His attack causes no damage to Cacao, they fight hand-to-hand until the henchman beats Yamcha. But as far as every-day people getting strong through training: Yamcha is the top of that mountain as far as we've seen. After the Tree of Might is destroyed, Yamcha joins everyone on a camping trip. When Yamcha was finally brought down he had no memory of what happened. Puar says he's the coolest, bravest guy he knows and that he should be more confident in himself. Tien and Krillin are with most of the Z Fighters at Bulma's and say they want to learn the Kaioken, wishing Goku was there to take them to King Kai's. Yamcha is surprised and asks if they really don't know how to use it. Champa suggests they have another baseball match to settle things but Beerus refuses noting how they almost came to blows last time thus preventing another baseball match between Team Universe 7 and Team Universe 6. Gohan finds Yamcha with Sapphire who tells her he had an awesome day while she calls him dreamy, with Yamcha saying he's only dreamy cause he's with her, while thinking to himself he is living the good life and has been going on dates with hot girls every day and that he feels so alive. He pleads for a time out, but the clone puts him in a daze after hurling some glass projectiles at him. His hair is almost the same style as the one he had during the Saiyan Saga and Frieza Saga, with the long sideburns he had during his introduction in the Emperor Pilaf Saga. A day later, Super Buu eventually finds everyone at the tower and allows them to live for a short time. In this state the evil desires, he would normally suppress take control driving him mad to the point of being willing to kill his own friends for it. Yamcha is not among the 3 strongest humans, but he is the third strongest of the earthlings. When Gohan hits the ball Yamcha makes a run to third base, but Champa again intervenes and stops Botamo from getting Gohan out and throws the ball at Yamcha, once again hitting him in the spine but Yamcha once again makes it to the base, proclaiming he will not lose at baseball weakly from the ground. However, there's more to it than just the comic relief nature of his character. They have an on-and-off again relationship for several years and despite her supposed mistreatment towards him, he still loved her. This time Yamcha reacts far quicker, sending the Saibaman back at Nappa and leaving the Saiyan in said death pose instead. Thanks to having his potential unlocked by Guru and training with Nail prior to the Saiyan invasion, his power level is noted by Vegeta to be over 10,000 and as such, he and Goku together can match Vegeta in combat. In the beginning of Dragon Ball Z, Yamcha's power level is calculated as 177 by the scouter used by Bulma. Cell (Super Perfect Form). The EX-Fusion of Yamcha and Tien introduced in Dragon Ball Fusions. Yamcha, Tien Shinhan, Chiaotzu, Krillin, and Piccolo vs. His name is a play on "Yum cha" (literally "drink tea"), referring to a gathering to drink tea and eat dim sum. In the anime version of the Universe Survival Saga, when learning of a tournament pitting all twelve universes against each other, featuring the strongest warriors of each respective universe, Yamcha was excited by the prospect and expected to be chosen as a member of the team. Yamcha appears in his own spin off manga, where a boy in his body is the main protagonist. Yamcha thinks to himself that he didn't expect this to happen but that he should be able to talk his way out of the situation, noting that he did train under King Kai believing he can handle anything. Now Yamcha straight up quit the fighting business, and is now a professional baseball player. The heroes face the Turles Crusher Corps. from The Return of Cooler timeline, though the Future Warrior beats them and travels through the wormhole to stop anymore Metal Coolers from reaching the main timeline. Pearl says she is so over Yamcha and Sapphire agrees stating there are plenty of better guys out there. Yamcha decides to accompany Goku and travels with him to see Fortuneteller Baba at her palace to learn the location of the last Dragon Ball to revive Upa's father, Bora. Is Pan the strongest Saiyan? If Yamcha was to go one on one with a regular human, he would be a monster like the Hulk compared to an average human being. Yamcha is a bystander and watches the tournament from the stands. These Sub Stories support Bulma's assertions of Yamcha's unfaithfulness which lead her to ultimately break up with him and move on to Vegeta. In part due to Yamcha's injured leg, Tambourine gets the upper hand, but Yamcha is luckily saved from death when King Piccolo calls Tambourine to go after Cymbal's killer. ", it is revealed that Puar had been shapeshifting into Yamcha to keep up the appearance to Yamcha's girlfriends that he was still alive though Puar is more of a gentleman which caused trouble with some of Yamcha's girlfriends who preferred Yamcha's personality. Yamcha improved so much during his training on King Kai's planet that he succeeded in taking down the Ginyu Force's Recoome, who had beaten Krillin, Vegeta, and Gohan just days prior. The creature was now believed to be dead, as it was beaten brutally by Yamcha. However, Yamcha reveals he's still alive and stands up, telling Puar he's much stronger now, declaring as a former student of King Kai, he can't let something like Self Destruction kill him. Really?," and that's a fair response, but here's the thing, Yamcha isn't all that weak. The_Theorum 4 years ago #2. They are also flying to get there, as it was taking too long driving in a car. After three years of intense training on Earth, Yamcha has gotten stronger, as upon detecting his energy Android 20 referred to it as abnormally large, far exceeding any known human data, causing him and Android 19 to assume Yamcha was Goku, though Gero was unaware of Goku's extreme growth since his battle against the Saiyans, convinced that he could not get much stronger past that point. Yamcha was Goku's first rival, knocking him through 3 boulders during their first battle, bef. Yamcha defeats a giant called Gregor and moves on to face Bora in the semifinals. In the next Part of his plan, Yamcha raids King Gurumes for the remaining six Dragon Balls and other valuables. [25] The Dragon Ball: Adventure Special book, released during the King Piccolo Saga, says he is nervous around women except for Bulma and in a section where Bulma dresses up in different outfits suggested by the main cast, Yamcha's suggestion is a Wedding Dress (at the time he and Bulma were still a couple). This form also grants him access to some of the Time Breaker's Super Skills such as Towa's Bloody Sauce, Mira's Phantom Fist, and Darkness Mixer, in addition to Yamcha's original techniques such as Spirit Ball and Neo Wolf Fang Fist. "@kukuruyo Isn't Krillin the strongest human in Dragon Ball? After being beaten around by the Brigade advisor, he finds assistance from Tien and Chiaotzu, who join the fight alongside him, but even together, the trio struggle against their opponent. The bandits follow the gang north to icy weather by Muscle Tower, missing the desert heat Yamcha and Puar go into a cave to warm up with a family of bears. In the Majin Buu saga, Yamcha wears a yellow suit jacket along with a white long-sleeved shirt and black shoes. Then, Goku starts to have the disadvantage when he starts to get hungry, which drains his power. Is yamcha the strongest human? Unfortunately, while Yamcha got them both to safety, Bulma's Dragon Balls dropped into an ocean crevice. Bulma hurls a cabinet at Yamcha right as he just beat Hasky and stomps off. After the Tournament of Power ended and with the erased Universes restored, Yamcha and Puar are seen at the victory party held at Capsule Corp. Now coming to Yamcha ,it might be astonishing a bit but He might be as powerful. In the Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga, Yamcha was recruited by the Galactic Patrol to defend the Earth from the Moro Corps' invasion. This power-up form does not return in Xenoverse 2, nor can its Awoken Skill be added to Yamcha's custom skillset via Partner Customization (he shares this trait with Krillin who, could also use it in Xenoverse). Yamcha admits he didn't think it would work. Yamcha is then incapacitated after Android 20 punches a hole clean through his midsection; the sudden drop in his ki alerts the rest of the group though, and they arrive shortly after. It is not in vain for Yamcha though, as Master Roshi accepts him to become one of his students. He is powerless to intervene as first Krillin, followed by Master Roshi, and then Chiaotzu are killed by King Piccolo. After the Namekian Dragon Balls recharge, Tien and Chiaotzu are revived and the Namekians relocate to New Namek (save for Piccolo, Kami, and a Namekian child named Necke who remained on Earth). Yamcha next meets with the group at the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament, he has trained for the last three years for this tournament (earning his trademark scars in the process) and looks forward to the fights. He is seen in the final ending montage of the episode as well. From his early appearance in Dragon Ball, Yamcha is shown to be a skilled martial artist. Yamcha says he bet he could have done some real good on Namek and since Gohan was there, he bets that Gohan would be a great judge of his strength and that's why he wants to fight him. Save for Yajirobe, the four fighters decide to go to Blake Bog where Piccolo is training Gohan to challenge Piccolo as he is currently the strongest fighter around. Unfortunately for him, he is targeted and blasted by Mecha Frieza ten minutes into the tournament. Goku takes over the fighting at this point and defeats Bandages the Mummy with one hit, as well as the rest of Fortuneteller Baba's fighters. Yamcha is enjoying the party. During the main story, Yamcha appears during the Attack of the Saiyans in the altered timeline of Age 762 fighting the Dark Magic enhanced Saibamen, Tennenman, and Jinkouman. [21] Both are powerful bandits who are associated with sand, (Yamcha from a sandy desert, Sha from a sand river), who reform and join the heroes on their quest. Also, the chapter marks the return of two characters that One Piece fans have not seen for a very long time: Dorry and Brogy. He has even worked in a host club, but because of his nervousness, it did not go well, and he was fired. Yamcha is later seen at his house, rehearsing his lines of initially refusing to join them; and then show up at the last minute, all the while still waiting for Goku. While Goku trained with Roshi, Yamcha trained for a month in the wilderness. Here's why Yamcha deserves perhaps even more consideration for that title. Yamcha continues to tail the group, letting it slip in front of Puar he thinks Bulma has a beautiful voice, after they recover the sixth Dragon Ball from Ox-King into a remote village. He also becomes a devoted follower of Garlic Jr. and the Spice Boys whom he worships. While in prison with the Gang, Yamcha mostly gets over his anxiety around Bulma, connecting with her and even sharing an accidental kiss after an explosion rocks the prison. Gohan checks on Yamcha who reveals himself to actually be Puar in disguise. In Dragon Ball Super, Yamcha's outfit is a white martial arts with gray trousers (which is exactly the same attire he wore in the movie Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods). Puar fed up with Yamcha feeling sorry for himself, snaps and tells Yamcha not to talk like that and reminds him of how they first met when Yamcha risked his life to protect him when he was being attacked by a pterosaur. The Future Warrior is sent by the Time Patrol to assist but they get separated fighting the Dark Saibamen. They are human. After the tournament, Yamcha returns to West City with Bulma and the others. Yamcha has been stated to be a good cook by Akira Toriyama. Soon the tournament is interrupted though as the other Z Fighters leave, and then return with Vegeta now possessed by Babidi, an evil wizard. Yamcha is one of the few Z Fighters who are shown to drive on a regular basis in Dragon Ball Z. At first the fight is even with Yamcha dodging all of Bora's blows and Bora blocking Yamcha's strikes, but Master Roshi distracts Yamcha, causing him to cease his dodging and allowing Bora to knock him out of the ring. He was then filled in by Piccolo, who could hear the entire conversation between the two, that in three years powerful androids will appear and kill everyone if they are not fully prepared; Goku invited Yamcha to train with him, but Yamcha refused, saying that he liked training at his own pace. In an effort to rescue Bulma from getting her blood drained, using the transforming abilities of the latter, they disguise themselves as demons but are caught when Oolong's transforming ability gives away. The narrator explains that Porunga revealed Goku survived and would return on his own, causing them to revive Krillin and Yamcha instead. When the finals are about to begin, Tien has his friend Chiaotzu use his psychic powers to fix the fight schedule numbering so that he and Yamcha can face off in the first match of the quarterfinals. He watches the first match between Goku and Universe 6's, Botamo. The party then starts. Eventually they sense Goku on his way, but Krillin notices an evil presence following Goku. He sees Yamcha had another girlfriend whom he is also dating who notes Yamcha has changed and isn't as fun, though Yamcha says he'll do better next time. He is the second fighter to learn the Kamehameha since the beginning of Dragon Ball (after Goku). Goku comes up to pitch next and both power up to Super Saiyan Blue. He tells. In the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament, Yamcha is defeated in the quarter finals by Hero, who was really a human possessed by Kami. Yamcha faces Bido and Zangya and fights against them but is quickly defeated. Goku was able to become many many times stronger after training with King Kai . As Vegeta begins toying with Cabba, he shows some doubt that Vegeta has rid himself of all of his sinister qualities but dismisses them once he realizes that Vegeta simply wanted to push the weaker Saiyan to increase his power. Yamcha had improved and advanced further than Krillen in the original Dragon Ball series Going into the Saiyan saga. History's been changed . He has a degree in journalism from the University of Montevallo, and is the author of the psychological thriller and time travel novel, "A Man Against the World." Ten years after Kid Buu's defeat, Yamcha is seen along with the rest of the Z Fighters at the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament and witnesses the emergence of Uub, the good, human reincarnation of Kid Buu. He roughly slaps him on the back actually making the unguarded Beerus stagger slightly which worries Vegeta that it might upset him, but Beerus just shrugs it off. [14], Yamcha's appearance changes throughout the series, mainly his clothes and hairstyle. Krillen and Yamcha decide to take each other on to determine who the strongest human is. Quickly, he found himself utterly overwhelmed by it. He is Tiencha's EX Fusion counterpart. Due to his training under Kami and King Kai, he is one of the strongest fighters known to have been corrupted by the mist making him more dangerous than the other infected Earthlings like Bulma, Chi-Chi, and Master Roshi. Krillin is often called Dragon Ball's strongest human, but is he really? They go with Bulma back to the city while Goku goes off to train with Master Roshi. Whenever the tournament date neared, Yamcha would always go through vigorous training and invent a new technique like the Blinding Wolf Fang Fist, Neo Wolf Fang Fist and the Spirit Ball. Krillin's power level before he died was 1700 and when he was on Planet Namek, his potential . When Goku breaks them out by turning into his Great Ape form, Yamcha and Puar cut his tail to ensure everyone's safety. Pearl then invites Sapphire to have some ice cream together and Sapphire agrees, with the two ladies ignoring Gohan and Yamcha lying on the ground. Later they have a brief fight with Kid Buu in the Other World. Due to his injuries, Yamcha spends the majority time on the sidelines. When Vegito is turned into candy by Super Buu, King Kai suggests sending Krillin and Yamcha to fight him instead of Goku and Vegeta, implying they're his next best fighters. Tenshinhan does not belong to our species and everyone considers him a human. A former desert bandit, Yamcha was once an enemy of Goku, but quickly reformed and became a friend and ally. Yamcha is a playable character in the first Dragon Ball Z based game, Kysh! He met Puar in Age 747, two years before the Emperor Pilaf Saga takes place. It is a "Fusion Frenzy" card in the Dragon Ball Collectible card game, however, the card itself does not depict the fused character, instead showing the two fusing characters beside each other. In early Dragon Ball, Yamcha had a fear of women and tended to get terrified at the sight and touch of a woman, although he seemingly got over this after meeting Bulma when they were 16. A Valiant Vain Villain. Yamcha first appears after he, Krillin, Tien, Chiaotzu, and Yajirobe had completed their training under Kami. Later, wanting to prove to himself that he is just as capable as Vegeta, Yamcha recklessly tried using the Gravity Machine, setting it to 300 times Earth's gravity like Vegeta. A chance for Krillin to pass him came in the Buu Saga when it was revealed that Yamcha stopped training, but the scenes in Other World in Dragon Ball Z's final episodes indicated this scenario never came to pass. After Tien defeats one of them, Yamcha volunteers to do battle with one of Nappa's spawned Saibamen, in place of Krillin who had already been revived once with the Dragon Balls. Elder Kai reveals to the Future Warrior that whoever it is they are slowing Goku down and notes the others won't last much longer and orders the Future Warrior to go help Goku. Yamcha is one of the strongest human fighters on Earth. After Vegeta attacked the crowd, Yamcha went with Bulma and a few others to ask Shenron to bring back all the goodhearted people who were killed that day by Babidi and Vegeta. In Dragon Ball Super, it is revealed Yamcha actually has grown stronger and has been training. In FighterZ, Dr. Gero's power suppressing waves didn't affect Yamcha as much as everyone else, as the suppression seal is incomplete on Yamcha, allowing him to access most of his power. This leads to the Sub Story "Yamcha's Alive?!". [22] It is likely this is why he has knowledge of famous fighters like Grandpa Gohan, Monster Carrot, Bacterian and King Chappa. His favorite actors are Tyrone Power and Eleanor Parker. Yamcha's Struggle! Yamcha trains along with Tien and the resurrected Krillin and Chiaotzu until Master Roshi informed them that, to be able to reach Goku's level of power, they are going to need to find better ways to train than those available at the Kame House. Not wanting to face the wrath of an angry Ox-King, Yamcha races back to the scene and apologizes to Chi-Chi, saying he did what he did because he is crazy with love for her. Dragon Ball: That Time I Got Reincarnated as Yamcha, Push Forward to the Battlefield! Yamcha would utterly destroy Captain America. Gohan is unsure if Oolong actually saw Yamcha's Ghost and decides to investigate how Yamcha could be alive when he saw him die fighting the Saibaman. Due in large part to his death at the hands of a Saibamen, Yamcha is often ridiculed as one of the weakest heroes in the franchise. He again came to the group, this time apologizing for his behavior, and gave them a car to make up for damaging their van. Is Yamcha the strongest human? The fact that his enemies underestimate him at times actually plays into Yamcha's favor, allowing him to catch his enemies off guard. After Baba's Tournament, Roshi begins training Yamcha as his pupil. Later, his newfound confidence led to rumors of him challenging Goku and Vegeta. Yamcha then observes SSJ2 Gohan and the Future Warrior's battle against Dark Cell, before a Wormhole summons the Metal Cooler Corps. Yamcha's Supervillain form becomes playable after PQ 86 is completed. Unfortunately for Yamcha, he and Sapphire are approached by another one of his girlfriend's Pearl who angrily calls Yamcha a sleazeball and asks what the hell he is doing with her. At the start of their fight, they seem to be trading an equal number of blows. He created a new kind of pitching technique called the "Wolf Fang Pitching Fist", a pitch that has the speed of his Wolf Fang Fist and the maneuverability of the Spirit Ball. When it comes to the question of which is the strongest of the two, it's widely assumed that Krillin is on a higher level. Realizing that he could not beat Goku, Yamcha instead decided to let the group collect all seven balls and then take the wish. Gohan asks where he can find Yamcha and Puar says he thinks Yamcha is on a date with his girlfriend Sapphire and thus is probably somewhere on the road northeast of West City. He might not be the strongest human in the series, but he is far from the weakest. He and the rest of the group see Future Trunks off as he leaves for his own time and then they go their separate ways. This common perception of the Desert Bandit was reinforced by Dragon Ball Super, which saw the Z-Warriors exclude him from both the fight with Golden Frieza and the Tournament of Power. If Gohan talks to Puar (Yamcha cannot be in his party) in West City, Puar says his curiosity is killing him and after noticing Gohan, he asks him to do a small favor. The next morning, with the balls now inert, the gang goes their separate ways. There are two Sub Stories that require Yamcha to not be in the player's party as Yamcha plays a role in both. superman_2000 3 years ago #1. Sapphire says she had no idea Yamcha was a cheater, while Pearl says she hates him. (As of the moro arc) Yamcha referring to the strongest at the time states he is one of the three. In Dragon Ball Fusions, Yamcha is classified as a C-Rank fighter putting him on par with Bulla, Chiaotzu, Gine, Great Saiyaman 2/Videl, Guldo, Nappa, Raditz, and Saibamen who are all C-Rank. Watches the first Dragon Ball Z, Yamcha is not among the 3 strongest humans, but he is of! His potential he was on Planet Namek, his newfound confidence led to rumors of him challenging Goku and.! By Akira Toriyama but they get separated fighting the Dark Saibamen is powerless to as. Many many times stronger after training with King Kai called Gregor and moves on to determine who the strongest the! Now inert, the gang goes their separate ways form, Yamcha 's favor, allowing him catch. To be a skilled martial artist stronger after training with King Kai confident in.... The second fighter to learn the Kamehameha since the beginning of Dragon is yamcha the strongest human. 'S party as Yamcha, Push Forward to the Battlefield times stronger after training with King.! 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