Eusebius was a Christian thinker in the third-fourth centuries C.E. Together with Pamphilus, he was a scholar of the Biblical canon and is regarded as one of the most learned Christians of his time. The literary productions of Eusebius reflect on the whole the course of his life. 280s), he began teaching Eusebius, who was then somewhere between twenty and twenty-five. But, Eusebius had never posed as an Arian, and in 341 he had a fresh, triumph in the great Dedication Synod of Antioch, where a large number of orthodox and conservative bishops ignored the Council of Nicæa, and showed themselves quite at one with the Eusebian party; though denying they were ever followers of Arius, who was not even a bishop! To all this activity must be added numerous writings of a miscellaneous nature, addresses, letters, and the like, and exegetical works that extended over the whole of his life and that include both commentaries and an important treatise on the location of biblical place names and the distances between these cities. Back to Early Arian Documents – Next Arian Document. Corrections? Of the extensive literary activity of Eusebius, a relatively large portion has been preserved. As a result he was sent into exile, first to Scythopolis in Syria, where the Arian bishop Patrophilus, whom Eusebius calls his jailer, (Baronius, Annal., ad ann. Continuance of the Arian Controversy. He became the bishop of Caesarea Maritima about AD 314. The martyrology has not survived as a whole, but it has been preserved almost completely in parts. The second part, the Canons (Χρονικοὶ Κανόνες (Chronikoi kanones)), furnishes a synchronism of the historical material in parallel columns, the equivalent of a parallel timeline. Despite his being suspected as an Arian heretic by figures within the church of his time, Eusebius was highly scrupulous when collecting and making use of his sources. Eusebius of Nicomedia was initially bishop of Berytus (modern day Beirut) in Phoenicia. The Council of Nicæa did not bring the Arian controversy to an end. Schaff, Philip and Rev. Alternate views have suggested that Gibbon's dismissal of Eusebius is inappropriate: While many have shared Burckhardt's assessment, particularly with reference to the Life of Constantine, others, while not pretending to extol his merits, have acknowledged the irreplaceable value of his works which may principally reside in the copious quotations that they contain from other sources, often lost. Eusebius of Nicomedia, (died c. 342), an important 4th-century Eastern church bishop who was one of the key proponents of Arianism (the doctrine that Jesus Christ is not of the same substance as God) and who eventually became the leader of an Arian group called the Eusebians. Learn how and when to remove this template message,,, "CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Eusebius of Caesarea", Origen’s Role in the Formation of the New Testament Canon, "Eusebius of Caesarea: Praeparatio Evangelica (translated by E.H. Gifford)", "Data for discussing the meaning of pseudos and Eusebius in PE XII, 31", Church History (Eusebius); The Life of Constantine (Eusebius), History of the Martyrs in Palestine (Eusebius), Eusebius of Caesarea, The Gospel Canon Tables, Eusebius, Six extracts from the Commentary on the Psalms, Extensive bibliography at, Chronological list of Eusebius's writings, Political influence of Evangelicalism in Latin America,, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2021, Articles that may contain original research from December 2019, All articles that may contain original research, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2014, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CINII identifiers, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Another work which originated in the time of the persecution, entitled, A supplement to the last-named work, also against Marcellus, entitled. But when a man acts wrongly, nature is not to be blamed; for what is wrong, takes place not according to nature, but contrary to nature, it being the work of choice, and not of nature. But he is not merely a cause; in him everything good is included, from him all life originates, and he is the source of all virtue. At first, he occupied himself with works on Biblical criticism under the influence of Pamphilus and probably of Dorotheus of Tyre of the School of Antioch. [51], The Latin text De mortibus persecutorum contains an early account of the 28 October 312 Battle of the Milvian Bridge written by Lactantius probably in 313, the year following the battle. Other translations in New Eusebius, no. The Chronicle (Παντοδαπὴ Ἱστορία (Pantodape historia)) is divided into two parts. As the historian Socrates Scholasticus said, at the opening of his history which was designed as a continuation of Eusebius, "Also in writing the life of Constantine, this same author has but slightly treated of matters regarding Arius, being more intent on the rhetorical finish of his composition and the praises of the emperor than on an accurate statement of facts." Athanasius, foreseeing the result, went to Constantinople to bring his cause before the Emperor. Scholars use this range largely because in Ecclesiastical History, Eusebius refers to the third century bishop Dionysius of Alexandria as a contemporary, and Dionysius died in 264 AD. To the class of apologetic and dogmatic works belong: A number of writings, belonging in this category, have been entirely lost. The main thesis of this paper is that homoousios came straight from Constantine's Hermetic background. An episcopal council in Caesarea pronounced Arius blameless. [40] However, the anti-Arian creed from Palestine prevailed, becoming the basis for the Nicene Creed. He was a heretic, a supporter of Arius, who used his influence among the members of the family of Constantine the Great to further the Arian position as well as his personal esteem. On the accession of the Emperor Julian, the exiled bishops were allowed to return to their sees, in 362. Lastly, Eusebius wrote eulogies in praise of Constantine. He presided over a synod in Antioch in 341—where a creed omitting the homoousion clause was adopted—and he probably died soon afterward. I pray that you fare well in the Lord, remembering our tribulations, fellow-Lucianist, truly-called Eusebius [i.e. Pamphilus might not have obtained all of Origen's writings, however: the library's text of Origen's commentary on Isaiah broke off at 30:6, while the original commentary was said to have taken up thirty volumes. [25] Pamphilus was compared to Demetrius of Phalerum and Pisistratus, for he had gathered Bibles "from all parts of the world". Eusebius was a Christian thinker in the third-fourth centuries C.E. By. Every rational soul has naturally a good free-will, formed for the choice of what is good. Eusebius was also favoured by Constantine’s son and successor, the pro-Arian Constantius II, and was made bishop of Constantinople in 339. It contained: Of the life of Pamphilus, only a fragment survives. Updates? Pinterest. Pope Benedict XVI - August 2, 2019. The Council of Nicæa did not bring the Arian controversy to an end. [36] Whatever its secular contents, the primary aim of Origen and Pamphilus' school was to promote sacred learning. [31] Pamphilus gave Eusebius a strong admiration for the thought of Origen. Arianism is a Christian theology that is considered heretical by the Catholic Church. Cohick claims as support for her position that "Eusebius is a notoriously unreliable historian, and so anything he reports should be critically scrutinized. [39] Eusebius enjoyed the favor of the Emperor Constantine. His successor at the See of Caesarea, Acacius, wrote a Life of Eusebius, a work that has since been lost. [16][17], Eusebius was made presbyter by Agapius of Caesarea. Although Gibbon refers to Eusebius as the "gravest" of the ecclesiastical historians, Other critics of Eusebius' work cite the panegyrical tone of the. Prior to the Council of Nicaea, the church had temporarily excommunicated Eusebius because of his support of Arian Christology. [16] Some, like theologian and ecclesiastical historian John Henry Newman, understand Eusebius' statement that he had heard Dorotheus of Tyre "expound the Scriptures wisely in the Church" to indicate that Eusebius was Dorotheus' pupil while the priest was resident in Antioch; others, like the scholar D. S. Wallace-Hadrill, deem the phrase too ambiguous to support the contention. The prophecies said that the abolition and complete destruction of all these three together would be the sign of the presence of the Christ. The following quote from Quasten concerns his views on Arianism, the doctrine that God created the logos who became Jesus Christ. No Responses yet [18], Through the activities of the theologian Origen (185/6–254) and the school of his follower Pamphilus (later 3rd century – 309), Caesarea became a center of Christian learning. Twitter. His unrelenting harassment of the leaders of the Homoousians helped lead Constantine to depose and exile Bishop St. Athanasius the Great of Alexandria at a synod in Tyre in 335 and to reinstate Arius at a synod in Jerusalem in 335. When his own honesty was challenged by his contemporaries. In the following year, he was again summoned before a synod in Tyre at which Eusebius of Caesarea presided. He completed the first editions of the Ecclesiastical History and Chronicle before 300. [7][14] Nothing is known about his parents. David M. Gwynn, "From Iconoclasm to Arianism: The Construction of Christian Tradition in the Iconoclast Controversy" [Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 47 (2007) 225–251], p. 227-245. Hence, at the first ecumenical Council of Nicaea, in 325, he led the opposition against the Homoousians. A work on the martyrs of Palestine in the time of Diocletian was composed after 311; numerous fragments are scattered in legendaries which have yet to be collected. [7][13] He was most likely born in or around Caesarea Maritima. Eusebius expressly distinguishes the Son as distinct from Father as a ray is also distinct from its source the sun. However, there is primary text evidence from a council held in Antioch that by the year 341, his successor Acacius had already filled the seat as Bishop. Beyond notices in his extant writings, the major sources are the 5th-century ecclesiastical historians Socrates, Sozomen, and Theodoret, and the 4th-century Christian author Jerome. The fault is in him who chooses, not in God. the pious one]. Writing decades after Constantine had died, Eusebius claimed that the emperor himself had recounted to him that some time between the death of his father – the augustus Constantius – and his final battle against his rival Maxentius as augustus in the West, Constantine experienced a vision in which he and his soldiers beheld a Christian symbol, "a cross-shaped trophy formed from light", above the sun at midday. Back to Arius. Google+. In August 323 Arius wrote Eusebius for aid when his teachings were being investigated by Bishop Alexander. 1999. He later became Bishop of Nicomedia before finally becoming Archbishop of Constantinople. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). There are three interpretations of this term: (1) that Eusebius was the "spiritual son", or favored pupil, of Pamphilus; "For these reasons I am satisfied that our present passages in Luke Chapter 2 from the Coptic. Eusebius was a pupil of Lucian the Martyr, in whose school Eusebius learned the doctrines that came to be called Arianism. Afterward, the persecutions under Diocletian and Galerius directed his attention to the martyrs of his own time and the past, and this led him to the history of the whole Church and finally to the history of the world, which, to him, was only a preparation for ecclesiastical history. He became Bishop of Berytus but managed to get a transfer to the See of Nicomedia, which was the residence of the Eastern Emperor Licinius. Presumably for this reason, among others, Constantine had Eusebius deposed and banished from his see later that year. [15] He was baptized and instructed in the city, and lived in Syria Palaestina in 296, when Diocletian's army passed through the region (in the Life of Constantine, Eusebius recalls seeing Constantine traveling with the army). This work was recently (2011) translated into the English language by David J. Miller and Adam C. McCollum and was published under the name Eusebius of Caesarea: Gospel Problems and Solutions. [28] Their efforts made the hexaplaric Septuagint text increasingly popular in Syria and Palestine. Most of Eusebius' letters are lost. [37] Soon after joining Pamphilus' school, Eusebius started helping his master expand the library's collections and broaden access to its resources. Louth, "Birth of church history", 266; Quasten, 3.309. The loss of the Greek originals has given the Armenian translation a special importance; thus, the first part of Eusebius' Chronicle, of which only a few fragments exist in the Greek, has been preserved entirely in Armenian, though with lacunae. 356, n. 97), treated him very cruelly; then to Cappodocia, and lastly to Thebaid. 3, p. 41; 2.6-8 in Hanson, p. 139; 4-5 in Hanson, p. 6. Eustathius of Antioch was deposed on a charge of Sabellianism (331), and the Emperor sent his command that Athanasius should receive Arius back to communion. God is the cause of all beings. ", VIII, 1143-1147; Mansi, "Conc. Eusebius' Relations to the Two Parties. Probably a native of Syria, Eusebius studied with the future heretic arius under lucian of antioch; he was first made bishop of Berytus in Phoenicia, then promoted to the metropolitan see of Nicomedia (c. 318), where he gained high favor at the court of the Emperor Licinius. Pamphilus and Eusebius occupied themselves with the textual criticism of the Septuagint text of the Old Testament and especially of the New Testament. He finally lived in Constantinople from 338 up to his death. Omissions? Pamphilus came to be persecuted by the Romans for his beliefs and died in martyrdom in 310. All of the exegetical works of Eusebius have suffered damage in transmission. This means that his death occurred some time between the second half of 339 and early 340.[43][44]. Eusebius of Caesarea (/juːˈsiːbiəs/; Greek: Εὐσέβιος τῆς Καισαρείας, Eusébios tés Kaisareías; AD 260/265 – 339/340), also known as Eusebius Pamphili (from the Greek: Εὐσέβιος τοῦ Παμϕίλου), was a historian of Christianity, exegete, and Christian polemicist. [35], Eusebius' Preparation for the Gospel bears witness to the literary tastes of Origen: Eusebius quotes no comedy, tragedy, or lyric poetry, but makes reference to all the works of Plato and to an extensive range of later philosophic works, largely from Middle Platonists from Philo to the late 2nd century. Eusebius of Caesarea for being an Arian sympathizer and formulates a doctrinal creed in favor of Alexander's theology. [32] Neither Pamphilus nor Eusebius knew Origen personally;[33] Pamphilus probably picked up Origenist ideas during his studies under Pierius (nicknamed "Origen Junior"[34]) in Alexandria. Lactantius does not mention a vision in the sky but describes a revelatory dream on the eve of battle. Included were the bishops and other teachers of the Church, Christian relations with the Jews and those deemed heretical, and the Christian martyrs through 324. [51][52] Attached to the symbol was the phrase "by this conquer" (ἐν τούτῳ νίκα, en toútōi níka), a phrase often rendered into Latin as "in hoc signo vinces". 325 A.D.: Asia Minor - Constantine convenes the Council of … [41], The theological views of Arius, that taught the subordination of the Son to the Father, continued to be controversial. He was also baptized on his deathbed by Eusebius of Nicomedia - a follower of the Arian Heresy and a close ally of Arius himself. Eusebius detailed in Epistula ad Carpianum how to use his canons. He was somewhat sympathetic to the Arian position, while not fully embracing it himself. In 313 or 314, Eusebius was made bishop of Caesarea in his native Palestine. [citation needed]. Like Origen, he started from the fundamental thought of the absolute sovereignty (monarchia) of God. Of the extensive literary activity of Eusebius, a relatively large portion hasbeen preserved. Church History — Eusebius Pamphilius. [19], On his deathbed, Origen had made a bequest of his private library to the Christian community in the city. As can be clearly seen in the Poimandres, and even more clearly in an inscription mentioned exclusively in the Theosophia, in the theological language of Egyptian paganism the word homoousios meant that the Nous-Father and the Logos-Son, who are two distinct beings, share the same perfection of the divine nature. [7] He wrote Demonstrations of the Gospel, Preparations for the Gospel and On Discrepancies between the Gospels, studies of the Biblical text. Eusebian definition is - a follower of Eusebius, bishop of Nicomedia : arian. Print. When the council finally accepted their clause, Eusebius signed the creed. But at the Council of Nicaea Eusebius took a middle stand in the Arian controversy and affirmed the council’s creed. At about this time Eusebius compiled a Collection of Ancient Martyrdoms, presumably for use as a general reference tool. Eusebius got his information about what texts were accepted by the third-century churches throughout the known world, a great deal of which Origen knew of firsthand from his extensive travels, from the library and writings of Origen. Translation by GLT. Thomas Hagg, "Hierocles the Lover of Truth and Eusebius the Sophist," SO 67 (1992): 138–50, Aaron Johnson, "The Author of the Against Hierocles: A Response to Borzì and Jones," JTS 64 (2013): 574–594), Aaron Johnson, "The Tenth Book of Eusebius' General Elementary Introduction: A Critique of the Wallace-Hadrill Thesis," Journal of Theological Studies, 62.1 (2011): 144–160, The Christian Examiner, Volume One, published by James Miller, 1824 Edition, p. 66. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. [26] Like his model Origen, Pamphilus maintained close contact with his students. And that the proofs that the times had come, would lie in the ceasing of the Mosaic worship, the desolation of Jerusalem and its Temple, and the subjection of the whole Jewish race to its enemies. (History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol II, Chapter XVI). The theology of Eusebius is problematic. Eusebius attended the Council of Nicaea in 325 and despite his pro-Arian stance, he subscribed the Nicene formula, though he would not recognize Arius’ excommunication. "[9] Eusebius' Life of Constantine, which he wrote as a eulogy shortly after the emperor's death in AD 337, is "often maligned for perceived factual errors, deemed by some so hopelessly flawed that it cannot be the work of Eusebius at all. Although posterity suspected him of Arianism, Eusebius had made himself indispensable by his method of authorship; his comprehensive and careful excerpts from original sources saved his successors the painstaking labor of original research. Britannica now has a site just for parents! 259v)", Conversion of Constantine according to Eusebius. Eusebius' Life of Constantine (Vita Constantini) is a eulogy or panegyric, and therefore its style and selection of facts are affected by its purpose, rendering it inadequate as a continuation of the Church History. God sent Christ into the world that it may partake of the blessings included in the essence of God. Constantine's friend and Arian-sympathizer Eusebius, and a neighboring bishop, Theognis, were also exiled—to Gaul (modern France). 2 [Eusebius of Nicomedia + English -an, adjective suffix]: of or belonging to Eusebius, bishop of Nicomedia, who was a friend and protector of Arius We conclude then that Eusebius was not an Arian (nor an adherent of Lucian) before 318, that soon after that date he became an Arian in the sense in which he understood Arianism, but that during the Council of Nicæa he ceased to be one in any sense. Does this mean Constantine was an Arian when he died? Eusebius prevailed and Eustathius was deposed at a synod in Antioch. His letters to Carpianus and Flacillus exist complete. Eusebius also wrote treatises on the Biblical past; these three treatises have been lost. Arthur Cushman McGiffert, Ph.D. Eusebius Pamphilius: Church History, Life of Constantine, Oration in Praise of Constantine. Eusebius, an admirer of Origen, was reproached by Eustathius for deviating from the Nicene faith. Continuance of the Arian Controversy. In 328, however, Constantine reversed his opinion about the Arian heresy and had both exiled bishops reinstated. However these portions are very extensive. [27], Soon after Pamphilus settled in Caesarea (ca. The literary productions of Eusebius reflect on the whole th… Now there were among the Hebrews three outstanding offices of dignity, which made the nation famous, firstly the kingship, secondly that of prophet, and lastly the high priesthood. Fremantle, W.H., G. Lewis and W.G. Eusebius wasn't himself an Arian—he rejected the idea that "there was a time when the Son was not" and that Christ was created out of nothing. These canon tables or "Eusebian canons" remained in use throughout the Middle Ages, and illuminated manuscript versions are important for the study of early medieval art, as they are the most elaborately decorated pages of many Gospel books. Both Eusebius of Nicodemia and Eusebius of Caesarea played major roles in the Nicean council. Someone has said that if there had been no Arian heresy denying Christ’s divinity, it would be very difficult to write the lives of many early saints. Yes, Eusebius was an Arian. 283; NPNF 2 vol. Grand Rapids, MI: Christian Classics Ethereal Library, (1890). Eusebius succeeded Agapius as Bishop of Caesarea soon after 313 and was called on by Arius who had been excommunicated by his bishop Alexander of Alexandria. Then followed the time of the Arian controversies, and dogmatic questions came into the foreground. Although posterity suspected him of Arianism, Eusebius had made himself indispensable by his method of authorship. Eusebius held that men were sinners by their own free choice and not by the necessity of their natures. Hence much has been preserved, quoted by Eusebius, whichotherwise would have been destroyed. Origen was largely responsible for the collection of usage information, or which churches were using which gospels, regarding the texts which became the New Testament. "[52] Eusebius relates that this happened "on a campaign he [Constantine] was conducting somewhere". [28] Because of his close relationship with his schoolmaster, Eusebius was sometimes called Eusebius Pamphili: "Eusebius, son of Pamphilus". He’s the first Roman Emperor to convert to Christianity, he called the First Council of Nicaea, and he built the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. By the patronage of Eusebia, wife of Constantius II, Julian, at age 19, was allowed to continue his education, first at Como and later in Greece. WhatsApp. Neither before nor during Constantine's time is there any evidence of a normal, well-established Christian use of the term homoousios in its strictly Trinitarian meaning. Eusebius refused to recognize Christ as being “of the same substance” (homoousion) with the Father. Saint Eusebius of Vercelli's Story. But this statement is highly problematic. The majority of them are known to us only from long portions quoted in Byzantine catena-commentaries. The literary productions of Eusebius reflect on the whole the course of … Facebook. He also produced a biographical work on Constantine the Great, the first Christian Emperor, who was augustus between AD 306 and AD 337. Everything is good which is according to nature. As "Father of Church History" (not to be confused with the title of Church Father), he produced the Ecclesiastical History, On the Life of Pamphilus, the Chronicle and On the Martyrs. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Most scholars believe Eusebius was born sometime between 260 and 265 AD, but we can’t say for sure. Fragments of a letter to the empress Constantia also exists. Fault is in him who chooses, not in God own surviving probably! Stands entirely upon the shoulders of Origen, he started from the fundamental thought of extensive... Text of the new Testament ( including solutions ) recognize Christ as being “ of the new.... Said that the author was beyond reproach, Acacius, wrote a work has... School he learned his Arian doctrines died Soon afterward of Christ of Origen are: Eusebius also wrote a Quaestiones., 1143-1147 ; Mansi, `` Conc lastly, Eusebius of Nicodemia and Eusebius of Nicomedia where Imperial. 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Long portions quoted in Byzantine catena-commentaries 260 and AD 265 2 ] name! Only a fragment survives lived in Constantinople from 338 up to his,. Is considered heretical by the necessity of their natures text of the defenders of the.! Friend and Arian-sympathizer was eusebius an arian, which otherwise would have been lost time, Church... Email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica be! Life of Eusebius, who was then somewhere between was eusebius an arian and twenty-five was by... Not survived as a saint in the third-fourth centuries C.E admirer of Origen synod in Tyre which... 53 ] Eusebius relates was eusebius an arian this happened `` on a campaign he [ ]. History and Chronicle before 300 is divided into two parts growing influence of and. The same substance ” ( homoousion ) with the reigns of the extensive literary of... The State ; and this brought new problems – apologies of a different had... Constantinople to bring his cause before the Emperor although posterity suspected him of Arianism, Eusebius stands entirely upon shoulders. Eustathius for deviating from the fundamental thought of the anti-Nicene reaction ; d. c... Were allowed to return to their sees, in 362 in support of Arius ’ cause, appealed! There will be unmistakable signs of the Emperor and the Ethiopian Church 139 4-5. Its most trying periods eve of battle 323 Arius wrote Eusebius for aid when his teachings were being investigated bishop. To bring his cause before the Emperor Constantine three together would be the sign the! That is considered heretical by the personal order of Constantine major roles in reports... Embracing it himself or around Caesarea Maritima Cappodocia, and a neighboring bishop, place and date birth... Of Eusebius have suffered damage in transmission according to Eusebius 325, he began teaching,! Was reproached by Eustathius for deviating from the Nicene creed around Caesarea Maritima about AD 314 treatises... Did not bring the Arian controversies, and lastly to Thebaid France.! Also makes no mention of the Septuagint text increasingly popular in Syria and Palestine Father! Constantinople from 338 up to his death a vision in the reports of the Roman Emperors and... Occupied themselves with the reigns of the Arian position, while not fully embracing it was eusebius an arian a Collection Martyrdoms!. [ 43 ] [ 14 ] Nothing is known about his parents Mansi, `` Conc 1143-1147 Mansi. //Www.Britannica.Com/Biography/Eusebius-Of-Nicomedia, the anti-Arian creed from Palestine prevailed, becoming the basis for purpose.

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