understand that the critical fight against fascism is here in Iberia, and that it is here that their advance must be stopped. Only all-out uncompromising class war can bring us the freedom we desire, even if this means fighting the capitalists and the fascists at the same time. me on Twitter: In the face of the fascist threat, class is irrelevant. The only decisions I get are "ignite the anarchist uprising" decisions to create anarchist units in countries I'm at war with. This will be very important. . The Soviet Union possesses technology we do not. The Stalinists and their Republican puppets increasingly infringe upon our freedoms, systematically undermining our efforts and eliminating prominent supporters of our cause. Or just leave because you've got what you came for. With the war won, [SOV.GetNameDef] stands ready to assist us in our rebuilding efforts. In reaction to the formation of the Third International and the power struggles between Trotsky and Stalin, an International Bureau of Revolutionary Socialist Unity was formed, rejecting both interpretations of Marxism. Has completed focus Demand Ministerial Positions Catalua (165), Galicia (171), Pas Vasco (792): making it possible to return owned Spanish states, In Pas Vasco (792), Navarre (172), Western Aragn (166), Eastern Aragn (794), and Catalua (165), Allowing for the expansion of existing and, Allowing for the creation of Anarchist Uprisings in, Allowing for the transfer and coring of any foreign controlled, The Gold Reserves have alredy been seized or relocated. Communes must be encouraged to increase their production of military supplies, or we risk starving our brave soldiers of the tools they need to defend our homes. Foreign powers intervened in the civil war against us, supporting our fascist enemies. Is not Republican Spain, Has completed focus Primo De Rivera Prisoner Exchange 1 pre civil war branch leading into 3 main branches and 2 shared branches. - I don't have the navy to beat the allies yet. Is not Republican Spain, Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate We cannot let them weaken our unity in the face of fascist threats abroad. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. This may give us an unorthodox tactical advantage against our enemies. Discord! However, pay attention where the enemy will place their offensives, if they do it in the north, them also place your offensive in the north and kill this pocket first. It is our duty to see this fight through to the end. Spain (Spanish: Espaa), officially the Kingdom of Spain, is a sovereign state largely located on the Iberian Peninsula in southwestern Europe, with archipelagos in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, as well as colonial possessions in Africa.The Spanish mainland is bordered to the South and East by the Mediterranean Sea; to the North and Northeast by the Commune of France, Andorra . By building new mines, steel mills, and aluminum smelters across our country we would be able to go a long way towards achieving such self-sufficiency. Save Germany for when you're confident, or when Germany is stretched really thin. La Resistance for Hearts of Iron 4 comes out on February 25th with version 1.9 so it's time for HoI4 with the new focus tree for Spain - let's be Spanish Anarchists!La Resistance link: you enjoyed watching please like and (if you aren't already) consider subscribing!Livestreaming:, I'm EnterElysium. We cannot let communist influence alter or even destroy the principles upon which the Second Republic was founded - no matter our relationship to the communists or [SOV.GetNameDef], these principles must be carried in our hearts, if not openly. This will must be backed by a new fleet that we shall begin constructing immediately. Is it just half of military factories, or half of (mil + civ factories), or half of (mil + civ + naval bases)? A bold new plan will see to the transformation of the Spanish state into a local industrial powerhouse within the timespan of no more than five years. Interactive corporate website. Make sure planned offensive is occurring in an adjacent sector to the nationalist planning, and then use the 7/2 divisions to encircle and destroy nationalist divisions one by one. Land held before the war by those who were not able to use it properly will now be allocated for use by those who are. Gone are the days when our labor went unrewarded. Them attack Japan. There are those among our loose alliance of anti-fascist groupings who interpret the word of Marx independently from Stalin. The present struggle will no doubt come to be seen as defining in its impact on the future of the Republic. Let Sevilla, Crdoba and Extremadura garrisson fall, Or hold onto Seville and Extremadura with 1 level so that Cordoba can be surrounded and destroyed quickly. Soviet military advisors may just give our troops and leaders the edge they need against our enemies. Is not Nationalist Spain, Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate We cannot allow them to remain so indecisive; our very survival depends on their willingness to act. However, I would say high level field hospitals are worth it if you don't have anything else to give your divisions. We must remain strong and reinvigorate in the people the fire that drives them to do the utmost. I didn't see it in a screen tab, maybe I'm blind. I prefer to start in the south because it is weaker. - DON'T GET ANY ADVISOR OR COMPANY, they are tied to province / factions and you will eventually lose them. For more information, please see our My tanks were not ready at the start of the war. Too strong meddling by the government in the internal affairs of the military may well spark yet another uprising; far more violent and bloody than the last. - Once you get the civil war under control start spamming civs until you have 50 civ favctories. A final great effort is required of our people to attain the final prize of freedom from both left and right authoritarianism. Without the expansion, it utilizes the Generic national focus tree instead. Should they see the wisdom in our cooperation in the furthering of the worker's goals then we will join forces, but should they not be so enlightened we must bring socialism to them by force. E p i p a l e o l i t h i c Egypt: Two main cultural groups have been found that date to the Epipaleolithic (or final Paleolithic) Period; the Qarunian culture in the Faiyum, and With the Global Defense Council mechanics, holding a state for 2-3 years will get you enough compliance to core it, thus small countries can be used to build up enough industry to eventually take on the major powers. [SOV.GetNameDefCap] must be made to understand that the critical fight against fascism is here in Iberia, and that it is here that their advance must be stopped. Allowing for the purchase of various types of equipment. Specifically, a countdown will commence after the scheduled elections in February 1936, and the civil war will break out once the timer expires. All rights reserved. - Declare war on Vichy France they shouldn't pose a lot of Challenge, use the motorized to encircle and kill as much possible with the infantry. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. After the horrors of the Civil War, stability has returned and slowly we are regaining our industrial footing. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. This fight is our fight, and we will not cease until it is won. Republican Spain gets a unique national focus tree with the La Rsistance expansion. The Iberian peninsula is rich in natural resources. Furthermore, the Americans lost over 4,5M in failed naval invasions. We turn we are regaining our industrial footing and we will not be able rely. For more information, please see our my tanks were not ready at the start of the war. From Africa, Rio de Oro, and education of the Soviet aid that made our victory has. Attacked, especially by strong naval powers, we should look into them. Fight them technologies to provide you with a better experience is won until it is.! 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