An idle life is a product of morbid thoughts. Every time you entertain an idea or contemplate a belief, you emit a distinctive form of electromagnetism. At the very fundamental level, thoughts are purely energy. This might seem strange and unbelievable. Tap into this inner power we all possess. Obviously, not all of those thoughts are conscious. When you live in fear, not only does it tax you mentally, but also emotionally, spiritually, and of course, physically. It just won’t happen overnight. Your thoughts are the main ingredient of this power, and when you add to them focus and emotions, thoughts become powerful and can affect your reality. This multi-step process is born through the application of a few fundamental principles to help manifest and attract whatever it is that you want in your life. As long as you can shift your thinking into the right direction, you can quite literally manifest your dreams. On the other end of that spectrum are thoughts that are founded on the purity of love, honesty and forgiveness. What do your goals mean to you? When your emotions are taxed, it weighs heavily on your spirit, but also produces stress hormones that negatively affect your physiology. Effective time management is a skill that some of the most successful people on earth institute. The silent power of thought influences people even at a distance, because mind is one as well as many. 12 COMMENTS. Stray ones that you think once or twice cannot do much, but your predominant thoughts, the ones you repeat often, influence your behavior and attitude, affect your actions and reactions, and shape your reality. I have recently become fascinated with the power of words and thoughts and the role they play in our happiness and in the strength of our relationships. If you show lack of interest in a certain thought,it will not gain strength and would not be powerful. The Power of Thought. There is an Intelligence inside us that can elevate our life at the highest level. Among them is William Walker Atkinson, who wrote many books on mind power, Charles F. Haanel who wrote the “Mater Key System”, and Shakti Gawain, who is well-known for her books on creative visualization. The problem is negative thoughts enter into the mind faster and that disturbs the mind. If you stop for a moment to think about it, the thoughts will daunt you. When you repeat the same thoughts over and again, this mighty power helps you make your thoughts come true. I know it all sounds very strange. We Need to Consecrate Our Thoughts (James 3:2, NLT) The word consecrate means to dedicate. If you focus your mind on the wrong things, then you’ll have a harder time achieving anything in life. There’s true power in the positive energy of good and pure thoughts. Those same thoughts can also fester and marinate in our minds, infecting every emotion and behavior until it manifests itself into reality. The enemy loves to put thoughts into the believer’s mind. Many of the thoughts are repeated and replayed in our subconscious minds. The Secret Revealed and Made Simple The secret of the power of thoughts existed for many thousands of years. We have to be aware of our thoughts - they are powerful cosmic waves in the universal sea of energy we live in. Don’t look for ways you can take from others, but rather what you can give to them. Your thoughts affect your attitude; The power of a thought shows up in the emotions you feel. Thoughts produce emotions. Love Quotes Those thoughts (if meditated on), produce strongholds, which produces feelings, which lands you into bondage… all because you listened to the devil more then your heavenly Father! Everything vibrates. It’s a terrible state-of-mind to have to live in a constant mindset of fear, but countless people from around the globe can’t help but live in that very state. That’s because their thoughts evolve differently, permeating their lives in ways that are unique only to them. Conversely, when your thoughts … They determine the events you attract into your life and the people you meet. This is a problem most people including me facing in life. Put a lot of detail, color, sound, scent and life into these mental scenes. There is a correlation between ones’s thoughts and one’s life conditions. Lesson 1: The Power of Thoughts! You can train and strengthen this power. Some of your self-talk comes from logic and reason. But there’s also true catastrophe in negative thinking. Avoid negative thinking like the plague because like attracts like. Your attention, interest and enthusiasm is what makes them powerful. Any thought based on fear is going to produce a set of resultant emotions that will develop a foundation for stress and anxiety. Power Thoughts is a teaching, coaching based service aimed at empowering children to tap into the ‘power’ of their minds. But for those that can appreciate it and harness the true power of their thoughts, anything is possible. Remez Sasson is the author and creator of Success Consciousness website. How do they work? This power, together with your imagination, can create success or failure, happiness or unhappiness, opportunities or obstacles. “What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind.” – Buddha.