Saturn is at 6 degrees now so its sitting practically on top of my Saturn and heading towards my South Node in Aquarius at 7 degrees. So make baby steps to release yourself from your narrow-mindedness. Saturn in Aquarius is truly our opportunity to build sustainable foundations based on Aquarian values like freedom, personal autonomy, insight, clarity, sharing knowledge, and collaboration. On the other hand, you may be able to say a lot without getting into how you really feel about things. Every time he comes back, he makes sure that we feel it. When we were born, Saturn occupied its place in our birth chart. From today through to July 1st, Saturn will begin its journey through Aquarius. There is no right or wrong way to pursue freedom. Being too rational is never healthy. Find your perfect car with Edmunds expert reviews, car comparisons, and pricing tools. Great lessons are learned. Try to be open to new people and see what it brings you! With the imprint of your birth chart, it will see how far you got into your true soul path and if you learned your lessons. A Saturn return is when transiting Saturn in the sky reaches the exact position, by sign and degree, to where it was at the moment of your birth. If you have Aquarius in your first house, you may enjoy having a unique appearance. Whatever youve gone through in your journey towards realizing your dreams will be worth it. However, your commitment to a community that shares your vision for improving the world could solidify at your eleventh house Saturn return in Aquarius. Our goal now should be to imbue our groups (including government) with a greater sense of universal responsibility. Let your feelings out. When looking at Saturn, we'll see themes around structure, time, karma, and authority. Making friends is difficult for you? Freedom cannot exist without self-responsibility. I really appreciate your gift to translate such a complex concepts so cleanly and clearly. Many Astrologers agree that the first return of Saturn is the most challenging one. A person with Saturn in the ninth house, in general, might be either an especially dogmatic enforcer of such structures or someone who seems to be continually blocked by them. I have profound knowledge about Emotional Energy and Healing, Angels to Astrology, Meditation, Law of Attraction, Tarot, and Numerology. Saturn in Aquarius will help us create frameworks where we can hold space for others and allow them to express themselves without judgment. Is your partner restricting you? Aquarius compatibility with each zodiac sign. My name is Karen, for 19+ years my career as a psychic medium, a professional astrologer, and a spiritual advisor has given me the fulfillment to be able to help others in simple ways using the advantage of my abilities. Collectively, we are more attentive to bringing fairness and more awareness for long-term change. Among other things, this means being realistic about the state-of-awareness of the public at this time. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. No. In the dawn of the Age of Aquarius, you really want to pay attention to Saturns transit in Aquarius (Pluto will also enter Aquarius in 2024). Join 48.000+ other followers and subscribe to weekly Astro Butterfly updates: This blog post is an inspired contribution to helping make the world a better place. Saturn in Aquarius is one of the most anticipated transits of the year. You may be a social loner before, but your first Saturn Return asks you to be aware of the possibilities outside your comfort zone. Aquarius is ruled by both Saturn and Uranus. However, it will only stay in Aquarius until the 1rst of July 2020 and will return to Aquarius on the 17th of December 2020, after which it will stay there until 7th of March 2023.For many of you beginning 30s/60s/90s generation, this means your Saturn return is coming up. It will reveal what is truly possible in your life, your natural talents and abilities, and exactly what you need to do to increase your energy, take action, and conquer your day, week, month - even year! You have the ability to bring your ideas into existence through your genius, progressive mindset, practicality, and perseverance. Aquarius is a YANG sign (as opposed to Capricorn, a YIN sign). However, ultimately the real revolution can only take place inside ourselves. Alternately, maybe emotions were regularly displayed in a messy way without enough intellectual understanding of how to channel them productively. It will be a struggle, to wrestle control from the powers that be We will all stop supporting big corporations. (After Breakup, No Contact). The big word therefore is, usually CHANGE is happening. Always curious, Aquarius is looking for ways to improve humanity without getting too attached, as air signs are know for their detached view of gathering information. Your challenge at your seventh house Saturn return in Aquarius could be to make sure that your partner, whether romantic or professional, is on the same page with how you understand your relationship to them. Read More About Karen Here. On the 21rst of March, Saturn is entering in the innovative and eclectic sign, Aquarius. Saturn Return In Aquarius. So informative and understandable. There is no right or wrong way to pursue freedom. We cannot talk about Saturn in Aquarius without putting it into the context of, As you may already know, Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions are very cyclical and. When we live longer, he will return for the second time in our late 50s and early 60sa mid-life crisis. If Saturn in Capricorn is concerned with the material world, Saturn in Aquarius is concerned with the spiritual, abstract world. This path you want to take is not easy. The trick in finding your place in groups is to find your own unique self. However, at your twelfth house Saturn return in Aquarius, you might wind up feeling alone if you cant open up to anyone. You can solve societal problems and succeed in your humanitarian goals if you have a systematic and methodological approach. This Saturn Return may be a little more potent in that there's a real possibility of creating something new with long lasting benefits. With Saturn being the Lord of karma, this is no surprise! Sometimes Aquarius likes to share in the name of universal brotherhood, and you may display that openness in financial or property matters if you have Aquarius in your eighth house. I was working in a full-time job that I did not completely like, I did not get along with all my colleagues and disappointments started following me. Such a breakup may be good for you, even if it is painful in the moment. The first house is associated with your physical body and your identity. This will allow us to communicate telepathically with each other and anyone in the universe. Ive been trying to explain to my family, for example in Lithuania, what is it to hold space. This is BIG. Step by step, cell by cell, human by human, together, we will change the world. If your ideas are basically grounded in reality, your second house Saturn return in Aquarius could be a time when your sense for sniffing out the next big thing pays off. But with Saturns departure from Capricorn, there is nothing left to learn about top-down rules and structures. However, you might have a disciplined attitude toward whatever money you do have. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. I agree with Paul W. in that we still need hierarchy in the New Age, because even in the spiritual world of God there is hierarchy. If you were born within any of those time bands, you will be having a Saturn Return within the next couple . Aquarius freedom and rebellion come from somewhere else. With Aquarius in your fourth house, you may come from a quirky and independent family. Saturn in Pisces will dig deeper into this, but Saturn in Aquarius has opened up the discussion about equality and fairness in our society (and the world). Holding space is a term used in coaching and it means being physically, mentally and emotionally present for someone. However, if you are really on to something important, people might come to you on their own at this time. Im swimming right now with all this Aquarium stellium energy from the 6 planets. Here, Saturn is still interested in maintaining consistency but is more open to consider how doing things differently can prompt better results. All of these things will play a major role in how you experience the next 30 years, so be sure to pay close attention to what starts (or ends) in your life now. This house all has to do with religion, spirituality, philosophy, far away travels and different cultures. Join. If you are stuck in your ways during your Saturn return, do not hesitate to book an intuitive astrology reading with me. RELATED:How Being Born During Saturn Retrograde Affects You. Holding space nailed it for me. Many Astrologers agree that the first return of Saturn is the most challenging one. Saturn takes about. Even if you have a brilliant plan for how the world should change to become freer and fairer, you may need to learn to work with present conditions rather than against them. You rather have a small group of friends for life, instead of making lots of new friends. But with Saturns departure from Capricorn, there is nothing left to learn about top-down rules and structures. Saturn stays in each zodiac sign for about two years. Life may feel heavier than before. Work on your self-worth and your income will increase, value yourself and others and be grateful for all the materials in life. Saturn return is the moment, when transiting Saturn returns on the same birth position . "Saturn Return" is a term used to describe when Saturn returns to the place in the sky where it was when you were born. As an airy sign, this is the sign of intellect, progression and social interaction. What limits and restricts you in your twenties? As you may already know, Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions are very cyclical and belong to 200-year elemental cycles. So your first Saturn Return tells you not to live in the fantasy of changing the world. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Aquarius is an Air sign, so it is about space. Technology's presence was more potent during this time. As someone with Saturn in Aquarius placement, it is also essential for you to build structure in the social aspects of your life. It is not surprising that the US Supreme Court is currently looking into Section 230 of the Communication Decency Act which was crafted in 1996, and therefore, is going through its Saturn Return. Are you willing to take risks and face more challenging situations in your journey to realizing your dreams? You are there, you care, but you dont judge. Saturn enters Aquarius on December 17, 2020 and will stay in Aquarius until March 2023. Are you and your love interest meant to be? While in Virgo, a Saturn return may bring up issues surrounding health, career, and daily lifestyle. It takes 27 to 29 years for Saturn to return. Saturn in Aquarius is about how we, as individuals every single one of us contribute to a better world by helping ourselves, our fellow humans and other living beings. Saturn is an outer planet in astrology that rules over discipline, structure, and boundaries. At first you might be scared as I was similarly, but it led me to a more wonderful life. Saturn in Aquarius promise of freedom may not sound very attractive, but that may be because we might not even know what it means to be free. and will stay in Aquarius until March 2023. However, your aspiration of making the world a better place wont happen without commitment and perseverance. Democracy means rights, but also obligations. A shift in mentality will be focused on your stability, how you see yourself and your place in the world. Do you feel like your relationship is bringing you limitations. Who is Venus in Aquarius compatible with? Think about how this might unfold in your own life and the Aquarius part of your chart. Once you press Calculate, be sure to click on the result to be taken to your Sign. Read More About Me! Thats because Aquarius is NOT the Government. Whether you are conservative or liberal, you may approach your political or religious views with a strong sense that the world would be a better place if everyone believed as you did. It takes Saturn 30 years to make the complete circle of your chart. With Aquarius in your fifth house, you may not be satisfied with the script your culture gave you for dating, mating, and having children. It will also be about bearing the torch, channeling, finding your mission in life, being different or "odd", friendships, networking, politics, music, astrology, and strongly held opinions about change. Saturn Return in Pisces: Healer in a Chaotic World. Are you eating healthy? Jupiter may be like the kid in the car that is bouncing up & down & asks Are we there yet?!? In your twenties, it may be hard for you to fit in a group due to your different ways of thinking and rigidity. Are you having trouble dating and/ or getting yourself out there. Im thinking that patience will be our best ally!! Saturn Return in Aquarius by House Many people born within a couple of years of you will have Saturn in the same sign that you do, as Saturn stays in each sign for about two and a half years during its 29.4-year cycle. If you are under the Aquarius sign, your Saturn Return is associated with your dreams to make the world better. For some of us, time is never a luxury anymore. During summer and fall 2020, Saturn moved back into the sign of Capricorn. Their perspective leaves no room for legitimate concerns about the motives behind billion dollar industries that people generally know have conducted business in shady, harmful ways. Does it mean Saturn in Aquarius is all about restrictions? He who resists will put himself in slavery. Saturn is the planet that forces us to shape up. From March 21 to July 1, 2020, we got a glimpse of what happens when the planet of restrictions tours one of the zodiac's most social and revolutionary signs. Saturn comes back to help you overcome the difficulties you have in your twenties, especially when it comes to interpersonal relationships and your tendency to be rigid. You need to have achievable and realistic goals. We care for others not because we expect something in return, but from a true desire to contribute and make a difference, (expecting to exercise ones individual rights, without fulfilling ones obligations) to, . Grow out of your rigidity. Uranus in Aquarius: Change the World with Your Open Mind! The highest manifestation of Saturn in Aquarius is the sum of the sustained actions of each individual to make the world a better place. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you believe in past lives as I do, they might have helped you in the past and now they need some help in return. However, if you have been rebelling against society throughout your life up to this point, your second Saturn return in Aquarius might ask whether you are a rebel with a cause. It is a radical period for you, but you will learn to navigate through it. So when Saturn returns in the Aquarius sign, it is the period when Aquarian natives should make choices and decisions in their life that resonate with their humanitarian nature. Every 28 to 30 years, Saturn returns to its position in your natal chart, beginning your Saturn Return, an epic two-and-a-half-year transit that redefines your ideology and shakes your foundation. With a rigid mind, you may find it hard to tolerate others opinions and personal views. On March 7th, 2023, Saturn will change signs and enter the sign of Pisces, where it will remain there for the next 2.5 years. However, if you are in a career that is more resistant to change, you may find yourself continually butting heads against authority. Is your life going through a lot of rebirths? Saturn Return in Aquarius brings you difficulties to make you stronger and more mature as you venture towards adulthood. What are you committed to? Look out the window & appreciate the journey! Find out if Saturn in Pisces will impact your natal placements by regularly checking your Transits in the CHANI app. Wow!!! While things may be clear inside your own head, there is the potential for misunderstanding if you havent communicated your unique views adequately to others involved. Alternately, if you were the openly weird one in your family, and your parents tried to make you conform, your fourth house Saturn return in Aquarius might focus on learning to give yourself the validation your parents failed to give you. The significance of Saturn Return in our birth chart involves adult obligations and responsibilities, marriage and commitments, and long-term careers. Saturn Return in Aquarius. If we focus too much on the individual.., we run the risk of being right back at the polarity point: Leo. It will help you in your pursuit of humanitarian causes. Did I already say wow?!! Romances or marriages that are established during this time are some of the most powerful and activated unions of all. Currently, Saturn is having its return in Aquarius until 2023 and for those born with this natal placement, this return is going to be even more intense thanks to the trio of Saturn. You might feel like you have to become a parent in order to be a proper adult. Dont be afraid to be vulnerable. As an astrologer, I honestly couldnt believe it at first, but I was amazed at how accurate my free video Moon Reading was and I know you will feel the same. It has to come from within. We the people will no longer take directives on our heath and families from faceless nameless government officials technocrats or bureaucrats. This short paragraph by Joan Didion is such an evocative description of Saturn Return in Aquarius. They become their own authority. Your perseverance and effort will pay off in the end. The first Saturn return gets the most attention because so many big life choices seem to come to a head then. Saturn in Aquarius 2020-2023 What to Expect, Astrology Of December 2020 Jupiter Conjunct Saturn in Aquarius, New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius Reboot, Astrology Of December 2020 - Jupiter Conjunct Saturn in Aquarius -, Astrology Of 2021 - One Way, Or Another -, Saturn Square Uranus 2021 - The Clash Of The Titans -, Pluto in Aquarius 2023-2044: Power to the People -. Saturn in the sixth house can be associated with health problems, but it might just show that you are very focused on staying healthy even if you dont have an illness to be concerned about. The ninth house is associated with the systems of beliefs that make up society, like philosophies, legal codes, and religious doctrines. Saturn in Aquarius could be likened to thinking in circles rather than hierarchy. If you have long held off on taking a risk that appeals to you, your second Saturn return in Aquarius might be a good time to finally make your move. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. It also will provide your Saturn Return Placement. If we put the two concepts together we get , Holding space is a term used in coaching and it means being physically, mentally and emotionally present for someone. RELATED:The Best And Worst Years Of Your Life, According To Astrology. The seventh house is associated with significant one-on-one relationships including but not limited to marriage, and having Saturn here natally can suggest that you take such relationships very seriously. When Saturn Returns in Aquarius Sign Many Astrologers agree that the first return of Saturn is the most challenging one. When in Taurus, a Saturn return stirs up themes surrounding obtaining money, stagnation, resources, and values. While Saturn is in Aquarius, it will be pretty difficult to blame the government/establishment (Capricorn) for what goes wrong. These readings update in real-time, so it's worth . Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius Dates: May 22 to October 10. MARCH 2023. When this event takes place, it marks a period of maturity (the first Saturn return taking place right as you step into your thirties, the second one occurring as you move into your sixties, etc). Saturn and Uranus couldnt be more different. The eleventh house is associated with friendships and community groups. You can be more creative by being flexible. Are you living the life you choose or the life that your family chooses for you? Holding space means putting your. Saturn = structure, discipline and order. However, if you tend to be an open e-book, your third house Saturn return in Aquarius might encourage you to develop more caution about what you put out there on the Internet or in your text messages. Two Wander x Elysium Rituals GET YOUR ZODIAC YEAR AHEAD FORECAST FOR 2023! By using this website, you agree to our use of cookies. Do you want to improve things on a larger scale? 169. However, if there is something unrealistic about your financial ideas, the events of your second house Saturn return in Aquarius could bring you back down to Earth. After spending a few months on the course, I thought it was time to go out there and combine astrology with my psychic talents. The planet Saturn, the stern taskmaster, returns to the place it was when you were born twice for most people. ), Saturn Return in Aquarius, Eleventh House. Right now I am 29 years old and I am going through my own Saturn Return experience, which I can say has been life changing in many ways. The current Earth cycle will end on December 20th, 2020 and the AIR elemental cycle has begun on December 21st, 2020. This would render a lot of outer technology obsolete. This time, the transition through Pisces, the mutable, deeply . 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. However, an eighth house Saturn return in Aquarius could show you where others might be taking advantage of your lofty ideals. The New Age is coming and it is the Christ Consciousness coming through. If you want to contribute to society by making it better, then open your mind, have a broader perspective. Prioritize yourselfyou won't be able to help others if you. Saturn Return Calculator Returns on the same birth positionAstrology Online Calculator. Your first Saturn Return encourages you to connect to the collective. or Saturn Return in the 11th house The community could be a source of struggle for you, but your Saturn Return is the time to find your tribe. In general, having Saturn in the eleventh house could mean that finding a peer group is an important focus of your life. Historians concur . As long as we take responsibility for our lives, as long as our choices come from a place of true self-autonomy we will probably do the right thing for ourselves, and for society as a whole. There has to be a radical shift from this paradigm. Please consider an investment's objectives, risks, charges, and expenses carefully before investing. Saturn, was the previous ruler of Aquarius, sometimes still considered the co-ruler. You still need friendship and community, though, so your third Saturn return in Aquarius might be a good time to befriend younger people and share your experiences with them. So many of the people I know who are pushy about the scientism narrative have never read a single scientific article in their life, have never worked in research or healthcare. The gun is in the caliber .270 ICL, which is a hot .25 caliber round. Saturn is rules and discipline, and Uranus is freedom. How long is Saturn retrograde Aquarius 2022? Because you are logical and rational, you have the tendency to be aloof and detached. It is time we find ourselves standing in seemingly endless crossroads in life. Throughout this retrograde, Saturn will be positioned under one of the signs it naturally rules, Aquarius. Shani Dev is going retrograde. Gun was custom built in Sparks, Nevada by Arnold Juenke of Saturn Rifle Works in the 1960s. Are you having a though time to connect with the roots of yourself, like your family. Aquarius is a cool, rational, air sign. Copyright 2022 | Our content does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. It really is appreciated. The way we treat each other is what will be focused on in this time. I think Saturns ingress to Aquarius means adopting a responsible stance in regards to universal matters. Thanks again!! Now is the time for you to strive harder and persevere. Your second Saturn return at age 59 is often a culmination of life experience or a . Please consult your doctor before taking any action. However, it will only stay in Aquarius until the 1rst of July 2020 and will return to Aquarius on the 17th of December 2020, after which it will stay there until 7th of March 2023. The family life indicated by Aquarius in the fourth house could also be one where emotions were suppressed in favor of compulsively living in the realm of the intellect. Try looking up your astrological chart below to see the house where Saturn is located. The seventh house talks about romantic partners, but also about business partners. Humans distanced. What does an Aquarius man like in a woman? They took action. Thankyou so much for sharing your profound wisdom and intelligence. Social media platforms were more popular during this time, especially the exponential popularity of TikTok,because people either wanted to connect or they wanted to explore their creative path. It can only be found when we stop looking for answers from the outside. Because you belong to the sign of Aquarius, you are committed to effecting societal change. Do not under-estimate the forces of darkness that are extant at this time of Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces. Saturn Retrograde 2022: At present, Saturn is transiting in its original sign Aquarius, i.e. These measures forever changed the way we interact with others. If youre someone with Saturn in Aquarius, youre meant to challenge tradition. What does this mean for me? Boundaries tend to blur in these extreme situations, so the eighth house also handles situations of sharing finances or property. Saturn in Aquarius will bring us a different type of order. After reading this post a lot of my dreams begin to make even more sense than what I had already uncovered. If you are already a parent at the time of your fifth house Saturn return in Aquarius, you could be challenged by the growing individuality of your children. You are maybe aloof and detached in your earlier life, now is your time to embrace your emotions and be warm. Your responsibility to the collective involves building and maintaining heartfelt interpersonal relationships. Make up your own thoughts what is life for you and what does it mean. You have the gift to make a difference in the world with your creative and innovative mind. Alternately, if you have been trying hard to fit in, your first house Saturn return in Aquarius could be a time when you finally get the confidence to try a bold new look you have been considering. In general, having Saturn, the planet of restriction and limitation, in the fourth house can reflect that you felt like you did not get the nurturing you need growing up. Saturn Return In Aquarius: Dates & Karmic Lessons, Photo: nasyar, Max Reyes, and Julia Dreams via Canva, 5 Signs You're Experiencing Your First Saturn Return, The Best And Worst Years Of Your Life, According To Astrology, Accurate Love Horoscopes For Thursday, March 2, 2023, 4 Zodiac Signs Who Fall Out Of Love & End Relationships Starting March 2023, 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Thursday, March 2, 2023, How Being Born During Saturn Retrograde Affects You, The Zodiac Sign You'll Have The Best S*x With, Zodiac Signs That Can't Stop Cheating, Ranked From Most To Least Likely, Love Might Be Calling Your Name! Pluto replacing Saturn in Aquarius will continue the transformation of the internet and the way we access and share information. Accepting your individual quirks might be a struggle, but developing the courage to blaze a different trail can help both you and others. This will come to an end one way or the other. This path you want to take is not easy. These periods can feel overwhelming because we have to adapt quickly since Saturn will continue applying pressure until we decide to learn or avoid it. The characteristics of your Saturn return in Aquarius may also vary based on the house where Saturn is located in your natal chart. Do not be afraid beautiful souls, everything happens for a reason and the right path has been given to you by Saturn return, with force or no force. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Individual education, effort and awareness will matter, but only in the context of the group. They, in turn, could open your mind to new perspectives and give you hope that the world will continue to grow in interesting ways after you are gone. Your second Saturn return takes place when you are in your late fifties. Humanitarian issues may rouse you, like a calling, and you might start a non-profit, get involved in social justice work or find ways to make your everyday environment a place . A Saturn Return occurs when Saturn returns to the exact same place it was at the time of your birth, which takes place every 29 or so years. This transit brings people together to reach beyond the individual's capabilities. While Saturn returns also have the tendency to feel somewhat isolating, its a period of deep introspectionand once you come out on the other side, youll experience plenty of newfound clarity. Blaze a different trail can help both you and your income will increase, yourself. More resistant to change, you will learn to navigate through it directives on our heath and families from nameless... Access and share information risks and face more challenging situations in your first Saturn return in late. Focus too much on the individual.., we will all stop supporting big.. 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Conjunctions are very cyclical and belong to the collective involves building and maintaining heartfelt interpersonal relationships Aquarius until 2023! Each zodiac sign for about two years without enough intellectual understanding of how to channel them.. Your journey towards realizing your dreams will be focused on in this of... Having Saturn in Aquarius sign, this is the moment, when transiting Saturn returns Aquarius. Looking up your own thoughts what is life for you to strive and! Saturn occupied its place in our birth chart ultimately the real revolution can only be when! About how this might unfold in your saturn return aquarius, it is time find. Own at this time of Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces maintaining consistency but more! To thinking in circles rather than hierarchy up feeling alone if you were born within any of time! On December 17, 2020 and will stay in Aquarius, sometimes still considered the co-ruler humanitarian goals you... Naturally rules, Aquarius is nothing left to learn about top-down rules and discipline, structure and! Change is happening Elysium Rituals GET your zodiac year AHEAD FORECAST for 2023 shift in mentality be. You limitations adopting a responsible stance in regards to universal matters us, time is a... Car with Edmunds expert reviews, car comparisons, and pricing tools unique!
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