We are all building a life. The apostle Paul also writes in Eph. It is one of the hardest storms any parent could ever endure, and the winds and rain and floods have rocked their house ferociously, but by the grace of God they are standing strong because their lives are built solidly on Christ. And as God, through the Person of the Holy Spirit, makes His home with us and in us, he begins to change our hearts so that we. He then describes this wise man as building his house, that is, his whole life, on the rock of genuine subjection to God. This family's house was near the shore and as the wind and waves pummeled their home they didn't know if they would make it. 7:24-27). When we pursue holiness, we are not like the wicked or ungodly whose houses will one day fall; rather, we are standing upon The Rock. Some storms will come at us, and some storms will come from us. The meaning of this parable is clear: the homes these men build represent their lives. One falls. A lot of people were offended at the implication that God cared more about Pat Robertson's ministry than all those people who suffered from the storm. This isn't meant as a threat, it's meant as a warning. The other man hears and doesn't act on what he hears, and that's like building on sand. us. Engaging and applying means asking the Holy Spirit to speak to us through God's word and then seeking to obey what He shows us. Dig Deep The next step in this process of prepping the ground for building a healthy … If you disobey Him, your foundation will begin to crack. 47 Everyone who comes to me and hears my words and does them, I will show you what he is like: 48 he is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation … For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 3:12; We should note that the foundation of a house is a somewhat invisible and sometimes ignored component of the building. I was reminded of this fact every day that I walked to work and saw the workmen working month after month in a huge hole on the foundational system of a future high-rise skyscraper. We can't be content to hear his word and think that's enough. Finally got the Sunday School Bulletin Board for the new series. We need to actively engage with God's word - what is He speaking to me through this? And he leaves us with a choice. Their lives are carefree and they are prospering. Paul writes I Cor. Matt. These … Learn how your comment data is processed. When a flood threatens it, the house remains intact on its secure base. If they did then they would be like a wise man that had laid his foundation on a rock. The other man chooses to build his house on the shifting foundation of sand. Then one day, as if out of nowhere, the building’s skeletal structure would begin to appear, revealing the soon-to-come enormous building that was going to occupy this part of the skyline. And when others sin against us, we cannot be grudge-holders, but rather we must extend forgiveness, getting rid of all malice and bitterness. Jesus said in the Luke 6 text that building your house on the rock means coming to Jesus, listening to His teaching and then following it (Luke 6:47). There's only one foundation that is strong enough to hold our lives us through every storm. Mailing Address: PO Box 12, Corning, NY 14830, Location: 580 West Water Street, Painted Post, NY 14870 | (607) 654-7755, © 2021 Grace Community Church. Let’s make sure that through our godly words and deeds we employ the highest quality materials. Jesus Is … God doesn't promise to steer every storm away from our lives, but He does promise that when our lives are built on Christ, we will make it through the storm. – to support the creation of more content like this in the future! When the Israelites had finished building the Tent of Meeting, Moses inspected their work and blessed it because they had done the work just as Yahweh had commanded (Exod. We build our lives on Christ when we hear and do God's word. He enumerated to Moses every detail He desired: its size, materials, colors, and manner of putting all the pieces together. We are all building … We begin by establishing Christ as our foundation when we make him our Lord. In the same way, we need to be very careful what we are building our spiritual work on, and to take heed how we are building. Jesus closes this incredible sermon with a weather warning: there are storms coming. God's word tells us to teach them who to be. The sermon on the mount presents the values and heart of the kingdom of God and then calls for us to choose: will we hear it and walk away unchanged or will we do what Jesus says? I was hit by a quote from Eric Mason at the men's meeting we had: Talking about how we teach our kids, he said. God wants us to make wise choices, our flesh drives us to make foolish choices. Every time I “want it my way” instead of His way, or whenever I attempt to stand in my own sense of self-righteousness on my works, I again build on unsound ground. The Apostle in our context, compares Christians to a building, "YE are GOD's building," the foundation of which is JESUS CHRIST. The prudent sees danger, not when it's upon him or her, but when it's still far off, and they avoid it. The necessity of having a firm foundation is a lesson we all need to learn, especially when it comes to our spiritual lives. I was hit by a quote from Eric Mason at the men's meeting we had: Talking about how we teach our kids, he said, The world says to let them find who they are. The other man hears and doesn't act on what he hears, and that's like building on sand. (1 Corinthians 3:11) This observation by the apostle Paul warns Christians that it is possible to build either successfully or with awful failure on the foundation that Jesus Christ has laid for us. While it does fund construction projects, they are not the primary goal of the Raskob Foundation and are not high on its priority list. Before the wise man builds the house, he dug deep and laid the foundation on rock. 1 Peter 2:4 As you come to Him, the living stone, rejected by men but chosen and precious in God's sight, No one, Christian, professing Christian, non-Christian, no one is exempt from storms entering our lives. It's obedience that flows from love, not rules. He is contrasting those who. Rains come and both homes look the same. We all know that the foundation is Jesus Christ. How many people live with deep regret over decisions and choices that tore their lives apart? We need to actively engage with God's word - what is He speaking to me through this? And the word that you hear is not mine but the Father's who sent me. The wise man builds his house (i.e., organization, fellowship) on a strong foundation. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. Jesus answered him, "If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. doing, builds a foundation for his life that will stand the worst of storms. When that happens the word of God becomes our heavenly Father talking to us, leading us, guiding us, telling us how we ought to live in order to be within His boundaries of blessing. Which will we build? Everyone of us is building a life. The parable of the builders Jesus described two men who each … (14) If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward.”. God loves me because I go to church…tithe…read my bible…and because I don't cuss…don't watch R rated movies…don't smoke…. It's not until calamity hits - that's what Jesus is describing, this isn't a gentle summer storm this is a devastating storm - winds, rains, floods - it's not until calamity strikes that the homes are tested. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.”. Engaging and applying means asking the Holy Spirit to speak to us through God's word and then seeking to obey what He shows us. The Wilshire Ward Chapel, formerly known as the Hollywood Stake Tabernacle, is a meetinghouse of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Los Angeles, California.The building is listed as a Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument and on the Mormon Historic Sites Foundation … | When Peter baptized Jews (Acts 2:38) and Gentiles (Acts 10:48) and told them their sins were forgiven and they were filled with the Holy Spirit, surely he was also telling them that they were now standing on the foundation of Jesus Christ. In the same way, we have the responsibility to build just as our Lord has commanded us. 1 Corinthians 3:11. Jesus (160) Faith (159) Strength (139) ... How Firm A Foundation (Foundation) Play Sample How Firm A Foundation (Foundation) How Firm A Foundation (Foundation) Unknown Jesus Is Better. Notice that the rock is something more than Jesus Christ. According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. In this parable, Jesus describes one who hears His words and does them as a man who, when building his house, digs his foundation deeply and upon rock. It's impossible to build the foundation then. I love knowing that when I pursue Christ and practice his words, I am constructing something that will endure. The foolish man saved himself a lot of work - no digging, no rock, no foundation. When we want to cross the boundaries that God has set for sexual purity, will we do what Jesus says and wait for marriage? (13) his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. [2] Every tradesman knows that the success of a construction project is found in the preplanning of the details and specifications. Building our lives on Christ is done little by little, day by day, choice by choice. In John 6:29 Jesus said, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.” The first thing and most important thing God wants us to do is to believe in Jesus. He saw their acharit. Jesus Christ The Sure Foundation – Building to Last. If we do not take care to build on the foundation of Christ, the only firm foundation there is, our work will be in vain because our building will not last. Wicked men are overthrown and are no more, but the house of the righteous stands firm. That's true in our lives too. Christ must be our foundation, and any other foundation can not stand. Conversely, the disobedient use unfit material as the foundation of their lives. The foundation of a house tells you how big the house can get. Legalism is very "do" oriented. … Keeping Our Eyes on the Most Important Thing, Blessed is the Nation Whose God is the Lord. The other man chooses to build his house on the shifting foundation of sand. One falls. Then we can be the heart of God to a spiritually malnourished world. built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the cornerstone. When we want to hurt someone who has hurt us, will we do what Jesus says and love them? This private foundation focuses on Catholic-based projects. Mar 9, 2015 - Biblical Character; Building on our Foundation - Jesus. Now we can make the mistake of thinking that Jesus is contrasting Christians with non-Christians here, but that's not his point. Life isn't something that we find, it's not something that happens to us, life is something we build. This isn't meant as a threat, it's meant as a warning. We have that choice. The Bible isn't a book of rules. It's the foundation underneath our lives. We must first know the way of our Father, learning His words, and then have the character and courage to do them. The Bible tells us that one of the qualities of wisdom is having the ability to look beyond the moment and see what's coming down the road. June 22, 2017 March 14, 2018 MaryAnn Ward 0 Comment God & Bible, Inspirational Blog Apostles, Foundation, Jesus Christ, MaryAnn Ward, Prophets, The Word, Torah. Jesus says that life is a process of building. Let's pray and ask God's blessing on this time in His word. Passage: Matthew 7:24–7:27, Building Our Lives on a Strong Foundation. He has clearly communicated to us the building plans and given us the tools and materials with which to build. A building’s structural integrity is dependent upon the types of materials that are used and the type of foundation it is built upon. And as God, through the Person of the Holy Spirit, makes His home with us and in us, he begins to change our hearts so that we want to obey the Lord. When I read the construction specifications of the Tent of Meeting (Tabernacle) that God gave to Moses, the blueprint so to speak, I am amazed at the details and precision that He laid out. And so let's unpack this parable so we can hear and apply the warning it contains to our lives. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man’s work. 1. (12) If any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, The root of jealousyand strife is pride that likes to get vicarious praise by boastingin somebody else's bandwagon: \"I belong to Paul!\" \"I belong toApollos!\"And the way he knocks the props out from under this boasting isto compare his work and the work of Apollos to farm slaves. We are not building on the firm foundation of Christ unless we are “doing” what he said to do. We all sin, and when we do we should be quick to repent and confess our sin. Drawing on His experience in carpentry and His knowledge of sound construction, Jesus demonstrated the importance of a proper foundation. What's up with that? Matthew 7:24-27. When we do that sincerely, God forgives us of all our guilt and adopts us as His sons and daughters (relationship). Not only are we building as unskilled tradespersons when we do not build with truth, we are also building on a wrong foundation. 25 Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters … That's true in our lives too. [1] Not only will it never perish, but it also cannot be destroyed when Christ tests it, because it is fireproof. Jesus isn’t calling us to a legalistic religion of "do's" and "don'ts" here. Truth in doctrine is a prerequisite for truth in practice, but the point of hearing is doing. (26) But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. This does not … God our Father teaches us who we are to be. is to believe in Jesus. THE WISE BUILDER IS A CHILD OF GOD AND NOTICE THE PROCESS THAT LEADS TO WISDOM AS IT RELATES TO BUILDING ON A FIRM FOUNDATION… The second man built on a sandy foundation. It would get annoying walking on temporary sidewalks and past plywood barricades as they labored on, preparing the site with steel rebar, concrete, and foundation forms. The Bible commands us to worship God. The error at this most fundamental stage of construction transfers into headaches and difficulties at each subsequent stage of building. When storms of life come your way, you’ll be grounded in biblical truths and remain steady as a rock in your moral beliefs. Jesus is talking about the acharit of these two homes. (27) The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash. But let each one take heed how he builds on it. Often the winds and floods that destroy our homes are storms of our own making. How do I apply this to my life? One man chooses to build his house on a strong foundation of rock. We saw last week that the way Paul tries to overcome thejealousy and strife described in verse 3 is to knock the props outfrom under the boasting described in verse 4. Also, please consider donating – even $1 helps! When we build our lives on hearing and doing Jesus' word, we are building a life that will stand. No contractor can be expected to deliver to the owner what he or she desires if they do not communicate their “wants” up front. One stands. Jesus Christ, Our Only Foundation. I was watching the movie Everest recently, which is based on the ill fated summit attempt in 1996 when an unexpected storm hit two expedition groups and 8 people died. He saw their acharit. Let's hear his warning and not just be hearers of his word, but let's make every effort to be doers of his word. In the early 1980’s I worked in the downtown financial district of San Francisco, a city built upon very unstable soil and prone to severe earthquakes. James 1:22 SEE IMPORTANT COVID-19 GUIDELINES... https://www.gracecorning.org/virus, December 4, 2016 Or are we doers, building our lives on the rock? When we want to hold on to our bitterness against someone, will we do what Jesus says and forgive them? We prepare for the storms before the storms. The two homes look the same for a long time. God confirmed the acceptability of Jesus as the proper foundation when he raised him from the dead, and he is the only foundation that meets the Master Building Inspector’s stamp of approval. Jesus… Jesus is the foundation on which the Body of Christ is built. Do what it says. Some storms will come at us, and some storms will come. And the reason is because…, The storms of life will inevitably hit all our lives. I am building on sand whenever I rebel against God by sinning. Was this article a blessing to you? It’ll collapse every time. Psalm 73 describes the honest struggle a believer is having because he's trying to serve God but his life is full of problems and afflictions and then he looks at the wicked - those who are openly scoffing at God and doing all the evil they want and, guess what? It was the firsthand account of a family that lived on Long Island when the hurricane of 1938 unexpectedly hit the shore with devastating force. When we do, we have the promise that what we build will last, because we are Building Upon the Firm Foundation. As Christians we know that the foundation of our life is to be Jesus Himself. This parable or story applies to the lifelong process of building godly character. But there is a danger of building on a wrong foundation here, the foundation of legalism. The most important part of any building, ministry or individual is its foundation. When we put Christ’s words into practice we are building upon the firm “foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone” (Eph. He saw what was coming and he no longer envied them. Some buildings are made out of weak materials and will not last. These two men raise the question, what kind of foundation are we building on? Everyone who comes to me and hears my words and does them, I will show you what he is like: he is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock…, But the one who hears and does not do them is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. Early in my professional life I saw firsthand how critical the foundation of a building is to its structural success. You can’t put a big house on a small or faulty foundation. When the stream broke against it, immediately it fell, and, The first thing and most important thing God wants us to. EL SEGUNDO, California — Rocket building startup ABL Space, founded by veterans of SpaceX and Morgan Stanley, is in the final stretch of preparations for its inaugural launch from Vandenberg Air … How many Christians have prayed and prayed about something and felt, If you took a poll of everyone on earth and asked. (4) As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him— Storms don't just come at us - often they come from us. 47 Everyone who comes to me and hears my words and does them, I will show you what he is like: 48 he is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock…]49 But the one who hears and does not do them is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. Or are we doers, building our lives on the rock? What does the foundation … Years ago, Pat Robertson stirred up quite a bit of controversy when he said that God steered Hurricane Gloria away from his ministry in Virginia Beach because he prayed. take, it all adds up to the life we are building. Any foundation other than the foundation of Christ is nothing but quicksand that will swallow us up and make all of our work worthless. Jesus warns us to build our lives on a strong foundation. The prudent sees danger, not when it's upon him or her, but when it's still far off, and they avoid it. No matter how impressive the building would one day be, its structural integrity was all dependent upon the firmness of the foundation. When our culture applies a lot of pressure to deny things that the Bible clearly says are true, will we resist building our lives on the shifting sand of the culture and do what Jesus says and build on the unchanging truth of his word? All foundations will be tried. [3] Romans 10:9 and 10: “That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus … Keeping our Eyes on the rock upon which we must build our foundation - Jesus not stand,! Has commanded us learning his words, I am building on sand a firm foundation of rock Christ, disobedient! 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