Then, he made the Lindell Foundation which was first formed to comfort addicts and MyPillow staff. Of course, Twitters Ministry of Truth had already banned President Donald Trump a couple of weeks earlier along with tens of thousands of other Americans who had one way or another stepped over Big Techs arbitrary and ever-changing political correctness line-in-the-sand. The film states that Shiva Ayyadurai invented email. [44][45][6][38], At a rally in Fargo, North Dakota, on June 27, 2018, Trump complimented Lindell for his "business acumen". [20] He attended a Republican Governors Association meeting, at which he was encouraged to run. Project Veritas Video Exposes Twitter as Part of American Pravda, National Review, CNN, WSJ: Backstabber Liz Cheney Is New Hero, Conscience of GOP, FULL EXPOSURE: NeverTrump Neocons Kristol and Schmidt Reach Out to Biden, AOC, National Reviews Neocons and The Bulwarks Bidenistas: Reviling Trump, Rejoicing in Biden. Lindell, represented by attorney Charles Harder, sued the Daily Mail, alleging libel. MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has announced a three-hour film pushing baseless election-fraud claims. MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell is considering "legal options" after YouTube, Vimeo, and other streaming services pulled down his two-hour documentary alleging massive fraud in the 2020 presidential . "[120][121], In March 2021, Lindell said on The Domenick Nati Show that he was no longer living in Minnesota and was not attending in-person events over safety concerns. In February, right-wing conspiracy theorist and MyPillow founder Mike Lindell announced that he would be releasing "the most important documentary" in history, claiming that it would prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the 2020 presidential election had been stolen from Donald Trump. OANN broadcast a lengthy disclaimer before the program saying the claims were Lindell's alone, but that the 2020 election results "remain disputed and questioned by millions of Americans". [52] In July 2020, Lindell said he was "99% sure" about running for Minnesota governor; Lindell ultimately did not run,[53] and did not provide an explanation, though had previously said his decision would depend on the results of the 2020 presidential election and "if we flip Minnesota red". Sellers insisted that Newsmax was not going to allow Lindell to discuss election fraud, asserting that the election had been certified and settled. A number of officers were seen in videos being attacked by people from the mob. Things happen. [100], In September 2021, Bonner County, Idaho, announced it would perform a recount of ballots cast in the 2020 presidential election, in response to an allegation by Lindell that all 44 Idaho counties had been digitally hacked. The anchor Bob Sellers grew visibly irritated when Lindell instead began rattling off his Dominion Voting Systems election-fraud claims and cut in to remind viewers that Lindells claims were unsubstantiated. [24] Frank has no social networking features[25] and primarily offers embedded video streams, including Absolute Interference, a two-hour video promoting conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidential election. [97][98], Lindell and others predicted various inquiries into the election would result in Trump being reinstated as president in 2021. [58], In May 2022, Lindell rejoined Twitter, circumventing a Twitter ban on his former account. The Highest-grossing Japanese Film May Come To India. Lindell attended this rally, but did not go to the Capitol. ", "In Rapid City, My Pillow CEO Says He's '99 Percent Sure' About Running For Minnesota Governor", "MyPillow guy delays decision on governor's race", "Attorney: My Pillow founder Mike Lindell paid part of bail for teen charged in Kenosha shooting", "Mike Lindell says he didn't mean for his $50,000 donation to help bail out Kenosha killer Kyle Rittenhouse", "Tina Peters responds after Mike Lindell said he donated $800K to defense fund", "MyPillow CEO says he gave as much as $800,000 to Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters' legal defense fund", "MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell re-banned on Twitter after hours from return", "MyPillow CEO says he is running to chair RNC", "Mike Lindell Swore He'd Win the RNC Chair Race. Eric Coomer, Dominions security director, filed his own lawsuit against OANN and others in December after being falsely accused of helping to rig the election for Biden. [66], Lindell helped sponsor a bus tour that sought to challenge the election results. )[71][12] After Newsmax had broadcast a "clarification" of its false reporting on voting machine fraud in response to a demand letter from Dominion, followed by a defamation suit from a company executive,[72][73] Lindell appeared on the network on February 2, 2021, to repeat the false claims, as network anchor Bob Sellers tried to stop Lindell before reading a disclaimer and walking off the set. and also the 2020 general election. Stephen Shackelford, legal counsel for Dominion, stated that My Pillow's lawsuit was "a meritless retaliatory lawsuit, filed by My Pillow to try to distract from the harm it caused to Dominion". [39] In a speech at Liberty University in August 2019, Lindell said "When I met with Donald Trump, it felt like a divine appointment, and when I walked out of that office I decided I was going to go all in. The BBB cited a buy one, get one free offer that became a continuous offer and therefore the normal price of the product, not a sale price or free offer. G20 Foreign Ministers meet to kick off with gala dinner on Wednesday: All you need to know, Who funds CPR? Since November, religious-right activist and MyPillow founder Mike Lindell has been on a crusade to prove that former President Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election in a landslide but had the White House stolen from him due to massive voter fraud. Heres the disclaimer at the top indicating that it is paid programming, opinion only, and OAN doesnt endorse statements re: Dominion/Smartmatic. See Perks: on YOUTUBE: Merch: Donate: Website: https://www.tyt.comApp: Newsletters: want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network:TheDamage Report #TheYoungTurks #OAN210205__TB01_My_Pillow Also read:Where To Watch 'Eight For Silver'? Mike Lindell an avid supporter of former President Donald Trump and CEO of MyPillow, Inc. created and presented the video, which reportedly aired with a disclaimer saying that it expressed . He also paid for hours-long advertising spots oncable channel One America News Network (OAN), according to the company. He said OAN may run it in a loop on their cable channel, adding: Its gonna be everywhere.. Five people died in connection to the riot, including a Capitol Police officer. . "This movie trailer is out today! ABSOLUTE PROOF Exposing Election Fraud and the Theft of America by Enemies Foreign And Domestic The foundation broadened over time, including cancer victims and veterans in their outreach. Mike Lindell is an American entrepreneur, author, businessman, and CEO of MyPillow, one of the most successful pillow companies in the US. Early this week, Lindell was cut off by a Newsmax anchor for spouting election conspiracy theories. After years of alcohol and drug abuse, he invented the My Pillow pillow in 2004, and has grown it into a bedding company with over 100 products and hundreds of employees. In March 2017, Mike made a documentary, "The Mike Lindell Story: An American Dream" which was all about himself disabling from his drug addiction and constructing several million dollar companies. Michael James Lindell (born June 28, 1961),[4] also known as the My Pillow Guy,[5] is an American businessman, political activist, and conspiracy theorist. Herring stood by the networks decision to run Lindells film even though claims about the election being rigged have landed OANN and other conservative outlets in legal hot water. Lindell, an American inventor, has had quite a dramatic life outside of his MyPillow bubble. The three-hour-longfilm was Lindells account of what might have happened in the US elections. Also read:Where To Watch Demon Slayer? Today, Friday, February 5, he has released his two-hour documentary, Absolute Proof, which he says shows 100 percent the theft of our election by China and other countries. Lindells personal website currently showcases the video, which is being hosted by StreamHoster. The film will appear on OANN without commercial interruptions along with a typical disclaimer making clear that its contents dont reflect the networks opinions, Herring said. From his entrepreneurial endeavors to his personal and political interests, there's a lot to tell about Lindell's involvements. My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell has made a two-hour documentary expounding on his baseless conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidential election. Previously, Twitter suspended the MyPillow account about a week after suspending Lindells account. Help support our mission and get perks. [56], In April 2022, Lindell's mention of his donating as much as $800,000 to a legal defense fund for Tina Peters, a candidate for Colorado Secretary of State, raised questions as such a donation would violate Colorado state law;[57] the state's ethics commission investigated the fund after a complaint about a lack of donor transparency. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not . Lindell reportedly visited the White House before Trumps term ended last month. It is not about correcting the past. [13] He attended the University of Minnesota after high school,[when?] A far-right cable outlet on Friday aired a disclaimer ahead of the MyPillow CEO's new documentary. [12][79] YouTube removed the documentary that day for violating its policy against election disinformation. Lindell claimed the movie would run on cable TV on Friday, and be available online. Though Facebook did not completely remove it, a third-party fact-checker for Facebook has labelled the documentary as false. Dominion has asked Facebook and other social media platforms to preserve posts from OANN and other conservative networks as it pursues defamation claims. "MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has released a three-hour documentary about his baseless claims of election fraud, which this week led to an on-air argument between Lindell and anchors on the. Tune in Saturday and Sunday! MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell abruptly ended an interview with a British documentary team after he was asked about the QAnon movement. Drew Angerer/Getty Images. He saidLindell paid fair market value for the airtime, though he declined to reveal the exact cost. Of course, he is the CEO. Earlier, Mark Lindell's documentary wasavailable on Youtube. DeSantis says he insisted on no Disney characters at his Disney World Justice Jackson writes 1st Supreme Court majority opinion. The documentary is available to view on his own website,, and, reportedly, on the One America News Network (OANN), and other sites to be announced. [86][87][88] On August 11, a federal court judge ruled that Dominion's defamation lawsuit against Lindell and My Pillow can proceed, noting that Dominion has "adequately alleged" that Lindell's accusations against the company were either knowingly false or made with "reckless disregard for the truth". The outspoken businessman is a fervent evangelical Christian whose drug addict-to-CEO life story is a remarkable and inspiring example of the power of grace, prayer, and heroic perseverance. Georgia grand jury recommends charges in election probe, Georgia 2020 election grand jury suspected witnesses lied under oath: report, had not uncovered proof of widespread voter fraud. The New American has posted. Big Techs Iron Boot: Trump Moved to Parler; Now Its Set to Go Dark at Midnight After Big Tech Attack, As Trump Confronts Censorship Big Tech Targets The New American. It is not about correcting the past. [55] Lindell responded to the accusations saying that he donated to "The Fight Back Foundation Inc. to help fund election fraud litigation, among other things" and that the story was "Fake News". MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has released a three-hour documentary about his baseless claims of election fraud, which this week led to an on-air argument between Lindell and anchors on the conservative network Newsmax. [citation needed]., Matthew Gertz (@MattGertz) February 5, 2021. "Oh Melissa, you're so benevolent," a former client had laughed after growing weary of my unbridled enthusiasm for helping the addicted - which later turned to constant litanies about the . His unsubstantiated theories fly in the face of findings from federal authorities. A Twitter spokesperson explained that Lindell violated the company's civic integrity policy implemented in September 2020 to fight disinformation. "Absolute Proof" was made, he said, over a five-day period "holed up with people guarding me." But political correctness is not in Mike Lindells DNA. Mr. Lindell is the sole author and executive producer of this program. Its about correcting the future. His father, Morton Halperin, is a notorious far-left/pro-communist activist who has worked for the ACLU, the Carnegie Endowment, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and the Center for American Progress. For more than three decades he served as an accredited correspondent at the United Nations in New York and UN summits around the world. Fraud, errors, and glitches in the elections were mentioned in the documentary. Senior editor William F. Jasper is an author/journalist/commentator/documentary producer with a well-earned reputation as one of Americas top investigative reporters, most renowned for his in-depth, years-long investigation of the Oklahoma City bombing and its aftermath. [6][3][10][11], Lindell is a prominent supporter of, and advisor to, former U.S. President Donald Trump. [S]ELECTION CODE is a political thriller uncovering a secret so critical to the survival of America it transcends political parties. population. One of President Trump's most fervent supporters, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, released on Friday a two-hour video documentary titled "Absolute Proof" presenting the claim that fraud and irregularities affected the outcome of the 2020 election. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. We are extremely busy and hiring as fast as we can to handle all the shipping! The Absolute Hypocrisy As far back as 2003, Matthew revealed that the galactics were alleviating the effects of radioactivity: "The effects of radioactivity, which . Once you guys see what Ive seen youre gonna be so excited, he said. [6] Lindell's gambling addiction began to emerge in his teenage years. I cant believe theyre doing this to my company, Lindellsaidin an interview with USA Today last week. Lindell describes the film as the most important documentary ever, saying: I think God has been waiting to make this movie That miracle is coming, and coming, and Im telling you, Friday is the beginning. UN Pushing New Age Spirituality on Schoolchildren, Netanyahu Launches Massive Vaccine Drive as a Way to End Extreme Lockdowns, Ideological Imperialism Is Leading to a Bad End. [74], On January 25, 2021, Twitter permanently banned Lindell for perpetuating the unfounded claim that Trump won the 2020 election. Here's complete list of streaming sites, Where To Watch 'More Than Miyagi'; The Documentary On Pat Morita From 'Karate Kid', Where To Watch 'Malcolm And Marie'; Know The Streaming Options Of This B/W Film, Where To Watch 'Eight For Silver'? And as a result, he felt that they were trying to erase his work and subdue the truths considerably. A gaggle of left-wing Democrats assisted him in this effort to rehabilitate his career: Donna Brazile, James Carville, David Axelrod, Jennifer Granholm, Kathleen Sebelius, Bob Shrum, Anita Dunn, Karen Dunn and others. I don't you know this is this is the most attack on our country and I'm telling you, ever. Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images, 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, A Gillibrand primary in 24 could help GOP reclaim seat, Trump rips Kangaroo Court after giddy forewomans swearing-in fantasy, Will Trump be indicted? On-fire. [29] According to invoices published by a Salon writer, obtained from a leaked video conference with Lindell's IT team, Lindell spent about $936,000 on hardware, labor, and services to launch Frank. The documentary was shot in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Twitter has permanently banned My Pillow CEO Mike Lindells account after he continually perpetuated the baseless claim that Donald Trump won the 2020 U.S. presidential election, the Associated Press reported on January 26. The Orwellian censors at Twitter banned Lindell on January 26 for promoting what the Fake News Media repeatedly refer to as baseless claims of voter fraud. Lindell said that "he did not help finance subsequent trips to promote the Jan. 6 rally," referring to the rally that was followed by the storming of the U.S. Capitol by a pro-Trump mob. Mike Lindell discusses his 3 hour Documentary on election fraud that will drop Friday Feb 5, 2021. Phil earned a Bachelor of Arts, a Master of Divinity, and conducted postgraduate studies at Oxford University. WATCH: My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell Releases Documentary on Election Steal, UN Biodiversity Beijing-Wall Street Convergence. : Bride leaves, says MyPillow CEO is a snooze", "Inside the MyPillow guy's relationship with his ex-wife", "MyPillow's Mike Lindell Sues Over Story of Jane Krakowski Romance", "MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Sues the Daily Mail Over Jane Krakowski Affair Story", "Jane Krakowski Denies MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Romance, Jokes She's Actually Dating Brad Pitt", "Jane Krakowski Insists She's Not Dating the MyPillow CEO Because She's Never Met Him", A federal judge threw out Mike Lindell's defamation lawsuit against the Daily Mail for a story alleging he had a secret affair with actress Jane Krakowski, Judge Crotty: Falsely Accusing a Single Man of Dating an Actress is Not Defamatory, "MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell says he hasn't been to his Minnesota home for 2 months over safety concerns, instead moves between 'undisclosed locations', Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience, Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected biographies of living people, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Pages using infobox person with multiple spouses, All articles with vague or ambiguous time, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2023, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 21 February 2023, at 17:01. Our real president." Lindell's made the remarks during an interview with RSBN's own Liz Willis ahead MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has released "Absolute Proof," his documentary purporting to explain the unfounded claims of election fraud, and it's just as unhinged as you'd expect. No, that's not true: The nearly two-hour video recycles familiar conspiracy theories, touching on claims that have been widely and repeatedly debunked. . Embedded below is a copy of that video: MyPillow CEO and staunch Trump loyalist Mike Lindell has a new documentary out, pushing his long-debunked lies about former President Donald Trump's loss to President Joe Biden being the. [14][18], In 2017, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) revoked accreditation of My Pillow, lowering its rating to an F based on a pattern of complaints by consumers. He said on a Christian YouTube channel that it'd "mean the end times" if the film didn't catch on. Could Chinas Petroyuan Give Rise to a New World Energy Order? And upending the world. [S]ELECTION CODE follows the story of Tina Peters the County Clerk in Mesa Colorado, who made a backup of her counties Dominion Voting System server, only to stumble across evidence of manipulation in a recent local city council election. Mike was earlier the subject of a film that narrated the story of Mike Lindell who, despite monetary problems, drug addictions, and other kinds of adversity, achieves fame and success. GameStop, AMC shares climb after Robinhood lifts trading r Meghan Markle, Prince Harry have first night out since bombshell Spare released, Savannah Guthrie Rushed Out Of Today After Testing Positive For COVID-19 During Live Broadcast, Heroic bus driver saves student from passing car, Meghan Markle, Prince Harry have first night out since bombshell 'Spare' released, King Charles to evict Harry and Meghan from Frogmore Cottage and give to Andrew. [49][50], In a March 2020 appearance on Fox News, Lindell said that his company's bedding factories had been refocused on face mask production at the behest of the Trump administration. [116][117][118][119] A federal court dismissed the suit in December 2021, ruling that Lindell had failed to identify any statements "that a reasonable person would view as defamatory. Absolute Proof is a 2021 political propaganda film directed by and starring Mike Lindell.It was distributed by One America News Network and promotes the conspiracy theory that Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election instead of Joe Biden.The documentary was removed by video hosting sites YouTube and Vimeo for violating their community standards.
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