[45][92], A foul odor has been pointed out as a possible common motif or attribute of the lamiai. She is a goddess of menstrual power and hence female power. Many ancient religions used masks in their rituals, which could explain not only Medusas appearance but also the emphasis on her beheading. The image of her severed head remains a powerful protective amulet. In Renaissance emblems, Lamia has the body of a serpent and the breasts and head of a woman, like the image of hypocrisy. She also resembles Polyphe the Okeanis mother of Athena by Poseidon, and the goddess Amphitrite. "The Views on Medusa Goddess in Mythology." [j][51], In Apuleius's The Golden Ass[k] there appear the Thessalian "witches"[l] Meroe and her sister Panthia, who are called lamiae in one instance. WebDiodorus Siculus ( fl. [54][55][m][n], Meroe has seduced a man named Socrates, but when he plots to escape, the two witches raid his bed, thrust a knife in the neck to tap the blood into a skin bag, eviscerate his heart, and stuff the hole back with sponge. From her deadly power to her hideous face, she has all the hallmarks of an enemy of humanity and the gods. Her hair forms long curls that, according to Mattel, foretell the serpents that will become her hair. Zeus gave Lamia the power of prophecy and the ability to take out and reinsert her eyes, possibly because she was cursed by Hera with insomnia or because she could no longer close her eyes, so that she was forced to always obsess over her lost children.[1]. Tritonis appears to be closely related to the Timeoroi Libyes (Guardian Spirits of Libya) who, according to some, were nurses of the young Athena. Poets and scholars of all ages knew Her as the Goddess Neith. [75], This Lamia of Libya has her double in Lamia-Sybaris of the legend around Delphi, both indirectly associated with serpents. Its partly the doing of Arab invaders in the mediaeval period; partly the doing of 20th century French colonial strategy in Morocco and Algeria, casting Berber and Arab as non-overlapping categories so as to divide and conquer to foster strong Berber support for the French presence (Moore 1974: 384; see also, in much greater detail, Rouighi 2019a, esp. One theory puts forward the idea that Medusa is representative of a pre-Greek goddess of the region. In Greek mythology, Medusa bears many of the hallmarks of a monster. And, incidentally, Gorgon snake hair in Morocco certainly isnt derived from Maasai dreadlocks in Kenya. Depending on the version of the story, she either reciprocated, and (with a little help from her sisters) let Poseidon into Athena's temple and slept with him on the altar, or was simply raped by the god. According to some myths, Medusa, the most famous of the Gorgons, was originally a beautiful woman. [80][81] Scylla is a creature depicted variously as anguipedal or serpent-bodied. Medusa embodies menstruations protective powers. The story is not one of a single monster being killed, but of an enemy culture and its religion being destroyed and replaced by the Greeks and the gods of Mount Olympus. The story of Medusa is one of the most well-known in Greek mythology. Some of the Gorgons' depictions make them Snake People. And that is why we have the Atlas Mountains in Morocco and Algeria. Sometimes, however, she is portrayed as a living woman. I don't object to you removing the last sentence at all. Nowadays, scholars of ancient religion know better than to take it as evidence that one god is derived from the other. He did so with the help of many of the pantheons powerful gods. Medusa's appearance varies depending on what source you're reading. Aeneas didnt originate in Roman myth, but hes still an important part of Roman myth. http://www.kibin.com/essay-examples/the-views-on-medusa-goddess-in-mythology-u4hTw2Vu, ("The Views on Medusa Goddess in Mythology. We cant be confident how old any of these elements are which ones were understood as part of a standard canonical story, and which ones were invented by individual writers. The fact that Medusa lived alongside two sisters is also notable in her interpretation as a monster. The poets stated that she Such is their tale. It's nice to know that you have read my article. Encyclopedia of Spirits: The Ultimate Guide to the Magic of Fairies, Genies, Demons, Ghosts, Gods & Goddesses. She doesn't appear that often in media made before the 80s. Image i - A wooden door panel intended to guard the house from an unwelcome guest (Thomas Regnaudin, c. 1660). Snakes are traditionally associated with menstruation. Except there is a lot of evidence to the contrary that she wasn't worshiped but used as an apotropaic symbol. An Ionian Greek city could change its ethnicity by changing its dialect and clothing styles. On his way back to Greece he paused in the Maghreb and turned the Titan Atlas to stone. ", Pseudo-Hyginus, Fabulae 14 (trans. Many other myths are interpreted as retellings of how the Greeks and their pantheon won power. [14][27], Numerous sources attest to the Lamia being a "child-devourer", one of them being Horace. Through the century Medusa became a feminist symbol of the power of feminine rage, leaving the male gaze, and finding independence, in addition to protection. She was imported into Greece as one of the Gorgons, daughter of Phorcus and his sister Ceto. [95] Worded another way, Lamia was emblematic of the hypocrisy of such scholars. Of the three sisters only Medousa was mortal. [1.1] ATHENE (by Poseidon) (Herodotus 4.180, Pausanias 1.14.6) WebMedusa Introduction. She also had two sons by Amphithemis--if this is the same Tritonis--named Kephalion (Cephalion) and Nasamon who were the founding kings of two Libyan tribes. Either way, Athena was furious. Perseus was the son of Zeus and Dana, the daughter of Acrisius of Argos. [103] The contemporary Greek proverb, " " ("the Lamia's sweeping"), epitomises slovenliness;[103] and the common expression, " ' " ("the child has been strangled by the Lamia"), explains the sudden death of young children. They think that Medusa was a goddess. Poseidon, especially attracted to her voluptuous hair, assaulted her in the temple of Athena. In the anime Monster Musume, the character Miia is a lamia. Strands of her snake hair went on to protect whole cities. The Gorgons may have originally represented a similar triple goddess cult. [22], John Keats's Lamia in his Lamia and Other Poems is a reworking of the tale in Apollonius's biography by Philostratus, described above. I cant read Tamazight or Arabic, so Im not ideally placed to say what the prevailing mood is. "), "The Views on Medusa Goddess in Mythology." So don't look at that illustration. Let us know! Alternatively she desired Medusas power. She resides in the Petrified Temple in the middle of a petrified forest on Lesbos. This article is about a creature from Greek mythology. 1495.). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Clash of the Titans (1981) (mentioned below) featured her as one of the monsters and it has been said that modern generations owe their knowledge of Medusa to the film. A nymph of lake Tritonis in Libya, who according to an ancient tradition was the mother of Athena by Poseidon. ", Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 4. King Polydektes of Seriphos once commanded the hero Perseus to fetch her head. One development stage of jellyfish is named after Medusa, and jellyfishes are called Medusa in several languages. WebMedusa was a Libyan Goddess who was worshiped by The Amazons. Some believed that Africa became the home to many varieties of snakes as Medusa wandered the continent and shed them from her hair. [citation needed]. The story of her beheading is an allegory for how an ancient cult was destroyed by the ancestors of the Greeks. Some nymphs in Greek mythology were famous, but others were only known in a certain time Hecate Greek Goddess of Witchcraft : The Complete Guide. Herodotus Egyptian interlocutors spoke to him in Greek, and as a result, they used Greek names. Although, in the most well known myth written by the Roman poet Ovid, Medusa was born extremely beautiful and human-like. WebSome interpretations argue that Medusa was a Libyan goddess who was equated with Athena before the Greeks defeated them and demonized her as Athena's enemy and What makes you cringe? Feminist writers of the 20th century began to see reflections of themselves and other women in the fate of Medusa. It can be used to destroy or overwhelm any other power. Although, in the most well known myth written by the Roman poet Ovid, Medusa was born extremely beautiful and human-like. Dreadlocks? Probably not although that hairstyle wasnt unknown in the Mediterranean. More likely the snakes were inspired by a head-dress that the For this reason. In the story of the birth of the Libyan Athena, Triton--a Libyan sea-god sometimes identified with Poseidon--and Tritonis were the parents of two daughters named Athena and Pallas. Medusa (Metis) was the destroyer aspect of the Great Triple Goddess also called Neith, Anath, Athene or Ath-enna in North Africa and Athana in 1400 c. BC Minoan If you don't object I'll delete it from the article and just preserve it here in this comment. [21][d] This was later incorporated into Edward Topsell's 17th-century envisioning of the lamia. The sisters Sthenno and Euryale were immortal but the third, Medusa, was mortal. It is covered with scales all over. The ancient Greek origin is that she and her fellow Gorgons were simply created/born that way. Horace makes a related joke, referring to the aforementioned Lucius Aelius Lamia the praetor as "Lamus", in this instance regarded as the founding figure of the city of the Laestrygonians. Yes, Medusae. A Roman-era mythographic text describes the Gorgons as follows: Perseus escaped from the other two Gorgons using the cap of Hades. Because she is a reminder to be unapologetically ourselves and fierce in the face of oppression, Add gift message and Deluxe Gift packaging, Liquid error: include usage is not allowed in this context. These could be one goddess with three forms, such as the Morrigan and Brigid in Ireland, or three closely related goddesses who worked together, like the Norns in Norse mythology. What Were the Hamadryads in Greek Mythology? She was perhaps also identified with Benthesikyme a North African sea-nymphe who like Tritonis was married to a local sea-god (Enalos) and had two daughters. (Herod. [9] Diodorus, Duris of Samos and other sources which comprise the sources for building an "archetypal" picture of Lamia do not designate her as a dragoness, or give her explicit serpentine descriptions.[82]. "On the return trip [of the Argonauts] Eurybates, son of Teleon died, and Canthus, son of . Send your order in a special package containing an embossed gift bag, tissue paper, Awe branded polishing cloth and a notecard. 2. Philostratus's biography identified empousa with lamia, as already given. The story of Medusa seems to obviously be one of a terrible monster. She went against her vow and married him. In the earliest stories, Lamia was a beautiful queen of Ancient Libya who had an affair with Zeus. Perhaps instead of a monster, she was an example of how painfully demonized feminine people have been for embracing themselves and their power. Perseus had foolishly promised that he would provide the Gorgons head as a gift, and Polydectes, king of Seriphos, held him to his word. In the view of some historians, however, Medusa can be interpreted as something other than a monster. Beheading her was a metaphor for destroying the masks that were central to her cult. When ancient Greek writers say Libya, they dont mean the modern country. : Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 3. 180 (trans. Engraged, Athena, unable to punish Poseidon. Fittingly, a great hero was dispatched to kill her. But that doesnt mean there arent any. The examples are Aristophanes's reference to the "lamia's testicles", the scent of the monsters in the Libyan myth which allowed the humans to track down their lair, and the terrible stench of their urine that lingered in the clothing of Aristomenes, which they showered upon him after carving out his friend Sophocles's heart. She was imported into Greece as one of the Gorgons, daughter of Phorcus and his sister Ceto. With help from other Olympian Gods and Goddesses he was successful, but Medusas death was not the end of her. Lib () was the ancient Greek name for the entirety of the Maghreb, that is, northern Africa all the way from the Strait of Gibraltar to what is now western Egypt. Really the whole idea of the African medusa figure is based off of a single historian, Martin Bernel, and his work Black Athena, which posits that the Goddess Athena, as well as the entirety of Greek language and culture are derived from African roots rather than Indo-European roots, as well as The technical term for the image of Medusas severed head is gorgoneion. Herodotus is responsible for much of the misunderstanding over Medusa being Libyan. Was the Griffin a Bird from Greek Mythology. [87][88] It is noted that this character terrorized Delphi, just as the dragon Python had. But at the same time, the Greeks always imagined her as living in Africa on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. I mostly just say that, although Herodotos does say that Medusa lived in North Africa, there's nothing to indicate that she was originally an African goddess and the story of Medusa was most likely made up by Greeks.The main thing that my answer adds to what you've said here is that I actually address the claim about the dreadlocks by pointing out that the earliest surviving depictions of Medusa, including the famous Kykladic pithos from the early seventh century BCE that depicts her with the lower body of a four-legged horse, don't seem to depict her with snakes for hair. [19][b][c], Aristophanes wrote in two plays an identically worded list of foul-smelling objects which included the "Lamia's testicles", thus making Lamia's gender ambiguous. The assistance of Athena helped many heroes accomplish their goals. In almost all versions, Medusa is humanoid (occasionally, she has a snake tail instead of legs) and Always Female. This allows our team to focus on improving the library and adding new essays. Note that the Erinnyes (Furiae) were depicted very similarly as hideous snake-haired women. WebMedusa was originally a Libyan Goddess, worshiped by The Amazons as their Serpent-Goddess. When he describes a festival of Osiris at Siwa, for example, he calls the god Dionysus, because of some minor parallels with Greek Dionysiac festivals (2.4749). Medusa is a powerful symbol today, as powerful as ever whether you imagine her as the monstrous demon of early Greek art, the beautiful woman of Hellenistic-era literature, or the cursed rape victim in Ovids epic poetry. 144 (trans. In Ancient Greece, the Gorgoneion (Greek: ) was a special apotropaic amulet showing the Gorgon head, used most famously by the Olympian deities Athena and Zeus: both are said to have worn the gorgoneion as a protective pendant. 6 (trans. Heres a run-down of where ancient sources placed the Gorgons. Later depictions (although still fairly ancient ones, in the absolute sense) gradually toned down the more monstrous aspects and made her more attractive. Her head never lost its power to turn those who looked at it to stone, and was placed on Athenas shield to ward off evil. Jones) (Greek travelogue C2nd A.D.) : Please like and share this article if you found it useful. Medusa teaches us to know and love ourselves outside of the expectations of patriarchal society. The presence of three monsters even though only one is important to the story could be a relic of a pre-Greek triple goddesss cult being destroyed by the Olympians. Jason Williams, The story of Medusa is about European fear of African spirituality, melanin and black women with power, an answer I wrote over a year ago on Quora, Classics at the Intersections (Rebecca Futo Kennedy), The Philological Crocodile (@PhiloCrocodile), Tales of Times Forgotten (@spencemcdaniel), Late antique mosaic of Medusa from Hadrumetum, Tunisia (Sousse Archaeological Museum), beyond the Ocean, at the edge of night, in the same region as the Hesperides (nymphs of the west), three days flight (for Perseus) west of the Atlas Mountains. Grant) (Roman mythographer C2nd A.D.) . Their birth is a reminder that the transformative power of destruction often leads to new creation. Rieu) (Greek epic C3rd B.C.) | FAQs | ^Mods | Magic ^Words. WebPerseus, in Greek mythology, the slayer of the Gorgon Medusa and the rescuer of Andromeda from a sea monster. Coral is allegedly Medusas blood, which spilled into the sea and was petrified. WebMedusa was a Libyan Goddess who was worshiped by The Amazons. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. They celebrate a yearly festival of Athena, where their maidens are separated into two bands and fight each other with stones and sticks, thus, they say, honoring in the way of their ancestors that native goddess whom we call Athena. I am the owner and chief researcher at this site. Approximately 10% of the females are "greater medusae", who have super-toxic blood and. Berber itself isnt a grouping by skin colour, it originated as a linguistic grouping. Myths are malleable, after all. In addition, the Medusa Nebula within the constellation of Gemini features snakelike filaments of glowing gas. 144 (trans. Met. [43], Regarding the seductress, Apollonius further warned, "you are warming a snake (ophis) on your bosom, and it is a snake that warms you". Petrification from, A gorgon joins the City Watch of Ankh-Morpork in the, Previous throwaway mentions: A cross-eyed gorgon with a stone nose was mentioned by one of the monster hunters in. [65][66], One evidence this may be a double of the Lamia comes from Plutarch, who equates the word empousa with poin. There are some ancient Greek writers who do associate Medusa with Africa. Notably, the Greek historian Herodotos of Halikarnassos (lived c. 484 c Medusa heads were traditionally carved as coral cameos for an extremely powerful protective amulet. Early descriptions of Medusa illustrated that she always had a monstrous appearance (like the other Gorgons) with snakes for hair, large teeth, wings, and claws. He goes on to express an opinion that most Greek gods names originally came from Egypt (2.50). While Medusa could be killed, her sisters could not. In Greek: " , ", Cupid refers to Psyche's sisters as Lamiae, Apul. 1. "So I'm a plaything of the gods, one of the broads caught in their game, ain't that a shame. [73], Christian writers also warned against the seductive potential of lamiae. xsai 11/19/2011. Haha, I was about to cross post a witchvox article about her until I saw you were the author! He did so by using the helm of Hades to escape their sight. WebTHE TIMEOROI LIBYES were three goddess-nymph guardians of the wilds about Lake Tritonis in Libya (in North Africa). As I said at the start, its entirely a matter of what people want. If Medusa does represent an ancient goddess, there would be reason for so many Greek gods to be involved in her story. Theoi Project Copyright 2000 - 2017 Aaron J. Atsma, Netherlands & New Zealand, (Apollonius Rhodius 4.1493, Hyginus Fab 14). A more sustainable option that doesn't include our Goddess box, pouch, or booklet to reduce packaging waste. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Whats the historical low-down? Goddess Medusa. It was their hero Perseus who beheaded our Goddess Medusa. Being poor and without means, Perseus set out to bring the head of the Gorgon Medusa to the king. Assisted in his task by their Goddess Athena whose virgin status in this tales defeats the evil Medusa. It is also believed in these portrayals of Athena, [11], The Vulgate used "lamia" in Isaiah xxxiv:14 to translate "Lilith" of the Hebrew Bible. [99], Lamia, also known as Ramia, also appears as a boss in the Nintendo DS action role-playing game Deep Labyrinth.[100]. She is a goddess of menstrual power and hence female power. Herodotus, Histories 4. She was imported into Greece as one of the Gorgons, daughter of Phorcus and his sister Ceto. Medusa teaches us to know and love ourselves outside of the expectations of patriarchal society. [i][47][48] The same joke was used in theatrical Greek comedy,[49] and generally. She vowed to be celibate her entire life as a priestess of Athena until she fell in love with Poseidon. ", "Raised by Wolves: Mother's Real Name Has TERRIFYING Implications", "10 Lamia, Slain by Eurybatus and Others", "The Sweepings of Lamia: Transformations of the Myths of Lilith and Lamia", "Magic and Vampirism in Philostratus' Life of Apollonius of Tyana and Bram Stoker's Dracula", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lamia&oldid=1138177380, Articles with Latin-language sources (la), Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2007, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 8 February 2023, at 12:19. : Reading example essays works the same way! Upon learning this, Zeus's wife Hera robbed Lamia of her children, the offspring of her affair with Zeus, either by kidnapping or by killing them. English composer Dorothy Howell composed a tone poem Lamia which was played repeatedly to great acclaim under its dedicatee Sir Henry Wood at the London Promenade concerts in the 1920s. Encyclopedia of Spirits: The Ultimate Guide to the Magic of Fairies, Genies, Demons, Ghosts, Gods & Goddesses Written by Judika Illes Copyright 2009 by Judika Illes. Medusa may manifest as the beautiful goddess she was prior to her transformation or in her classic monster form with contorted face and snake locks. It alludes to Plutarch's use of the term in De curiositate, where the Greek writer suggests that the term Lamia is emblematic of meddlesome busybodies in society. For this reason, earrings, bracelets and necklaces featuring Medusa have continued to be sought after by those who wish to protect and celebrate the resilience, emotionality, and empowerment that has long been pushed down in feminine people. [68][69][o] The idea that these creatures were lamiai seems to originate with Alex Scobie (1977),[71] and accepted by other commentators. Medusa (Metis) was the destroyer aspect of the Great Triple Goddess also called Neith, Anath, Athene or Ath-enna in North Africa and Athana in 1400 c. BC Minoan Crete. Iconographically, two very different depictions coalesce in the classical Medusa: the Neolithic God-dess of birth, death, and regeneration, who is represented as bird, snake, or bird/snake hybrid; and the Near Eastern demon Humbaba whose severed head is, like Medusas, used in an apo-tropaic manner. Her petrification powers then may be still present, totally absent, voluntary or, eh, body part specific. Also, in African mythology, Medusa was a Libyan goddess; the serpent goddess of female wisdom. It is later revealed that Modest is a special Medusa who will fortunately not turn into a hydra. [p][11] Isidore of Seville defined them as beings that snatched babies and ripped them apart. Yes, she was. As with most historical truths, particularly regarding people of color, that story was been scrubbed from (most) written records. The The views on medusa goddess in mythology. Other legends suggest that Medusa is a Libyan snake goddess. Kibin. Modern commentators have also tried to establish that she may have originally been a dragoness, by inference. Like many Greek monsters in mythology, killing Medusa was a task assigned to a semi-divine hero. Lamia has been ascribed serpentine qualities, which some commentators believe can be firmly traced to mythology from antiquity; they have found analogues in ancient texts that could be designated as lamiai (or lamiae) which are part-serpent beings. Heres the earliest source, composed around 700 BCE: Most of our geographical information comes from ancient stories about Perseus. She also happens to be the source of the cast's eye powers and creator of the Kagerou Daze world. "a Lamia's groin" (Benjamin Bickley Rogers, 1874), "a foul Lamia's testicles" (Athenian Society, 1912), "sweaty Crotch of a Lamia" (Paul Roche, 2005). Percy also confronts the forgotten other son Chrysaor, embittered at being ignored in legend, who honors his heritage as a son of her and Poseidon by becoming a fearsome pirate. He carries a Medusa head that he similarly uses to petrify enemy units. The ancient Greco-Roman imagination gradually shifted the Gorgons home, from an island in the Atlantic, eastwards to the African mainland: perhaps in Morocco, perhaps at the Strait of Gibraltar. Athena was once part of the Trinity of Snake Goddesses however the Grecos wanted to separate themselves from other regions so they demonized the Goddess Neith Athena Feather Studied the myths extensively Author has 168 answers and 111.6K answer views 2 y Im not sure what answer you want. Modern images of mermaids, some with snakey hair, are also sometimes labelled Medusa, but these are usually modern Gorgon mermaids. Medusa's main characteristics are snakes for hair and that people turn to stone just by seeing her face. Some modern astrologers suggest that this star is associated with female power and the reemergence of the feminine divine. It purports to give a full account of the capture of "Lamia of Corinth" by Apollonius, as the general populace referred to the legend. Essay Examples Editing Paper Grader Thesis Hesychius of Alexandria's lexicon (c. 500 A.D.) glossed lamiai as apparations, or even fish. Please confirm you want to block this member. 14. No. Medusa was clearly described as having long golden hair when she was still a priestess in Athenas temple. But its not unlikely that the myth 11(. 180.) Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Coral, anything serpentine, menstrual blood stained pads or garments. [78] Either one could be Lamia the mother of Scylla mentioned in the Stesichorus (d. 555 BC) fragment, and other sources. To protect the anonymity of contributors, we've removed their names and personal information from the essays. WebMedusa. The monster in the heroic story could symbolize a pre-Greek religion. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device, Add gift options or sustainable packaging, Free shipping on $150+ & free returns on all U.S. orders. Please note: Originally a character in Classical Mythology, Medusa has taken a life of her own, and now exists in all kinds of fantasy sometimes as a person, sometimes as an entire species. In Keats's version, the student Lycius replaces Menippus the Lycian. I have no doubt that a spirit could appear adopting the name and visage of Medusa, I just think it is good to be cognizant that worship of Medusa is thoroughly modern and did not occur in the past. Other packaging types available at checkout. The Gorgons collectively could indicate that this unknown goddess was part of a triple goddess cult. Athena was one and the same with Pallas and Medusa. From Greek mythology, Medusa is the only mortal of the Gorgons. [98] August Enna wrote an opera called Lamia.[36]. Why are we down voting someone who sharing an opinion that was the topic of the thread. Ancient sources do indeed put Medusa in or near northern Africa. In some versions, her hair-snakes are venomous. Here, Lamia is the common vulgar term and empousa the proper term. She was a beautiful maiden with golden hair. She is the sister of Euryale and Stheno, and they were born to the sea god Phorcys and Ceto, who is the goddess of sea monsters. Translating names in this way is called interpretatio graeca. The oldest story known to feature Medusa is the adventures of Perseus. A slightly different version of this origin is that they were. No books written in ancient Berber languages have survived to the present day (though we do have a bit over a thousand inscriptions). The loss of her children drove Lamia insane, and in vengeance and despair, Lamia snatched up any children she could find and devoured them. : Pausanias, Description of Greece 1. Like the Minotaur, Medusas horrific face may be based on ancient religion. Lamia's possible kindred kind appear in Classical works, but may be known by other names except for isolated instance which calls it a lamia. Most frequently, only her severed head is depicted. Not only is Medusa identified with Libya, she also had dealings with the three Graeae who had the removable eye shared between them. The sisters Yes. Many of the myths in Ancient Greece and Rome were inspired by people of African descent and deities who were venerated in places where African Webmythology and iconography. [28] Horace in Ars Poetica cautions against the overly fantastical: "[nor should a story] draw a live boy out of a Lamia's belly". Sent by a king, Perseus went on a mission to slay Medusa and bring back her head. While Medusa and the Gorgons have often been interpreted as representative of a danger of the sea, some scholars believe that their origin lies in history rather than solely in the realm of legend. A great hero was dispatched to kill her power and hence female and! Hairstyle wasnt unknown in the Maghreb and turned the Titan Atlas to stone by... Was imported into Greece as one of the thread more likely the snakes were inspired by a king, went. Do n't object to you removing the last sentence at all be on. Are also sometimes labelled Medusa, but Medusas death was not the end of.. 11 ] Isidore of Seville defined them as beings that snatched babies and ripped them apart of ancient Libya had... 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Same time, the Medusa Nebula within the constellation of Gemini features snakelike of! Mark to learn the rest of the wilds about lake Tritonis in Libya ( in North Africa ) ai! [ 87 ] [ 47 ] [ 27 ], a foul odor has been pointed out a... She was n't worshiped but used as an apotropaic symbol have read article. One development stage of jellyfish is named after Medusa medusa libyan goddess and jellyfishes are called Medusa or. ): Please like and share this article if you found it useful voluptuous hair assaulted... I said at the same joke was used in theatrical Greek comedy, [ 49 ] and.... On Medusa goddess in mythology. Eurybates, son of represented a similar triple goddess cult beings!, so Im not ideally placed to say what the prevailing mood is interpretation. Lamia is the only mortal of the Gorgons may have originally represented a similar triple goddess cult a page... In addition, the student Lycius replaces Menippus the Lycian a shame there are ancient. ] it is later revealed that Modest is a Lamia. [ 36 ] witchvox article her. Helped many heroes accomplish their goals Project Copyright 2000 - 2017 Aaron J. Atsma, Netherlands & Zealand! Depictions make them snake people incorporated into Edward Topsell 's 17th-century envisioning of the Gorgons except there a! & new Zealand, ( Apollonius Rhodius 4.1493, Hyginus Fab 14.. The broads caught in their game, ai n't that a shame hallmarks an... Of our geographical information comes from ancient medusa libyan goddess about Perseus have originally represented a similar triple goddess cult (! Also notable in her story called Medusa in several languages the only mortal of the pantheons gods... Names and personal information from the other two Gorgons using the cap of to... Help of many of the feminine divine as living in Africa on the return trip [ of legend! ( in North Africa ) he was successful, but Medusas death was not the end her. Know and love ourselves outside of the Atlantic Ocean Hesychius of Alexandria 's lexicon ( c. 500 A.D.:... The only mortal of the Gorgons, daughter of Phorcus and his sister.. He was successful, but these are usually modern Gorgon mermaids fact that Medusa lived alongside sisters... A selection results in a full page refresh so Im not ideally placed to what. Ancient goddess, worshiped by the Roman poet Ovid, Medusa was born extremely beautiful and human-like (. More sustainable option that does n't appear that often in media made before the 80s Perseus set to. ( most ) written records oldest story known to feature Medusa is the vulgar. Ancient Greek writers say Libya, they dont mean the modern country is named after Medusa, and,! More sustainable option that does n't include our goddess Medusa feminine people been! Of snakes as Medusa wandered the continent and shed them from her hair Medusa and bring back head! Can be used to destroy or overwhelm any other power remains a powerful protective amulet ( Greek C2nd. And clothing styles ( Greek travelogue C2nd A.D. ): Please like share! Head that he similarly uses to petrify enemy units as the dragon Python had embossed gift,... From an unwelcome guest ( Thomas Regnaudin, c. 1660 ) modern commentators have also tried to that! ( in North Africa ) head of the hypocrisy of Such scholars the emphasis her. Depicted variously as anguipedal or serpent-bodied Athena by Poseidon medusa libyan goddess used masks in their rituals, which explain... A snake tail instead of legs ) and always female Edward Topsell 's 17th-century of... Of her severed head is depicted c. 1660 ), assaulted her in the of. With snakey hair, are also sometimes labelled Medusa, but hes still an important part of a pre-Greek of... An affair with Zeus this way is called interpretatio graeca and other women in the Maghreb turned! Libya ( in North Africa ) on a mission to slay Medusa and the same,. She Such is their tale way, Lamia is the common vulgar term empousa! Monster, she also resembles Polyphe the Okeanis mother of Athena by Poseidon and! Their names and personal information from the other the keyboard shortcuts often leads new! As evidence that one god is derived from Maasai dreadlocks in Kenya of Hades ] is... New Zealand, ( Apollonius Rhodius 4.1493, Hyginus Fab 14 ) of! And turned the Titan Atlas to stone just by seeing her face to in... End of her severed head is depicted as Medusa wandered the continent and shed from. At all turned the Titan Atlas to stone just by seeing her face Medusa does an... Rescuer of Andromeda from a sea monster are also sometimes labelled Medusa, the of... Dispatched to kill her while Medusa could be killed, her sisters could..
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