Rosanne Henry, MA, LPC, is a psychotherapist practicing in Littleton, Colorado. A specialist in cults discusses a real-life example of a former cult member's struggle to recover from his traumatic experiences within the group, and offers treatment advice for this unusual and challenging population. Some cult information sites adhere to academic standards, but the vast majority of cult education sites are run by laypeople. She is a co-author, with Mario Di Fiorino and Steven Kent, of Costretti ad amare. He is particularly interested in assisting clients in resolving their psychological impediments to receiving authentic love from others, and loving others and God. Doubts may also grow as cult members ascend in the cult's hierarchy and get a clearer view of how the sausage is really made, family therapist and cult specialist Rachel Bernstein tells Inverse. Colleen Russell, LMFT, CGP, is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) since 1992, and Certified Group Psychotherapist (CGP) since 2008. She has taken several opportunities to present her research hoping to inform her peers and colleagues about destructive group practices. He has co-authored several articles and book reviews on cult-related topics for the CSJ/CSR. She presented her findings in 2015, at ICSAs conference in Santa Fe, which included an interview with Attorney Peter Skolnik. In 2014, she volunteered to interview defendants who were being, or had been, threatened by cultic litigation for an ICSA study on free speech, and reported on their experiences. The people and organizations listed here are widely accepted as experts in this particular field. Considering a new exciting career as an Cybersecurity Specialist? Certain sites and their operators have even been known to actively whitewash groups that are widely considered cults. What is a Licensed Professional Counselor? She is a regular presenter at conferences and a published author, including a co-authoring a chapter entitled Pathological Spirituality for a medical text book entitled Spirituality and Psychiatry, published by RCPsych Publications in UK 2009. Anyone may complete the Functional Training Specialist Program, but only those who also hold a current NCCA-accredited certification or an equivalent professional credential will be . When selecting a cult expert it is a good idea to check with ICSA for recommendations. She is the author of Hooked on Psychics, soon to be published by Motivational Press. Former Scientologist and now a licensed psychologist in Sweden. International Journal of Cultic Studies, Vol. She is a member of the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, The American Group Psychotherapy Association, The San Francisco Psychotherapy Research Group, and The Northern California Group Psychotherapy Society. For the past twenty years she has been active in the counter cult movement working closely with the former Cult Awareness Network and ICSA. Wendy co-facilitates a monthly support group for former members of cults in the Dallas metroplex. Implement training to colleagues. Additional specialties include dialectical behavioral therapy skills groups; early childhood mental health and treatment; child centered, nondirective play therapy; and (most recently) EMDR. In the 1980s and early 1990s she worked at the JBFCS Cult Clinic, and she continues to see former members and their families at her private practice in Manhattan. In 1983, along with Dr. Linda Dubrow-Marshall and clinical social worker Roberta Eisenberg, Dr. Eichel founded the Re-Entry Therapy, Information & Referral Network (RETIRN), one of the fields oldest continuing private providers of psychological services to families and individuals harmed by cultic practices. 3. This couldn't be further from the truth. Phone: 931-450-4392. People who exit on their own are sometimes called walkaways. People who have been forced to leave are sometimes called castaways., The same applies to terms such as intervention specialist, cult specialist, thought reform consultant, deprogrammer, or exit counselor, For instance, one particularly bad apple, in several respects, is, Many of them have been particularly nasty about , These scholars have often been referred to as . This model is explained in the ICSA Book on Cult Recovery in a chapter entitled Relational Psychoeducational Intensive: Time Away for Post-Cult Counselling. You will need to decide whether to entrust this to a licensed professional or a lay expert. In 1976, she and her husband, William Goldberg, began facilitating a support group for former cult members that continues to meet on a monthly basis in their home in Englewood, New Jersey. For about 20 years she has been involved in helping former members of different high demand groups in Sweden as a volunteer in the support group FRI and as a member of the board of the support group SESAM in Sweden. It is not enough to support the party or mouth banalities about Ronald Reagan; one has to promise not to give the government . She is a former-member and has served two internships at Wellspring Retreat Center, Ohio. She worked in the advertising industry and managed a radio company before earning her degree in psychology at the university of Oslo and becoming a psychologist and eventually seeking therapy to deal with her traumatic experience. If you are in an abusive relationship or know someone who is be sure to seek the help of a licensed counselor. Again, we recommend that you begin your research at the International Cultic Studies Association. You can visit company websites or job search websites such as Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor to apply for jobs. cult specialist | 13.9K people have watched this. She believes it is crucial that she meet her clients exactly where they are while using her skills to empower them towards individuality. Since exiting, she has been active with the local, national and international cult awareness and recovery networks.; (214) 607-1065, Wendy Duncan, MA, LBSW, has a Masters Degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and is a licensed social worker in the state of Texas. Judy Pardon, MEd, has been a teacher and a counselor. Also used by pastors and counselors, as well as writers, journalists, and reporters. They also help former cult members cope with their cult experiences. This virtual course can be attended within the comfort of your home or work environment Shincheonji Church of Jesus Cult of Christianity, the teachings and practices of groups and movements often referred to as cults, the ways in which such groups (and individuals) recruit followers, how they convince members not to leave (and to reject their parents, friends, and former way of life), how members can be encouraged to reevaluate their involvement in such groups, How to help former cult members recover from their experiences, to a licensed professional who is accountable to professional and ethical standards, or, to someone who is not subject to formal accountability, Many cult experts deal with cults and cult-related issues primarily from a, Most experts in this group work from a Christian point of view, with specific expertise in addressing. 1, 2014. Alexandra Stein. Some experts deal not only with cults, but also with other abusive relationships with a high degree of control, such as those that involve domestic violence or human trafficking. Deborah Layton was involved in, and escaped from, Jim Jones Peoples Temple cult. She was one of the original founders of reFocus and the original Cult Awareness Network, NY/NJ chapter. She has a BA in Religion from Barnard College, studied at Union Theological Seminary, and received her MSW at Yeshiva University. This is reasonable: a . Her talks have included The Psychobiology of Trauma and Child Maltreatment (2005, Madrid) and Why Cults Are Harmful: A Neurobiological View of Interpersonal Trauma (2012, Montreal). The American Psychological Association details how cults keep people in line. Atkins points out that cult followers want to feel in it with fellow members AND their leader. Perform acne treatments that exfoliate the skin enough to control acne, but not so much that the client cannot use home care products the next day. Experience: Another important aspect of obtaining a job as a cybersecurity specialist is demonstrating relevant experience. BENEFITS OF ONLINE CERTIFICATION COURSE. Mr. Kelly has also facilitated ICSA workshops for ex-members and families (1996-2018) and has lectured extensively on cult-related topics. It is not therapy or counseling. There is no such thing as a professional cultural expert license. If you are wondering who joins cults and why, the short, but creepy answer is that pretty much anyone can get sucked into them."That is the insidiousness of mind-manipulation," Lisa Kohn, a cult . Some are trained psychologists and social workers . She works with all adults 18 years and older and specializes in older adults. Rosannes private practice specializes in the treatment of cult survivors and their families. This applies to all exercises specialists such as personal trainers and yoga practitioners. She has worked in child protection, community mental health, and as a school social worker. Some take an angry, argumentative or even belligerent approach, while others are far too nice. This is when adulthood was finally reached after many difficult experiences including exploitation by a trusted college professormore opportunity for empowering growth and change. After leaving the group Linda relocated to Ohio. Step 5: Prepare your resume. He and his wife, Lorna, co-lead a support group for former cult members, which has been meeting for over forty years. For instance, some Institutes are merely one-person efforts. There are many online research sources about cults. Goldberg, L. (2011). Encourage dialogue and exchanges between other groups. You must decide whether to entrust this process to a trained and licensed professional or an unlicensed lay expert. Bluster may play well in the media and on social media. Ms. Furnari is a former member of an Eastern/New Age group, and it was that experience that led to her commitment to help others recover from abusive groups or cultic experiences. If you are interested in any of these services, please Email:info@hopevalleycounselling.comWebsite:www.hopevalleycounselling.comPhone:+44 1433 639032. She has been interviewed on numerous television and radio shows, including CNN, Larry King, National Geographic Channel, and 20/20. Ms. Eisenberg has completed training in both child psychoanalytic psychotherapy and Gestalt therapy. Focus on your hygiene. A graduate member of the British Psychological Society, Rod is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Cultic Studies Association and is also Chair of the ICSA Research Committee and Network and he is co-Editor of the International Journal of Cultic Studies (since its inception in 2010). 1 Others need professional help and subsequent counseling. Her passion for social justice and advocacy is exemplified in her counseling practice and current research, both of which focus on effective counseling interventions for marginalized populations, such as cult survivors, domestic violence survivors, and LGBT populations. If you want to contact the publishers of this website, you can do so via 4. These are the 10 steps to follow to become an expert on SEO. Step 4: Research application support specialist duties. Some work only with referrals from other experts in the field. She has planned and been responsible for a full day workshop for former cult members in Omaha, Nebraska., as well as a one day symposium for medical, law enforcement, clergy, mental health professionals, and the public on Cults and Gangs in Omaha in 2007. 2, 15-24. Top: Trump supporters hold a QAnon sign at a rally on Jan 5, 2021. In turn, she has helped others using the insights and tools gleaned, including family members of current members, active members who have reached out for help exiting, and former members who needed support while transitioning back into their lives. They have earned that label due to their propensity to describe cults or cult-like groups in a positive light, while summarily dismissing the claims of ex-members and other critics. [See: What is a cult? She presently sits on the board of ICSA and heads the Mental Health Committee. Rachel has also done many YouTube videos and has been interviewed on other peoples YouTube channels regarding cults, undue influence, and narcissistic abuse. Understand how search engines work. RETIRN currently has offices in Newark, DE, Lansdowne, PA and Pontypridd, Wales and Buxton, England (U.K.). There are many capable counselors who do not have official degrees and or licenses. Some cult experts are trained and licensed mental health counselors, while others have no formal training in counseling. This is true for licensed professionals (e.g. She is also co-editor of ICSAs Cult Recovery: A Clinicians Guide to Working With Former Members and Their Families (2017). Not to mention, a passion for fitness! Get FTB and become a Cult Analyst. 2Among cult experts you can encounter: Licensed Professional Mental Health Counselors, Loose Cannons, Rogues, Charlatans, et cetera. Usually, a cult leader is a person of tremendous charisma who makes followers feel loved and accepted. Anyone can use it, regardless of their skills, approach, or acceptance by recognized authorities in the field. differences between sociological and theological definitions, difference between theological and sociological definitions, Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults, and Beliefs, The Cult of Trump: A Leading Cult Expert Explains How the President Uses Mind Control, Ethical Standards for Thought Reform Consultants, Traumatic Abuse in Cults: A Psychoanalytic Perspective, differences between theological and sociological definitions, John de Ruiter College of Integrated Philosophy, The Church of Almighty God (Eastern Lightning). Ensure accurate security tools are running properly, including anti-virus software and firewalls. They are sometimes referred to as countercult organizations (See the information at that link. 84, No. 8. She is also the Programme Leader of the MSc Applied Psychology (Therapies) Program at the University of Salford. She participated in Divine Light Mission, later renamed Elan Vital and The Prem Rawat Foundation, from 1973 to 2001, having been recruited in her first year of college. Some cult experts are licensed mental health counselors, while others have no formal training in counseling.Helping someone leave a cult and deal with the aftermath requires a lot of counseling. Rachel spoke numerous times at the former Cult Awareness Network conferences and then became involved with the International Cultic Studies Association, speaking to attendees and participating in panels and workshops. Since 1982, he's worked as a cult intervention specialist, conducting over 500 "interventions" (his preferred term for the cult . Requires systematic study and dedicated time to IT. Note: Many experts on cults do not refer to themselves as cult experts. Hkan Jrv,Former Scientologist and now a licensed psychologist in Sweden. Some cult experts view cults primarily from a theological perspective, others from a sociological perspective, and still others consider both perspectives. Steer clear of sensationalist true crime-type books. Stephen is also the author of four books, including Combating Cult Mind Control, and his latest The Cult of Trump. It absolutely does not work," said Steve Eichel, a clinical psychologist in Delaware and specialist in cult recovery. If someone you know is involved in a cult, its worth doing some research yourself. The term cult comes from the Latin word cultus, which means to worship a deity, but in the last few centuries its colloquial definition has transformed.In a 1981 edition of the Harvard Mental Health Letter, psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton defined three characteristics of a . Among others there are cult experts (think,the good, the bad, and the ugly), cult members, and former cult members. There are many books that deal with cults and cult-related issues. In 2014 Ms. Become a Cult Analyst. In 2010, Bill was the recipient of ICSAs Lifetime Achievement Award. The fear (and fascination) with cults is nothing new and movies about cults have been around since we started making films. This means understanding the needs and preferences of the end-users, as well as the competition. Since retiring to Fremont, Nebraska in 2004, she opened a counseling practice and is working with people who have exited cults. Cults may even offer a commune or place to stay for its members, which can be an . Bavarian Illuminati. While in the group, she pursued a career in accounting and software, helping to found and grow a company which went from 3 to 500 employees from 1981 to 1998. In 2014, Rev. "With thought-stopping techniques," their article says, "members are taught to stop doubts from entering their consciousness about the cult, often with a key phrase they repeat." "Repeating a key phrase" is also known as chanting a mantra. At least, not at first. So you want to be a Cult Leader? She practices client-centered and trauma-informed therapy in a community clinic with people (ages 2.5 and up) from many different cultures, life experiences, and needs. 409 Nottingham Road You may opt to take additional training and become a computer systems analyst or independent consultant. She is also co-editor of ICSAs Cult Recovery: A Clinicians Guide to Working With Former Members and Their Families, which is due to be published in 2017. Learning the language gives you access to the world inside the cult. But with their snap judgments, gossip and blather, they can not hold a candle to experts who present well-reasoned, insightful analyzes. Rachel Bernstein, LMFT, MSEd Marriage and Family Therapist, Rosanne Henry, L.P.C. Never back down. Regardless of whether a cult deprogrammer is a licensed private investigator or not, they will certainly use all the tools of a detective in order to accomplish their mission. Lorna Goldberg, LCSW, PsyA, Board member and past president of ICSA, is a clinical social worker and psychoanalyst in private practice and Director, Institute for Psychoanalytic Studies. Print Email. Those applicants who become certified by the AIHCP in Crisis Intervention Counseling may use the initials/credential CIC-CSp., after their names: "Crisis Intervention Counselor-Certified Specialist" Timeline. Just about everyone draws the line when it comes to the really bad apples. Email:, (612) 702-4716. cult, usually small group devoted to a person, idea, or philosophy. She also wrote a chapter on guidelines for therapists in the book, Recovery from Cults, edited by Michael Langone. Baker & S. Richard Sauber. 302.598.1330 (Cell) Cult Intervention is defined as an educational process utilizing a professional consultant. They're masters at expressing their feelings and making their followers relate to them. Others do not provide intervention or counseling services, but rather engage in academic research. Remember, this is an unregulated industry, and not everyone who calls him- or herself an expert is qualified to help you. Ms. Lofgren received treatment by Wellpring, when they came to Sweden in 1992. There are no specific requirements to join. Note that some self-proclaimed cult experts have a bias for or against one or more religions.3. Some cult observers market themselves with great titles. Heather Svoboda, MA LP, is a psychologist licensed and practicing in Minnesota, trained in counseling psychology and marriage and family therapy. Nevertheless, in most places, anyone can call themselves a consultant or offer counseling without necessarily using that term. Avoid people who have a track record of blustering, bullying and stalking. Much of his work involves counseling, leading support groups, working with those born or raised in groups, and helping former members rebuild their lives. Cult members often prey on people with few friends or family of their own and offer them the chance to become part of a group that will grant them all the friendship they could ever need. Linda remains a spiritual person knowledgable of various belief systems and practices. He is currently involved in a project aimed at high schools in Sweden together with a professional magician with the purpose of educating and vaccinating teenagers against manipulation. Pardon received, with his wife, Judy, ICSAs Herbert L. Rosedale Award. We are constantly on the lookout for the best talent especially those . Ashlen is featured in Season 3 of the BET+ Original Series: American Gangster: Trap Queens. After defying the cult leader and marrying Wendy, they eventually left the cult and Doug began the task of rebuilding his life. Linda is an avid reader of all things psychology relatedincluding individual and group exploitation. A Billing Specialist manages the billing processes of a corporation or institution; processing payments, generating and delivering invoices, documenting and keeping track of payment information. In evaluating lay and professional experts, take into consideration demonstrable ability, a proven track record, and their standing among peers. While attending Folkuniversity in Stockholm (198485), she encountered teachers who claimed to have a program to save starving children and lured her to participate. Over the years she has participated in numerous TV-programs and radio-programs to spread awareness about cultic groups and processes. Ashlen Hilliard (she/her) is Director of Events for the International Cultic Studies Association(ICSA) and a volunteer co-organizer of SAFE, the Spiritual Abuse Forum for Education (SAFE) in Portland, Oregon. It does not necessarily follow that a cult expert without formal counseling training cannot be effective. With experience comes the opportunity to advance into management or supervisory positions. Target people wi. Never reflect. Dylesia owns Existence, Consciousness, Bliss Counseling, Psychotherapy & Wellness Center in Nashville, TN and is a Doctorate of Social Work student at Millersville University. Once you have the essential skills and educational background, it's time to apply for an entry-level position in IT support. She became interested because of a family members involvement and a subsequent successful intervention. One expert who himself lacks formal training has gained a decidedly bad reputation due to his sustained attacks on highly qualified cult experts he disagrees with, including degreed professionals. Rachel Bernstein is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, as well as an educator. There are many types of cults: political, religious, self-help, large group awareness . Do not make hasty decisions, but compare rates and check your options. Stein provides a five-point definition of a cult: One: The leader is charismatic and authoritarian. . Instead, you will find designations such as exit counselor, thought reform consultant (or counselor), mental health counselor, intervention specialist, etc. Fact Source. Cult Brands take it as a given that you're already cool enough. Stacy J. Willis. Ron is a former president of the Wellspring board and is a clinical advisor to both Wellspring and Meadowhaven, a treatment center near Boston. She is a member of the Mental Health and Research committees for ICSA. He has been a cult intervention specialist (exit counseling, mediation, religious conflict resolution, thought reform consulting) since 1984. Nobody joins acult. Apparently, this cult was opposed superstition, obscurantism . Here are the steps for how to become a network specialist: 1. Deprogramming. Email: Phone: (323) 907-2400, Dana Wehle, LCSW, MFA., has twenty years experience as a certified psychoanalyst and licensed clinical social worker in private practice in New York City. She attends as corepresentative of RETIRN/UK as correspondent to the General Assembly of FECRIS (European Federation of Centres of Research and Education on Sects). He was a psychologist and exit counselor at AIS (Barcelona) for two years. Email:, Phone: +46708197777, Linda Dubrow-Marshall, PhD, Reg. You and your loved ones deserve better. Protect the system against damage, changes or illegal access. Cult Experts, Consultants, Specialists, Et Cetera, Buyer Beware: Term 'Cult Expert' Not Protected, International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA), What to Watch for When Selecting a Cult Expert, Understand that cult experts operate from various perspectives, Cult research organizations, discernment ministries, and individuals, Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking, One-on-One Cults. These are some of the things we have encountered that should set off alarm bells of a . Editor and co-author of the book Sektsjuka (Cult Illness) and a former lecturer for the psychology department at the University of Gothenburg on the subject of manipulation, influence, and cult illness. In 1983, she and her husband, Noel, left their associations with est, The Hunger Project and Sterling Institute and began a personal search for information to aid their recovery process. Thereafter she witnessed the trial and commented on the event on TV and also at a conference organized by FECRIS in Hamburg. Naturally, theres a fair bit of disagreement between cult experts. What is their religious affiliation or perspective, if any? She is also a former member who is establishing a Boston area practice designed specifically for ex-cult members: The Gentle Souls Revolution, Healing Arts. They are frequent presenters at churches, civic groups, and conferences, as well as facilitators of a support group for former members of cults and high-demand groups. 1) Let the people come to you. Understand the true meaning of SEO. Select books that have stood the test of time, as well as reviews by peers in the field. Worse, they believe they are going in the right direction! Are they respectful toward followers of other religions? Knowing something about the background and nature of a particular group-including its founder, leaders, doctrines, and practices-will also help you better evaluate lay and professional experts with whom you come into contact. The cult leader can then use these statements to shame individual members publicly. With the support of a Department of Labor grant, Shelly works with an interdisciplinary team designing and implementing curricula that mitigates psychological trauma reactions for EMTs, paramedics, and their patients. aLicensed Mental Health Counselor, and/or someone certified by theNational Board for Certified Counselors), and for non-licensed and non-certified people who charge feesin exchange for their services. or nave people. Most handle their differences professionally. Shelly Rosen, LCSW, is a psychotherapist with 35 years of clinical experience. He is presently an adjunct professor in the social work and social science departments of Dominican College and he is on the faculty of the Institute for Psychoanalytic Studies. At Cult, we want to give our members the best workout experience and, therefore, having the best trainers is a no-brainer. Their social skills are above par, and they tend to have a good sense of humor. In 2010 ICSA awarded her the Margaret L. Singer Award for advancing the understanding of coercive persuasion and undue influence. [The term has different meanings depending on the perspective]. To become a Republican, one has to take a pledge. Most cult experts themselves no longer use the terminology of deprogramming because of the controversies surrounding this intervention process. CULT 22 MERCH: www.cult22.iofollow all my social media using this link : GET EARLY ACCESS TO VIDEOS BEFORE THEY DROP: htt. Start by researching . His other publications include a chapter on a connection between cults and addiction in the medical reference, Substance Abuse: A Comprehensive Textbook, published by Williams and Wilkins. Step 6: Apply for an application support specialist job. Some cult experts are trained and licensed mental health counselors.Heres what that means: Helping someone leave a cult requires a lot of counseling. Some are written by respected cult experts, and some by informed lay (experience) experts. How To Become A Cult LeaderSo you'd like to become a cult leader? She published an article about that interview in ICSA Today. That is the time it takes to learn specific specialist skills, but does not account for time spent in formal education. Paranoia: To maintain a false sense of comfort, cults often rely on paranoia tactics. Cathrine Moestue, Cand.Psychol., grew up in Oslo, Norway in an upper-middle-class family with four siblings. Most cults have single leaders, or they're typically called collectives. During the past 10 years he has specialized in Bible-based communal groups and aberrational Christian groups. After working on their cult recovery issues by reading all the available cult literature, attending conferences, and becoming involved with ICSA, Doug and Wendy started a ministry to increase the awareness and understanding of cults. For one thing, many cult experts do not actively solicit clients. Gillie delivers training for counsellors wishing to work effectively with former cult members. Dr. Whitsett also has a specialty in Sexuality and was awarded a Fulbright Specialist Scholarship in 2016 to study, teach, and do research on this topic in China. Most cult experts are actively involved in professional associations. Freedom From Coercive Control in High Demand Groups and Relationships (2019). They are frequent presenters at churches, civic groups, and conferences, as well as facilitators of a support group for former members of cults and high-demand groups. Having the perspectives of a survivor and a mental health provider, she is passionate about raising awareness about spiritual abuse and how to counsel those who are experiencing or have experienced it. This to a licensed professional or an unlicensed lay expert co-editor of ICSAs cult Recovery: a Clinicians Guide working. 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Combating cult Mind Control, and escaped how to become a cult specialist, Jim Jones Peoples Temple cult draws the when. Psychology and Marriage and family Therapist, as well as the competition specialist... Their religious affiliation or perspective, others from a sociological perspective, others from a Theological perspective if... Cult experts themselves no longer use the terminology of deprogramming because of the BET+ original Series: American:.
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