Harriet and Dieter were sealed on December 14, 1962, in the Bern Switzerland Temple. With his call as an Apostle, the Uchtdorfs left their homeland and now live permanently in the United States. Dieter, age 11—the youngest of the children—and his courageous mother took still another route. He has served as a General Authority since April 1994. He is Aviators (German Aviator) by profession. To avoid suspicion, the rest of the family would not be able to travel together. 2005, 15. In 1965 Dieter F. Uchtdorf began working for Lufthansa German Airlines as a pilot. President and Sister Uchtdorf’s youngest grandson, Niklas Ivan Uchtdorf, was born in 2007. In 1947 his family became members of the Church in Zwickau, Germany. Guido and Antje learned from their parents the importance of time together as a family. She left behind all of the family’s possessions and brought her family to Zwickau, Germany, to be on the western front as the Allies approached. der Kirche an. Sister Harriet Uchtdorf understood the importance of Elder Burton’s counsel for the Uchtdorf family to remain in Europe to strengthen the Church there. Church Service: Presidency of the Seventy, First Quorum of the Seventy, Second Quorum of the Seventy, stake president […] Dieter carried their belongings and helped his mother climb a final hill to freedom. Elder Uchtdorf est né le 6 novembre 1940 à Ostrava (Tchécoslovaquie), dans le foyer de Karl Albert et Hildegard Opelt Uchtdorf. What a joyful day it was for him, decades later, when on February 16, 2008, his granddaughter, Crystal, was sealed to her husband, Steven, in the Salt Lake Temple by a member of the First Presidency, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. He remembers his mother taking him to air-raid shelters for safety. They had their deep faith in God, and they had their membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, acquired barely five years earlier. O Presidente Uchtdorf nasceu em 6 de novembro de 1940, em Ostrava, Tchecoslováquia, filho de Karl Albert e Hildegard Opelt Uchtdorf. They seemed to perceive his great faith as well as his caring for them. At age 2 (second from right) with his sister, Christel (right), and two friends. Indeed that is his sacred calling. Most occupants of the auditorium were killed. Key Doctrines: President Uchtdorf is a talented pilot and often speaks with awe of the sky and the expanse of the universe. En 1947, sa famille est devenue membre de l’Église à Zwickau (Allemagne). Dieter’s two older brothers, Wolfgang and Karl-Heinz, took a northern route out of their hometown of Zwickau. He calls Harriet the sunshine in his life. Whether an outing was educational or recreational, it helped strengthen family ties. He spoke of an occasion several years ago when he, his sister, mother, and father all took skiing lessons. President Uchtdorf has special feelings of fondness for the late Elder Theodore M. Burton (1907–89), who served as president of the West German Mission. As Guido explained, “Father teaches of the blessings that come from prayer, scripture study, obedience to the commandments, and a positive attitude. He was raised in Zwickau, Germany, where … His father cherished his priesthood responsibilities as a deacon, teacher, priest, and elder. L'Anziano Uchtdorf è nato il 6 novembre 1940 a Ostrava, in Cecoslovacchia, da Karl Albert e Hildegard Opelt Uchtdorf. But they had each other. De flyktet til Frankfurt/Main i 1952, hvor han tok utdannelse i ingeniørfag. One cannot study the life of this great man without gaining a sense of his unique and unshakable faith. He was raised … Il a grandi à Zwickau (Allemagne), où sa famille s’est jointe à l’Église en 1947. Er studierte Maschinenbau und Betriebswirtschaftslehre in Köln. Karl had 3 sisters: Louise Martha Uchtdorf and 2 other siblings. Members of the Church will gladly and gratefully follow their inspired leadership. Eles fugiram para Frankfurt/Main em 1952, onde ele estudou engenharia. His foundation of faith undergirded confidence in his own ability to achieve. Since then, his brothers, Wolfgang and Karl-Heinz, have passed away. It is not unusual for airline passengers to recognize and greet General Authorities traveling on the same plane. “Even before they were born, they, with many others, received their first lessons in the world of spirits and were prepared to come forth in the due time of the Lord to labor in his vineyard for the salvation of the souls of men.”6. The family’s one-room apartment near Frankfurt was small and infested with mice. The mathematical probability of this Czechoslovakian-born child of a convert family surviving such a risk-laden life and then being called to serve in the First Presidency is most unlikely. Then, thanks to a reciprocal relationship between the German and U.S. governments, he entered pilot training school in Big Spring, Texas, where he won wings with both the German and the American Air Forces. His parents risked their lives for their freedom and faith. Uchtdorf, geboren als Sohn von Karl Albert und Hildegard E. Uchtdorf, ging in Zwickau und Frankfurt am Main zur Schule. But this time the greetings were quite different. He won the coveted Commander’s Trophy for being the outstanding student pilot in his class. Their daughter, Antje, is married to David A. Evans. President Uchtdorf’s faith in the Lord was evident as he accepted calls to serve in the Church. 1959 trat er in die deutsche Luftwaffe ein. In 1947 his family became members of the Church in Zwickau, Germany. A plan was implemented. Four-year-old Dieter was frightened but also fascinated by the lights of aircraft as they flew overhead. He has total faith in God, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, faith in the Church, and faith that heavenly help will come to him when needed. After Dieter and his mother had walked long hours, Sister Uchtdorf’s knees began to weaken. Their children have adhered to that same counsel. Er erhielt 1962 in den USA Abzeichen als Kampfpilot. It became an imperative for them. We hear that from many of his former professional colleagues as well as from friends in the Church. He served in that position until January 2018. En 1947 los integrantes de su familia se hicieron miembros de la Iglesia en Zwickau, Alemania, y huyeron hacia Fráncfort del Meno en 1952 donde él estudió ingeniería. Dieter’s father, Karl Albert Uchtdorf, was drafted into the German Army during World War II and immediately taken from his wife and small children. This doctrine is taught by ancient and modern prophets. President Uchtdorf was born on November 6, 1940 in then Mährisch-Ostrau, Czechoslovakia, to Karl Albert and Hildegard Else Opelt Uchtdorf. They fled to Frankfurt/Main in 1952 where he received an education in engineering. Early life and education. MOTHER: Hildegard Else Opelt Uchtdorf. Dieter F. Uchtdorf was born on November 6, 1940 in Ostrava, Czechoslovakia, to Karl Albert and Hildegard Opelt Uchtdorf. It was within his family that the seeds of his powerful faith were sown and nurtured. He is German by natinoanliy. That was the beginning of an enjoyable family tradition—skiing together. Their great reunion was joyful. He is the son of Karl Albert Uchtdorf (father) and Hildegard Else Opelt (mother). 2005, 13; Ensign, Mar. Opposite page: President Uchtdorf and Elder David A. Bednar were both called to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in October 2004. Young Dieter was intrigued by the rodents running around. He would have to escape alone to minimize risks to his wife and children. In 1947 his family became members of the Church in Zwickau, Germany. Dieter and his mother then arrived, and his sister came last. Dieter F. Uchtdorf was sustained as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Church on October 2, 2004. It is no wonder that President Uchtdorf feels so passionately about the sacred institution of the family. 1952 flüchteten sie nach Frankfurt am Main. Parenting and grandparenting at a distance are now facilitated for the Uchtdorf family by the use of modern technology. He was sustained as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Church on October 2, 2004. President Uchtdorf remembers his father as kind and loving, strong and tender. Uchtdorf was born to ethnic Germans Karl Albert Uchtdorf and Hildegard Else Opelt in Moravská Ostrava (German: Mährisch-Ostrau), which at the time was in the Nazi … Eldste Uchtdorf ble født 6. november 1940 i Ostrava i Tsjekkoslovakia, sønn av Karl Albert og Hildegard Else Opelt Uchtdorf. These three presiding high priests complement each other. Uchtdorf was born to ethnic Germans Karl Albert Uchtdorf and Hildegard Else Opelt in Moravská Ostrava (German: Mährisch-Ostrau), which at the time was in the Nazi-occupied Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia (now Ostrava, Czech Republic). In 1947 his family became members of the Church in Zwickau, Germany. President Uchtdorf acknowledges the hand of the Lord in allowing him to survive such an ordeal.7. They knew that the Lord would open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings upon those who faithfully obeyed this law.2. From 1970 until 1996 he flew as captain of the B737, Airbus, DC10, and B747. Harriet was baptized when she was nearly 13 years of age, along with her mother and her sister, after missionaries knocked on their door and taught them the gospel. Family is of utmost importance to him. Harriet’s father had died from cancer just eight months earlier. There they stopped to eat a meager meal, only to realize, when they saw Russian guards, that they were still shy of the border. At a young single adult meeting (back row, far left); Harriet, his future wife, is in the front, second from left. Because of its strategic importance during World War II, it became a prime target for Allied bombers. The mother and son terminated their picnic, picked up their packs, and climbed even higher before reaching their goal. Of lesser significance was the fact that they had left behind virtually all of their possessions. When we were younger, I didn’t realize how busy my father was because he always had time for us. As the train passed through West Germany, the girls persuaded the conductor to open the door for them, and they jumped out of the train. That temple is dear to Harriet and Dieter because their parents, they, and their children were all sealed there. On wiki it merely says: "Uchtdorf was born to ethnic Germans Karl Albert Uchtdorf and Hildegard Else Opelt in Moravská Ostrava (German: Mährisch-Ostrau), which at the time was in the Nazi-occupied Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia (now Ostrava, Czech Republic). They have two children, six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. We were never a second priority. Frère Uchtdorf est né le 6 novembre 1940 dans ce qui était alors Mährisch-Ostrau (Tchécoslovaquie), dans le foyer de Karl Albert Uchtdorf et Hildegarde Else Opelt. With great sincerity he testifies that the family is ordained of God. Alma taught that priesthood leaders “were ordained—being called and prepared from the foundation of the world according to the foreknowledge of God.”5. Dieter and Harriet Uchtdorf enjoy outdoor activities, cherish the arts, and are happiest when spending time with their family. Left, from top: President Uchtdorf’s parents, Hildegard and Karl, at the Bern Switzerland Temple. Dieter remembers his branch president at the time Dieter was set apart as president of the deacons quorum. His father, Karl Albert Uchtdorf, was conscripted into the German Army, leaving his mother, Hildegard E. Opelt Uchtdorf, to bravely fend for her little family in the midst of war. År 1947 blev hans familj medlemmar i kyrkan i Zwickau i Tyskland. Of course, Elder Burton was not the only leader who had a great influence on President Uchtdorf. President Henry B. Eyring and President Dieter F. Uchtdorf are great servants of the Lord, willing and able to provide counsel to the President of the Church. Especially meaningful for Guido was being able to attend the April 2008 general conference and to be present as his father stood at the Conference Center pulpit. See Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “The Opportunity to Testify,” Liahona and Ensign, Nov. 2004, 74. Seated: David Evans (son-in-law), Antje Evans (daughter), Eric Evans (grandson), Robin Uchtdorf (grandson), Carolyn Uchtdorf (daughter-in-law), Guido Uchtdorf (son), and Jasmin Uchtdorf (granddaughter). The branch president gave thorough instruction regarding the duties and responsibilities of a new quorum president. While also working as training and check captain, he received several management responsibilities. Because of that urgent feeling, she availed herself of a wheeled cart, placed young Dieter in it, and scurried away with her children as quickly as possible. The family’s commitment to the Church became strong and enduring. He is to teach and testify of the Lord Jesus Christ to “every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.”4, Elder David A. Bednar was called to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles at the same time as Elder Uchtdorf. He married Carolyn Waldner from Basel, Switzerland. Elder Uchtdorf was called as second counselor in the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on February 3, 2008. His mother, Hildegard, who died in 1991, was not only courageous, but she was also a true convert and devoted disciple who served in many callings in the Church. From 1949 to 1990, Zwickau belonged to East Germany and was a center for the mining of coal. Frère Uchtdorf est né le 6 novembre 1940 à Ostrava (Tchécoslovaquie), dans le foyer de Karl Albert Uchtdorf et Hildegarde Else Opelt. on February 3, 2008. Seine Familie schloss sich 1947 in Zwickau/ Sa. Dieter Friedrich Uchtdorf was born of goodly parents, Karl Albert and Hildegard Else Opelt Uchtdorf, on November 6, 1940, in Mährisch-Ostrau, Czechoslovakia. Dieter F. Uchtdorf was born on November 6, 1940 in Ostrava, Czechoslovakia, to Karl Albert and Hildegard Opelt Uchtdorf. He served in that position until January 2018. His teachings and engaging, gracious manner inspire me to labor more diligently and to improve myself. I 1947 ble familien hans medlemmer av Kirken i Zwickau i Tyskland. Above: Even though his job as a pilot required long absences from home, both of his children (pictured with their parents) remember that their father always made spending time together a priority. Then, when boundaries were changed, he was called as president of the Mannheim Germany Stake. The faith of this family is personified by the faith of President Uchtdorf’s grandmother. Now, in jest, the children chide their parents for leaving for the United States, while they have remained in Europe. Presiden Uchtdorf lahir pada tanggal 6 November 1940 di Ostrava, Czechoslovakia, putra dari Karl Albert dan Hildegard Opelt Uchtdorf. In 1959 he joined the German Air Force and served for six years as a fighter pilot. He was a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and was called to be second counselor in the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He is a good and compassionate leader. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf was called as second counselor in the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on February 3, 2008. At a time when many good German Latter-day Saints were leaving their homeland, the Uchtdorf family heeded Elder Burton’s counsel to stay in Germany and build up the Church there. They carried with them only a little food and precious family photographs that had been preserved from destruction through World War II. In counseling with his family, President Uchtdorf has always stressed fundamental principles. After many long and perilous days of separation, the family was finally reunited. Opposite page: The Uchtdorf family in 2006. “That was quality time!”. They are parents of three children: Jasmin, age seven; Robin, age five; and Niklas Ivan, age one. In 1947 his family became members of the Church in Zwickau, Germany. As a child growing up after World War II, President Uchtdorf remembers playing in bombed-out houses and discovering guns, ammunition, and other weapons deserted in the nearby forest. En 1952, ils ont fui pour aller à Francfort-sur-le-Main où il a suivi des études d’ingénieur. So they took turns. Elder Uchtdorf was born on November 6, 1940 in Ostrava, Czechoslovakia, to Karl Albert and Hildegard Opelt Uchtdorf. The family left Czechoslovakia in 1944 and moved to Zwickau, Germany. They live in Darmstadt, Germany. November 1940 als Sohn von Karl Albert und Hildegard Opelt Uchtdorf im heute tschechischen Ostrava zur Welt. I love and sustain President Uchtdorf in his sacred responsibilities.”, One cannot study the life of this great man without also gaining a sense of his foreordination for the great responsibilities that are now his. Dieter F. Uchtdorf nasceu em Moravská Ostrava (em alemão: Mährisch Ostrau), [1] é filho de Karl Albert Uchtdorf e Hildegard Else Opelt. Her support is a continuous source of strength. President Uchtdorf describes his mother as brilliant. Her mother and her sister have since passed away. He learned from his mother—particularly during their risky escape from East Germany—to pray and to trust in the Lord. Elder Uchtdorf was born on November 6, 1940 in Ostrava, Czechoslovakia, to Karl Albert and Hildegard Opelt Uchtdorf. They lined up for the privilege of shaking his hand. Antje and David have three sons: 19-year-old twins, Daniel and Patrick, and 8-year-old Eric. Officially designated as the German Democratic Republic. She was standing in line for food following the end of World War II when an elderly single sister with no family of her own invited her to sacrament meeting. Elder Uchtdorf was born on 6 November 1940 in then Mährisch-Ostrau, Czechoslovakia, to Karl Albert and Hildegard Else Opelt Uchtdorf. It was Elder Burton who ordained Dieter F. Uchtdorf to the office of elder and gave memorable instruction that Dieter heeded precisely. He is a wonderful husband, always looking for ways to support me. They had 2 sons: Wolfgang Karl Adolf Uchtdorf … Repeatedly, his flight instructor issued the order to bail out. Sister Uchtdorf and her children were spared. [5] His sister, Christel Uchtdorf Ash, who served a mission in Germany, presently resides in Texas, in the southern United States. From 1949 to 1990, Zwickau belonged to East Germany and was a center for the mining of coal. On one occasion she and the children were in a public auditorium. Nel 1947 la sua famiglia si unì alla Chiesa a Zwickau, in Germania. En 1947, sa famille est devenue membre de l’Église à Zwickau (Allemagne). These things are much more important to him than to wonder where Kolob is located.”. Nel 1952 gli Uchtdorf si trasferirono a Francoforte sul Meno, dove il presidente Uchtdorf ha compiuto gli studi di ingegneria. Präsident Uchtdorf kam am 6. Her husband had been drafted into the German army, and Sister Uchtdorf bravely fended for her family as the war in Europe swirled about them. El presidente Uchtdorf nació el 6 de noviembre de 1940, en Ostrava, Checoslovaquia, y sus padres son Karl Albert y Hildegard Else Opelt Uchtdorf. Above: The new First Presidency was announced at a press conference in Salt Lake City on February 4, 2008. They fled to Frankfurt/Main in 1952 where he received an education in engineering. In fact, he and his family were also victims of an oppressive dictatorship. Asked about her father and his new calling, Antje replied, “We are blessed to have such wonderful parents. Mereka melarikan diri ke Frankfurt/Main pada tahun 1952 di … They fled to Frankfurt/Main in 1952 where he received an education in engineering. He was also chairman of the Flight Operations Committee of the International Air Transport Association. Mosiah 3:20; see also Revelation 14:6; 1 Nephi 19:17; 2 Nephi 26:13; Mosiah 15:28; 16:1; Alma 37:4; D&C 133:37. Opposite page: Following six years in the German Air Force, Dieter earned his wings with the U.S. Air Force and received the Commander’s Trophy award. The family left Czechoslovakia in 1944 and moved to Zwickau, Germany. Harriet describes her husband as having a big heart. Genealogy for Dieter Fridrich Uchtdorf family tree on Geni, with over 200 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. FATHER: Karl Albert Uchtdorf. He is a man of great humor and wit. Dieter F. Uchtdorf nació en Moravská Ostrava (en alemán: Mährisch-Ostrau); [2] es hijo de Karl Albert Uchtdorf y Hildegard Else Opelt. He was raised in Zwickau, Germany, where … He was raised … A remarkable reward came to one of those missionaries, Elder Gary Jenkins, who had taught and baptized the Reich family. On the occasion of President and Sister Uchtdorf’s 40th wedding anniversary, they gathered at the Bern Switzerland Temple with their children, spouses, and older grandchildren to perform sacred ordinances together. Dieter F. Uchtdorf real name is Dieter Friedrich Uchtdorf. Dieter remembers the significance of that teaching, which a lesser leader might have slighted simply because there was only one other member of the deacons quorum. Prior to his call to the First Quorum of the Seventy in 1996, President Uchtdorf worked for Lufthansa Airlines. Now he stands beside President Thomas S. Monson in his sacred calling. His career started with an education in engineering, followed by six years in the German Air Force. Finally the powerfully strong pilot, Dieter F. Uchtdorf, overcame the resistance and made a successful emergency landing. At age 12. The Uchtdorfs’ son, Guido, served in the Washington D.C. South Mission. I am very blessed to be his wife.”. They fled to Frankfurt/Main in 1952 where he received an education in engineering. Public transportation in Frankfurt was relatively inexpensive, but the family could not afford for all to travel to church each week. En 1947, sa famille est devenue membre de l’Église à Zwickau (Allemagne). Elder Uchtdorf est né le 6 novembre 1940 à Ostrava (Tchécoslovaquie), dans le foyer de Karl Albert Uchtdorf et Hildegarde Else Opelt. President Uchtdorf met his future wife, Harriet Reich, as they attended meetings of the Church’s Mutual Improvement Association. In 1985 he was called to be the president of the Frankfurt Germany Stake. Uchtdorf was born to ethnic Germans Karl Albert Uchtdorf and Hildegard Else Opelt in Moravská Ostrava (German: Mährisch-Ostrau), which at the time was in the Nazi-occupied Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia (now Ostrava, Czech Republic). , hitchhiking and walking to their destination at a suburb near Frankfurt was small and infested with mice mother a... Deacons Quorum l'anziano Uchtdorf è nato il 6 novembre 1940 a Ostrava, in the Church in Zwickau Frankfurt. Shortly thereafter, the Uchtdorfs left their homeland and now live permanently in the Church Jesus. Because of its strategic importance during World War II, it helped family... Act of War an airplane when the steering control failed to function properly laughed together, ” Guido.! In jest, the rest of the Frankfurt Germany Stake 1949 to 1990, Zwickau to! 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