Learning in the expressive arts also plays an important role in supporting children and young people to recognise and value the variety and vitality of … Expressive therapies are defined by the National Coalition of Creative Arts Therapies as the use of art, dance/dancelike movement, music, poetry, drama, creative writing, play, and so forth in the context of therapy, counseling, or rehabilitation for individuals with psychological disorders, such as substance use disorders. The primary focus is on the process, which allows a person to discover new insight and meaning that might not be achieved with traditional talk therapy. What Expressive Arts Therapy is NOT: Only applicable or appropriate for children and youth. All rights reserved. Indeed, the passion and creativity of the arts allow us to live with our suffering and find release through creative play. This post was written by OCCS’s Clinical Counsellor: Copyright © 2020 | Okanagan Clinical CounsellingAll Rights Reserved, The Benefits of Expressive Arts Therapy: Across the Lifespan, Virtual Counselling Groups Spring 2020 Schedule, Managing your Mental Health and Overall Wellbeing During the COVID 19 Pandemic. Find a comfortable place to view your expressive collage, drawing or painting. As the new child, youth and family counsellor on the Okanagan Clinical Counselling Services (OCCS) team, I am going to describe the core benefits of Expressive Arts Therapy, as it is often a misunderstood form of support. The beauty is in the process and not the product, which is at the heart of all therapy. Art allows us to really delve into our inner feelings and to express them in a way that does not feel so threatening or even confrontational. Appropriate for all ages, it can enhance a person’s emotional, spiritual, cognitive, and physical well-being. One study outlined the benefits of expressive writing, which range from long-term benefits in health such as fewer stress-related visits to the doctor, an improved immune system among HIV patients, and greater psychological well-being. All rights reserved. These are the types of testimonials I have heard and witnessed throughout my education and experience with the expressive arts as a therapeutic intervention. And it gives you a voice even if you feel like you have never had the tools to express yourself before, this is the remedy! His “toolbox” he created gave him the physical reminder to use the lessons from the session at home and school before ever having a meltdown.”. The expressive arts allow students to see human experience through the eyes of other people in a play or through a film.Those who are empathic will be better able to cope with conflict and difficult social situations, less likely to engage in bullying behaviour, and more likely to grow into well-adjusted adults with adaptive coping skills.Empathy is increasingly being … This article will explore five common benefits associated with the use of expressive arts therapy: As you can see, there are many deepening and enriching experiences that expressive arts therapy supports to create a richer, more vibrant therapeutic experience. This area of learning is important in its own right, an aspect of life that needs exploring solely for the purpose of creating – an outlet for imagination, thoughts and ideas. If you are looking for research or just curious, we have a few resources that explain why we feel better (or at least different in some way) when we express creatively, we have a selection of articles, research and stories from people who have had profound experiences through self expression, expressive arts … Acting in a play is exhilarating. Expressive Arts Therapy involves the use of various creative measures in order to bring about empowerment, healing, and change. Like if I’m having problems at the office,I drew a picture in which my boss was shouting at me in the presence of co-workers-just the other day. Music, art, theater—gone for so many. The brain is a muscle, it needs to be stimulated to prevent boredom and keep it active. Therapist participation can take many forms, such as acting as a witness to the art making, as a facilitator of the process, or as a full participant and co-creator (Levine, 2015). B e ne t s of M e d i t at i ve C re at i vi t y 3. When … Once I see the image on the page, the weight seems much less and I usually end up knowing what I can do about it.”, ~ Adult client grieving the loss of her mother, “It hurts too much! This helps me remember that I have what it takes to stand up for myself…”, ~ Teenager experiencing bullying and anxiety, “Getting outside of my comfort zone by doing something spontaneous in session has helped expand my thinking and increased my confidence. Expressive Art Workshops 4. Increases creativity; Restores creativity; Move through change from a "stuck" place to possibility; Helps one see their resources, strengths and options Art provides a safe outlet for strong emotions such as fear, guilt, pain, rage, and jealousy because the art acts as a container for these feelings. I really want to try this same procedure for any depressive thoughts too. 3 Ways Expressive Arts Therapy Benefits Young Children Expressive arts therapy improves the lives of children and adults alike. I would never have thought it would have worked for me, but it’s what I’ve been missing in my treatment.”, “I noticed that each week he was getting out more and more of his pent-up frustration. Art can be a way to start that conversation that you may have feared before, and can open doors to treatment that feels safe and helpful at the same time. It is great to just play, have fun and enjoy the process, too. Experiencing the expressive arts can engage learners physically, socially and emotionally, nurturing their well-being, self-esteem and resilience. Me d i ta ti n g o n Yo u r I m a g e r y 1. Subscribe me to the GoodTherapy.org public newsletter. Home Terms of Service Privacy Policy Sitemap Subscribe to The GoodTherapy Blog. It is all about releasing emotions in a safe, supportive, and creative environment. From writing to dancing, creative activities can make our life more fun. In the expressive arts process, we have a chance um to become those sensitive observers of our own bodies of our own reactions of whatever happens inside ourselves. Children are Taught How to Release Emotions and … The preceding article was solely written by the author named above. A complementary practice alongside other therapeutic interventions – for example, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or Mindfulness. Some form of creative therapy has been practiced by cul… Wonderful insight indeed! A manner of working with the creative process as a paradigm for addressing suffering, where the focus is. I dont speak much about this with my friends because I don’t want them to see all the times I’ve been low. However, the creative arts not only cultivate children’s imaginations, so that they become more flexible and inventive thinkers, but also help to develop their physical, emotional, and mental capabilities. We also help people who are or have been in “survival mode” to begin to see the world through creative lenses and integrate beauty into their every day life. Expressive arts therapy has also successfully helped children experiencing hyperactivity or social anxiety to control impulsive and aggressive behaviors. This is essential for many activities including writing letters and words. Only applicable or appropriate for children and youth. Expressive arts awaken a child’s imagination and creativity to help him discover who he is and how to engage his senses. November 24, 2017 Meditative creativity expands consciousness beyond everyday levels of thinking. Client-centered, collaborative, empowerment-focused, and strengths-based. Expressive arts therapy is a creative process that involves expression, visualization, cooperation, and mindfulness. By commenting you acknowledge acceptance of GoodTherapy.org's Terms and Conditions of Use. But whenever I draw,I don’t think too much,I just let my hand do it. Whether social, cognitive, or emotional, this type of therapy is all about development. The therapist watching clients make something and then deciphering the meaning behind the created work. Any activity that means you have to think about what you are doing, such as looking at colour when painting or working out a complicated puzzle have benefits that are cognitive. It’s also called expressive arts therapy, art … Expressive arts therapy is beneficial for children, teenagers, and adults with social anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, PTSD, and trauma among other cognitive, and behavioral disorders. Comments are Off, “I can’t talk about it, but I can draw how it feels inside. A traditional therapeutic approach where the therapist’s main focus is to listen, to validate, offer suggestions, and explore information about the problem. This form of treatment uses creative activities to help you share and process feelings and memories that may be hard to put into words. The key is that there are so mnay ways to get your feelings out without ever having to say anything at all. While no talent in the use of expressive arts is required, several modalities available within expressive arts therapy magnify and deepen the process. I feel blessed to receive letters from people all over the world who share that they have been inspired by my website to start and maintain a regular creative practice. Thanks so much for encouraging all of us, even if art is not a way that you would normally express yourself, to use this medium as your voice when you do not know how else to say what you are feeling! Some of the key benefits of school-based art and expressive arts practice are summarized here. 7 Expressive art therapy activities should be practiced with guidance from a qualified therapist if you want to reap the true benefits of this approach. Interested in reading more? By OK CLINICAL Thank you all for expressing yourselves! Expressive therapists believe that human imagination can be tapped by using creative art. Singly for those who have experience with the arts or have skill/talent. Music, art, dance, and drama or theater have therapeutic value for people with disabilities and older adults. There’s no doubt that the arts are fun for kids. 1. This framework provides children and young people with opportunities to be creative and imaginative, to experience inspiration and enjoyment and to develop skills in each of these areas. expressive arts, followed by the experiences and outcomes in: • art and design • dance • drama • music. Children of all ages, both special needs and not, may not have the language skills to express themselves, but they still have a voice. Any views and opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by GoodTherapy.org. Here are six reasons the Arts are important: The Arts develop children’s motor skills. Also known as the arts, they can be effective in improving motor function, cognitive function, and quality of life; can encourage self-discovery and emotional growth; and can provide emotional and physical integration, along with many other benefits. But the arts also help kids develop on many fundamental levels. As Daria Halprin expressed (2003), the creative process opens and reflects back to us images of who we have been, who we are, and who we might become. The puppets help me say what’s going on so I can feel better.”, ~ 6-year old expressing how he feels about his parents’ divorce, “Talking only makes me angrier. Merely about drawing or painting how you feel. I have had it all put waay for so long, and once I was able to start painting again, the real me started coming through again. Here are some of the expressive arts modalities that I have explored, written courses about, and personally practiced. Permission to publish granted by Douglas Mitchell, MFTI, therapist in San Francisco, California. Questions or concerns about the preceding article can be directed to the author or posted as a comment below. This article will explore five common benefits associated with the use of expressive arts therapy: Expressive arts therapy encourages the unfolding unconscious. I find that I am better able to think and formulate ideas when I make a picture of the things in my head down on a paper. I thought I would try my hand at Expressive Painting, myself even though I’m not painter. I’m so happy Zara that you found this inspirational! Studies show that they can actually do wonders for our mental and physical health. Diving into those finger paints and making a beautiful picture to hang on the fridge is awesome. These therapies are more correctly referred to as … An approach to empower oneself and heal through something that cannot be discussed in words. With the arts sometimes the things that you can put down on paper can be so much more indicative of what and how you are feeling than anything that you could ever say aloud in conversation. Expressive Arts @ 32 nd & Thorn specializes in working with people who are afraid of doing art or need to unblock or reconnect to artful expression in their lives. Developmental Benefits of Expressive Art. there r things words cannot express n arts are a gr8 platform to try n put across ur thoughts tht just cannot be put across through words.there is a lot an artist communicates through his work n if such an activity is encouraged in ppl seekin therapy it will only lead to good results. Sign Up and Get Listed. A method to release emotions blocked body sensations, and unhelpful thoughts; to face fears of the past or present; and to feel the pure joy of the whole self-coming together in unity and strength. It can bring light to areas of therapy that are blocked, inhibited, and stuck, as well as bringing greater focus to those areas of concern. Some of the techniques used to extract the torturous feeling and emotions out of our system are storytelling, drama, visual art, poetry, writing and imagery. Expressive Arts Therapy involves the use of various creative measures in order to bring about empowerment, healing, and change. Health Benefits of Expressive Arts for wellness. © Copyright 2012 GoodTherapy.org. So next time you are feeling like you could use a bolster of confidence, get out of your comfort zone, or express what is going on in your life in a creative way, I encourage you to consider how the expressive arts may assist you and your loved ones in a personal journey of wellness and fulfillment. The creative arts are often thought of as unimportant, and are frequently the first programs to be cut when funds are low. Creative therapies have also been shown to improve concentration, lower anxiety and possibly prevent suicide. Ever since I was 10 or 11,I have this habit of taking a pencil and a paper and drawing about me and the circumstances whenever I’m stressed or feel like there’s no way ahead. Expressive arts can help individuals visually express emotions and fears that they were never able to convey through conventional means, thus giving them some sense of control over these feelings. It just works better for me that way. The levels of engagement depend on the therapist’s assessment at any given moment and what the client is expressing they need. The expressive arts are being used increasingly well to strengthen the level of challenge and reinforce children's learning across other areas of the currciulum. Practice Management Software for Therapists, Rules and Ethics of Online Therapy for Therapists, How to Send Appointment Reminders that Work. Be found at the exact moment they are searching. I found this and immediately got out the paints again. This multi-arts, or intermodal, approach to … So in the process of art making there is the main part of expressive arts uh practice uh can be approached with tenderness and um. Please fill out all required fields to submit your message. Multimodal, meaning anything creative can be used in sessions, including music/sound, dance/movement, storytelling, puppets, collages, etc. Each modality is unique, as is each therapist’s use of the modality and the client’s comfort with the material. Your therapist will listen, validate your emotions and offer suggestions to help you deal with your experiences through expressive arts … The expressive arts play a central role in shaping our sense of our personal, social and cultural identity. That’s why I like writing a story and seeing where it takes me…it’s always so surprising to me how the characters figure out how to help themselves! Expressive arts therapy combines psychology and the creative process to promote emotional growth and healing. Brain training on the Nintendo DS may also help to keep the brain active. Honouring Right Brain Ways of Knowing in a more Linear Left-Brain Context Supporting Students to Feel Safe, Appreciated and Capable Expressing and Containing Feelings It leads to the examination of the affected part of the soul, mind or even body. Copyright © 2007 - 2021 GoodTherapy, LLC. Early years arts experiences can impact positively on confidence, self-esteem, personal, social, emotional development and behavioural health, breaking down language barriers, cultural prejudices or societal differences, and leading to decreased social problems, reduced inequality and increased creativity. How we benefit from the expressive arts This summer I indulged a lot of time in hosting and facilitating poetry workshops around the city of Barcelona and was reminded yet again, under a new guise, how powerful the art of poetry is. The benefits of arts education are universal and researchers have identified some of its key returns when included as an educational feature during the early years. A way to try things out, make discoveries, take risks, do it again if it does not feel right, be silly, be brave. There is clear, usage-based evidence of the positive effects of expressive therapies in helping treat children and adults who've experienced trauma, cancer patients, people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), dementia and more. Expressive arts therapy bridges the gap between the conscious and the unconscious mind. Benefits of Expressive Arts. It is all about releasing emotions in a safe, supportive, and creative environment. This can help them become healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society. This includes using the expressive arts, through drama in particular, to explore sensitive issues such as drug awareness, sectarianism, and emotional health and wellbeing. Solely concerning the creation an outcome or product (Knill, Levine, & Levine, 2005). He was able to focus more on tasks and think clearer. Expressive arts and early years settings have long gone hand-in-hand. In our creativity lies passion and hope, which motivate and inspire us to change what is not helping us, to move through pain, to gain strides that will help us achieve our greatest potential. expressive arts therapy, as well as material from other relevant authors and practitioners, to demonstrate the important role of relationship for humans, highlight ways in which nature connection can aid in trauma recovery, and how expressive arts therapy can help facilitate and deepen that connection. But it’s pretty nice to see it later and see how I felt about the situation. This can be painting, sculpting, writing, whatever. To submit your message this multi-arts, or intermodal, approach to empower oneself and heal through something that not... Concerns about the preceding article can be tapped by using creative art deciphering the meaning behind the created Work shown... 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