And h e isn't sure if he can still do this job when JJ shows up. Alex wouldnt drink. The SGC and later Atlantis gave Samas a chance to save his people and make a few changes for the better in this universe. Dammit, did everything come back to Tony? They were getting more distant about the team details by the weekif not the day. It is one chapter long, but it is a very long chapter with over 49,000 words. Here he comes across some strange cold cases that intrigue him immediately. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Hed had the crap kicked out of him in the conflict with the suspect, and while Alex didnt seem the type to complain, Tony could see he was uncomfortable. So be sure to take a look and find your own favorite among them. It was over; Gibbs had let it die from neglect. Check out the community at AO3: here and LJ here. Tony is an enigma. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. But for now Vance had done what he needed to in order to keep Gibbs in line, with SecNavs cheerful approval. In a life and death situation, any falter in accuracy could be deadly. Set early season 5. Tony replied, striving to keep his voice even, though he wanted to yell. English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 154 - Followers: 107 - Since: 01-13-08 - Founder: KarenCaramello. Can an old dog like Jethro learn new tricks and be happy? Tony pulled up to the Naval Museum, watching Alex as his new friend moved stiffly and painfully. Add to library 590 Discussion 131 Suggest tags. But that doesn't mean you're getting a chance to talk about what you need to talk about., I don't need to talk about anything. That wasn't true, but that was the lie Tony was sticking to, Then let's talk about the case you're on., Tony narrowed his eyes. With a glance at his watch, Gibbs realized that he'd been drifting for almost an hour, the food cooling, his coffee done. Sort by: Hot. Gibbs missed DiNozzo professionally, and personallythat was one thing he didn't even want to explore right now. His trust in his team is shattered when his expected rescue never appears. As expected, McGee picked up, telling Gibbs that Alex had eaten some soup and was on the couch dozing, doped up on pain meds and juice to flush the bruised organs. Just leave it the hell alone., For now, Alex allowed, his gaze softening. But there had never seemed like a good idea when they were going from crisis to crisis, and then itd all gone to hell. He turned away from his father, looking out the window into the back yard. Tony meets Kelly and Gibbs after Kelly and Shannon's fatal car accident where Kelly is the only survivor. Alex held off on the important questions until Tony hit the Fourteenth Street bridge and they slowed to a crawl. Brent Langer, Jenny Shepard, G Callenand what the hell name is G anywayStan Burley, and me. Alex had held his own against the crazed, armed druggies, and had bruised kidneys and a concussion he was nursing. It follows a few episodes from the first season of NCIS. And Ducky. He didn't even want to know the specifics of how Tony got into files and made secrets his own knowledge. The team had become his family, and he missed them. That had been courtesy of the fifthor maybe sixthglass. But Cal was from the business realm and not from the military as Alex was, and he hadnt even cut his teeth at NCIS as McGee had. And for the first time since hed had his wife, he wanted to go to the wall to fight for his relationship. He and Alex hadnt discussed some of these more mundane things and Tony kinda hoped they would, once he and Gibbs had figured out what was going on with them. Rated T for safety. That had been the plan, but it didnt hurt to confirm. But the way a shudder wracked through Gibbs, the way his lips thinned, and the way he suddenly looked lost were almost enough to bring Tony to his knees. This was written as a commission for Hilde, who wanted a story based on the song HURT by Johnny Cash. You should read these chapters independently since they arent part of a completed story. Gibbs dialed Alexs cell. Why?, Best damned agent Ive ever worked with, Gibbs retorted, his voice tight. NCIS is a hugely popular show that consistently dominates the ratings for CBS. What about Keating, Lee, McGee, Blackadder, Kate, Ziva, Cassie Yates., Cass doesnt count! It hit Tony with a clarity that almost brought him to his knees. After everything that has happened, he couldnt say he really missed her, but it was a loss. He supposed his team was okay. Gibbs watched it shatter, hoping he didnt show his reaction. Or: Tonys an alcoholic whos beginning to discover his sexuality, and Stephen is a med student whos using Tony as an emotional outlet. No matter how much was on the line. all my filthy life i loved someone i barely knew. Even though it was different now, there was something indescribable about them that was still there. Nobody knew about him and Tony. Unable to meet his brothers eyes, aware that his brother was a junior agent under his watchsomething Gibbs had never expectedhe only shook his head and walked away. Written for r/Fanfiction Prompt Challenge35 and with the prompt "berry", Zine Description:Note: Book 3 of Reemergence series, color cover, 316 pages (c) 2015Written by LRH Balzer. And he isnt sure if he can still do this job when JJ shows up. My brother cares about you, Tony, The only question I have is if youre both brave enough to take that step together. For so many years, hed allowed himself to exist, to barely exist, because of some need for punishment. But Dad had never said anything, and Gibbs had been able to ignore his searching looks and the questions about bond between him and Tony. The story follows events from early on in both shows making the timelines fit almost perfectly with the original shows. No. The Stargate Series is AU and DADT has already been repealed. Is that all you think this is? Gibbs asked, shocked. And maybe even a change the tema blamed him for. But Tony couldnt help being Tony, and he was curious. But you cant shirk this forever.. God, she wishes Gibbs had made Tim be the one to bring her, but of course thats not her luck. Were done.. Present company included., Leave it, Alexander. Shes going to be fine in a few minutes and stuck waiting in the ER with Nick. Hes a Scotch man., I hurt myself today An established relationship story. When the dust settles, both mens lives are forever changed. All it meant was that Tony's hand was limp and heavy as he picked it up. I have a. This was no way to keep any relationship alive. He stepped out of the car, extending a hand to Alex. How could we improve it? He couldn't meet Tony's eyes right now, didn . Tony didnt know the two new members of Gibbs team by more than names, but the one name had floored himAlexander RemingtonAlexander Remington Gibbs. are the property of their respective owners. Only here, Tom Morrow actually does his job as he is supposed to. You can use the words, use the hands, the actions. He could build something with his hands, but that wouldnt be ready for a while. Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS or Danny Phantom, or anything associated with them. Too many years and too many war wounds lay between them. Tony can't always tell Tim how he feels, but he found the ideal way to show him. The story constantly switches between present time and past time. 490 Stories. This also creates a unique bond with Gibbs; Tony does not know how to handle this. . Great. So Tony asks Garcia if she will do a little digging, but bringing Garcia in means bringing in other members of the BAU. Gibbs hadnt ever been a talker and it wasnt as if he could change just like that. But it is still a very original take on two very different shows. A wreck gives Ziva a chance to consider her chances with Abi. The lyrics are reprinted within the story. Gibbs was aware that the team was worried and shaken up. Never a last name. If he couldnt have DiNozzo. Tony asked, resisting the urge to reach out and touch Gibbs. He started to open his mouth to answer, when Alex nodded. They were his teamhed worked with them for eight years, longer than any place. Gibbs didnt suffer fools and always encouraged their way off the team as soon as possible. He hadnt lied, Hatori had been winged and his blood was on Gibbs shirt. Didnt think either of you could wait. Soft steps approached, getting louder as they came closer, and the door was opened slowly, Tony giving Gibbs a wary look. 10 Amazing Persona 5 Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2023, 10 Popular Ben 10 Crossover Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2023. Written: September 2010. That resonated. The main focus is on the NCIS set, and some of the Criminal Minds characters show up. This story is a crossover between NCIS and Criminal Minds. Vance had chuckled when Gibbs ordered Alex off the team, reminding Gibbs that this was SecNavs decision as well, and that Gibbs could either deal with it or type up his resignation. And to serve that end, he's going to make sure that those that he trusts--Tony, John, Rodney, Teyla, Ronon, Elizabeth, Major Teldy, Radek, Miko, Kyli and others--have the power to combat anyone who tries to take Atlantis from them. He wrestled for the count of one hundred, trying to tamp down his rising anger and fury, but that Italian temper got the better of him. Was this his third or fourth today? Hes known all the ex wives.. And Gibbs had two broken ribs. McGee hung up the phone, cocking his head and regarding Gibbs. Wasnt good at all. Click the image above to see if your guess is right! Hi., Nope! Gibbs replied, closing the distance between them. Why did DiNozzo leave? Alex asked. Ziva David. And Tony just couldnt fathom a life without Gibbs in his life. Nothing. Tony lowered his hand and looked at it, pressing his lips together. Alex had crashed at Tonys place just the one night, but theyd spoken several times. Design by Alley Digital, Hi everyone. With Tonys encouragement and quiet support, hed begun mending fences with his father, hed begun remembering what it was like to live in the present, instead of in the past. Perhapswith the help of friends., Lions and Guides and Igigi, Oh My! And good luck with Vance and Secretary Davenport. McGee didn't give as much away as Gibbs hoped, but it was clear this wasn't case related. Gibbs hits the stop button sharply, the small sound resonating through the silent, tense elevator. In him and Tony. Written for the NCIS Big Bang. In that, it was his closest ally. It was silly and stupid, but Gibbs couldnt help his emotional investment in this and the way it manifested itself in his physical energy bursts. This story really is about friendship but also team building. Tony had always been doing something, whether it was chucking paper at McGee, or playing on his phone, or fidgeting in his seat. Tony couldnt deny that he felt as if hed been replaced. The three days between their confrontationthough Tony didnt like calling it thatand the weekend stretched endlessly. Urban Exploration Resource: Featuring Urban Exploration stories and a huge database of locations and pictures from a variety of abandoned buildings and other unique places.The town was in decline by the 1910s; the newspaper ceased publication in 1912, and the railway was abandoned in 1918. . Casefile. Moving you in means something. And sometimes Gibbs was still getting his sea legs with respect to his third agent. Tom/Judy fluff (maybe) Tom/Tony hurt (maybe) Community: nfacommunity. Abby is too distracted by her grief for Gibbs to back Tony up, so he decides to go to the most Abbish person he knows for help: Penelope Garcia. Though Gibbs knew DiNozzo had the bed that was far too small for fucking. Gibbs would never have expected it, but McGee and Alex had formed a good-cop/bad-cop bond fairly quickly. He took a quick shower, washing himself mechanically, staring at the wall and letting it wash his agony down the drain. Gibbs is willing to do anything to keep DiNozzo alive, but this extraterrestrial crap might just push him beyond his limits.Mulder and Scully have serious concerns on who they have sheltered in their home, and Napoleon and Illya are still reeling from making another large jump through time.Is Skinner the only one holding all the pieces? Tony choked back a gasp at how much Alex resembled his brother. They had never been close growing up, the age difference and Gibbs years in the Marines, the Alex time at Annapolis and his time in the Navy, keeping them apart. McGee and Abbs said he was a good investigator, a great asset to the team, but Tony couldnt bring himself to trust that. Order, he said, thrusting the paper at Alex. Hows things? Tony asked as Alex clasped his hand in a strong grip. While taking voice prints for a case, Special Agent Tony DiNozzo stumbles across a kidnapping. Gibbs and Tony settle into their new life, but will Gibbs be able to keep Tony or will he lose control to someone else. All that mattered was the oblivion he found in a jelly jar of bourbon. The main character is pretty much me with a different name and some traits I wish I had!Ok, actual summary now: First person fic of a mentally ill, autistic teenager who gets taken in by Tony Stark, the man whos basically been their Uncle figure for years now, things get a little interesting in the compound. Where are you parked?, Not, thought we could ride over together, so I took the Metro here. And that was one of the things that hurt so damned much. Kinda, Gibbs agreed, cocking his head. Their friendship is tight. CELLS WORKSHEET Labelling diagrams 2 Label the parts of. Abby is too distracted by her grief for Gibbs to back Tony up, so he decides to go to the most Abbish person he knows for help: Penelope Garcia. In chapter 5, we follow Gibbs and learn about his desires for Tony. Tony felt like an ass for being thankful that someone else had gotten hurt.He gonna be okay?. he made a move to throw the covers off and leave the bed. What do you know? Gibbs asked, his voice dropping in register. Hed probably drunk a little too much to be driving, but he reasoned that the streets would be empty and the drive to DiNozzos place was only a few miles. Theyd had been estranged for a long time. But he knew it would. You eat? Tony asked, studying the features he knew so well. Your email address will not be published. He stared down at the wood, his breathing harsh in the near-silence of the room, fists thunking down onto the table and then rising slightly in some parody of a drum rhythm. Steve is finally feeling settled back in Hawaii and his task force is solid. The story is 17 chapters long and has over 57,000 hits already. So he turns to Hotch for advice, but he has his own team problems. It meant something that Hatori had been on the team several months now. Tony didnt know the details of why Gibbs hadnt mentioned Alex, and it may have come down to Gibbs just being Gibbs. There was no way he was going to leave Tony. McGeed been through enough concussions with Tony to know what the warning signs were. He and Alex made inane conversation as they drove past Nationals Stadium and merged into Virginia-bound traffic. "What happened?" The other probie was a guy named Cal Hatori, someone whod been in McGees FLETC class. That sharp tone was in Gibbs' voice again and Tony couldn't hide his wince. The story is only 1 chapter long with 1704 words. Tony DiNozzo. She has already run a great risk by befriending Tony Stark (she was unable to resist her son's excitement at his first-ever friendship after all), and she can only bite her tongue and wait for it all to come crashing down, for her new family to turn on her and for her son's life to be thrown upside-down again. (ALTERNATIVELY, the author is a sucker for found family and thought bruce wayne, tony stark, and loki deserve to be friends). You established a pattern., Not true. Torres. It clattered onto the table where it rolled in a small circle as Tony stood. An older guy, former Dot Commer. Tony had no interest in talking with her againtheir relationship had been complicated at best, and conflict had dogged their time as partners. Only when it was open did Tony rush to the door, but Gibbs closed it firmly in his face, a clicking sound echoing in the silent room. Is this a second chance or will he run away this time?, Knight Maneuvers Book Three by Tibbsian159,933 words, As Gibbs and Tony get settled in KnightShade and adjust to life with Jax Theron and the M31 men, each man finds they are forced to confront issues theyve kept hidden for years. As good as he was, he wouldnt be able to hide the pain that was hovering just under the surface. Site Maintenance. This is the story of her life, her love, and her recovery. When Abby isnt emotionally available to help him, Tony turns to Penelope Garcia for help. While on Vacation with his relatives in Washington D.C. Harry watched the car crash that killed Shannon Gibbs and the agent in charge of protection. Steve is a recovering war vet and up-and-coming artist, living in a four-bedroom apartment with his friends and Little. Hes never seen her even remotely close to being in this much pain, even after broken ribs. Gibbs enjoyed sparring with Tony for a lot of reasons: There was the simple pleasure of warm and aching muscles after a good workout; he liked keeping his body in shape- something which was getting a little bit harder now; he got the opportunity to touch Tony a lot without anyone thinking it suspicious; but mostly it was because Tony gave him a . Just great. What about you?. Alex would study and recognize every signalhis brother knew him too well. And it wasnt as if theyd necessarily tell him what was happening. But Alex? With the team being injured, Gibbs now had the leverage he needed to get Alex removed from the team right now. by Jennifer Kohlstrom. This isnt about me, Gibbs. 326 Stories. Or the team. He got nailed, didnt he?, Gibbs nodded. Wanna touch. Was that what it was? Alex asked, reaching out to grasp Gibbs arm. He watched his lover, wanting like hell to reach him, though he knew he couldnt. And if you have questions about this topic, feel free to leave a message in the comments below! Gibbs winced as the glass shatteredthe third tonightand looked away. You Tony pointed to the hologram. i was talking to nat about how i haven't written marvel in a while and so, this happened. Gibbs knew exactly why Vance had brought Alex to DC and put him on his team. You can find it on ff.netDucky'a PainWhen the NCIS team is called out to investigate the death of young woman, Ducky has an unusual reaction. the only thing that's real Maybe he could disarm Gibbs with some charm and a visit to the diner. Maybe it was a culmination of all theyd been throughZiva, and Tony being afloat and all of it. Gibbs takes over the team, but things dont really go according to plan. He felt a little protective over Cal, which he supposed he shouldn't have. Thats good. Tonys vision narrowed and he looked at Gibbs sportcoat and a rusty stain at the collar. It was the reason Gibbs hadn't discussed Alex with Tony. He didnt know how to communicate with DiNozzo on this new level. Just some good tony with kids either babysitting a friends kids or kids from cases or anything like that. Until you know something about it, stay the hell out of my life. Gibbs whirled, arms crossed as he glared at his brother. Tony - his agent Tony - had always been on the go. His hand came up to rub the back of his head and then lingered on his neck. Gibbs hadnt come up to bed last night. In Tony. The Avengers must decide what to do and somehow keep Tony from falling apart. Mostly me thinking what random ass cross over do I need in my life today? He knew Gibbs all too well. Passionate about reading fiction? Tony was trying not to take it personally, but it was hard. How will becoming a family again change things? Gibbs had opened up bit by bit. Timothy McGee. We got some things to work out., Gibbs saw a second of naked longing in Tonys gaze before the other man shut down, a wall clicking into place between them. They finally find out he is working in emergency at a hospital. You understand engineering?. As if it was that easy. And it wasnt as if he wasnt familiar with every creak and sound in the house. Every night since, he'd stumbled upstairs drunk and snuggled under the covers on Tony's side. Part 4 of 4 - Fanfiction for the Manwha, Under the Oak Tree. Not Shawn. No. Tony stepped back and Gibbs jammed his foot in the space between the door and frame. Out? Gibbs echoed, his voice strangely quiet. Gen, friendship/family with a healthy dose of angst. This was not working out. Basically the same as Jealousy just with different characters. Language: English Words: 890 Chapters: 1/1 Kudos: 119 . He crashed between Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace. A faint smile emerged and Gibbs had the idea Tony was trying to squelch it. and sure, people like IRON MAN, but tony ISN'T iron man, when will people realize that the same way he realized it the hard way a long time ago? He wasnt even surprised when Alex ducked into the elevator with him. You good with that? Gibbs asked, stroking Tonys hair, fisting his shirt and tugging him closer. And the second time, when hed been afloat, Brent Langer had been murdered by Michelle Lee. I love reading (young adult) fantasy books and thrillers. He doesnt talk much about youhe never has about anyone important to him. Tony risked a glance over to Alex, noticing the other mans head was tilted off to the side. Now that shed closed a few high-profile cases, SecNav had his eye on her and had moved her closer to DC. Learn how your comment data is processed. Dont, Tony.. He's a video game expert as well as TV and Movie guy. It was the samebut it was different now. "I'm sick and tired of you locking me out, Jethro." Along with the TV show, there is a whole world of NCIS fanfiction out there. Thanks to tejas for the beta. Yeah, thatd be good. He'd been pushing and needling him for a long time. When we started being roommates who fucked sometimes. 544 18 2. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Episode: s03e24 Hiatus Part II. Attention. Hed tried that years ago and it hadnt been fair to him, to the team, to Gibbs. And it hurt like hell. Title: Saying No Author: Jilly James Fandom: NCIS Characters: Tony DiNozzo, OC Genre: Gen Prompt: Revenge Word Count: 1,000 Summary: After being interrogated by Mossad and being told to take one for the team, Tony decides he's had enough. Tony blinked a few times in shock, turning the knob before sagging against the familiar wood. He rolled his shoulders and tilted his head up toward the sky. And with a new team, he had a huge learning curve anyway. He had to find a way to make this better, to get them back on solid ground, but words were so hard for him even at the best of times. 1.2K Stories. He had to end this; he couldn't continue to do this any more. Every waking moment was spent trying to figure out what had gone wrong. Alex stumbled slightly and Gibbs had to fight the urge to steady his younger brother. First it was Zivawho Tony hadnt even spoken with since Somalia. Next time try the McAllen. Wind brushed Tony's skin, causing him to shake uncontrollably, something that fortunately went unnoticed by Ziva, who was standing in the middle of the crime scene listening to something. Saras mouth felt like cotton, the minty drink she had just swallowed leaving behind an unpleasant taste. I'm posting Ducky's Pain online. His eyes were wide and as brilliant a blue as Tony had ever seen. Turned out Jethro had a brother that neither he or Jack had ever thought to mention to Tony. Harry saves 8-year-o. No, he wont leave until a doctor tells him shes fine, because thats how he is with her. And in chapter 11, we see Tony trying to figure out how and if a relationship with a teammate will work out. It was a beautiful early-fall day and was perfect for a cookout. Clint just wants his chaotic bestie to be happy, Tony Stark & Clint Barton are Chaotic Besties, Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark are Siblings, i ship them but they're not the main pairing, I'm trying my best, which is far more than you ever did, Take What I Want When I Wanna (and I want ya), Tony Stark And Bruce Banner Should Not Be Left Alone, I'm making this sound a lot angstier than it is. Tim decides its time to put his life on track. As proud as he was of Tony. Thats it? Gibbs asked, and Tony couldnt miss the flash of pain deep in Gibbs eyes, the way his arms wound around his torso, the way he self comforted. Now that Tony had made his decision, a peace crept over him and he felt limp with relief. Not yet. So if you like crime shows, then NCIS might be just the thing for you. He could handle this and he was more than capable. CELLS WORKSHEET Labelling diagrams 2 Label the parts of. The fight had gone out of him and he sank into a chair, fists clenched on the kitchen table. The dark and cool room suited his mood. Even as the men wait for Operation Sirin-5 (the hunt for the 5th leader of White Phoenix) to get moving, they find themselves dealing with highly-intimate aspects of their sexuality, things they have kept from even the ones they love., Finding Home by GottahavemyNCIS 390,439 words, Tim McGee travels from London to Athens to his new post and promotion. She was different from him, much lighter hearted, kinda like you, Alex ventured. Tony was prepared and ready for any outcome. Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis, NCIS. It focuses on how Tony seems childish but proves it wrong. This story is a combination of a lot of fandoms. Gibbs has left for Mexico, and somehow Tony just knows and feels that Gibbs is in trouble. Scully gives him a ride to where the two Marines have been killed, and to her shock . His life was as empty as it had been many years ago in that horrible time of loss. Jemma had been assigned then to Vances office, where shed impressed the then assistant director. No matter how angry Tony was making him. Work Search: So even though it isnt a very long story, it is a fun change from the standard fanfics. When was the last time hed held Tony? Work Text: Chapter One. When Gibbs had heard the information, hed thrown all his cards, on the table, bypassing Leon and going directly to SecNav. He trusted McGee as much as he trusted anyone and knew McGee had the interests of the teamnot to mention Gibbs safetyas his top priority. The team check in on one another after difficult cases. This isnt really a story but more of a compilation of multiple stories. Practically no other crime show can touch it, and it has legions of fans worldwide. And if that didn't work, Gibbs knew he had other ways of making things happen. But he had expected that running his own team would strengthen their bond, not throw it all to hell. Hed been replaced by Mini Gibbs and didnt that suck? Thats it, Tony confirmed. Gibbs made his way down the stairs slowly, gripping the banister and trying to hide his grunts of pain. He took a step closer, and Gibbs fought the urge to back down, to pull himself out of the situation and retreat. Not doing this in front of your brother., Then come outside, Gibbs said in a barely there growl. This is a Tony Dinozzo/NCIS fanfic about a girl who is kidnapped at age 12 and is missing for years before the team finds her, chained up and barely alive, in the home of a seemingly likeable marine. Gibbs hadn't fallen in love like that since Jenny, and before her, Shannon. If they don't the fate of the Avengers is on the line. ziva ncis gibbs tony tiva mcgee dinozzo abby ducky zivadavid tonydinozzo palmer david tali jethro jenny mcabby ncisfanfiction leroyjethrogibbs leroy. But youve run away from too damned much, Jeth. Alex was taking over the Cold Cases division soon, and the team was trying to cull some of the cases as a subtle training for Alex. He was coming to the conclusion that Hatori wasnt that memorable, though he had to be good if he didnt wash out. Why cant you let me in? Shed been designed as a probie for Paulas team, but then all of that had gone to hell when Paula and her team had been lost. Thats why Ive found an enormous wealth of NCIS fanfiction out there, and I was surprised to see some truly incredible stories. Not Henry. Hot New # 1. Just a compilation of cute, diverse one-shots! Tony swallowed hard and tried to remain casual, even though his gut was screaming something was very wrong. Bring whoever you want, someone youre not gonna mind knowing about us. Not that he had ever really thought that, but his jealousy had risen up way too easily. Novel length McAbby erotic romance.. It already has over 91,000 hits making it one of the most popular fanfics of NCIS out there. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Tonys special, his father continued, as if he didnt expect a response, and Gibbs figured his dad really hadnt expected a reply. He wasnt a bad guy, Tony had come to realize. I liked Kate, Ziva, and Palmer so I decided to add them to this AU. The guy everyone says you should have kicked off your team years ago. Still worry, Tony said, feeling his shoulders droop. Fine, Ill be Special Agent Alex. He was used to dealing with the physical much more than he was this kind of pain and anguish. However, their arrival brings complications for everyone - revealing a lie, a prophecy, a secret and a nemesis. He was getting a reaction all right! So use that as a point of reference going forward. The combination of timeless themes, If you are looking for the best Kim Possible fanfiction, then this is the post for you. He tried to peer over Tonys shoulder, but the other man effectively slid into the gap, blocking Gibbs view beyond the door. The other man let out a sigh and then started relaxing, melting into Gibbs touch. That was a different story entirely. Alex's face still bore the bruises, his pupils a little bigger than normal from the concussion. Gibbs shook his head and looked at the cup of coffee on his desk. Tony and Bruce, in their sleep-deprived state, built a bomb. It wasnt as if he can still do this any more the stop button,... Of loss agent Ive ever worked with them for eight years, hed thrown his. New friend moved stiffly and painfully how to communicate with DiNozzo on this new level,. Throughziva, and conflict had dogged their time as partners lighter hearted, kinda you. 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