If they were originally in the rear and western areas of the Bulge, the contact came later when what had been the rear became the front lines. This is not an Order of Battle. Usually this means Division level. Then when 112 th came in it naturally attached itself to the infantry division. Nobody knew who was in it exactly but it was there. The Story of the 95TH AFABN, 5TH ARMDD. Loss and Redemption at St. Vith: The 7th Armored Division in the Battle of the Bulge (American Military Experience) | Fontenot, Gregory | ISBN: 9780826221926 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. A quite complete and accurate account was prepared by one of the participants, Maj. Donald P. Boyer, Jr., in 1947 and was published as St. Vith: The 7th Armored Division in the Battle of the Bulge, 17-23 December 1944. Order of Battle - WWII - ETO; 7th ARMORED DIVISION; Return to Table of Contents "Lucky Seventh" The mixture of insignia and distinctive colors of several arms incorporated in the Armored Force symbolize integrity and esprit. However, when his combat command arrived the road was so congested by the retiring 14. A month later the tankers wanted it back. And it is a work in progress. (Some of the GI's had wondered why they saw German planes before that, despite the conditions, but saw no American planes.). I don't believe there were seven divisions in the vicinity, but rather about five. British 1st Northamptonshire Yeomanry Armored Regiment: 296th Engineer Combat Battalion: Houffalize late in the Bulge, 2nd Cavalry Group (2nd & 42nd Cav Rcn Sqdns): crossed from France into Luxembourg 23 Dec 44 and guarded XII Corps' right flank along the Moselle River [No official website found but very useful -- though very hard to navigate -- site found, 4th Infantry Division: bore brunt of attack at Echternach, Luxembourg, XII Corps: 4th Inf Div, 9th Armd Div(-), 10th Armd(elem), 109th Rgt of 28th Inf div, 2nd Cav Gp, 282nd Engineer Combat Battalion: arrived in France 25 Dec 44; moved into combat, manning road blocks at Bech, Luxemboug 13-23 Jan 45 and at Christnach, Luxembourg 23-30 Jan 45, 285th Engineer Combat Battalion: arrived in France 9 Jan 45; moved into positions SE of Luxembourg City at Dalheim 20 Jan 45; moved to front line at Greiveldange 21 Jan 45, III Corps: See 4th Armd Div, 26th Inf Div, 80th Inf Div, 26th Infantry Division: western Luxembourg, between 4th Armd Div to west and 80th Inf Div to east, 80th Infantry Division: came up from south to make far eastern end of center of southern shoulder, between 26th Inf to west and XII Corps to east. This rules out those war gaming web sites on which re-enactors give a brief history of the units they portray. In addition, ground visibility for the troops was often very low, due to the trees and fog. In fact, as a series of letters in the VBOB "Bulge Bugle" have noted, some positions were not regained until after January 25, 1945. He really had about ⅔ of the combat elements of the 7. The rounded portion of the horseshoe was composed of Colonel Dwight Rosebaum’s CCA, 7th Armored between Poteau and Rodt and General … Loss and Redemption at St. Vith closes a gap in the record of the Battle of the Bulge by recounting the exploits of the 7th Armored Division in a way that no other study has. These German tanks menacing the 112th Regiment had come up a road our people thought impassable to tanks. Initially when we came down we were not given an Army order. German columns ran low on gas and ammunition well before reaching even their first major goal: the Meuse River. Fontenot combines the experience of a combat commander, the eye of a serious historian, and the understanding of a professional soldier in relaying … 90th Infantry Division. One of the funniest orders I ever issued was for Lieutenant Colonel Jones to take two tank destroyers and bring them to Rogery and protect the 112, I had very little communication with Generals Bruce Clarke and Hoge. General Montgomery's representative asked if I wanted to stay there and I told him no, not unless higher command thought it was critical terrain. They had their Command Posts close enough together so that they could talk with one another. This is a clip of official signal corps photography of the 10th Armored Division during World War II. They always say American tanks can't go here or there over these roads, but we found out that German tanks could when they went from Beho to Rogery. Loss and Redemption at St. Vith is a magnificent chronicle of the 7th Armored Division’s contribution to American victory in the Battle of the Bulge. Most accounts of the Battle of the Bulge give short-shrift to the interval during which the German forward progress stopped and the American counterattack began. In the largest battle ever fought by the U. S. Army, with 600,000 GI's involved, it is difficult to place one unit or location ahead of another in importance. On December 23, the weather cleared, and Allied planes finally filled the skies in support of the besieged American troops. Manteuffel's reason for this recommendation was "due to the time lost by his Fifth Panzer Army in the St. Vith area." We weren’t able to retire before 0300 hours on 23 December. The dense forest had very few roads, none of which were large. (In fact, one of the German plans was named Herbstnebel or Autumn Mist.) Jones, Alan W., Jr. (423rd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division): Moranda, Robert (38th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division): "Bob's Story: Memories of Love and War" Click, Merriam, Lt. Robert and T/3 Hugh Williamson (4th I&H Section), Holding the Line: U. S. V Corps stops the 1st SS Panzer Corps, Hell at Bütgenbach: We fight and die here, Desperate Stand: The Bitter Defense of the Schnee Eifel (VIII Corps at St. Vith - 106th Inf Div), The Battle for St. Vith: 17th-23rd December 1944 (VIII Corps at St. Vith - 7th Armd Div), Operations of the 3rd Fallschirmjaeger-Division: Defense of the North Sector between December 1944 and January 1945. (Keep in mind that the southern shoulder was one that the Germans themselves intended to form with their Seventh Army -- which they pretty much succeeded in doing.). The German press played it up as the "Wanssum Bridgehead" (Brückenkopf Wanssum) across the Maas at Wanssum, north of Venlo, Holland. This is the order of battle of German and Allied forces during the Battle of the Bulge — specifically, at a point near the end of the battle, which lasted from 16 December 1944 until 25 January 1945. The withdrawal was pretty well set up. It was apparently timed with Nordwind (in Alsace) on New Year's Day. He would have taken care of his right flank, but we moved back anyway. "Colonel Greg Fontenot's compelling account of the 7th Armored Division in the Battle of the Bulge provides wonderful insight into the hitherto unheralded but inspirational performance of the 'Lucky Seventh' and the units that fought alongside it. This narrative centers on the 7th Armored Division for the entire length of the campaign, in so doing reconsidering the story of the whole battle through the lens of a single division and accounting for the reconstitution of the Division while in combat. If the 99th Infantry Division and 291st Engineer Combat Battalion had not held on the northern shoulder, the 7th Armored Division never would have reached St. Vith. Dec) 3892 QM Truck Company participated in emptying of gas dump north of Stavelot; (15 Jan) 3892 QM Truck Company participated in recovery of bodies of Malmédy Massacre victims at Baugnez, 238th Engineer Combat Battalion: Manhay (See, 291st Engineer Combat Battalion (the "Damned Engineers" Battalion): Trois Ponts, Stavelot, Malmédy, 300th Engineer Combat Battalion: December: Modave Castle, Janee; January: Filot, Xhoris, Louveigne, La Gleize, 84th Infantry Division (Hotton - Marche) - I find no web site of the 84th Infantry Division, but there is a web page with the text of their history, 14th Cavalry (bore brunt of attack at Losheim Gap), 285th Field Artillery Observation Battalion: Baugnez (the Malmédy Massacre), 333rd Field Artillery Group, consisting of, 402nd Field Artillery Group, consisting of, 559th Field Artillery Battalion: see 402nd Field Artillery Group, 561st Field Artillery Battalion: see 402nd Field Artillery Group, 578th Field Artillery Battalion: see 402nd Field Artillery Group, 969th Engineer Maintenance Company: Vielsalm, then north to Maastricht, 969th Field Artillery Battalion: see 333rd Field Artillery Group, 18th Volksgrenadier Division: attack on St. Vith, from northeast, 44th Engineer Combat Battalion: defense of Wiltz, Luxembourg, 398th Engineer General Service Regiment: arrived Luxembourg 23 December 1944 - exact locations unknown, other than casualties at Munshausen, 447th Anitaircraft Battalion: defense of Wiltz, Luxembourg, 630th Tank Destroyer Battalion: defense of Wiltz, Luxembourg, 707th Tank Battalion: defense of Wiltz, Luxembourg. For all Divisions, you may also want to see their brief history in the Center for Military History's "Combat Chronicle" web pages. Even when the 7th Armored Division had reached St. Vith, it was the troops on the northern shoulder and the newly arrived 82nd Airborne Division that kept a very narrow escape route open for the virtually surrounded defenders of St. Vith. A thing like this takes time. The German plan called for capture of St. Vith by 1800 on December 17 by Fifth Panzer Army, but the defenders held at St. Vith until late on December 21. He arrived there at approximately 0800 hours in the morning, 17 December 1944. Corps wanted the first combat Command to attack and seize the town of Schoenberg to relieve the pressure on these two surrounded infantry Regiments. by Warfare History Network Key Point : … Thus St. Vith was the most vital initial prize the Germans sought, in order to allow supplies to flow to support the remainder of the attack. General Bruce Clarke went right up to St Vith to study the ground and be ready to issue orders when his combat command arrived. They had their Command Posts close enough together so that they could talk with one another. General Clarke had two battalions of infantry, an engineer company, a battalion of tanks, one tank destroyer company and as time went on got another battalion of tanks. ", Source:Combat Interview from NARA: National Archives = 1945, Last Updated on Wednesday, 23 January 2019 20:36. The Division landed on Omaha Beach and Utah Beach in August 1944, being assigned to the U.S. The 7th Armored Division had to move 60-70 miles to the south on Day 2. Throughout most of its existence the 7th Armored Division was commanded by Major General Lindsay McDonald Silvester, an infantryman who had distinguished himself in World War I. However, one copy was retained by the interviewer. The ending date of the Bulge is considered as January 25, 1945, since this was the date on which the lost positions were officially thought to have been completely regained. Bastogne did not become surrounded by forces intent on taking it until the night of December 21, Day 6 of the Battle of the Bulge. The devastating successes of the German armored units in Poland and France underscored America's need for an effective armored force. The weather gave us frozen roads which assisted us materially. I had very little communication with Generals Bruce Clarke and Hoge. While he covers the entire history of the division, Fontenot concentrates his account on the unit's stand at St. Vith (Dec. 16-22). We just came down here and learned that the Germans were making a counterattack. 304th Engineer Combat Battalion The Lucky Seventh goes to war Silesia is defended in the West The eve of battle Fontenot combines the experience of a combat commander, the eye of a serious historian, and the understanding of a professional soldier in relaying … Originally the 106 th Division had CCB of the 9 th Armored Division attached. In popular thinking, the Battle of the Bulge is synonymous with the Battle of Bastogne. We weren’t able to retire before 0300 hours on 23 December. 16-mrt-2017 - Soldiers of the 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, 7th Armored Division, advance into the battle-scarred St. Vith, Belgium The weather gave us frozen roads which assisted us materially. It took us a long time to plan it. Then I think the traffic -- well we had a schedule and everybody kept to it. The following comments are in reply to various oral questions asked by the interviewer. General Clarke had two battalions of infantry, an engineer company, a battalion of tanks, one tank destroyer company and as time went on got another battalion of tanks. By December, 1944, the Allies were on the cusp of final victory, … The unit journals, as is common in an armored division, are rather slim, although, in this case, fairly accurate. Colonel Adams (Trains Commander) did that initially but they were too weak in numbers so I brought up Troop "D" 87, The Germans used the bouncing ball method and finally they got hold of Houffalize and came to Samree and the crossroads at the junction of highway N 15 – N 28. The German plan was to have the panzers bypass Bastogne and let the later echelons of infantry and artillery units clean it out. It was jammed up so that it was impossible to travel. The Battle of the Bulge is considered by most military scholars as the greatest campaign in the storied history of the United States Army. It is significant to note that the 7th Armored Division was near Aachen, Germany when the German attack began. Any unit anywhere in the Bulge or along the edge of the Bulge was in combat with German units. Such war gaming sites are indicated by the unit name being in italics: e.g. The hierarchy given here is at a moment nearly at the end of the Battle. Loss and Redemption at St. Vith: The 7th Armored Division in the Battle of the Bulge (American Military Experience): 9780826221926: Books - Amazon.ca The hierarchy given here is at a moment nearly at the end of the Battle. The tank battles of North Africa and Russia in early 1942 caused the US Army to recognized the need to drastically increase the number of its armored units. Note: Since all the mentions of this army and that army can become confusing, German units are given in italics, and American units are in normal type. The 7th Armored Division fought a running battle out of St. Vith on December 23, 1944. If the 99th Infantry Division and 291st Engineer Combat Battalion had not held on the northern shoulder, the 7th Armored Division never would have reached St. Vith. You have to disentangle yourself first. Footnote: Earl Combs was serving with the 38th Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division when he was in action during the Battle of St, Vith in Belgium, one of several battles constituting the opening of Germany's Ardennes counteroffensive (more commonly known as the "Battle of the Bulge"), when he was captured on December 21, 1944 and taken as a Prisoner of War. It was no accident that St. Vith was right in the very center of the Fifth and Sixth Panzer Armies: St. Vith had to be the main line of supply for both Armies. This is NOT an interactive map. I don't believe there were seven divisions in the vicinity, but rather about five. May 19, 2020 - Explore Philip Barnett's board "U.S. 7th Armored Division", followed by 1071 people on Pinterest. We had prisoner identifications from seven different divisions. Units are listed at the highest level in which they participated. 286th Engineer Combat Battalion General Clarke had a command something like this: Ober Emmels, around to the east of St Vith, and then south to Breitfeld where he tied in with CCB of the 9th Armored Division, then 424th Infantry Regiment, then the 112th Infantry Regiment at Holdingen. Closes a gap in the record of the Battle of the Bulge by recounting the exploits of the 7th Armored Division in a way that no other study has. The 7th Armored Division trained at Camp Coxcomb in California. A note on Operation Schneeman: The only reference that I have found for this operation is on page 199 of "The Forgotten Battle: Overloon and the Maas Salient 1944-1945" the English translation of the original Dutch book by A. Korthals Altes and N. K. C. A. in't Veld (Sarpedon, 1995). Welcome to Wesley Johnston's (somewhat reluctant) Battle of the Bulge (Ardennes Offensive) web page, part of the 7th Armored Division web site. The links given here are to pages that provide solid links for someone to follow to gain in-depth information on these units' role in the Bulge, primarily for the purpose of finding a relative's story - e.g. I don't think that the 106, The initial plan was to get through and capture Schoenberg and relieve pressure on these two regiments (422, I decided to hold this valley Vielsalm – Petit Their – Poteau with defense to the north and to back up CCA after they recaptured Poteau. Journalists hungry for some sign of American success at stopping the German onslaught played up the defense of Bastogne, where Gen. Anthony McAuliffe (101st Airborne Division) said "Nuts" to a German surrender demand and where the Third US Army (10th Armored Division) broke through the German Seventh Army's buffer to reach the surrounded town on Day 3 of the Battle of the Bulge. Also included are units of the 8th and 9th Army Air Forces. 303rd Engineer Combat Battalion The Battle of the Bulge began with the German attack (Operation Wacht am Rhein and the Herbstnebel plan) on the morning of December 16, 1944. I had something at Bouvigny for a time, but I don't know just now what it was. I heard a story, but you'll have to check on it, that some wounded German said, Remembering and Honoring a Young Soldier - Pfc Solomon D. Mosner, St Vith and the 106th Division In the Bulge, My Battle of the Bulge – Before and Beyond, Loss and Redemption at St. Vith: The 7th Armored Division in the Battle of the Bulge (Book), Foxholes and Christmas of long ago Remembered…, Breakfast in the Beautiful Snowy Ardennes Forest, The 318th Inf Regt in the Bastogne Saliant, German Officer Vindicates 106th Recc Troop. I arrived at Corps on 17 December and told them that people were retiring in double banks down the roads. The division was activated on 1 March 1942 out of "surplus" elements of the reorganized 3rd and 5th Armored Divisions, itself reorganized on 20 September 1943. General Clarke had a command something like this: Ober Emmels, around to the east of St Vith, and then south to Breitfeld where he tied in with CCB of the 9, We were always suspicious of what was going on to the north and I don't know how much the enemy would have built up if it hadn't been for a very courageous engineer outfit at Trois-Ponts. Planning covered about four to four and one-half hours. Gregory Fontenot is a retired Colonel of the U.S. Army. The 14, Apparently there was no coordination. And the panzers did succeed in bypassing Bastogne, so that their plan in that sector was on schedule. Our MSR made many changes as the Germans moved forward; once it was running west to east along N 28 and later in a big arch to the north and then east. 305th Engineer Combat Battalion, popular misconceptions about the Battle of the Bulge, Center for Military History's "Combat Chronicle" web pages, 99th Infantry Battalion (the "Norwegian" Battalion), "Railsplitters: The story of the 84th Infantry Division", Liberated La Roche-en-Ardenne 11 January 1945, 736th Field Artillery Battalion (non divisional), Combat Interviews of the 7th Armored Division and 106th Infantry Division, Records of the 38th Armored Infantry Battalion (7th Armored Division), After Action Reports of the 40th Tank Battalion (7th Armored Division), "The Operations of the 423rd Infantry (106th Infantry Division) in the Vicinity of Schonberg during the Battle of the Ardennes, 16-19 December 1944 (Ardennes-Alsace Campaign) (Personal Experience of a Battalion Operations Officer)", The Drop Zone's Personal Accounts in the European Theater, web site "The Battle of the Bulge: The North Shoulder", The Battle of the Bulge: The Northern Shoulder, 7th Armored Division Troops at Baraque de Fraiture ("Parker's Crossroads"), Click here for an active overview of all pages at the 7th Armored Division web site, Overview of the Battle of the Bulge (immediately after this table of contents), In a revised plan on November 1, 1944, the, V Corps (See 2nd Infantry Division, 8th Infantry Division, 78th Infantry Division, 99th Infantry Division), XIII Corps (See 7th Armored Division, XIX Corps, 102nd Infantry Division, 104th Infantry Division), XIX Corps: 21 Dec - XIX Corps takes over former VII Corps units (104ID, 83ID, 5AD (-CCR), 8ID, 78ID) and zone; XIII Corps takes over 29ID and former XIX Corps zone, 97th Quartermaster Battalion: (16 Dec) camped 2 mi SW of Eupen, 277th Engineer Combat Battalion, attached to 102nd Infantry Division Dec. 15-28, 1944, 278th Engineer Combat Battalion: in Belgium at Hermalle and Vise (north of Liège) until 26 December, then in Belgium at Aubel (north of Verviers) and in Holland at "Lanaye Locks", 296th Engineer Combat Battalion: in attack in Aachen area at start of Bulge, VII Corps: from Hotton west to the Meuse (from about 20 December), 86th Mortar Battalion: Support for various Divisions in the area, 97th Quartermaster Battalion: (20? Traffic jams on both sides of the front were a major problem for both Armies. One of the tank destroyers knocked out three tanks. And the famous "Nuts" did not come until December 22, Day 7. For example, the hierarchy here places the U. S. 7th Armored Division in XVIII Corps in U. S. First Army in 12th Army Group. I finally decided I was wasting time. 7th Armored Division in the Battle of the Bulge Uniform series American military experience series. Thus a unit may appear more than once, if it moved from one area to another. If they were in the forward part of the Bulge, the contact came sooner during the battle. Planning covered about four to four and one-half hours. It is an interlocked ornament, found in Nordic monuments, composed of three torques: red for Artillery; blue for Infantry; and yellow for Cavalry. We had prisoner identifications from seven different divisions. The defense was after St Vith had fallen. Tag Archives: 5th Armored Division. This narrative centers on the 7th Armored Division for the entire length of the campaign, in so doing reconsidering the story of the whole battle through the lens of a single division. (Baraque de Fraiture). But from a military strategy point of view (and this can easily be seen on the map above), while Bastogne was a strategically important major road junction for sustaining the attack, it was on the periphery of the attack and well behind the initial front lines. Then I think the traffic -- well we had a schedule and everybody kept to it. But once the defense of St. Vith was set up, that defense also bolstered the defense of the northern shoulder, as both defenses forced the German columns off of their planned routes and led to considerable congestion as the Gemran columns were then funneled in between the northern shoulder and the St. Vith salient. See more ideas about wwii, world war ii, world war two. 294th Engineer Combat Battalion Most accounts of the Battle of the Bulge give short-shrift to the interval during which the German forward progress stopped and the American counterattack began. This led the German Fifth Panzer Army Commander, Gen. Hasso von Manteuffel, to recommend to Hitler's adjutant on December 24 that "the German Army give up the attack and return to the West Wall." Stenographic notes were taken by the general's secretary. These units vary in size from a small number of people up to and including an Army Group. It is an attempt to give the units' locations in the major areas of the Battle of the Bulge (Ardennes Offensive), as well as links to their web pages, if they have a web page. 289th Engineer Combat Battalion This is a list of some of those units so recognized but for which I have yet to determine their geographic location during the Battle of the Bulge. It took us a long time to plan it. Loss and Redemption at St. Vith: The 7th Armored Division in the Battle of the Bulge: Fontenot, Gregory: Amazon.sg: Books St Vith was a very important place to the Germans because of all these roads and railroad. To fully understand the hierarchy at any given moment in the Battle, you must not rely on this page alone. During the Battle of the Bulge, The 7th Armored Division was forced out of St. Vith in December of 1944. Fast and free shipping free returns cash on delivery available on eligible purchase. This was truly heroic stuff. 301st Engineer Combat Battalion There are many units that received recognition for participation in the Ardennes-Alsace campaign. I always had some sort of reserve – it didn't amount too much. We didn't know much about their strength other than the fact we should attempt to rescue the two infantry regiments (422 and 423, I received very hazy instructions. The order came out to make me commander and I wrote a letter to Corps pointing out that there was a Major General here who out – ranked me and said it would be a reflection on him to put me in charge. Buy Loss and Redemption at St. Vith: The 7th Armored Division in the Battle of the Bulge by Fontenot, Gregory online on Amazon.ae at best prices. Originally the plan was to withdraw at 0300 hours but Combat Command "B" of the 9th Armored Division was so involved with the attack, it had to wait till things quieted down. But the reality is that two crucial stands at the front lines are what really doomed the German attack to certain failure: Holding the Northern Shoulder: The 99th Infantry Divsion and the 291st Engineer Combat Battalion bore the brunt of the Sixth Panzer Army attack on Day 1, and they held most of their ground, creating what would become the northern shoulder. The traffic situation was very bad. Charles Harman, Tank Commander, father of Gail Larke, BOBA recording secretary, and was compiled … He really had about ⅔ of the combat elements of the 7th Armored Division which together with what I had and attached units were really a pretty good size Corps. After the destruction of the 106th Infantry Division in the first days of the Battle of the Bulge, the 7th tried to hold, but could not withstand the pressure of six German divisions bearing down on it. It is significant to note that the 7th Armored Division was near Aachen, Germany when the German attack began. Most accounts of the Battle of the Bulge give short-shrift to the interval during which the German forward progress stopped and the American counterattack began. December 1944 World War II Combat Interviews of the 7th Armored Division: The Battle of the Bulge -- Defense of St. Vith, Belgium. Since the battle was so complex, it is important to consider some basic organizing themes. They arrived in England June 1944 to begin their World War II combat assignments. Of course Corps was so far away and had such a wide front so thinly held that the Germans just filtered between them. 7th Armored Division Headquarters, plus 4 other interviews (transcribed, annotated and fully indexed, with introduction) - Only available on Amazon.com. The weather was chilly mist and fog, so that Allied air support was nullified until December 23. The Defense of the “Fortified Goose Egg” The author of a number of valuable histories on the U.S. Army, retired colonel Fontenot has produced an excellent account of the largely overlooked role of the 7 th Armored Division in the Battle of the Bulge. When shown these notes later the general requested that they be turned over to him for revision, as he thought he had been too frank in his criticism. They had an idea that 3, The withdrawal was pretty well set up. 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