Fourteen percent say both did badly, while 21% say they didn’t pay much attention to the debate. The full trend is shown in Table 17. The partisan makeup of the sample, including those who lean to a party, is 44% Republican, 45% Democratic and 10% independent. According to the Wisconsin Elections Commission data, 37.5% of registered voters had voted as of the end of the poll’s field period on Oct. 25. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. There is less variation in support of presidential candidates than in either the 2012 or 2016 summer and fall Marquette Law School polls. Table 10 shows approval, since June, of Trump’s handling of protests since the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Table 1: Vote preference among likely voters, September-October 2020, Sensitivity of results to turnout and undecided voters. The entire questionnaire, methodology statement, full results and breakdowns by demographic groups are available at Approval of how Trump is handling his job as president is little changed over the surveys since May, as shown in Table 15. Table 10: Approve or disapprove of Trump’s handling of protests, June-October 2020. Table 17: Approve or disapprove of Trump’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak, March-October 2020, Approval of Evers’ job performance and handling of the coronavirus pandemic. MILWAUKEE, Wis. (WBAY) - The last Marquette Law School Poll before the election indicates another close presidential race in Wisconsin. Biden’s favorable rating has slowly increased, with October showing the first net favorable rating for him this year at 48% favorable with 45% unfavorable. The Marquette Law School Poll is the most extensive statewide polling project in Wisconsin history. None of the poll-to-poll changes in support are outside the margin of error. The full trends for favorability of Trump and Biden are shown in Tables 6 and 7. Partisan divides are vivid in new Law School Poll results, Wedge Issues podcast: Charles Franklin on polls, partisanship and public opinion Democrat Joe … Marquette poll shows Biden up 5 in Wisconsin. Democrats are more likely to have stopped talking about politics than are Republicans or independents and have become more unwilling to talk in 2020 than in 2016. In late October, 22% say they are very worried about becoming ill from the coronavirus, a decrease from 27% in early October despite the rise of cases in the state. Other findings from the new poll include: The poll was conducted Sept. 30-Oct. 4, 2020. A third of respondents think Trump has mild symptoms from COVID-19, while slightly more say they don’t yet know how ill he is. Forty percent approve of the way Gov. Those findings are an outlier, as FiveThirtyEight noted Wednesday.N o other poll of the state showed that size of a margin for Biden since June. In October, 27% say they are very worried about being ill from the coronavirus, an increase from 21% in September. The full trend since March is shown in Table 13. #mulawpoll" Among Republicans, 7% say they are voting for Biden, while 86% are voting for Trump, 3% for Jorgensen and 4% undecided or declining to say. A complete news release and poll data, including toplines and slides, will be available shortly after 12:30 p.m. on the Marquette Law School Poll website. Nineteen percent say they are not at all worried, virtually the same as the 21% in early October. Five items were added to the survey after Trump announced he had tested positive for COVID-19 and were asked Oct. 2-4 with a sample size of 355 registered voters and a margin of error of +/- 6.4. There was little change in reported financial situation from September to October. A Marquette Law School Poll showed virtually no movement in voter attitudes toward mass protests; Democrats say … Local Government Dane County reaffirms stay-at-home order as others roll theirs back A complete news release and poll data, including toplines and slides, will be available shortly after 12:30 p.m. on the Marquette Law School Poll website. The latest coronavirus information and updates. MILWAUKEE, Wis. (WBAY) - The last Marquette Law School Poll before the election indicates another close presidential race in Wisconsin. In early October, 52% approved and 42% disapproved. Few partisans give the edge to the other party’s candidate, although more than one in five Republicans and Independents volunteer that both candidates did badly, while only 6% of Democrats agree. Franklin has directed the poll since its inception in 2012 and is a professor of law and public policy at Marquette Law School. Table 15: Vote by age, September-October combined. Given the consistency of Biden’s margin in multiple polls this year, it is likely that the 18-29-year-old result in October is a sampling anomaly rather than a real change. Most think that in-person campaign rallies should be halted, while a majority think the debates should continue. This is a sharply partisan issue, as shown in Table 18. Biden drew 46% support to 43% for Trump, the poll's official Twitter account tweeted: "New Marquette Law School Poll finds that presidential race between Donald Trump and Joe Biden remains close in Wisconsin, with Biden at 46%, Trump at 43%. About 48 percent of likely voters favor the former vice president, compared with 43 who back Trump, according to the poll. That is a one-point decline in approval from September. October 2020. Forty-eight percent say, if they were in the Senate, they would vote to confirm Barrett, while 38% would vote against her confirmation. Tables 8 and 9 show favorable and unfavorable ratings for Pence and Harris this fall. For Sen. Kamala Harris, 25% say they are very confident and 20% are somewhat confident in her ability to perform the duties of president, while 11% are not very confident and 29% are not at all confident. The Marquette Law School Poll of 1,523 adults nationwide found the 87-year-old Ginsburg was easily the most recognized of the nine justices, with 63% of respondents saying they knew enough to have an opinion on her. A complete news release and poll data, including toplines and slides, will be available at 12:30 p.m. on the Marquette Law Poll website. Table 23: Gov. Independents say they are voting for Biden over Trump by a 36-28% margin, with 12% for Jorgensen and 24% undecided or declining to say. Table 2 shows vote both if turnout is lower than the likely-voter sample implies and, by contrast, if turnout is higher using all registered voters as the sample. Table 16: Taking into consideration both your risk of contracting it and the seriousness of the illness, how worried are you personally about experiencing coronavirus? Fifty-two percent say they are comfortable eating inside at a restaurant, while 47% say they are uncomfortable doing so. Table 1: Vote among likely voters, May-October 2020. The full trend since May is shown in Table 16. MILWAUKEE — Marquette University Law School will release the results of a new statewide survey on Wednesday, Oct. 28, via a video conversation between poll director Charles Franklin and Mike Gousha. In the new poll, Biden is the choice of 46% of likely voters and Trump is supported by 41%. On Monday, Oct. 26, the Senate confirmed the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to fill the vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court created by the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The number of voters who say they will vote absentee by mail has leveled off at about a third of the total, compared to 43% who said in May that they planned to do that. If they are favorable to both or not favorable to both, they remain unallocated and remain undecided. They were also announced via Marquette Law poll’s Twitter. Table 8: Approval of protests against police shootings, June-October 2020. These results include those who are undecided but say they lean to a candidate. [This release has been updated to reflect the date change from Aug. 5 which was announced on July 30] Commentary will be available on Twitter via the @MULawPoll account beginning at 12:15 p.m. Evers’ handling of the coronavirus issue has 52% approval and 45% disapproval. While substantial majorities in all regions support a mask requirement, there are partisan differences which have persisted since August, as shown in Table 7. The September poll will focus on how the presidential race looks following the party conventions, and in the aftermath of events in Kenosha. The margin of error is +/-4.2 percentage points for the full sample. Less than a half of 1% say both candidates did well. By party identification. Franklin co-founded, an award-winning site for nonpartisan polling analysis, and is a member of the ABC News election-night analysis team. Table 20: Ballot type, by poll, May-October 2020. Favorable views of the Black Lives Matter movement also declined from June to August, but has remained fairly stable since August, as shown in Table 21. Republicans are divided on the issue, while a large majority of independents support requiring masks and Democrats are almost unanimous in support. Table 12: Approve or disapprove of Trump’s handling of protests, June-October 2020. The number who say they will vote in person on Election Day continues to rise. An additional 6% said someone else or declined to say how they will vote. Table 22: Ballot type by party identification, by poll, May-October 2020. After six months of elevated approval ratings, approval of Gov. In October, 52% approve and 42% disapprove of his job performance. Table 17: Do you think the decision last spring to close schools and businesses and to restrict the size of public gatherings was an appropriate response to the coronavirus outbreak or was it an overreaction that did more harm than good? Most Republicans intend to vote in person on Election Day, with fewer than one-fifth planning to choose absentee by mail. The video will be available at 12:15 p.m. CST on the law school website. The poll was conducted Sept. 8-15. After an initial approval rating in March of over 50% for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, Trump’s approval on this front has fallen to 40 percent in late October, a slight change since early October, with approval down 1 point and disapproval up 2 points. The full trend for this question is shown in Table 17. Eckstein Hall, 244 Mon - Fri: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Table 4 shows how worries have varied since March, when the percent very or somewhat worried was at the highest level seen so far. With substantial partisan differences in choice of ballot type, there are large differences in candidate choice by ballot type, as shown in Table 23 among likely voters. Among registered voters, 44% have a favorable view overall of Trump and 54% have an unfavorable view of him. Table 13: Favorable or unfavorable view of Pence, September-October 2020, Table 14: Favorable or unfavorable view of Harris, September-October 2020. The margin of error is +/-4.3 percentage points for the full sample. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Gousha, an award-winning broadcast journalist, is the Law School’s distinguished fellow in law and public policy. MILWAUKEE, Wis. (WBAY) - The last Marquette Law School Poll before the election indicates another close presidential race in Wisconsin. The model results for likely voters are based on those respondents who say they are certain they will vote or have already done so. The 18-29-year-old group is only 60 respondents (unweighted) which has a large margin of error of more than +/- 15 percentage points. Results and commentary will be synchronously released on Twitter via the @MULawPoll account. More people than in September say they are very worried by the risk of getting ill from the coronavirus, and support for requiring masks in public places is slightly higher than in August when last asked. Results and commentary will be synchronously released on Twitter via the @MULawPoll account. Among Democrats, 3% are voting for Trump and 92% are voting for Biden, with none for Jorgensen and 4% undecided or declining to say. Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen is the choice of 4%, while 8% say they would vote for none of these candidates, don’t know how they would vote or decline to say. The full trend is shown in Table 11. Twenty-one percent say they are not at all worried, virtually the same as the 19% in September. In May, 42% were comfortable and 57% were uncomfortable, while in June 49% were comfortable and 49% were uncomfortable. Table 7: Support for requiring masks by party identification by poll, August and October 2020, Views of protests, BLM and Evers’ response to events in Kenosha. In October, 36% say they approve of the way the Wisconsin legislature is handling its job, while 50% say they disapprove. Those findings are an outlier, as FiveThirtyEight noted Wednesday.N o other poll of the state showed that size of a margin for Biden since June. To assess the probable impact of their votes, an “allocated” vote assigns these respondents to Biden if they have a favorable view of Biden and not a favorable view of Trump and assigns them to Trump if they are favorable to Trump and not favorable to Biden. Approval of protests over police violence against Black Americans declined from June to early August, prior to events in Kenosha, but barely moved following the late-August Kenosha shootings and protests, as shown in Table 8. As of late October, 47% approve and 52% disapprove of Trump’s job performance. An additional 9% declined to say for whom they voted. This poll interviewed 805 registered Wisconsin voters by landline or cell phone from Sept. 30-Oct. 4, 2020. By party identification. Table 4: Does ‘Cares about people like you’ describe Trump, June-October 2020, Table 5: Does ‘Cares about people like you’ describe Biden, June-October 2020. The results of the runoff election in Georgia will determine who controls the Senate during at least the first part of President-elect Joe Biden’s presidency. A complete news release and poll data, including toplines and slides, will be available at 12:30 p.m. on the Marquette Law Poll website. Results and commentary will be available on Twitter via the @MULawPoll account beginning at 12:15 p.m. An advisory detailing media availability will … Handling of the economy remains Trumps strongest area of approval, with 51% approval and 48% disapproval in the new poll, a 3-point increase in disapproval. Table 21: Favorable or unfavorable view of Black Lives Matter movement, June-October 2020, Approval of Evers’ job performance and handling of coronavirus. Table 3 compares the vote among likely voters without allocation against the allocated vote. The poll showed that 69% believe the “safer at home” order is appropriate, down from 86% in March. Eighty percent of Trump voters expect him to win and 11% expect Biden to win. Table 8: Favorable or unfavorable view of Pence, September-October 2020, Table 9: Favorable or unfavorable view of Harris, September-October 2020. Table 23: Vote by ballot type by poll wave, May-October 2020. Among Biden supporters, 95% say their minds are made up. The Marquette Law Poll is a public policy initiative of Marquette University Law School. Table 5: When do you think the coronavirus outbreak will be under control and things can get back to normal? Trump has held a 42% favorable rating since June, with 53-to-55% unfavorable. There are three likely themes for this initiative: presidential and Senate campaigns; citizen reaction to the current state administration and its … There were 700 likely voters, with a margin of error of +/- 4.6 percentage points. News and results will be available on Twitter via the @MULawPoll account beginning at 12:15 p.m. An advisory detailing media availability will be released at a later date. 2020 Elections. The president gets good marks in the poll for his handling of the economy, 52 percent approve while 44 percent disapprove. MILWAUKEE — Marquette University Law School Poll Director Charles Franklin will present results of a new statewide poll on Wednesday, Sept. 9, via a video conversation with Mike Gousha available at 12:15 p.m. A complete news release and poll data, including toplines and slides, will be available shortly after 12:30 p.m. on the Marquette Law School Poll website. Table 15: Approve or disapprove of Trump’s handling of his job as president, May-October 2020. There is little change from September to October. #mulawpoll — MULawPoll (@MULawPoll) October 7, … The new poll results were announced in a video conference between poll director Charles Franklin and Mike Gousha. Sixteen percent of likely voters expect Trump to win the election by a lot, 23 percent think Trump will win by a little, 29% think Biden will win by a little and 17% think Biden will win by a lot. // News Center // 2020 News Releases  //. This appears to be noisy sampling variation. Views of the direction of the economy have turned sharply down since February, with many more people saying the economy has gotten worse over the past year. A new Marquette Law School Poll out Wednesday touched on a hot-button issue of late – public opinion of the U.S. Supreme Court. The margin for Trump among Election Day voters has declined over time, while Biden’s advantage among absentee and early in-person voters has remained strong over the last two months. Table 28: Evers’ recent favorability trend, Table 29: Sen. Tammy Baldwin’s recent favorability trend, Table 30: Sen. Ron Johnson’s recent favorability trend. Table 2: Regardless of which candidate you happen to support, who do you think did the best job in the first presidential debate, Joe Biden or Donald Trump, or didn’t you pay much attention to the debate? In September, 51% approved and 43% disapproved. The sample included 806 registered voters in Wisconsin, who were interviewed by cell phone or landline, with a margin of error of +/- 4.3 percentage points. As of October, 44% approve and 52% disapprove. 2020 Elections. There are substantial differences in perceived debate performance by partisanship, as shown in Table 2. Through debates, symposia, public lectures, panels, conferences, and the Law School's On the Issues series, Marquette University Law School has established itself as a leading venue for serious civil discourse about law and public policy matters affecting the region and beyond. This is a sharply partisan issue, as shown in Table 3. The trend in overall approval of Evers since March is shown in Table 22. Among all registered voters polled, 41% say Biden did the best job in the first presidential debate on Sept. 29, while 20% say Trump did best. Marquette University Law School poll released on Tuesday showed. The Marquette Law School Poll is the most extensive statewide polling project in Wisconsin history. Table 16 shows how worries have varied since March, when the percent very or somewhat worried was at the highest level seen so far, while the number of those not at all concerned has stabilized close to 20 percent for some time. Twenty-seven percent of likely voters say they are very confident that the votes will be accurately cast and counted in the election, with 43% somewhat confident, 21% not too confident and 7% not at all confident. Each day will feature a video conversation between poll director Charles Franklin and Mike Gousha, distinguished fellow in law and public policy, available at 12:15 p.m. CST on the Marquette Law School website. Judge Amy Coney Barrett has been nominated to fill the vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court created by the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Table 20: Approval of protests against police shootings, June-October 2020. MILWAUKEE – A new Marquette Law School poll finds former Vice President Joe Biden the choice of 48% of likely voters in Wisconsin, President Donald Trump supported by 43% and Libertarian Jo Jorgensen receiving 2%. By Kati Anderson . The trend since March is shown in Table 10. Since January 2017, the long-term partisan balance, including those who lean to a party, in the Marquette poll has been 45% Republican and 45% Democratic, with 9% independent. News and results will be available on Twitter via the @MULawPoll account beginning at 12:15 p.m. An advisory detailing media availability will be released at a later date. Table 1 shows the trend in presidential preference among likely voters from September through October. The trend in approval and disapproval is shown in Table 23. There are 749 likely voters, with a margin of error of +/- 4.4 percentage points. Because vote by age has been an important topic, Tables 14 and 15 show the vote by age for this sample and compare it to vote by age for the last three polls combined, using likely voters. The poll was conducted Oct. 21-25, 2020. News and results will be available on Twitter via the @MULawPoll account beginning at 12:15 p.m. An advisory detailing media availability will be released at a later date. Through debates, symposia, public lectures, panels, conferences, and the Law School's On the Issues series, Marquette University Law School has established itself as a leading venue for serious civil discourse about law and public policy matters affecting the region and beyond. The poll was conducted Sept. 8-15. Tony Evers’ job performance. Among respondents interviewed Oct. 2-4, after Trump announced that he had tested positive for COVID-19, 33% say they think he has a mild case, 13% say it is a moderate case, 8% say it is a serious case and 3% say it is a very serious case. Table 6: Favorable or unfavorable view of Trump, May-Oct. 2020, Table 7: Favorable or unfavorable view of Biden, May-October 2020. Error of +/- 4.4 percentage points - Fri: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m inception in and... Type for November election one-point decline in approval from 56 % approved and 43 % disapproved 414.288.5881 john.novotny! 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