What law makes you think you can tell people what methods they can cook on their land? It bugged me, but not to extent to call animal control. Then wait for campground neighbors to complain about your barking dog. They very seldom show common courtesy. This was years and years ago. Be sure to also use the leaf blower as often as possible. Cant stand entirled ppl. I'st easy to say and write but to do is not. Instead, comfort your dog and observe him to prevent anxiety chewing or other harmful behaviors. Cars are being scratched and vandalized and the cops are keeping busy making visits to this place. The grass and leaves are still soaked at this hour! I did everything to stop them ie police calls and one fist to the head. My neighbor is the anal sort you know the type. Then 30 minutes. I sincerely feel bad for that and wish to apologize to them but I do not know how. Of thry step in it, be prepared to cover the bill for a new pair of shoes. I let him know that it was not me, but the neighbors on the other side whom talk to the 18 y.o. #4. I didn't call council on a roaming dog with late registration, instead I caught him then went around looking for the owner. We moved away from the city to the country to get away from harassing, annoying, stupid, neighbors. Be sure your neighbor is aware of it. My daughter has asthma & smoke is aggravating her health problems. Watch your neighbor weep as they try to escape the cascading willows to find their way home. They can't survive any other way. If that is not possible you will want to provide easy access to make up air through a window that is not on the side of the building where the fragrance, smoke, or pesticides are coming from. I have turned my cheek so many times, my head is on backwards. And then there is my complex. I noticed that the smoke from my tiki torch was going over the wall as they were having a party. So, im legit stuck here. Tar and nicotine affect every surface they come in contact with. I dont know? So, we've came up with a creative way of our own to annoy her: Every time she comes outside with her dog and we happen to see her, every member in our family pretends to be a "pink elephant" from the movie Dumbo. dgbgdeaacedk. and enjoy seeing them having to store every audio device and wireless device in another location (messes up wireless devices bad too) heck if yer moving before you leave put a couple marine batteries hooked to it and put it in the highest point in the attic. For example, if your problem is a crying infant at night, try sound proofing your walls. I'm in the country, have no neighbors on my left or right, but the Problem Neighbor is diagonally across the street from me. Our neighbors now are more like treasured family to us now. Leave a personal note at the bottom asking everyone if they could bring coleslaw. There are many ways you can do this. Read it. So yeah, just communication and not being a dumb person could've stopped this. Debra Roberts from Ohio on December 18, 2018: I could not love this more! By showing you're open to communication, your neighbors may be more likely to want to mitigate annoyances with you. Legally, your neighbors have every right to smoke on their porch. The smelliest ways to consume weed are joints, with almost every step of the way creating strong odors that can be detected by neighbors. The newest neighbor a lady renting a home adjacent to mine decided to have a party on Wednesday. Create a haven, such as putting them in an interior room with their favorite cushions, toys, and blankets. The smoke wafts gently over to my house which is approximately 100 feet away. So, i put cameras up. Calm down. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters. Its using cops to harass me and my family since she cant since we put the fence in. She muttered sh*t and sprint walked away then stood outside my house ignoring me with her back to me and texting again and I'm like f**********King hell this cowardly c*nty b**** no decency to even acknowledge she called the council and can't even talk to me. Most people will sign it if they are a true nightmare. Post the video on YouTube. They are dead to us. I live in an older community (older referring to the homes, not the people) and there are a few rental homes in close proximity that are the most annoying people. Or better yet please council rubbish truck man take out their Noddy cheap plastic cars!!!!! Make sure it is not easy-listening music. This all started because I'm the bad neighbour who just moved into a new subdivision with the rule breaking house colours and because my house is still new, the dirt piles in the back yard (from excavation) are sitting there waiting to be moved so we cannot build a fence until the dirt is gone and that requires the machinery to go through. Non-smoking laws in public places have swept the nation, but until recently, if the smoke wafting into your house, condominium, or apartment from your neighbor's cigarette bothered you, all you could do was move out. Bye Canmore Ridge - you better pick up the TRASH and clean out here. Still the dumb stalkers do it for her. So this yuppi townie (we live in a rural area with new subdivisions and I'm technically a yuppi townie trying to get away from the ones in the big city) walks past my house to get to the walkway next to my property with her fancy pram and big designer froo froo pomerian fluffy thing (nothing against the dog tho, all dogs are cool) and during the chaos of my life, my idiot puppy got excited, didn't listen to me and was just out of control and for some reason my older more well behaved dog didn't listen either and saw her dog as a threat and viciously told it to not come near the house. 15 yrs of this. Reach out to other neighbors who want them gone. Im not against dogs but when they attack, thats enough. Most places dont allow loud noise after a certain time, whether it be caused by a pet or kareoke. No blood was drawn and the baby was alright and I was completely apologetic and shocked beyond belief and accepted I was at fault Until I had never met such a crappy personality in my life I assume she's got baby brain or she's just a shitty person, ignore me but stands outside my house with her back towards me ignoring my apology and me trying to talk to her about the incident and stood there txting on her phone. - Communicate with your neighbors who smoke. I can't use any of this garbage. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Put lots of tacks in the yard in the spot he keeps visiting. Roast a pig in a backyard pit. The rudeness and lack of respect I would've thought she wouldve been OK and understood like most people that dogs are just like that and no blood or mauling. Did a teenager write this? The most suitable methods of dealing with a neighbor's smoke coming into your apartment include: Talking to your neighbors Involving the landlord or building manager Sending a demand letter Reporting your neighbors to the authorities if possible Talk to Your Neighbors The first thing to do is approach your neighbor and let them know how you feel. Here's what you can do. I've had some unfortunate neighbors in the past, who would stay up late, singing and making a lot of noise into the wee hours of the morning.. this happened when I had a newborn and lived in a set of townhouse apartments. i might partake of some of these ideas, My neighbor just shouts at me saying "oi you keep the noise down ive got kids trying to sleep hear" so shes sucsessfuly annoyed a 10 year old to the point i want to punch her. We are all on 2 acre parcels. This is not an apartment these are single houses just that the noise generated from that house can be heard fifteen houses away-probably more. He said fine but I am not paying for it. It can't hurt to clean the soft surfaces. Ugg.. extremely lame, not well thought out.. and some illegal and dangerous. 6. Noise. Here are a few ways to annoy your neighbor: Order food at their address: Have you done this before? Bro, I am so embarrassed but I am more hateful towards myself for like annoying them all those days. 4. They have a huge driveway , we dont and every time they come and go backing there trailers, campers etc our vehicles seem to always have damage but I cant prove it but its quite obvious. To my right there is a family of 4, 2 dogs all living in a tiny one bedroom duplex. The ideas suggested in this article are mostly illegal, poor judgement and likely to backfire. It's time for some payback for them. 14. My neighbors are jealous because I have the better apartment with a patio . If you're really looking to take it to the next level, you can try your hand at doing something that will make your neighbors consider moving. This bitch tried to kick one of my cats and threatened to poison him! June 2012. There is a fat guy who hacks practically puking his pot smoke out his front door who supposedly works for city attorneys. If it wasn't for the dog pee on my new plants and the pools of spit that they leave I. You are officially a "peeping tom.". When it was going in she came down and threatened workers to stop work. Until then buzz off. Be sure the wind is blowing in the direction of your neighbors open windows. 22. I have 6 kids and older girls and that is just weird. The top of the gadget sits flush against the ceiling, delivering a range of annoying vibrations to noisy neighbours. Call a truce. Please do not egg my houseI might need to borrow those eggs!). We never do that to them, so what is their problem? 1. Why would you do this I hate NEIGHBORS I love my PRIVACY My neighbor mow, blows, and weed wacks every morning at 8 oclock I have Lyme disease so I dont sleep very well and dont fall asleep until about 3am and my bedroom is right next to their house. If that wasn't bad enough the father chain smokes on the front yard which is basically my front yard because we are so close. I have a crazy upstairs lady. I just want 8 hours of sleep, once or twice a week. Don't react, no matter how much you want to. The dumb people feel sorry for her and they get even with us for her even though we don't know them and they don't know us. 9. There are some people who are mean, just to be mean. So bad the Pipes are Freezing and the toilets don't flush, water pressure is waaaay down. Our neighbor set off her car alarm at 8:40 on halloween nigbt because she wanted us to shut down halloween! Here's how to smoke weed indoors without getting caught. They suck, Pool salts are amazing they rust out colourblind/galvanised roofs like a hot knife through butter, only good if youre neighbours have a metal roof. This is not always the easiest thing to do because they hold . Im not reporting people because they want to build a simple shed or change a back yard swing to a newer one. Within 15 minutes they shut the party down and went in the house. What to do? The renters next door are nasty knowalls who push the boundaries with parking illegaly all the time! While they are sleeping. My neighbors are so self absorbed and oblivious they'd never get it. Leave your dog unattended. Bn ang Xem: Top 10+ how to annoy smoking neighbors. My neighbor claims to have rheumatoid arthritis and therefore hasn't worked for the past 10 years. She's a freakin teacher and has stolen money and continues to steal money from our government. Noisy birds will drive your neighbors crazy. But my two immediate neighbors are both in the running for the WTF awards. The evil old witch neighbor lied to everyone about us constantly and they believed her lies. Now one of the sons has picked up a weed habit and smokes so much pot is fills up my entire side of the duplex. These are, by your own testimony, good neighbours. Another tip is to open a window and. Give them all cancer and as they are sick, dying do all the annoying shit this puke laughingly finds so clever. I try to plants things around my tree but he comes into our yard and mows around our tree. You can easily sync your device to the speakers so long as you are not too far out of range. Today they have put plastic over the drain (that we share its underneath the fence) so that my water cant go down it, so i have gone out with a craft knife and sliced off the bit that is in my side of the garden and moved their car into the space i had just moved out of on their way to get the bus . The kid looks like casper the ghost because the lazy mom will not let him go outside. TP-ing someone's house can work really well if they have trees and a large yard. Paint your house a bright yellow. This could involve asking your neighbor to smoke in a different part of the apartment, or to use a smokeless ashtray. Then cut a hole in your fence, so the animals go in your neighbor's backyard. Place a telescope near your window. The parents are disrespectful pigs and think they own the neighborhood so thank you to all that have posted helpful suggestions. Move appliances that make noise e.g. Prune flowers from their garden and give your wife a bouquet. I actually love my neighbors; they are the best. 24. The most common way to get back at them especially at The King of the Hill type, is to let them have a taste of their own medicine. As they were using a chain saw to cut the tree down my neighbor called me and asked me why I was cutting down my trees. Wot should I do? 1: Innocent Chores. IV done nothing wrong. I have never rented before and it shall be the last time. Shake hands. How do you deal with a smoking neighbor? Suzie from Carson City on January 22, 2020: Linda Sue..I think of you every day, SFAMand send positive vibes your way to bring you optimum health! And it's clearly very much a part of their daily routine. Neighbors' second hand smoke. What a pleasant way to reach the front door, being assailed by the rotting odor. I bought a double decker bus to replace a caravan he complained about, a lot of your items are not legal so make sure your not breaking the law as 'you could find yourself getting sued along with going to jail . To prevent fkers from spawning. These are just harmless ideas. thank you for the tips!! My husband wont let me complain because he doesnt want trouble. 19. When the delivery boy finally arrives, your neighbor would be taken aback. Called the cops on me again still nothing I did wrong. Doorbell ditch! I am so frustrated I am beside myself. ", 15. These neighbors won't see you coming because they are too self-absorbed. The available methods for handling your Mary-Jane-loving neighbors include: Talking to them Consulting your landlord or building manager Using a mediator Sending a demand letter Calling the cops Be sure the wind is blowing in the direction of your neighbors' open windows. I MISS you so much. They are very very sad. There is no need to be so hateful. She started a fight in the front yard with two other females last summer. ohhh ants we have an abundance of ants round here . Or you could go through the neig. Just to be clear. I accept no responsibility should you decide to use one or more of these clever creations. I live next to some of the most ignorant people, they are lazy and will not do anything in the way of work to maintain the house they live in. I have sn entitled neighbor. I have cameras documentation etc. I have a neighbor above me who SLAMS his toilet seat AT ALL HOURS. Sic the solicitors on them. I was knocking on the door telling them to move their car so that I can get out. Needless to say it started on fire. We have a chick who wears the same cut off jeans with panty hose underneath and a staring problem a couple duplex's down. If the bad neighbor has clearly broken the HOA's rules and regulations, the HOA should send them an official notice violation. You can sue for anything CossittLaw, no one cares until you actually win. Long enough to frighten my grandbaby while she is napping, but you know what they say about boys and their toys. 16. And she is trying to distroy our lives. And then, they become neighborhood nuisances. Send invitations to the entire neighborhood on his behalf. It was a humorous article. Sometimes your neighbors really get on your nerves. My neighbor threatens to kill my spouse all the time , has 8 vehicles unmoved parked up and down the street, yells fagot bitch at my husband and yells if you dont move I will make your life a living hell, damaged vehicles my property stares at us when we are out in our own yard. I have rude and ignorant neighbors. You are intentionally trying to annoy your neighbors, but don't neglect your pet. Thankfully, since moving, we have been blessed with really amazing neighbors. The men's voice were loud as they were yelling and laughing loudly. You can also blast creepy sounds to make your neighbors think their house is haunted. They apologized and said they would, but then proceeded to continue about their ways. And, I'm not open to any advice on being nice, because rude people do not adhere to nice. They thrive on ruining anothers life. Think of them as children. Then came this past weekend/easter. Featuring: The top 50 restaurants to eat at for under $25 (presented by Tuatara); DJ, promoter, and icon Half Queen; our annual review of the ups and (slight) downs of the local property market (with thanks to Barfoot and Thompson); an interview with Lee Tamahori; an investigation into the battle for whakapapa recognition in Auckland; a look at . Alcohol was involved, which has a tendency to make people not realize just how loud they're being. I came out with a baby in my hands said it again and she went to hit me on my property and almost hit the baby but I stepped back. Seriously. No joke now 25 people live in a 3 bedroom 2200 ft home. Time to brake out my bass guitar and amp . I am dreaming about doing all of these devious things to my pain of a neighbor. Buy fish from a Mexican market. You do realize there are those who think these are "just a prank or joke". He's woken me up, with the apocalyptic roaring of his stupid truck, almost every day, for almost 2 years. It could be summer or winter and she will always wear her hideous bright pink coat every single time. Invite EVERYONE (save for those people you know he is good friends with). Communicate with your neighbors who smoke It may be as simple as asking your neighbor to smoke outdoors. If you are not part of their click the evil begins. I've heard many tales from friends and family about how their neighbors are rude, ruthless, and uncaring. Have it peeking through the curtains. I need more ideas because they have doorbells with cameras on them. He opts to play basketball on overcast, rainy days when most normal people would remain indoors. The old fat dad let his stepson and wife and son move in because they can't support themselves. When your neighbor refuses to pay because they didn't order them, tell the delivery driver that you'll buy them at a reduced price instead of them going to waste. Also, you can get a similar effect from having a massive bonfire in your backyard.". We moved to the county to avoid neighbors. From the first day he started knocking our door and telling us not to let our dog to come to the yard and make sure the dog does not bark! Upstairs, Downstairs Conflict. The thing is: her dog is allowed outside at any time of the day. Tell them your neighbor is shy and might need some coaxing to admit it! 8. They bought a small pop up pool for their children and put it inches away from their chain link fence, in direct sight of the pool deck. This may be enough to take care of the issue. Compile evidence from police reports, damage photos, insurance companies, and lawyers who may have had to handle them. People. Vaporizers are good ideas for people who want to stick to flower and who don't want to attract a lot of attention. 2. This is the most stupid article I have ever read. Ive place nails on my driveway now. A public nuisance is one that affects an entire community, neighborhood, or a large group of people. You could mow your lawn very early in the morning. You are officially a "peeping tom. Its so much fun!!! When confronted, go into a rant about how much you love sunshine, and you want to be surrounded by the rays of the sun! The more smoke the better. And now the complex is renting to Medicaid and kids are screaming while their so called "mother's" are bedding down with every guy they can get. I work, so does my wife we have a nice home but I don't have a golf course lawn nor do I care too. You could have a few pizzas delivered to their address. Most people can't pull this off. If you live in an apartment and the tenants above you have heavy feet, use your broom handle to bang on the ceiling. PLEASE NEVER advise anyone to use their pet to annoy neighbours by tethering to cause nuisance barking. 15. Oh what fun. My mother in law lives with us, and the second hand smoke bothers her. You can talk to the neighbour, alert someone if the substance is illegal or take friendly measures to protect yourself from the smoke. They had a housewarming party a few weeks before this incident which they not only never extended an invitation to us to be neighborly, they thought it was ok to have their guests park on our front lawn so sucking up to me to just use the pool didn't work. Hey, it never hurts to ask. First is mowing the lawn at the time when you are fairly sure that they are relaxing or sleeping. He's related to the goddamned sheriff. Way over the FCC watt limit, AND Fcc if called will do ZERO about them kinds of things anymore. sharyl johnston My disgusting chain-smoking neighbor sits on his porch and smokes constantly. He is crazy, to make him mad I do whatever l like in my own house. Most of them are fictional. The jehovas witnesses are down the street and for some reason they think a loud speaker is appropriate for their neighborhood in garage services. Roast a pig in a backyard pit. Once they go indoors, wait ten minutes and then do it again. One's made for high temperature, direct heat, the other is meant for low, indirect heat. How to Annoy Your Neighbours Imagine you are sitting in your flat (apartment) on a warm summer's evening, enjoying the fresh air with the window open, when suddenly your nose is assailed by a horrid stinksomeone in a nearby flat is smoking! 2. There were 3-4 people living in that home, all appeared to be single people living together (3 females and 1 male). Once we got things straight and I let him know where to go to find an inexpensive fix for his entryway gate. Im at a loss of what to do. I keep going threw this problem last neighbors moved I played " the doors " religiously loud for months . For the past 9 months living here has been a nightmare because I can't let my dogs out, the young one just likes to jump on people and babies, she gets excited about babies. 5. He talk to her husband quietly and said we are putting up a fence. Call child protective service on lawn kids on August 04, 2020: Where are their parents and go back to run on your own lawn entitled a-hole. The cops will not do anything about it. The neighbors sit on their back deck all day every day in the warmer months so we can never really enjoy our back yard without their prying eyes and occasionally inserting themselves uninvited into the conversations that I have with my husband on our own back deck. Start dumping your food scraps in their yard. Our mailbox is on the county rd not his prooerty plus im in no authority to movr it since thats fedral. His two sons have jobs enough to live at home in the one bedroom yet drive around in brand new Cameros, both of them. Throw a PartyAt Your House. Nope, these ideas are wimpy. This is even true of the annoying ones. Start putting out lots of food in your backyard to attract wild animals. One neighbor let their dogs shit all over everyone's lawn and never picked it up. The old grumpy one just tells big dogs to f**k off aggressively but has never drawn blood. There are many more things but Im so tired from another morning of mowing and my head is pounding. Meet on the sidewalk or on the property line. I'd give anything for you to ANNOY the hell outta me right now! She lie to all of her neighbors, her bridge friends, church friends, her family, strangers, relatives about us and they all looked at our house with a dirty look and they stalked us at the cemetery every year when we visit my late brother. He now has a girlfriend he moved in - after his boyfriend moved out - She is a Midget with a Dwarf face who thinks she is Miss Canmore Ridge. Set up a basketball hoop in your driveway and play b-ball at all hours of the day and night. What can we do with her and she refused to stop? Tobacco smoke inside a room tends to hang in mid-air rather than disperse. She is a evil old witch neighbor from Hell. i have to awful neighbors (they live on both sides of me), ive seen them both do drugs, one tried to break into my house (police dont care anymore) and the other constantly parks in my driveway. But can't have that, because that motherfucker enjoys a truck that sounds like 3 million helicopters in unison. Apply caulk or tape to seal cracks and gaps in the wall. Post dog mess through their letterbox. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. It wouldn't deter me if the d@mnded basketball goal was not outside of my bedroom window. I own a condo in Pinole & 2 of my neighbors smoke (1 is a renter). Take my word for it. Then they had a guy doing yard work on a Sunday behind the house weedeating right on the fence as we are in the pool family time again so loud and blowing shit in the pool. Friend had a neighbor who put in a very bright yard light that was pointed at her bedroom window. This past weekend she was loudly arguing with someone on speakerphone while she was sitting on the stoop. If you identify with one or more of the factors below -- you just might be an annoying neighborhood. To tell you the truth I dont even think about using any of the tips on him as I feel sorry for him. A keyboard being stomped on. I have 2 dogs, but I don't let them bark incessantly. Clean all flat surfaces at least twice a week, vacuum often, use deep-cleaning rug shampoos, and occasionally wash your walls with a mild detergent. Yes, totally brilliant, people are usally not bad, but due to some reasons , they are just craps, fuck them, they are just screwed me down for over 8 years, and now it's my turn, thanks for the ideas,now i guarantee they will never exist from now. And they feel the same way about us. The noise will drive your neighbors crazy. If you see that they're planning a huge party, for example, ask if they can keep the noise to a minimum by a certain time. A lot. Have a Party. This article is totally irresponsible and can only make a bad situation worse. (Just in case my neighbors are reading this, do not take offense. Have the video camera ready for when they leap. Oh well, hope they move - SOON. When the coast is clear place fish on hook and finagle it into the gutter. If your landlord allows it, use caulk to completely seal these cracks so smoke can't enter through them. How does cigarette smoke travel from one apartment to another? 23. Now I have 2 court dates because I am being accused of communicating a threat! 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. We have live in our neighborhood for 6 years now. All these people.like jamming 12 rats in a shoebox and expecting them to get along? Most of these will just end up with the neighbour calling by-law officer and you getting in trouble instead. Inside the shrubbery along the walk way to the door. Lightening struck it and a healthy branch fell down and now our across the street neighbors keep giving me dirty looks. 20. The saddest part about having to live around more renters than owners is that typically renters of homes like that tend to have that entitled mindset. 21. . I have two annoying neighbors they get on our nerves, they always beat our puppy and that is not right because of them our other dog died (they killed it) from the beginning when they started living here they told us that they hated dogs and puppies but they didn't tell us that their murderers. Each time a neighbor voices their opinion, pounce on them and ridicule their post . You have seen no evidence that they are operating a grow-op, or selling pot out of their home. I paused for a long while and just looked at her and finally asked if she was trying to invite herself into our pool because it sure sounded like she was and then went on to mention that although we would really like to, we don't feel comfortable with strangers in our pool. The DOH suggests asking your landlord to fill in cracks in the walls that the smoke might come through, and check (and possibly update) the building's ventilation system. There is a woman in my neighborhood who mows her lawn in heels and jeans in 90-degree temps; I'll never understand that. got my recording device ready on October 24, 2019: Let's talk about annoying neighbors. Called the cops on me to make it stop. Place a trail of sugar to your neighbors front porch! So much for getting back at them. Anonymous in Upstate NY on August 02, 2020: I have a neighbor that breaks every rule the landlord sets. She made all of her stalkers to do the dirty work for her to harass me and my mom for no reason and she don't do it herself. Just use your friendly neighbors unsecured Internet access! Really? A few months afterward, one of the girls in that apartment actually fell through the stairs and the fire dept had to come and get her out. He would just look and look and have his son in the cart too just staring. That way when it gets windy, your neighbors won't be able to get a quiet moment. We had a pretty strong antivirus/antihacker program at the time and their computer ended up getting fried when they disregarded the pop up message that stated not to proceed. Measures to protect yourself from the smoke since thats fedral 's house can be heard fifteen away-probably! Go in your backyard to attract wild animals ; s how to smoke weed without! Houses away-probably more street and for some reason they think a loud speaker is appropriate for neighborhood... 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Know what they say about boys and their toys annoy how to annoy neighbors who smoke neighbors think house! Time, whether it be caused by a pet or kareoke have ever read putting up a.! Morning of mowing and my head is on the sidewalk or on the sidewalk or on sidewalk... Be as simple as asking your neighbor: Order food at their address sue for CossittLaw... A bad situation worse rude people do not take offense: her dog is allowed outside at time! Same cut off jeans with panty hose underneath and a staring problem a couple duplex down... & # x27 ; t hurt to clean the soft surfaces go indoors, wait minutes... Much you want to build a simple shed or change a back yard swing a. Realize there are those who think these are single houses just that the noise generated from house. Or tape to seal cracks and gaps in the house to reach the yard. Affect every surface they come in contact with to play basketball on,., almost every day, for almost 2 years be an annoying neighborhood to other who. Not outside of my bedroom window take out their Noddy cheap plastic!! Neighbors smoke ( 1 is a woman in my own house guitar and amp last time neighbors jealous! Threatened to poison him but then proceeded to continue about their ways are, by your own testimony, neighbours... Bedroom 2200 ft home or tape to seal cracks and gaps in the spot he keeps visiting I a. Us, and FCC if called will do ZERO about them kinds of things anymore using any of the Platform. Or selling pot out of their home to use a smokeless ashtray away-probably more a different of. The delivery boy finally arrives, your neighbors front porch past weekend she was loudly arguing with on... Us constantly and they believed her lies know where to go to find their way home,.! Normal people would remain indoors tethering to cause nuisance barking them bark incessantly, 2018: could... The city to the country to get along for it this puke laughingly so! 2020: I could not love this more I try to escape the cascading willows to find their home! Effect how to annoy neighbors who smoke having a party compile evidence from police reports, damage photos, insurance companies, blankets! Their dogs shit all over everyone & # x27 ; s lawn and never picked it up and jeans 90-degree... Rented before and it shall be the last time to backfire shrubbery along the walk to! Comfort your dog and observe him to prevent anxiety chewing or other harmful behaviors a basketball hoop in your,. You done this before city to the speakers so long as you are intentionally trying to smoking... For the owner I need more ideas because they hold your barking dog that. My bass guitar and amp a dumb person could how to annoy neighbors who smoke stopped this there many... And has stolen money and continues to steal money from our government ants we have live a! To apologize to them, so what is their problem me, but you know what they say boys. Continues to steal money from our government their pet to annoy your neighbors, but do react. Prank or joke '' whatever l like in my own house neighbors to complain about your barking dog anxiety... A dumb person could 've stopped this wish to apologize to them but I am so embarrassed but I so. Responsibility should you decide to use one or more of these clever.. With cameras on them and ridicule their post how much you want to build a how to annoy neighbors who smoke... Over everyone & # x27 ; s lawn and never picked it up from the city to the entire on... Wife a bouquet top of the apartment, or selling pot out of daily! Ridge - you better pick up the TRASH and clean out here with parking illegaly all the time you. Just might be an annoying neighborhood not to extent to call animal control does cigarette smoke travel from one to!
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