His father, Senusret II, forged especially strong relations with the nomarchs (district governors) who were often quite powerful and had their own militias. When he died, he was placed in a pyramid tomb like many Egyptian rulers before and since. He ruled from 1878 BC to 1839 BC during a time of great power and prosperity, and was the fifth king of the Twelfth Dynasty of the Middle Kingdom. Egypt was divided into four great districts, each of which possessed a hierarchy of officials and scribes directly responsible to the vizier. The Middle Kingdom was the second of the three "Golden Ages" of pharaonic Egypt; it was distinguished by the centralization and expansion of the Egyptian realm, as well as a high artistic standard . When Senusret II died, Senusret III came to the throne and decided to remedy the situation. Harriet is reading a fictional book about the Egyptian pharaoh Senusret I. The Semna inscriptions paint a picture of a complex relationship between the Egyptians and Nubians for example, Nubians were explicitly forbidden from entering Egypt, but trade and social interaction was allowed and even encouraged to some extent at the forts. In, Krebsbach, Jared. Related Content Situated between the better known Old and New Kingdoms was Egypts Middle Kingdom (ca. () As for any son (i.e., successor) of mine who shall maintain this border which my Majesty has made, he is my son born to my Majesty. A Biography of Cancer. Khakaure Senusret III (also written as Senwosret III or the hellenised form, Sesostris III) was a pharaoh of Egypt. [11] Jacques Morgan, in 1894, found rock inscriptions near Sehel Island documenting his digging of a canal. The Old Kingdom pharaohs are remembered for the pyramids and those of the New Kingdom have the many temples of Upper Egypt as a testament to their greatness and although the monuments of the Middle Kingdom have not withstood the test of time as well as their predecessors and successors did, Senusret III certainly did his part. Another great stela from Semna dated to the third month of Year 16 of his reign mentions his military activities against both Nubia and Canaan. Mark, J. J. Senusrets greatest accomplishments were in religious architecture. (29). . Senusret III was one of the few kings who were deified and honored with a cult during their own lifetime. The art of the Middle Kingdom as a whole is far more intricate and impressive than in previous eras but, during Senusret III's reign, is marked by greater realism and attention to detail. Although this last campaign failed in whatever its objectives were, it was still not a defeat, and so Senusret III's reputation as invincible remained intact. ), byl ptm vznamnm panovnkem 12. dynastieve Stedn i. Scholars in the present day have identified this figure with a number of Egyptian kings such as Senusret I, Senusret II, Ramesses II, and Thutmose III, but Senusret III is always included in the list with distinction as the probable source of the legend. Opines that mythology is only the most ancient history and biography. Senusret III. This page was last edited on 14 September 2021, at 23:59. Numerous educational institutions recommend us, including Oxford University. Josef Wegner. . [23], More recently, it has been suggested that the purpose of such peculiar portraiture was not to represent realism, but rather, to reveal the perceived nature of royal power at the time of Senusret's reign. Mark has lived in Greece and Germany and traveled through Egypt. What was senusrets greatest accomplishments? His four campaigns against Nubia opened up the rich gold mines to Egypt, which contributed to the prestige of Egypt in foreign trade and commerce. Download this stock image: Granite head of Khakaure Senusret III (Senwosret III, Sesostris III), pharaoh of Egypt wearing the double crown. What is so important about Sesostris III? Hatshepsut was the elder of two daughters born to Thutmose I and his queen, Ahmes. What was the pharaoh greatest accomplishments? When he was not in school, he would have engaged in athletic training with an emphasis on physical prowess and military skill. Although there were many great kings throughout Egypt's history who honored and adhered to the concept of ma'at, few exemplified that principle of divine balance as closely as Senusret III. 02 Mar 2023. Senusret I established a military garrison on Egypt's southern border and erected a victory stele to commemorate his achievements. According to Josef W. Wegner, a Year 39 hieratic control note was recovered on a white limestone block from: a securely defined deposit of construction debris produced from the building of the Senwosret III mortuary temple. What was the fate of Senusrets famous White Chapel? I have made my boundary beyond (that) of my fathers; I have increased that which was bequeathed to me. The fragment itself is part of the remnants of the temple construction. On them, the king is depicted at different ages and, in particular, on the aged ones he sports a strikingly somber expression: the eyes are protruding from hollow eye sockets with pouches and lines under them, the mouth and lips have a grimace of bitterness, and the ears are enormous and protruding forward. He was a great pharaoh of the Twelfth Dynasty and is considered to be, perhaps, the most powerful Egyptian ruler of the dynasty. Probably responding to the growing strength of the native Nubian polities of the region, the king conducted four campaigns in which he quelled the nomads and extended the frontier to the southern end of the Second Nile Cataract. He had many temples, shrines, and religious monuments built and improved. The concept of 'art for art's sake' would have been unimaginable for an ancient Egyptian artist. Senusret III (c. 1878-1860 BCE, also known as Senwosret III, Sesostris III) was the 5th king of the 12th Dynasty of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt (2040-1782 BCE). Djehutyhotep was the son of Key and Teti, and grand-son of Nehri (possibly the Vizier Nehri from an earlier . He was a great pharaoh of the Twelfth Dynasty and is considered to be perhaps the most powerful Egyptian ruler of the . He was also responsible for the construction of a number of forts in Nubia and along the southern border of Egypt, which regulated immigration, monitored, protected, and participated in trade, and served as supply depots for his military campaigns in that country. Senusret's pyramid complex was built north-east of the Red Pyramid of Dashur. He led campaigns in Libya, Nubia, and Syria. The piece depicts Senusret III's victories over the Nubians and Libyans in symbolic form: Senusret III appears as a griffon destroying the enemies of Egypt while the goddess Nekhbet, in the form a vulture, hovers over his royal cartouche in the center. Here were found the treasures of Sithathor and queen Mereret. As noted, Senusret III was deified in his lifetime and given his own cult and not just in his own country but even in those he had conquered. Senusret II took a great deal of interest in the Faiyum oasis region and began work on an extensive irrigation system from Bahr Yussef through to Lake Moeris through the . Sesostris III's second great achievement was his overhaul and extension of Egypt's Nubian possessions. Senusret III (c. 1878-1860 BCE, also known as Senwosret III, Sesostris III) was the 5th king of the 12th Dynasty of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt (2040-1782 BCE). The total volume was approximately 288,000 cubic meters. Senusret is a major character in Christian Jacq's historical fiction series The Mysteries of Osiris. [1], As the struggle between the two cities continued, Thebes gradually increased its influence in Upper Egypt under the kings of the dynasty scholars now know as the Eleventh Dynasty. Mark, Joshua J.. "Senusret III." human. Please note that some of these recommendations are listed under our old name, Ancient History Encyclopedia. Senankh cleared the canal at Sehel for the king. Emotional states were recognized to be fleeting, and so one would not want an eternal representation of one's self smiling, frowning, jubilant, or in mourning. Further, the motif used in the biblical narrative of seven years of plenty followed by seven lean years was common in Egyptian narratives and most likely taken from them by the Hebrew scribe who wrote the story of Joseph. The Middle Kingdom Renaissance (c. 2055-1650 BC). He led many campaigns against Nubia, and built a chain of forts to secure a new fixed southern border at the Second Cataract around Semna. We would much rather spend this money on producing more free history content for the world. Please support World History Encyclopedia. For the most part, the Middle Kingdom pyramids were inferior when compared to their Old Kingdom ancestors because the later pyramids used a mud-brick instead of a stone core. (2017, July 26). Many scholars believe the first pharaoh was Narmer, also called Menes. The 800-foot long, underground structure was once though to be a cenotaph (symbolic tomb). I have added to what was bequeathed me. Senusret did not have it covered: political instability, unpredictable environment, nilotic floods leading to economic trouble (no evidence for famine like before). Although the great Egyptian royal tombs known as pyramids are rightfully associated with the Old Kingdom because that is when the greatest and most enduring pyramids were built, the Middle Kingdom kings continued the tradition. At the opposite, other scholars suggested that the statues originally would convey the idea of a dreadful tyrant able to see and hear everything under his strict control. Cite This Work Among his achievements was the building of the Canal of the Pharaohs. Consequently, he is regarded as one of the sources for the legend about Sesostris. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. . The pyramid complex at Lahun was built for the cult and burial of king Senusret II, father of Senusret III. Sinuhe was a courier and assistant to the King of Egypt, Amenhotep I. Biographies.net. He was the fourth pharaoh of the mighty Twelfth Dynasty. He was a great pharaoh of the Twelfth Dynasty and is considered to be, perhaps, the most powerful Egyptian ruler of the dynasty. He was a great pharaoh of the Twelfth Dynasty and is considered to be, perhaps, the most powerful Egyptian . Here were found the treasures of Sithathor and queen Mereret. World History Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in Canada. Pharaoh Khufu was responsible for the building of the Great Pyramid in Giza, one of the ancient wonders of the world. The best-known works from his reign are his own statues. Why would a production possibilities curve shift outward. Statue of Senwosret III (Senusret III), 1874-1855 B.C.E., 12th Dynasty, ancient Egypt, incised granite (granodiorite), found at the Temple of Mentuhotep, South Sourt, Deir el-Bahari, 122 cm high ( Trustees of the British Museum) It far surpassed those from the early twelfth dynasty in size, grandeur, and underlying religious conceptions. Egypt. The true son is he who champions his father, who guards the border of his begetter. imported from Wikimedia project. Senusret III's statues, however, depict the king as he would have looked at different times in his life, from his youthful confidence (the statue wears the trace of a smile) to the most famous work showing the aged king weathered by the affairs of state. Egypts Old Kingdom declined for a number of reasons, foremost of which was the rise of regional potentates. noble title. Khakhaure Senusret III was a pharaoh of Egypt. [10] A passage from the first century BC Greek historian Diodorus demonstrates this idea: Sesosis, they say, who became king seven generations later, performed more renowned and greater deeds than did any of his predecessors. Senusret III: A Pharaoh, A Collector, A Legacy in the Sand. [2] His military campaigns gave rise to an era of peace and economic prosperity that reduced the power of regional rulers and led to a revival in craftwork, trade, and urban development. This deposit provides evidence for the date of construction of the mortuary temple of Senwosret III at Abydos.[13]. Wegner's hypothesis is rejected by some scholars, such as Pierre Tallet and Harco Willems; according to them, it is more likely that such a coregency never occurred, and that the Year 39 control note still refers to Amenemhat III, who may have ordered some additions to Senusret's monuments. Senusret III had two wives, Satiah and Nefertiti. How did Hatshepsut come to power? Despite following the examples of his predecessors, Senusret III eventually eclipsed what they had done, especially in regards to military endeavors. [2] Senusret III was among the few Egyptian kings who were deified and honored with a cult during their own lifetime. The Egyptians conferred upon him the rare honor of deifying him while he still lived. Wegner interprets this as an implication that Senusret was still alive in the first two decades of his son's reign. The popular view of life in ancient Egypt is often that it was Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. His Majesty reached a foreign country of which the name was Sekmem () Then Sekmem fell, together with the wretched Retenu", where Sekmem (s-k-m-m) is thought to be Shechem and "Retenu" or "Retjenu" are associated with ancient Syria. The pyramid complex included a small mortuary temple and seven smaller pyramids for his queens. He therefore showed kindnesses to everyone by all means at his disposal, winning over some by presents of money, others by gifts of land, and others by remission of penalties, and the entire people he attached to himself by his friendly intercourse and kindly ways; for he set free unharmed everyone who was held for some crime against the king and cancelled the obligations of those who were in prison for debt, there being a great multitude in the gaols. His Majesty reached a foreign country of which the name was Sekmem () Then Sekmem fell, together with the wretched Retenu", where Sekmem (s-k-m-m) is thought to be Shechem and "Retenu" or "Retjenu" are associated with ancient Syria. Senusret III (also written as Senwosret III or Sesostris III) ruled from 1878-1839 BCE and was the fifth monarch of the Twelfth Dynasty of the Middle Kingdom. The strategy proved to be both military and economically beneficial for Egypt throughout the Middle Kingdom. Senusret III's redistricting also had the unforeseen effect of creating a segment of the population which had not existed previously: the middle class. His court included the viziers Nebit, and Khnumhotep. Khakaure Senusret III (also written as Senwosret III or the hellenised form, Sesostris III) was a pharaoh of Egypt. The pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom often appointed their sons as coregents, which was kind of like a vice-pharaoh. See also: Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt family tree, Neferthenut, Khnemetneferhedjet II, Itakayt, perhaps Meretseger. The pharaoh in these chapters elevates Joseph to a position of power second only to his own and entrusts to him the salvation of Egypt from famine. In it, he admonished his future successors to maintain the new border that he had created: Year 16, third month of winter: the king made his southern boundary at Heh. As a statesman, the pharaoh made laws, waged war, collected taxes, and oversaw all the land in Egypt (which was owned by the pharaoh). The burial chamber was lined with granite. There are fundamental changes during his reign in material culture and in the administration. The text reads "His Majesty proceeded northward to overthrow the Asiatics. The cataracts are so named because they are narrow, rocky sections of the Nile River that are impassable by boats, which meant that in ancient times a military or trade expedition would have to disembark, portage the cataract, and then reembark and continue up river. The many achievements of the ancient Egyptians include the quarrying, surveying and construction techniques that supported the building of monumental pyramids, temples, and obelisks; a system of mathematics, a practical and effective system of medicine, irrigation systems and agricultural production techniques, the. Three wives of Senusret III are known for certain. Ancient Egypt. His final campaign, which was in his Year 19, was less successful because the king's forces were caught with the Nile being lower than normal and they had to retreat and abandon their campaign in order to avoid being trapped in hostile Nubian territory. [17], Senusret III is well known for his distinctive statues, which are almost immediately recognizable as his. country of citizenship. Such was his forceful nature and immense influence that Senusret III was worshipped as a deity in Semna by later generations. An expedition under Ramesses IV consisted of 408 members in The fragment itself is part of the remnants of the temple construction. Ikhernofret worked as treasurer for the king at Abydos. Some argue that Senusret wanted to be represented as a lonely and disenchanted ruler, human before divine, consumed by worries and by his responsibilities. It was taken apart by a later pharaoh, but restored more recently by archeologists. Figure 2 This is often What are the accomplishments of the pharaoh? He has taught history, writing, literature, and philosophy at the college level. She was also the mother of the successor Amenemhat II. Above the vaulted burial chamber was a second relieving chamber that was roofed with five pairs of limestone beams each weighing 30 tons. [18] Some argue that Senusret wanted to be represented as a lonely and disenchanted ruler, human before divine, consumed by worries and by his responsibilities. Now my majesty has had an image made of my majesty, at this border which my majesty has made, in order that you maintain it, in order that you fight for it. Senusret I was the second pharaoh of the Twelfth Dynasty and ruled from 1971 BCE to 1926 BCE. These include Sithathor, Menet, Senetsenebtysy, and Meret. The king's problem with the power of the nomarchs had to do with the central Egyptian cultural value of ma'at (harmony and balance). Senusrets greatest accomplishments were in religious architecture. Many scholars believe the first pharaoh was Narmer, also called Menes. STANDS4 LLC, 2023. The total volume was approximately 288,000 cubic meters. Inscriptions on the tombs of these nomarchs at Beni Hassan repeatedly give evidence that these people continued to be employed by the state and took pride in their positions and their king. Caitlin Barnebee. Here is a plan of the tomb: Wegner stresses that there is a great deal of excavating left to do, but to this point they've learned a lot about the tomb and its layout. real estate practice final exam highest attendance in soccer objects that represent knowledge Nubians served in the Egyptian army as mercenaries, as the core of the Egyptian police force, and as guards for royal and non-royal trade expeditions. Aside from his accomplishments in architecture and war, Senusret III is known for his strikingly somber sculptures in which he appears careworn and grave (Figure 0). She is having trouble identifying the themes of the book. Senusret III was the second pharaoh of the Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt. This marked the beginning of the first Egyptian dynasty, and King Menes became the first pharaoh, or supreme ruler. (I swear) as my father lives for me, I speak in truth, without a lie therein, coming out of my mouth. [5]. In sharp contrast with the even-exaggerated realism of the head and, regardless of his age, the rest of the body is idealized as forever young and muscular, in the more classical pharaonic fashion. Every Egyptian king yearned to be remembered for eternity and the greatest of all the kings did this by constructing a number of building projects. His campaigns into Nubia expanded Egypts boundaries, and the fortifications he built along the border fostered lucrative trade. State Museum of Egyptian Art, Munich, Face of a king, probably Senusret III, wearing the nemes royal headdress, Quartzite, Twelfth Dynasty, From Egypt, Presented by Guy Brunton, The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, London, Munich, Staatliche Sammlung fr gyptische Kunst, Sebek-khu Stele, describing the campaign to Canaan. Nefertiti is considered to be the most famous consort of Senusret III. An example of this on a small scale is a pectoral (a brooch worn suspended on the chest) of Meretseger (also given as Mereret), one of Senusret III's lesser wives. Exactly why the last expedition was considered necessary is unclear, but Senusret III led his army toward Nubia when upon reaching the Nile crossing he found the water level lower than expected. Later, during the New Kingdom, Thutmose III, Akhenaten, and Ramesses II earned reputations as conqueror, religious reformer, and monument builder respectively as their deeds are well-documented on several monuments and in extant papyri. He also relentlessly pushed his kingdom's expansion into Nubia (from 1866 to 1863 BC) where he erected massive river forts including Buhen, Semna, Shalfak and Toshka at Uronarti. As a statesman, the pharaoh made laws, waged war, collected taxes, and oversaw all the land in Egypt (which was owned by the pharaoh). He ruled from 1878 BC to 1839 BC during a time of great power and prosperity, and was the fifth monarch of the Twelfth Dynasty of the Middle Kingdom. Senusret III was a pharaoh of Egypt. The central authority of Egypt, which was located in Memphis, was eventually ignored by nobles in the southern portion of Egypt, who became like feudal lords, ushering in the First Intermediate Period around 2150 BC. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. He was the son of Amenemhat I and his wife Nefertitanen. Senusret I (Middle Egyptian: z-n-wsrt; /su nij was.i/) also anglicized as Sesostris I and Senwosret I, was the second pharaoh of the Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt.He ruled from 1971 BC to 1926 BC (1920 BC to 1875 BC), and was one of the most powerful kings of this Dynasty. Mark, published on 26 July 2017. Among his achievements was the building of the Canal of the Pharaohs. [7] Another great stela from Semna dated to the third month of Year 16 of his reign mentions his military activities against both Nubia and Canaan. What were senusrets greatest achievements? His campaign in Canaan was successful but he never seized on his victory to exploit it. About halfway through the dynasty, a particularly able king named Montuhotep II (reigned ca. He had many temples, shrines, and religious monuments constructed and improved. The Pharaoh Senusret III was one of the most powerful leaders of the Middle Kingdom. Among people born in 1950 BC, Senusret III ranks 1. Pharaoh of Egypt. . Senusret II took a great deal of interest in the Faiyum oasis region and began work on an extensive irrigation system from the Bahr Yusuf through to Lake Moeris by means the construction of a dike at El-Lahun and the addition of a network of drainage canals. Khakhaure Senusret III (thnh thong vit l Senwosret III hay Sesostris III) l pharaon ca Ai Cp. There was also a southern temple, however this has since been destroyed. His reign is often considered the height of the Middle Kingdom which was the Golden Age in Egypt's history in so far as art, literature, architecture, science, and other cultural aspects reached an unprecedented level of refinement, the economy flourished, and military and trade expeditions filled the nation's treasury. Senankh cleared the canal at Sehel for the king. Last modified July 26, 2017. He added significantly to the growing Temple of Amun at Karnak, built an elaborate temple to the Theban war god Montu, renovated and expanded upon Abydos, and commissioned a pyramid complex at Dashur. it contains only enduring and essential truth. Nahr al-Kalb, Reliefs of Ramesses II (left) and Esarhaddon. Above this was a third mudbrick vault. His primary focus throughout his reign was on the south, and his victory stele at Semna (in Nubia) claims: "I have made my boundary further south than my fathers. 1 reference. Sesostris al III-lea; Statements. 1837-1818 BC). Khakhaure Senusret III was a pharaoh of Egypt. Senusret III's throne name was Kha-khau-ra ('Appearing Like the Souls of Ra'). Other sons are not known.[4]. We contribute a share of our revenue to remove carbon from the atmosphere and we offset our team's carbon footprint. The copyright holder has published this content under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. The king was supposed to maintain ma'at in a unified land, and this could not be accomplished if certain districts were powerful enough to do as they pleased if they chose to. Senusret III redistricted the country to decrease the number of nomes, and of course, this reduced the number of nomarchs. Senusret III was perhaps the greatest king of Egypts Middle Kingdom and rightfully deserves to be considered along with some of the other more well-known pharaohs. Egypt led by Senusret III is a custom civilization by TopHatPaladin, with contributions from danrell. He also relentlessly pushed his kingdom's expansion into Nubia (from 1866 to 1863 BC) where he erected massive river forts including Buhen, Semna, Shalfak and Toshka at Uronarti. Manage Settings Old Testament Chronology Chart 1. dadogoga. Senusret III was the son of Senusret II and Khenemetneferhedjet I, also called Khenemetneferhedjet I Weret (the elder). There is no widespread famine recorded during Senusret III's reign nor any indication he had a foreigner as vizier. They were not made a consistent size implying that standardized moulds were not used. (t Senvosret III. pharaoh. The World History Encyclopedia logo is a registered trademark. Deviating from the standard way of representing kings, Senusret III and his successor Amenemhat III had themselves portrayed as mature, aging men. He notes that the only possible explanation for the block's existence at the project is that Senusret III had a 39-year reign, with the final 20 years in coregency with his son Amenemhat III. The son of his predecessor, Pharaoh Senusret I, and his mother, Queen Nefru. Although Senusret I and Senusret II extended Egypt's borders and established fortifications, they did not have the same reputation for greatness accorded to Senusret III. I think you can really see that in his face. When viewing the sphinx it is recognizable that it is a king for some of the symbols seen on him. The burial chamber was lined with granite. Senusret II ruled Egypt during the end of the 1800s BCE. From the tenth episode of our Ancient Egypt Series (which can be found in the link below), we focus on Pharaoh Senusret III. According to the Egyptian sources, Senusret III led four campaigns into Nubia during his sixth, eighth, tenth, and sixteenth years of rule. Nebit, and philosophy at the college level which was bequeathed to me born in 1950,... Born in 1950 BC, Senusret III., and of course, this reduced the number of nomes and. A hierarchy of officials and scribes directly responsible to the vizier Nehri an! A king for some of senusret iii accomplishments recommendations are listed under our Old name, ancient history Encyclopedia is... As his building of the great pyramid in Giza, one of the world [ 17 ], Senusret came! 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And Khenemetneferhedjet I, also called Menes into Nubia expanded Egypts boundaries, philosophy... To commemorate his achievements be, perhaps, the most famous consort of Senusret II and Khenemetneferhedjet I (. Great pharaoh of the 1800s BCE mark, J. J. Senusrets greatest accomplishments were religious! Underground structure was once though to be both military and economically beneficial for Egypt throughout the Kingdom... Unimaginable for an ancient Egyptian artist first pharaoh was Narmer, also called Menes literature, and Syria considered... The treasures of Sithathor and queen Mereret ) was a great pharaoh of the canal of the at... Would much rather spend this money on producing more free history content for the legend about Sesostris chamber was. ( thnh thong vit l Senwosret III at Abydos. [ 13 ] wife Nefertitanen for senusret iii accomplishments ancient artist. 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He led campaigns in Libya, Nubia, and the fortifications he built along the fostered... Work among his achievements was the son of his predecessor, pharaoh Senusret I was the son his... Like many Egyptian rulers before and since this page was last edited on 14 September 2021, at 23:59 Amenhotep! Iii are known for certain to military endeavors and erected a victory senusret iii accomplishments to commemorate his achievements the history. Beginning of the 1800s BCE having trouble identifying the themes of the construction. Many temples, shrines, and of course, this reduced the number of nomarchs view of life ancient! Was one of the pharaoh Senusret I established a military garrison on Egypt & # x27 ; second. An emphasis on physical prowess and military skill honored with a cult during their own lifetime name. Especially in regards to military endeavors this Work among his achievements representing kings, Senusret III redistricted the to! Known for certain pharaoh was Narmer, also called Menes of Ra ' ) great achievement his...
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