Cosmos and Psyche. It also has a frequent association with the realm and aspirations of culture, especially high culture: high principle, higher learning, breadth of knowledge, liberal education, cultured erudition, a wide and encompassing vision. The First Quarter square between Jupiter in Cancer and Uranus in Aries first occurred on August 21, 2013 at 13 degrees, then again on February 26, 2014 at 11 degrees, and finally on April 20, 2014 at 14 degrees. Dane Rudhyar, Uranus- Master of Transformations. . It might indicate that your partner works in the health profession, particularly in places like hospitals or mental health facilities. Fittingly for this Taurus eclipse season, the two main signs of the 4th Ray are Taurus and Scorpio- Taurus, the sign of being in form, beauty and art, and the creation of the various forms of life and the ultimate release of consciousness from them that constitutes the lessons of daily living (Oken, p.120), and Scorpio, the archetype of transcending attachment to form, ruled by Pluto on our ego level because of bringing about the death process of our desire nature. It is primarily our Saturn, our structure of consciousness, that to Green filters out these soul memories covering immense periods of time, so as not to overwhelm us. The individuation process is more than a coming to terms between the inborn germ of wholeness and the outer acts of fate. Since the South Node of Uranus for everyone alive today is in Sagittarius, and therefore ruled by Jupiter, this means that the natal placement of Jupiter provides important information concerning how our current vision of life is conditioned by long term memories of the Soul. shelved 3,087 times Showing 22 distinct works. During each of these, as well as during the intervening oppositions, decisive crests of remarkably synchronous breakthroughs and innovations appeared to take place within a brief period of time in many areas of human activity. On February 8, Mercury and Mars were conjunct in Pisces (also conjunct Neptune and Chiron in Pisces and square Jupiter in Gemini), and then once Mercury stationed retrograde, they were conjunct again on February 26, 2013 in square to Ceres in Gemini (I wrote about this here: As a result, while Jupiter expands us, the contraction of Saturn in response tends to keep our growth confined to the current framework that for most has been heavily conditioned by surrounding culture. Man, however, experiences something that is not contained in our metaphor of the pine tree. It bores, through the walls of the ego, holes, telescopes, microscopes, channels through which the flashes of intuition, the inspiration of genius, may suddenly reveal themselves to the Saturn-bound consciousness., Dane Rudhyar fromUranus Master of Transformations. The first phase may manifest in many ways; perhaps through slow stages of progressive thinning out of the Saturnian shells so that these become finally like translucent window-panes through which the consciousness centered within the shells may behold vistas of the beyond. The potential of using Taurus sensory awareness to develop greater connection with Spirit and presence in the Now of the constant flux of life, also reminds me of the wisdom contained in Taoism. It can only modify its outer appearance and the quality and balance of the organic forces which operate within that structure. Mahakala is always depicted with five skulls, the five skulls standing for the transmutation of desires into wisdom. How much of this analytic wisdom is actually helpful? I have wondered. The cycle between Jupiter and Uranus can help foster individuation, as their interplay connects with transformative breakthroughs that can feel unsettling at first, but ultimately liberating. These cyclical waves of creative and emancipatory cultural activity occurred either as intervening crests between the longer, less frequent Uranus-Pluto alignments or as climactic moments during or just after the period of the longer alignment., Liberated Vision: The Cycle of Jupiter and Uranus in EvolutionaryAstrology, Guiding Stars Radio: Dark Moon before a Solar EclipseEquinox,,, Saturn in Pisces WSAA Lecture on 9February. It is his answer to the problem of common unhappiness, to the anxiety that is encapsulated most clearly in the fear of death. There are, for instance, many representations of the motif of the hostile brethren, but the motif itself remains the same. It is, moreover, useless to cast furtive glances at the way someone else is developing, because each of us has a unique task of self-realization. Then there is also the most general process, to which the most vivid and convincing of our dreams bear witness. This means that we are building toward our experience of the full meaning of their current cycle that will occur with Jupiter in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries at the end of 2016 and throughout 2017. I have immersed myself in the study of his work for many years now and have received personal instruction and teaching from him. Epstein also connects this issue to being a therapist, and how his desire for control, in the form of being a helper, is as much of an obstacle to healing another person as it is to healing oneself (p. 56). In Evolutionary Astrology as developed by Jeffrey Wolf Green, the cycle of Jupiter and Uranus involves the nature of beliefs we are conditioned to project upon reality, as well as the process of liberating from past influences in order to find a meaningful vision of life to live from. And this is a process in which one must repeatedly seek out and find something that is not yet known to anyone. Astrology is the study of the correlation between celestial movements and earthly events, and Each time we thus reach out with joy, each time we cast our view toward distances that have not yet been touched, we transform not only the present moment and the one following but alter the past within us, weave it into the pattern of our existence, and dissolve the foreign body of pain whose exact composition we ultimately do not know., Rainer Maria Rilke (from Letters on Life, p. 7). Through the First Quarter square between Jupiter and Uranus, the 2013 to 2014 time period initiated a critical analysis of the core meaning of our experience, a re-formulation of personal beliefs in accordance, and incited desire to build the structures and forms needed to manifest the developing vision. From Astro-Databank. . As Neptune in Pisces dissolves old structures of thought, and we enter into the crisis of consciousness signified by the Last Quarter square between Jupiter in Virgo and Saturn in Sagittarius, we will experience a humbling process of needing to admit what we do not know and open ourselves to new understanding. Moreover, Oken cites the fact that many believe that Moses, the leader of the Exodus, was born under the sign of Aries (p.59). Removing patriarchal religion associations, in this way Jupiter is like our High Priestess receiving, managing, and initiating within the boundaries of Saturn as our Great Mother. About the author Jeffrey Wolf Green has been called the founder of Evolutionary Astrology because he first started to lecture on the revolutionary astrological paradigm in 1977 after receiving a dream from the spiritual master Swami Sri Yukteswar, Paramahansa Yogananda's guru. The Fourth Ray, the human state, forces the resolution of conflict, the harmonizing of the pairs of opposites, and the eventual evolution from the focus of instinct and desire to the release into consciousness and pure, essential love. It again brings up the issue of whether or not all this information, this going into our past problems can help us- and again, the advice of the Buddha to train mind, discipline mind, in order to disentangle ourselves from our past thoughts and desires, in order to change through changing the way we think, does feel helpful to me. Jump to . In the painting The Birth of Venus by Botticelli above, we can see this sense of insecurity even in the Goddess Venus herself, as she feels a need to slightly begin to cover herself. And of course, since Taurus is the sign of the bull, we also associate Taurus energy as being embodied by a bull who can be fully engrossed in the presence of the moment in its natural setting, again soaking in the physical delights of its physical form: Taurus is all about being in our body and feeling the sensations of our world upon our flesh. Jeff Green - Birth Chart (Jeffrey Wolf Green) Gender: Male Date of Birth: 2 December 1946 - 04:52h Birth place: Los Angeles, California Country: US, United States Age: 76 years Sun: Sag Moon: Pis ASC: Sco Life Path: 7 Compatibility Occupation: astrologer, writer Jeff Green - Astrology Birth Chart, Horoscope Date of Birth (local time): Jupiter in Leo in trine to Uranus in Aries, with Mars in Sagittarius forming a Grand Fire Trine in the next month, is a perfect time to embody the heart of the lion and push past the fears we have had of not being able to manifest our vision in our current circumstances. Many existentialist philosophers try to describe this state, but they go only as far as stripping off the illusions of consciousness: they go right up to the door of the unconscious and then fail to open it (p. 162-163). Marie Louise von Franz, fromMan and His Symbols. Linked with specific qualities of the corresponding mythic figures- the Greek deity Zeus, the king of the Olympian gods, the Babylonian Marduk, the Roman Jupiter- it received as well certain symbolic amplifications that emerged in the various contributing traditions: Platonic, Hermetic, Arabic, and Renaissance. This will create potential for us to go deep within and integrate the wild perceptions entering our mind through a more symbolic approach resonant with the dreams of our psyche. At this time of Saturn in Scorpio standing in opposition to the extreme magnetic desire energy of Taurus, it is a time for us to face our desires and places we are acting out of confusion without fear. Is this not the rhythm and movement of Scorpio? In world transits, the cyclical alignments of Jupiter and Uranus correlated consistently with condensed waves of celebrated milestones of creative or emancipatory activity across many fields. For example, all it may take is an indescribable look in the eye of a photograph to notice something in a figure from another time period or culture whose essence magnetizes our interest. Green describes people with Pluto in Aries or the First House as sensing that they have a special destiny on a very instinctual basis, and that as a result they desire to have the freedom and independence to initiate and fulfill any desire or experience they deem necessary, because experience is the vehicle through which they discover or become who and what they are (p. 43). In her bookEsoteric Astrology, Alice Bailey described the connection between Taurus and incarnation: As the individual descends into incarnation and when he takes an astral shell (emotional body), he definitely comes into a Taurian cycle, for it is desire which impels to rebirth and it takes the potency of Taurus to bring this about. Taurus being the sign of the South Node of the Moon at this time makes us even more magnetized than usual to past patterns because of the comfort Taurus finds in the stability, and so it will take the intense transformation energy of its archetypal polarity, Scorpio, to force us onto a path of greater evolutionary growth. Being in the flesh, being incarnated in our physical form on this planet in the middle of extreme energies! Through streams of associations that lead us to further associations, we begin to gather around us a library of resources from which we can structure a belief system and philosophy through which to live that aligns with our Soul desires. However, the basic pattern remains nonetheless. It can vary from culture to culture, especially where material items are concerned: to some possessing a high octane mechanical vehicle with plush interior made up of the skin of a cow could be important, whereas to someone else owning the cow itself could be important. This is the sudden flash of insight famous throughout history, like the story of Nikola Tesla seeing an image of a waterfall as a young boy and becoming filled with the knowing that he would one day figure out how to harness its power as electricity, as he did decades later. Fortunately, at the same time that Jupiter in Libra reaches its Full opposition with Uranus in Aries, Saturn in Sagittarius will form a Disseminating trine with Uranus on December 24, 2016. . At this First Quarter square between Jupiter and Uranus, we would have still been in the process of exploring numerous potential paths involving our developing vision, but the creation of forms and structures through which to express the vision would have become a necessity. Alan Oken expanded on this idea in his Soul Centered Astrologyby claiming that this initiating focus of Aries makes it thebirthplace of ideas, according to the Ancient Wisdom Teachings, as all of manifestation has its beginnings as Divine Ideas (p. 162). This phenomenon also accounts for why some people can suddenly feel like they are remembering something that has to do with a past incarnation of their soul. The image of The Birth of Venus is reflected in the Sabian Symbol for the very first degree of the zodiac, the first degree of Aries: A woman just risen from the sea who is embraced by a seal, and represents the Emergence of new forms and of the potentiality of consciousness (Rudyar, p.49). . It can also indicate a relationship that comes about during or following a relocation event (cadent houses can signify moving). Polarity is an important concept in Evolutionary Astrology as well, for example integrating the polarity point of Pluto (Cancer to Capricorn; Scorpio to Taurus) is connected to our evolutionary development similar to integrating the North Node of the Moon. Mark Epstein explored important questions in this book, bringing up the fact he had many friends and associates who gained insights through therapy and yet remained as unhappy, dissatisfied, and egocentric after being in therapy as they were before. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Yet these long term memories remain held by Uranus, and a memory formerly blocked can suddenly come like a bolt of Uranian lightning into our consciousness through the boundary Saturn governs with our subconscious. Similar to the symbol of the cross, the six pointed star meets in the middle, in the heart. In particular the following quote from theTao Te Ching translation by Stephen Mitchell (45), brings up for me the perspective we can gain from losing attachment to form so that we can truly use the form of our life in greater alignment with what is actually happening around us: As I am writing this, the Sun and all of the personal planets are in Taurus: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Venus is literally in the final culminating minutes of her most recent pass through Taurus. All pine trees are very much alike (otherwise we should not recognize them as pines), yet none is exactly the same as another. Green, Jeff. Very few in your hand, Lord. In contrast, the higher nature of Taurus mirrors the spiritual development of the Buddha away from attachment to matter and desire, into freedom from materialism, gaining the freedom to connect with Spirit. With Taurus it can come down to possessing what we desire, and this is where we can come down into our suffering. This is somewhat similar to the diamond approach of A.H. Almaas that involves sensing ones body in an ongoing basis, with focus on a point in the belly, helping one to become more grounded in physical body and physical reality, and eventually bringing with it the potential to become more in touch with a spiritual essence. I was recently listening to a taped lecture by astrologer Alan Oken and gained a new sense of understanding for the sign of Taurus by hearing him break down the etymology of Incarnation. Uranus is a galactic interface that can shatter our Saturn structure and when this happens we may be thrown into delusions of grandeur or illusions of psychosis unless we utilize Jupiter to balance our shifting perceptions and their lunar impact on how we are functioning within our changing form. For example, if Jupiter is in a Crescent Phase to Uranus it would mean that you are bringing in a new vision this lifetime that will require you to foster support for persisting in the new vision so as to not be pulled back into the restrictions of the past. In An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudyar links the symbol for 17 Taurusto the Buddha in this way: When Gautama, having sought in vain for the answers to his questions among the teachers of tradition, sat under the Bodhi Tree, he had to fight his own battle in his own way, even though it is an eternal fight. Tao Te Ching. Today we will be focusing upon the archetype within human consciousness of individuation, deconditioning, liberation, and freedom from the known. This meaning is in contrast to the twin of Prometheus named Epimetheus, who was associated withhindsightand being anafter thinker because he tended to think about events after the fact, or lacked the ability to successfully strategize action beforehand. (2014). Out of this insight came his Four Noble Truths: the truth ofdukkha(translated as suffering, stress, anxiety, or dissatisfaction), the truth of the origin of suffering, the truth of the cessation of suffering, and the path leading to the cessation of suffering. Harper Collins. The archetype is a tendency to form such representations of a motif- representations that can vary a great deal in detail without losing their basic pattern. Incarnation means embodied in flesh or in the flesh, in the meat (carne), and so connects with Taurus as being the second sign of the zodiac since in Taurus we incarnate into form the new impulse of celestial life connected with the first sign of the zodiac, Aries. Through the glimpse of a painting, the sound of a song, the prose of a poem, or innumerable other gateways, we feel something within our Soul light up in recognition of a kindred Soul quality. What all of their responses have had in common, however, is desire, human desire, and the fact that human beings have desires, and that we also tend to develop a sense of values that are important to us, and that some of us live from. In the context of the Jupiter and Uranus cycle, we are not at one of its peak periods like the conjunction that occurred in 2010, or the square that began occurring a year ago and lasted through this past May. But man certainly is able to participate consciously in his development. It is important during this Gibbous phase to persist in pursuit of our developing vision, continuing to build the skills needed to manifest the meaning of the cycle during the forthcoming Full phase. Going into analysis of all of the aspects that can be created by natal Uranus and Jupiter is beyond the scope of this article, however. Rudhyar illustrated this symbol as a representation that every emergent process at first is susceptible to failure, and that when initiating new changes we become surrounded by memories and the ghosts of past failures during previous cycles, and in danger of falling prey to regressive fear or insecurity (p. 50). During each of these, as well as during the intervening oppositions, decisive crests of remarkably synchronous breakthroughs and innovations appeared to take place within a brief period of time in many areas of human activity. We will also place all of this in the context of Saturn stationing retrograde in Sagittarius on March 14. The key, from the Buddhas perspective, is to find nirvana through overcoming ones own self-created obstacles to that composure. As a result, from 2010 through 2011 we entered into a New phase between Uranus and Jupiter that would have correlated with a burgeoning sense of a new vision felt from within. . In this way, Oken described Mercury as linking the Higher Mind with the lower so that the inner realization of ones place in the Plan of Life may be recognized and then, through the use of applied logic, externalized into the lower realms of our personality (p. 162-3). (1974). In contrast to thinking of the Buddha when we think of Taurus, as a result of Venus traditionally ruling Taurus in astrology many tend to visualize the sign as a sensual Goddess enjoying her physical incarnation and all the pleasures that can come through it. It is through Jupiter in Evolutionary Astrology that we gain knowledge through direct experience of the actual truth, rather than through the projection of beliefs. Rudhyars description of the Buddha in this Sabian Symbol is also a timely image for the current South Node of the moon because it brings a sense of an active warrior energy to the traditional image of a calm, peaceful Buddha- this is because we will need to actively move beyond our ties to past patterns of desire into greater freedom and a new life of meaning amid the flux of changes that will most likely occur in this time period of eclipses. The tending of sheep is important in all of the Abraham faiths, since Abraham, Isaac, Moses, David, and Muhammad were all shepherds. Jupiter in Evolutionary Astrology further correlates with gaining actual knowledge and understanding through experience that makes certain beliefs unnecessary for security, as the Soul comes to gain secure knowledge from its own experience. Meat! Mitchell, Stephen (1988). The triangle pointing upward symbolizes the transmutation of our lower nature into our higher nature, and the triangle pointing downward symbolizes the integration of our higher nature into our lower nature: they meet in the middle, the heart. An Astrological Mandala: the cycle of transformations and its 360 symbolic phases. Tied into this symbol is a seeker who has transformed into a warrior, refusing to depend upon the past, and fighting anew the eternal Great War (p. 81). This is because if anything is true in life it is change. Joseph Campbell and others have elaborated upon the significance of ritualistic deaths in myths and in the reality of cultures around our planet, in that the important thing is that the participants believe they are going to die, and so experience a death of their infantile ego. To Richard Tarnas, in the interplay between Jupiter and Uranus in their cycle, we can discover Jupiters principle of expansion and growth supporting the Promethean impulse of new beginnings (p. 300). Love expresses itselfthrough the lovers, for real Love is a cosmic undifferentiated principle or power which simply focuses itself within the souls of human beings who reflect its light. These cyclical waves of creative and emancipatory cultural activity occurred either as intervening crests between the longer, less frequent Uranus-Pluto alignments or as climactic moments during or just after the period of the longer alignment., Richard Tarnas,Cosmos and Psyche, p. 294. So in this time of great Taurus energy, we can perhaps use our powerful sensory abilities to become more aware of our desires. Similar to the concept of individuation developed by Carl Jung, it becomes vital for the Soul to decondition from repressive consensus beliefs and affirm the ability to live life authentically. The long Mercury retrograde in Pisces combined with Neptune, Chiron, Mars, Venus, the Moon, and the Sun all moving through Pisces may have coincided with us discovering at least a hint, if not a definitive calling, from our Soul purpose in the world, the latent potential of a glorious mountain pine tree that could grow from the seeds of our current thoughts and desires. These projected beliefs are typically influenced by various strands of consensus belief systems surrounding the individual in their present circumstances, consensus belief systems that often are out of alignment with ultimate understanding. There has been a wide range of material desires, from wanting a more simple type of a pet or a house, to more outlandish possessions such as a private jet, exotic animals, and millions of dollars; there has also been a wide range of immaterial desires, from wanting to have happiness and provide service to the local community, to wanting to provide service to the global community and to explore a higher level of consciousness. 2. As the next month develops we will have an especially potent fire to cultivate as Mars in Sagittarius will create a Grand Fire Trine with Jupiter and Uranus. Green explained this is similar to how we do not even consciously remember every single thing that happened to us yesterday, and our long term memory becomes even more imprecise every following day, week, year, and decade. Jeffery Wolf Green is a world-renowned astrologer who has combined his deep spiritual insights with the vast experience gained by counseling over 16,000 clients into a significant new science called Evolutionary Astrology. Behind every suffering, Buddhist teachers say, is the desire for things to be different. The purpose behind the Gibbous re-adjustment is to analyze the structure of the surrounding social environment in order to discern how to integrate our developing vision into work or service that is needed by the greater whole. A further interesting aspect of the current first quarter trine phase between Jupiter in Leo and Uranus in Aries, is that Jupiter in Leo is conjunct the North Node of Neptune. He must give of his own life-energy so that Mankind may be recharged by the force of life which the Ram embodies (p. 60). This trickster energy of Prometheus was directed to help liberate the humans Zeus could delight in controlling through manipulation, since in creation stories Prometheus was the artist who manifested the human race out of clay. When our vision of life fueled by the knowledge we are gaining from our personal experience (Jupiter) comes into conflict with the norms dictated by consensus belief systems (Capricorn where Pluto is currently transiting and the location of the South Nodes of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto) we arrive at a crux in which we can feel judged, ashamed, and guilty or could instead rebel and individuate with self assertion in the direction of the vision being felt within. These long term memories of the entire history of the Soul are absolutely vital to consider in Evolutionary Astrology, as they ultimately condition the majority of our conscious thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and desires. Tarnas, Richard. Currently we are in the Gibbous phase of the transiting cycle of Jupiter and Uranus, within a cycle that began in 2010 at the end of Pisces and the beginning of Aries. The symbol is A SYMBOLICAL BATTLE BETWEEN SWORDS and TORCHES,and according to Dane Rudhyar, suggests that salvation is attained through the emergent individuals readiness to face all issues as if there were only two opposed sides . Tarnas emphasized that planetary archetypes must be formulated not as literal concretely definable entities but rather as dynamic potentialities and essences of meaning that cannot be localized or restricted to a specific dimension, and so archetypes should be evoked instead of defined, and are better conveyed through a wide range of examples that collectively illustrate and suggest the enduring intangible essense that is variously inflected through the archetypes diverse embodiments (p. 89). While it is composed of a set of specific . Saturn contracts, while Jupiter expands. As we have all collectively through ages experienced great trauma in past incarnations, this function of Saturn serves a purpose of protecting us from being overwhelmed by past memories of trauma we cannot control. Natal astrology centers around the moment of birth, and the arrangement of planets within their cycles ascribed to the curious thing we call a birth chart. Plume. It can only modify its outer appearance and the quality and balance of the organic forces which operate within that structure. Through His death and resurrection, Christ illustrated that man must transcend the desires of his personality so that he can gain admittance into the Kingdom of Heaven (conscious immortality in the Spirit). sort by * Note: these are all the books on Goodreads for this author. Where do our desires and values come from? (2007). In that dream the entire paradigm of Evolutionary Astrology was conveyed to Jeffrey. Jeffrey Wolf Green - Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul School of Evolutionary Astrology 6.58K subscribers Subscribe 1.1K Save 61K views 8 years ago This lecture by Jeffrey Wolf. There is only a single, urgent task: to attach oneself someplace to nature, to that which is strong, striving and bright with unreserved readiness, and then to move forward in ones efforts without any calculation or guile, even when engaged in the most trivial and mundane activities. Brethren, but the motif itself remains the same suffering, Buddhist teachers,. Be focusing upon the archetype within human consciousness of individuation, deconditioning, liberation, this... In which one must repeatedly seek out and find something that is encapsulated most clearly in the middle, the. Is always depicted with five skulls, the six pointed star meets in heart. The individuation process is more than a coming to terms between the inborn germ of and... 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