gross weight. We may earn commission if you buy from a link. I urge you to run the engagement cost calculation. "What do you consider to be significant range against a sea skimmer"That's an excellent question. is available for explosive or whether a significant portion would be devoted to Bell, however, is developing a naval variant of it's new tilt rotor, the V-280 Valor that is compatible with DDG hangars with folded size to fit in the MH-60R/S space. This is still much less The flight body is 24 inches long and weighs Pick a number and then multiply by the per round cost of, say, $100,000. That means that if fired at or below the waterline you could expose multiple interior sections to flooding. It doesn't have to be mach-7 HPV all the time. The V-22 has a vertical takeoff weight of 52,600lbs of which 33,000lbs. That's the only way you can put such a small round close enough to the target to work. USN should take a good look at it and test it realistically to see if it is a viable CIWS weapon for US to supplement or replace Phalanx. While the 15 original cost of an HVP round was claimed to be around $25,000. However, I'm dubious that even a Hawkeye is going to be able to get targeting quality data on sea skimming anti-ship missiles at any significant range. It needs a slip ring anyway, so the rifling is no problem. "The Navy is deceptively trying to sell things based on misleading cost/projectile type numbers without factoring in the number required to achieve the desired result. Gear-obsessed editors choose every product we review. HVPs should reach targets coming over the radar horizon slightly faster than ESSM with sufficiently fast targeting and gun laying systems. greatly appreciated. Thus, APFSDS - Armored Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot (aka "sabot") This is a hypervelocity, inert, dense-metal dart designed to drill its way through armor. That will up the $$. If we were to place that functionality into a drone, the drone would be size of the E-2 and we wouldn't be able to operate it from anything other than a carrier in which case we already have E-2s. The dangerous propellant in the ships could be removed and that space used for shells. I do agree with the Seapower report recommendation to emphasize ESSM but not for the reasons they do. The bullet passed through the paper, Yes, the E-2 can (can it really? Some USN SH-60 or drone? Let’s look a bit closer and see where the Adding an enormous E-2 radar to a V-22 would probably render the V-22 unflightworthy in vertical takeoff and landing mode. I suspect either approach would be prohibitively expensive. major uses of naval gun fire). conventional 5' guns? I have been $86,000 + projectile. Each would cause the illustration). A government production contract would be proof. the HVP is a kinetic (meaning non-explosive) projectile that can, indeed, be suspect not. astute observer will note that the impressive videos of rail guns and HVP MAD-FIRES is still being worked on by DARPA and it may take many years to finish development and field but is a worthwhile program. A collision with a 3mm tungsten bb at Mach 7-12 effective impact velocity will take down any missile in existence. Sure, you could deflect its course slightly to help guide on a target flying a straight course but you aren't going to be flitting all over the sky chasing a maneuvering cruise missile (which are themselves only semi-maneuverable) or aircraft. The result is a HVP shell that reaches Mach 3 and at 40 miles has a range three times greater than conventional shells. If we could achieve that kind of performance from the size radar that can fit on a V-22, wouldn't we have already stopped building E-2's and/or started building them with this magic mini-radar? Such a "frangible" HVP could have significant behind-hull effects in a ship, especially if coupled with an incendiary element. The Navy needs to test that and see.My point about the number of CIWS per ship is more that we need greatly enhanced close in weapon systems rather than that exact number. assumptions about what the Navy should have considered. The act of driving its way through the armor produces spalling on the inside, assuming penetration. various weapons. "A collision with a 3mm tungsten bb at Mach 7-12 effective impact velocity will take down any missile in existence. A 2009 survey of wildlife by the Navy reported that blue whales, fin whales, humpback whales, sei whales, sperm whales, killer whales, north pacific right whales, stellar sea lions, and sea otters are among the marine mammals that live in the Northwest Training Range Complex. It’s a case of exact hit or no damage. maneuverability than a modern F-16 because the F-16 has such high speed. The projectile could have a frangible tip so that it deforms upon impact transferring more of it's kinetic energy. Of course, that cheap, inert round now becomes a much more expensive round and one of the main claimed benefits no longer exists! I've seen that article. leads one to ask whether there is any actual gain in damage effects over those OldNick wrote: popeye1 "I like the idea of 5" gun with HVP (hyper velocity projectile) giving a range of 40 miles" HVP is a 15 pound solid with no explosive content, a normal 5 inch shell is 70 pounds with explosive, and would guess need to fire at 5,000+ fps (normal shell fired at less than 3,000 fps), barrel will be toast after firing ~ 100+ rounds due the fantastic … I note the use of words like, "proposed" and "may". to the paper target. I don't know that any surface ship could safely operate one. The rounds Naval Sea Systems Command is studying for the BAE-built AGS include the hyper velocity projectile built for the electromagnetic railgun that’s also … That’s 2,500 meters a second, more than twice as fast as a high-powered rifle bullet. HVP would have to be fired with a ballistic solution that puts it more-or-less near the predicted path of the missile. Yes it would probably go through a ship. The HVP is fired at Mach 3 and can travel a distance of approximately 30 nautical miles. For a Aside from that, we still have the problem of targeting. OK, they might need it for that BUT again, for prompt, high level intensity, keep the bad guys heads down while we advance to take an objective, I don't see the current HPV as what is 2 cents. From the BAE product brochure (2), here are some projected ranges from With a maximum range close to 50 miles, the HVPs also dramatically outrange existing ammunition and can quickly cover that greater distance. Velocity Projectile (HVP) from BAE Systems is the latest fad that military In Note that it is difficult The RN is fitting AESA panels and consoles and systems in a roll on-roll-off kit for it's AEW AW101 Merlin helicopters which gross 28,000lbs. The Northwest Range encompasses 126,000 square nautical miles of ocean. I've not heard of it but I also don't follow land warfare that closely. For small diameter projectiles, they behave well when spinning at a high rate. You might get just as much utility out of a 20NM 8' gun if you could develop one, and not need all the whizbang stuff. After burnout, ESSM is a Mach 4+, ~3-400lb "projectile" that is plenty maneuverable. ground. I've not been able to find any. has a significant limitation in that a near miss will cause no damage. 45 127-millimeter deck guns. Yes, it does make for interesting reading. Washington State officials want the U.S. Navy to modify a training program predicted to cause harm to killer whales and other marine mammals living in the Puget Sound area. And mach 7 means a round heated significantly by air friction so there is a small thermal component as well. They already have both electronic and fusing solutions for HVP. Note that the 60 and 30 degree trajectories have the same range, as do any pair of launches at complementary angles. HVP, depending on the speed, will have somewhere between 4-8x+ the momentum to overcome for any attempted course change! "at or below the waterline"Have you thought through what that means? China Conducts New Hypersonic Weapon Test, Russia Tests Yet Another Hypersonic Weapon, China Successfully Tests Hypersonic Weapon System, Hypersonic Weapon Defense Will Be Hard and Expensi, Mysterious Killer Whales Found After 60 Years. actual ship, there would be multiple bulkheads (even thinner!) What would happen if a rail gun HVP projectile impacted a 3/8” thick metal A WWI Fokker Triplane has immensely greater How about AA use? wouldn’t be much of an explosion. round (1) though it is unclear what version and capabilities that cost You understand that simply being able to emit a guidance signal isn't quite enough? for various weapons. Am I mistaken in that? A list of activities officials seek to modify include testing the Navy’s new Hyper Velocity Projectile, which reportedly travels at Mach 7. actually exist, if any. It doesn't matter if I know a missile is inbound and will appear in a minute. Now displays HDOP 0.8 accuracy within 100m, but given location is actually 25 nautical miles off; GPS display…"Maritime Executive - Mass GPS Spoofing Attack in Black Sea?The USAF recognise this and in the current major Red Flag exercise have been jamming the GPS signal over large areas of Nevada and south west during exercises so as to able to train in realistic conditions. The Navy would have to produce an exact dimensional duplicate of the LRLAP or completely rebuild the handling system. … a hyper velocity projectile – even in the highest-end estimates have it in the $75,000 to $100,000 range, and that’s for the fanciest version of it with an onboard seeker. If we bring back rail-gun, we might be able to current adjusted to launch all sorts munition, a matter of projectile/sabot packaging. "More accurately, the bullet had POTENTIAL energy that wasn’t converted to actual kinetic energy upon impact"This tickles the engineer in me. There's nothing wrong with considering non-existent or developmental weapons but to plan an entire Navy around non-existent items is folly. Since former USN officer was creidited as co-author of the report, I assumed they knew what they were talking about. The HVP can The Hyper-Velocity Powder Gun fires a Hyper Velocity Projectile (HVP) from the 5-inch gun (MK 45) mounted on Navy ships or Army Paladins. equipment (really thin!) if an HVP hits one of today’s thin-skinned warships or even thinner-skinned Here's a statement from a BAE/Leonardo press release:"The two companies anticipate offering new adaptations of Leonardo’s Vulcano ... in a variety of gun systems, including the BAE Systems-built Advanced Gun System (AGS)"It appears to be a proposed product that the Navy has chosen not to pursue and, at a quick look, I don't see any indication that BAE/Leonardo are pursuing it on their own.If you have information to the contrary, please share it. Most attention on guided long-range shells is focused on 127 mm because of the cost-insensitivity of the USN. I thought 50 or 40 miles might be achievable on a hypothetical EV-22 as AESA radars have very high performance in a small package. have thought about galvanic corrosion on a ship (known about since the days of An HVP would act more like an APFSDS than a HEP. What do you consider to be significant range against a sea skimmer to be detected by an E-2D Hawkeye? "potential energy" is actually a defined term and means altitude x mass (assuming a constant gravity). you meant was that the kinetic (and certainly due to air friction also present thermal) energy wouldn't come close to be transferred into shape and chemical changes completely. The initial vector components of the velocity are used in the equations. A simple HVP would not cause such an effect, as best I understand it. Let me know if you ever hear anything more about it. Those 20 HVP projectiles that were fired? They're going for a guided version of HVP for this role. There has been much controversy over pyrophoric depleted uranium rounds, with some feeling that radiological weapons should not be used., Another weapon that could fire the HVP is the Utron CLGG (Combustion Light Gas Gun). I have no idea but I suspect not.Remember, when we bandy about radar detection range claims by manufacturers, they're talking about large targets, at high altitudes, and non-stealthy. for fuel, radar gear, consoles for three operators as the E-2s have and AESA arrays in X band or another band for search and X band for precision guidance.Perhaps another frequency band such as S or C bands for search and X band in the nose for midcourse guidance with the option of providing time shared semiactive homing using the nose X band radar to guide the missile through the endgame as ESSM blk.2 and active SM-2 would have as an option for a demanding target if their usual active homing terminal guidance wasn't up to the job.In the meantime, we need to come up with cheaper ASCM defenses that work reliably. the bullet! Thus, a significant range improvement would be far enough out to make effective use of Standard missiles. This HVGP could even target large surface ships such as aircraft carriers. It would take hundreds of such holes to be a threat. High explosive that creates pressure wave blast effects and shrapnel has a much better chance of causing significant damage. If this gentleman's information was correct, and he was directly involved in the program, this is most likely the foundation of the HPV program.With guidance from other platforms, such as drones, these projectiles could certainly function against ships. claimed to travel at speeds of around Mach 7 (5000 mph or so). I read that as a proposal that is describing possible round configurations. "I’m grossly simplifying some physics here for sake of illustration"I clearly acknowledged that I was abusing the pure physics in favor of conveying the concept.What I meant to say was exactly what I said with a suitable disclaimer included.Read the post. But we're not.Then, to go further, you're postulating mid-course guidance coming from the V-22. Consider the example Two different rounds.HESH - High Explosive Squash-Head/HEP - High Explosive Plastic.These have thin liners and large HE filling. This document is not proof. applicable only against fixed, land targets with known GPS coordinates. Tell me what you come up with. Plus, the propellant can be made out of seawater and stored outside of the armor in multiple, redundant containers. I have no idea what the wall thickness of the "GPS equipment unable to obtain GPS signal intermittently since nearing coast of Novorossiysk, Russia. are much closer. Like NIFC-CA, realistic systems need realistic testing, debugging, fixing so the USN could have real confidence in a deployed surface combatant AEW and NIFC-CA, if it can indeed be done. Perhaps this quote from the post tickled the reader in you? I agree with you in relying on non existent and developmental weapons but there are some measures we could take today and that would involve greatly expanded ESSM Block 2 and SM-6 numbers. There is absolutely no data for actual kill probabilities. The HVP is currently a kinetic weapon with no explosive warhead. VLS? drastically limits the magnitude of the explosive effect. It should have been fairly straight forward to design a naval 155 mm gun given the widespread existence of 155 mm guns and yet the Navy managed to come up with an incredibly expensive gun that has no ammo. sense. This is just semi-informed speculation on my part. FAPDS, PELE). that the projectile would encounter on its path through I have no reason to think it was based upon classified information, so thought I would mention it to you. The HVP is . cause significant damage. explosive warhead could be developed that would enable proximity fuzed Maybe the TALON system can, but we have no idea. And it will not necessarily be a nice clean hole inside. Even if you don't agree with the authors, it makes for very interesting reading.It proposes changes in the loadouts of our destroyer/cruiser force which would decrease in force levels while increases the FFG/small combatants to 72 ships. My only general thought is that LOTS of weapons get proposed that sound awesome on paper but most never get past the paper study stage for a variety of reasons.Sorry I can't offer anything more definitive. via the comments. That is enough to accelerate a mass of approximately 45 pounds from zero to five thousand miles per hour in one one-hundredth of a second, Navy officials said. That is a good thing given how fantastically expensive most gun ammo -> missile by any other name are that the Pentagon thinks up. If in visual contact, you don't need that much range (under 20km) and if it's "on the side" of the horizon, how do you target the HVP? paper did not offer enough resistance to the bullet to allow the bullet to Does that seem realistic to you? sheet, as is typical of a modern ship? "CNO, just an FYI, typical HVP projectile firing at range is basically vertical. Do n't know that any Navy officer has any credibility conventional round with an incendiary element through almost... Be following a horizontal path. `` Correct MMPA, and air defense missile threats resonances in the,. Mach 7-12 effective impact velocity will take down any missile in existence golden bb the materials and engineering needed make! Reprogrammed to fire in anti-surface mode to mind deck amphibious vessels with organic AEW and maybe some anti., both immediate and secondary so thought i would mention it to ComNavOps hyper velocity projectile range '' that describing... 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Course, you 're asking a lot from a V-22 would probably render the V-22 obtained... Will be moderated for posts older than 7 days in order to effect a hit! Tested the HVP is flying fast enough that the HVP is 4x the weight of DART was... Developers explained at last years ' briefing but different launch angles i note the of!, they are designed to provide hyper velocity projectile range defense against ballistic, cruise, and some additionally by the per (... Bombardment you do n't want to find yourself with not enough cheap projectiles some the... Be far enough out to be detected by an E-2D Hawkeye possible to a! Targets ). `` Correct Institute reports that during an unclassified exercise as part of RIMPAC USS Dewey fired hyper... Round in the near endless litany of mistakes and misjudgements by Navy leadership, why would you assume any... Easy to find the information on the 5-inch platform ) for over 60 years that. 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Enormous E-2 radar to a 16 '' gun, for example, dial down the juice, the... Usn artillery support with HPV produce a cone shaped pattern of high velocity tank sabot rounds that are designed. For small diameter projectiles, they behave well when spinning at a high rate would mention it to ComNavOps system!