Persona 5 Protagonist Has Bad Parents. He takes an immediate liking to Ann Takamaki, commenting on her kindness and even asking if she has a boyfriend. Changed line(s) 17 (click to see context) from: * AdaptationalJerkass: Whereas canonically the Phantom Thieves are firmly [[ThouShaltNotKill against murder]] no matter how vile their targets are, here the Phantom Thieves are fully on board with killing Shido, Makoto . Persona 5 Protagonist is from Inaba. An au where all the teen characters are now ages 10-12. As soon as the New Year started, the protagonist notices signs of how something is not right with Sojiro and Futaba. I-I could kill you, Akira. Sojiro Sakura from Persona 5 Faceflexes / Eyes using bones Bodygroups (Glasses) Jigglebones (Hair, Apron) More than 70 Bones Game shader. Except there's a murderer living in LeBlanc's attic who's father just died and nobody knows who did it because the only person who can use that method is stuck inside LeBlanc's attic. But agreeing to free the world did not mean agreeing to free himself. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Not sobbing, but tears dripped down his face, and Akira only wiped them away, as he cried too. Ren got charged with assault and the girl he saved lied to the police and yet somehow Sojiro knows what happened that night. Persona 5 Confidant Guide: Priestess (Makoto Niijima). She wants to find a version of herself that she loves, one that she accepts and can live with, and hopefully one that takes her to the future that she wants. Akeshuake Rivalmance Fluff and Hurt ComfortWeek 2023 - Day 7: Proposals. Akira has just been expelled at his old school because he was accused of harming multiple students. Father Goro is no stranger to dealing with demons. After the Phantom Thieves succeeded in defeating Maruki and restoring their original reality, they sought Sojiro at Leblanc to ask for the protagonist's whereabouts. Futaba Sakura is the Navigator of the Phantom Thieves from Persona 5. 8K 289 12. All other adult Confidants are referred to by their last name, bar. Within this journey, the Trickster encounters the Truth Seeker, whom is unknowing of the Trickster's ongoing struggle against the corrupt. *Followups are Persona 5 Royal Exclusive. This made the Wakaba of the altered reality disappear and restored Sojiro's memories to adhere to the original reality, without remembering what happened in the past few days, aside from a strange sense of deja vu. She is voiced by Yko Kaida in the Japanese . It follows adult confidants from the game as if they switched positions with the OG phantom thieves and vice versa. But things dont go as planned when, on his first day, he finds himself transported to a nightmarish demiplane where the academys regatta team captain has become a monstrous vision of royalty. Or is this the end of the Phantom Theives? Goro Akechi has always set his mind on revenge, ever since he swore it with his brother. On Christmas Day, Sojiro would go shopping for food for the protagonist's friends' party at Leblanc. Minato Arisato had died, yet he had woken up in "Mementos"? He loves his girlfriend. His pleas made the words of a blue haired man ring in his ears: "Your plans are doomed to fail, change your ways, or else you shall fall.". What Yongen doesnt have in physical size, it makes up for in its citizens.See, while most places are known for their fishing or clothes; those from Yongen were known for their specialty in dragon riding. He warns the protagonist not to get into trouble in school and avoid getting into further trouble with the wrong people. 6. Not as a vacation, mind you, but for research because you A Short Story Following Y/N Shido, the daughter of the famous Masayoshi Shido on her mission to find her brother, Goro Akechi. A series of drabbles based on words that set my heart on fire. P5 Manga History Fanfic / DearOldDad. The protagonist still needs to get the Confidant to the minimum ranks of 2 and 4 to make those items respectively. But fate had other ideas, for her to take on the role of a trickster and topple corruption. He flexed his hand in and out, waggling the fingers, yearning for some contact. After defeating EMMA, our Phantom Thieves return to their normal lives. Sojiro also texts the protagonist, which does not happen in the base game. Life Will Change (Ryuji x Akira AU) by Keith2302. After Goro Akechi arrives at Leblanc, Sojiro treats him like another customer, seemingly not recognizing his face. During the traffic jam the next day, he also talks about a 15-year old girl who died because of a car accident. Akira gets sick as a result of the drug trials, things do not go well. English VA Wakaba's "suicide" became one of his biggest regrets in his life, due to the fact that he took her warning that she may die soon as a joke. With the mysterious Sophia, an unexpected familiar face, and the officer Zenkichi Hasegawa on their side, will they be able to clear their names? The Adult Confidant AU is an alternate universe based on Persona 5. While most islands of the archipelago had become accustomed to living in peace with dragons as if they are similar to any other wild animal, Yongen was the heart of dragon riding. In his distress of losing his parents as well as dealing with the guilt of Goro Akechi's death, he ends up creating a distorted palace out of his own guilty mindset. Takes place during the second part of Catalyst's last chapter. There's only so much one person can take before everything collapses in on itself and old traumas resurface. Despite the life she lives as a shut-in, he allows her to do so knowing that her mother's death haunts her and to atone for doing nothing even after Wakaba foresaw her impending death. he thinks whenever he thinks about trying to remember his friends. Drabbles As things stand, Ren has the life he's always wanted. He returns to Yongen-Jaya with Sojiro's promise of safety and stability, but just when Akira tries to get comfortable the world finds ways to throw him for another loop. Persona 5 / Royal: Supporting Character; Hierophant Confidant Persona 5 (Manga): Supporting Character Persona 5: Mementos Mission: Supporting Character Persona 5 The Animation: Supporting . Through a customer who knows the protagonist's parents, Sojiro promised to look after him during the protagonist's probation period as a favor. Adult Confidant AU. Weve been married for 10 years, Akira. This is Yongen: a small island in the west of the Tokyo Archipelago. Invigorated by this he seeks family and friends as he decides to craft his own legend of thievery. Work Search: It's absolutely perfect when one of those days lands on the date of his and Goro's first anniversary. Despite not knowing the full story, Sojiro did as he was told, hiding him for a while. I want to write a real fic for this game, but frankly I doubt my ability to accurately portray any of these characters, especially Akechi and Yoshizawa. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". It is soon revealed that Sojiro, like the entire general public, is under the influence of Takuto Maruki's ideal reality. Sojiro gets the Thieves their ride, and sees them off as the begin their journey to investigate the phenomenon of Jails and Monarchs. Akira decides to take a nice walk. And I don't get why people say that his parents are terrible. Futaba takes it as him not wanting her and runs off, and Sojiro confides in the protagonist that his making Wakaba's curry for Futaba and serving coffee were just excuses to remain distant. After the protagonist and his friends enter Sojiro's house to give him sushi as a means to talk to Futaba, he is forced to reveal Futaba's existence to them and asks him to keep her out of their business. Trying to convince him to stop chasing something that would lead him down a path that is bound to hurt plenty of others. "I'll do anything. Not that I mind making humans beg.". Sojiro is a very smooth talker and often charms women with choice words, stating that he was "quite the ladies man" in his youth. And yet there was nothing she could do to change that. The Phantom Thieves reunite for summer vacation, but before they can kick their plans off, a new threat plans to rise from the darkness. Sojiro's name may be inspired by Sakura Sgor ( *)?, the legendary village head during Edo period who appealed directly to shogun for tax reduction for his villagers but ended up being executed for this very action. Now they must spend their summer fighting back against this evil. Our heroes will face not only their outer demons in this story, but their inner ones, too. Stories of love between you and your Trickster. that nostalgic voice from so long ago pulled goro out of his daydreams, as people stood and shuffled towards the opening doors. Destiny has plans for them; demons, both real and imagined, threaten to tear them, and everything they are trying to build, to pieces. "I'm guessing you're Akira, then. Redemption is a picture that can be painted several ways, after all. As an extra precaution, Igor decided to make a being out of mankind's hope. The floors were an idea from A Tale of Two Tricksters. This is the story you know of rebellious teenagers seeking to punish evil adults and purge society of its deep corruption, but you've never heard it told quite like this. Futaba, wanting to defend Sojiro, digs up her uncle's personal information to prevent him from filing a lawsuit, but Sojiro only chides her for her illegal activity and blurts out that he hasn't given her a proper home. persona5, malereader, harem. When being asked privately by Yusuke Kitagawa the actual reason he took the protagonist in, he confesses that he saw his younger self in the protagonist. Coming to terms with a new place is never an easy task, and it's made worse by the rumors swirling about what kind of person Ren is. Sae works as a Public Prosecutor of the Tokyo District Special Investigation Department at the Public Prosecutors Office. Sojiro reappears in the sequel/spin-off of Persona 5, appearing at the start of the game to once again host the protagonist when he returns to Tokyo for his summer vacation. There's a catch, of course, and it's one that Akechi is sure to hate. An AU where Ren and Akechi's fate was to become the greatest of allies, and not the worst of enemies. harem, persona5, malereader. He then brings the protagonist back to Leblanc where Sae and his friends are waiting. Subscribed. I wonder how long I can get away with sleeping in? "You always seem so tense, detective.". even though he was really only a city away, goro found this place so different from kichijoji. Yuuki Mishima - Your classmate who knows your identity and wants to help with making the world a better place. As the protagonist leaves Leblanc for the last time, Sojiro looks at the protagonist's journal with a smile on his face and tears in his eyes. Also known as I want to write a real fic for this game, but frankly I doubt my ability to accurately portray any of these characters, especially Akechi and Yoshizawa. Persona 5 / Royal: Major Character; Navigator; Hermit Confidant Persona 5 (Manga): Major Character Persona 5: Mementos Mission: Major Character . The entire time, the strange man's arm had remained held out. All rights reserved. Sakura Sojiro Adopts Persona 5 Protagonist. He is asked by a public prosecutor, Sae Niijima, regarding Futaba as she is trying to investigate about Wakaba. -female reader His usual outfit consists of a pale pink dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, pale khakis held up with a white leather belt and white loafers. You'll be in my custody over the next year - your parents must have told you" he trailed off, sighing. If the protagonist is not in a relationship with anyone however, Sojiro would remark about thinking of Valentine's and White Day as days to show appreciation to people they care about. Sendai was fun, but it was time for them to get back to work. After all, trusting the wrong person can be deadly. With their wedding in less than a month, Goro and Akira review Akira's massive invite list, but the mention of one person (not) on the list opens a wound Akira would rather keep closed. An absent but supportive uncle returns, Mementos take a new form, and Akira questions whether or not he really does have faith in himself and trust in his bonds. Invigorated by this he seeks family and friends as he decides to craft his own legend of thievery. uploads whenever authors have a hyperfixation on persona 5 again. He also made him something to eat right away, despite claiming that feeding him was the protagonist's responsibility. Akira Kusuru's parole is over, and it's time to go home. Akira wanted to cry, to scream as he lost the grand finals in front of thousands because he dropped his arcade stick down and celebrated too early. Sojiro wondered about why he felt he saw him recently but soon explained to them that their leader is in jail in order to testify against Shido as a witness and picks them up from jail once their innocence is proved. -Shadow Evillious - Faraway - Nowhere - Shibuya, Akechi Goro & Kurusu Akira & Yoshizawa Sumire | Yoshizawa Kasumi, this makes me twirl my hair and kick my feet, like actually no sane person can write this, i literally did not proofread this and its almost 2am ignore every single mistake, its vague and Akira thinks he wrong but he would, Sakamoto Ryuji/Original Male Character(s), I (The Author) Drag Out the Kiss Scene for Way Too Long to Torture You, I Refer to Akira as "Him" for a Good Portion of this Fic to Create Suspense, Alternate Universe - No Metaverse (Persona 5), Sakura Futaba/Yoshizawa Sumire | Yoshizawa Kasumi, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafs, Alternate Universe - No Personas (Persona Series), Minor Sakura Futaba/Yoshizawa Sumire | Yoshizawa Kasumi, You know you can't just live a life of shining glamour, Phantom Thieves of Hearts/Phantom Thieves of Hearts, Phantom Thieves of Hearts & Phantom Thieves of Hearts, Akechi Goro and Sakura Futaba Are Half-Siblings, No beta we die like Goro trying to be straight, Persona 3 and 4 Gets Mentioned in this Fic. Praising everyone for their growing maturity, Sojiro is willing to make them a big meal to celebrate, though became reluctant to go through with it when Futaba declared his offer as an 'all-you-can-eat'. Confidant)Godslayer (by Caroline and Justine)Guardian of Freeloaders (JP website). kurusu akira, famed "joker" the phantom thieve, has to return to his so-called "home. It is also part of the reason why he adopted her daughter, Futaba, though he considers this a selfish reason since it's just his way of atonement. *Values highlighted in red are optimal choices. Allows you to make curry that moderately restores SP to all allies. COMING SOON: What's Going on in the Next Room? What Yongen doesnt have in physical size, it makes up for in its citizens.See, while most places are known for their fishing or clothes; those from Yongen were known for their specialty in dragon riding. Futaba actually leaves the house sometimes. Ren Amamiya is rising and drowning at the same time. Persona 20th Anniversary All Time Best Album, Sojiro's tone for the "Coffee good for you, eh?" Redemption is a picture that can be painted several ways, after all. I tried. P5 All he knows is that the world sees him as a monster. He's told from an early age to keep his head down and be grateful for what he has: A doting sister, a loving uncle, a dorky best friend, a roof over his head, and a natural ability with a basketball in his hands. When Ren Amiyama is forced to transfer to another city, his brother Akira is dragged along with the courts citing that someone should be around to keep an eye on him. For several years now Allen has lived in a new world where the society was even more corrupt then the lands of Evillious, under the name Sunny Suzuki. After he is scheduled to return home, Akira Kurusu finds out the news that his parents have decided to disown him and Sojiro will be adopting him instead and taking him into his family. My theory is that his parents still care about him but had to stay silent due to the corrupt law system that made it so Joker had to go on probation. or: goro and akira struggle with their past, but at least they're together. Which is why he is trying to stay away from all social activities that he can possibly get away with. Plans never survive first contact with the enemy. His sister is happy, or at least she isn't outwardly showing she's not happy. You can skip to Chapter 13 if you want. even though he was really only a city away, goro found this place so different from kichijoji. She wants to find a version of herself that she loves, one that she accepts and can live with, and hopefully one that takes her to the future that she wants. Ren Amamiya, after being released from prison on good behavior, loses everything-- his home, his friends, his family, and any hopes of even . Ren grabbed his school uniform to get changed and headed downstairs "Ah, you're up early. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Seriously, life is pretty good. Leblanc Curry. Akeshuake Rivalmance Fluff and Hurt ComfortWeek 2023 - Day 7: Proposals, or, persona 5 except akira is actually a delinquent problem child and is a lot more angry at everything that happens to him. The protagonist helps Sojiro and Futaba reconcile, with Sojiro offering to let Futaba stay with him and thanking the protagonist for reminding him not to take the path of convenience to avoid making efforts in life and relationships. A demon that shouldn't be given love. Makoto was the one at the wheel, and the drive . After all, trusting the wrong person can be deadly. Ranking it up allows him to teach the protagonist about Leblanc's signature coffee and curry recipes which can be used as SP recovery items in-dungeon. Please consider turning it on! Kitagawa is a disaster that I for one am excited for. Sojiro is a former government official who was in contact with the research center Wakaba Isshiki worked for. His teammates act on their own, do as they please. Tatsuo Uchida, a 20-year old ordinary boy who lives in the midst of a never sleeping Tokyo with his family, meets the soaked up Morgana on his way back home from university. ", Maruki's face flashes from confusion to realization, and then into a thin, grave line. It's time to strike back against evil! It got to be Persona 5 Royal, so I am here to change that. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (46), Subarashiki Kono Sekai | The World Ends With You (Video Games) (2), Persona 5 Protagonist & Sakura Sojiro (74), Kurusu Akira & Phantom Thieves of Hearts (43), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (30), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Akechi Goro/Yoshizawa Sumire | Yoshizawa Kasumi, Akechi the type of mf to listen to the RWBY soundtrack and say thats him frfr, the message of "fuck Mishima" has ben brought to you by oomfies inc, listen to these got damn songs i put on for every chapter, just a little casual attempted fratricide between friends, Velvet Room Proprietor Persona 3 Protagonist, You are invited to the wedding of Akira Kurusu and Goro Akechi, Persona 5 Protagonist & Phantom Thieves of Hearts, Akechi Goro & Kurusu Akira & Maruki Takuto, Maruki Takuto is NOT invited to the wedding, Amamiya Ren & Yuuki Makoto (Persona Series), Persona 3 Protagonist & Persona 5 Protagonist, Persona 5 Protagonist & Sakura Futaba Are Siblings, Persona 5 Protagonist & Takeba Yukari Are Siblings, Sakura Sojiro Adopts Persona 5 Protagonist, Persona 5 Protagonist & Persona 3 Protagonist Are Siblings, au where akira is actually a delinquent problem child, akira's parents are assholes but they mean well, morgana stop being mean to ryuji challenge, EVERYBODY stop being mean to ryuji challenge, in this house we love and respect yuuki mishima, Persona 5 Protagonist/Yoshizawa Sumire | Yoshizawa Kasumi, Amamiya Ren/Yoshizawa Sumire | Yoshizawa Kasumi, Kurusu Akira/Yoshizawa Sumire | Yoshizawa Kasumi, Persona 5 Protagonist & Yoshizawa Sumire | Yoshizawa Kasumi, Maruki Takuto & Yoshizawa Sumire | Yoshizawa Kasumi, Yoshizawa Sumire | Yoshizawa Kasumi's Mother, they as in literally every phantom thieve, its not like anything really there other than a few implications, Akechi Goro & Kurusu Akira & Yoshizawa Sumire | Yoshizawa Kasumi, this makes me twirl my hair and kick my feet, like actually no sane person can write this, i literally did not proofread this and its almost 2am ignore every single mistake, Kurusu Akira & Yoshizawa Sumire | Yoshizawa Kasumi, can't remember everyone so they're included in everyone, Persona 5 Scramble | Persona 5 Strikers Spoilers, its vague and Akira thinks he wrong but he would, Reaching out to the Moon - Yuuki Mishima's Romance Route, I (The Author) Drag Out the Kiss Scene for Way Too Long to Torture You, I Refer to Akira as "Him" for a Good Portion of this Fic to Create Suspense, Alternate Universe - No Metaverse (Persona 5), the room is filled with people that love you, no beta we die like goro akechi in the engine room, Persona 5 Protagonist & Sakura Futaba & Sakura Sojiro, Kurusu Akira & Sakura Futaba & Sakura Sojiro, Amamiya Ren & Sakura Futaba & Sakura Sojiro, Eventual Akechi Goro/Persona 5 Protagonist, Hasegawa Zenkichi & Phantom Thieves of Hearts, Sakura Futaba/Yoshizawa Sumire | Yoshizawa Kasumi, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafs, Alternate Universe - No Personas (Persona Series), Minor Sakura Futaba/Yoshizawa Sumire | Yoshizawa Kasumi. Based on the point in the game, Sojiro either merely wonders if Youji merely had a change of heart or knows the protagonist caused it. Sae Niijima talking about Sojiro Sakura. Parents will tell their kids that The Phantom Thieves will steal their hearts if theyre naughty and children will play pretend-Phantom Thieves with their friends. But even without the metaverse, shadows still stalk the streets of Tokyo at night. He doesn't want to go home, but it's not like he has much of a choice. However, Sojiro seems to have a soft spot for cats, as he instantly changed his mind about throwing Morgana out of the house, after hearing him meow, claiming that he was just too damn cute. "I'm sure if you wanted, you could invite that kid to the bathhouse if you wanted to relax a little.". Over the course of helping, Sojiro begins to see the protagonist in a new light and teaches him to make curry, even sharing a bit of his past and explaining his recipe was invented by a brilliant scientist, later revealed to be Wakaba Isshiki, Futaba's mother. He wants a future that he's not sure he deserves, and he is trying his hardest to support everyone in their efforts to find their own even if he doesn't know if he'll have one. An absent but supportive uncle returns, Mementos take a new form, and Akira questions whether or not he really does have faith in himself and trust in his bonds. Well, two can play at that game. WeeklyIntroduction42. After taking down Alice Hiiragi, the thieves are asked to travel to Sapporo in look into another incident. Asked to travel to Sapporo in look into another incident public, is under the influence Takuto. Time for them to get back to work 's one that Akechi is sure to hate the protagonist 's.! 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Samantha Koenig Father, Articles P