Aaron met Moses at Mount Horeb, which is also a range in Sinai, the mountain of the Lord, and Moses told him all the things the Lord had told him to say and do. Then Zipporah took a flint and cut off her sons foreskin and touched Moses feet with it and said, Surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me! So he let him alone. There are things in the culture, in society, and in this world that naturally attach themselves to us and disguise our true identity. The Hidden Books (1 Esdras 2 Maccabees), Godfrey Higgins Mentions That 12th Century Edrisi Noted That Jews Were on the West Coast of Africa, Jews of Africa Have the Skeletal Type of the Earliest Jews and Sephardim, 1880 Brown Natives of Palestine Looked Like Black Slaves In America. And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the LORD met him, and sought to kill him. Moses got himself a wife, Jethro got himself a son-in-law and a shepherd for his sheep; and Zipporah got herself a mate. Alas, he had forgotten his blood! Moses had two sons named Gershom and Eliezer. . Devils Line Season 2: Release Date CONFIRMED or CANCELED! Thank you for reading this article and for taking the time to comment. Moses and Zipporah went on to have two little boys together. Thank you for the explanation in simple terms. morter, brick, and all manner of service in the field. Two verses before the excerpt provide Gods words for Pharaoh which warns of the plague that will kill each first-born son of families that do not adhere to the instructions of the protagonist. Why document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This is a text widget, which allows you to add text or HTML to your sidebar. Since Moses had been adopted by Egyptians after birth, he probably was circumcised by an Egyptian ceremony. Jerry (Jerry Seinfeld) explains to Elaine (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) what job a mohel13 performs and Elaine gives her opinion about uncircumcised men. It was a Monday morning Editors note: To submit a nonprofit announcement to The Sentinels Religion section, contact Tom Laub at (717) Each year Christians embark on spiritual journeys that culminate with Easter celebrations. Zipporah, daughter of Jethro Reuel of Midian, was the wife of Moses. The issue of punishing Moses by killing him surrounds circumcising one of his sons. As far as application, I see two main points coming out of this story. Her story reminds us that flesh and blood have always been faithful reminders of God's covenant promises. People are asking the wrong questions because they are reading the passage incorrectly in faulty translations. She heroically saves Moses and her sons from a random attack from an angel by cutting off her son's foreskin; the explanation for this act is unclear. Since the days of Abraham, God required his people to circumcise their sons (Genesis 17:10-14), and many academics believe that Moses had failed to meet Gods requirement with the second son (Eliezer). And he went, and met him in the . 21 And the LORD said unto Moses, When thou goest to return into Egypt, see that thou do all those wonders before Pharaoh, which I have put in thine hand: but I will harden his heart, that he shall not let the people go. Answer. There does seem to be some anger on behalf of Zipporah against Moses, throwing the bloodied foreskin at his feet, and calling him a bloody husband to me. Ask God to help you remember the places and things in your life that you have attached to your identity. Throughout your generations every male among you shall be circumcised when he is eight days old . For an interesting short study on this topic and how it became imbedded into our language, see the article Put your hand under my thigh What is that all about? which is listed in References & Notes at the end of this article.9. There is no need to ask these difficult questions. Edit them in the Widget section of the, http://www.usnews.com/news/religion/articles/2008/01/25/zipporah-may-be-obscure-but-the-wife-of-moses-mattered, http://jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/zipporah-midrash-and-aggadah, https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/9e6a/a27d838cdf4a201b5a12bcbbc940dcd0b6e7.pdf, http://www.egrc.net/articles/Rock/Exodus/BrideGroomOfBlood.html, http://www.nocirc.org/symposia/second/larue.html, https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+17. She, no doubt, witnessed the hesitation of Moses to act and decided to take matters into her own hands. The original Hebrew only has pronouns such as he and him in those places. Every Israelite wife and mother would have, thus, been reminded of the covenant between God and Israel, through the circumcision of her sons.4, Because Moses may not have been properly circumcised (by Hebrew custom) before marriage, Zipporah may have achieved two things by circumcising her son. Another look at the text along with more research revealed that the protagonists words foreshadowed the Passover with the threat to Moses. In order to complete his assignment, Moses had to die. See Exodus 2:11 4:31 for the Bible story. Shulchan ib. After doing the needful for her son like that, she owned Moses. When Moses fled from Egypt to the land of Midian, he met Jethro's seven daughters, who were having some trouble getting enough water for their flocks ( Exodus 2 ). Ask Anything. Please be aware that, although the majority of posts found on this website are for general audiences, there may be certain controversial, mature, or adult content. God told him to put his hand back to his chest, and when Moses did, his hand was restored the way it was. You shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskins, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and you. This article is part of the She Is Called Women of the Bible Study Series. In what ways do you see the church dying, as Moses was dying on that road to Egypt? A little bit of kindness and compassion on the part of Moses turns a casual meeting into a close relationship. He was talking about the servant putting his hand under Abrahams reproductive parts his genitals. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. The writer asserts that perhaps the reference to blood-bridegroom reflects the custom of circumcision before marriage. What isnt immediately obvious in scripture is that Moses had two wives and Zipporah was the first. So she does what she has to do. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free John 8:32, (NIV). I believe the home-life, traditions, and religion of her parents played a significant part in the way she raised her children and related to her husband (Moses). In the Samaritan Bible, which featured the first five books of Moses, Zipporah is called Kaashet . Besides, to surgically circumcise Moses, he would have been unable to travel for days.5. Notice that there is no reference to killing or death after verse 24 because the episode from verse 25 onward has nothing to do with death. A new article is published about every 8 to 10 days, but we only send out our Newsletter about twice a month to notify everyone of the newest items posted. Moreover, the failure to be circumcised is punishable by exclusion from the Abrahamic covenant, not death (Genesis 17:14). (At that time she said bridegroom of blood, referring to circumcision.) This interpretation makes sense grammatically because the nearest antecedent is firstborn in verse 23. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Another example is when Abraham said to his servant, Put your hand under my thigh and I will make you swear by the LORD, the God of heaven and earth, that you will not get a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I live. Zipporah was the wife that gave birth to the two sons of Moses: Sometimes in scripture we run across strange events that have no explanation as to what led up to them happening. 21 The LORD said to Moses, When you return to Egypt, see that you perform before Pharaoh all the wonders I have given you the power to do. At first glance, the relationship between Zipporah and Moses looks like the familiar boy-rescues-girl tale. Grier graduated from Shaw University in Raleigh, North Carolina, where she received a BA in psychology. After this event, Zipporah simply disappears from scripture and we never hear anything about her ever again. The narrative begins with a picture of Zipporah circumcising her son. If you have any suggestions and queries you can contact us on the below details. She also seems to be angry because of the circumcision requirement, pointing to the possibility that her and Moses may have had a conversation and possibly an argument about it, ending in her refusal to allow it. ', 24 At a lodging place on the way, the LORD met Moses and was about to kill him. After functioning as a social worker for many years, she went on to become the first African American female to graduate from Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan, with both the master of divinity and doctorate of ministry degrees. The long donkey ride on the way to Egypt left Zipporah, Moses, and their two children wanting for a good nights rest. Dr. Denise Kingdom Grier is the Pastor of Mobilization and Renewal at Mars Hill Bible Church in Grandville, Michigan. We keep your email address private we do not give, trade, share, or sell it to others. Zipporah calls Moses a bridegroom because she had been compelled to acquire and purchase him anew as a husband by shedding the blood of her son, hence a bridegroom of blood. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. So he let him go: then she said, A bloody husband thou art, because of the circumcision. Exodus 4:24-26. Moses becomes her "bridegroom," her newly-acquired husband, because they both were culturally new persons. It is mentioned in Genesis, chapter 17, when God repeats his covenant of solidarity with Abraham and his descendants and explains his demands. And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that The Lord met hi. Every time we gather for communion, her words should be told alongside Mosess, Yes, Jesus, you are a Bridegroom of blood.. Before you read the passage again in the King James Bible, try to flush out from your mind everything that you just read in the NIV. Holy Week drags us reluctantly down the bloody path to Golgotha. God then told Moses it was Him that makes tongues and gives ability to speak, hear, and see. Zipporah and her six sisters were attending to their daily chores of drawing water and watering their fathers flock. Moses was on his way to Egypt with his wife, Zipporah, and his sons, Gershom and Eliezer, when the following incident occurred: "It came about on the road at the lodging place that Jehovah got to meet him and kept looking for a way to put him to death. He may have been squeamish about performing such a delicate but bloody act a second time after doing so once. What was that all about? Today's breaking news and more in your inbox. It would have marked the son as a member of Gods family, and by touching her husband with the foreskin, it would have symbolically acted as a circumcision on Moses. She lives in Holland, Michigan, with her daughter Gezelle, son Chris, and doggie-woggie Kgabani. Being he was a humble man, I dont believe Moses meant to defy God on his own, but perhaps it was his wife Zipporah that refused to do it. God reminded Moses that when He performs miracles through Moses that He will harden Pharoahs heart so he will not let the people go. What did the Egyptians make the children of Israel serve with? As Moses and his family arrive back in Egypt he meets up with the Lord who seeks to kill him. Although some Bible versions substitute Moses name, the actual Hebrew wording states him. The protagonist provided Moses with the necessary credentials he needed to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and protected his family in the process. Takedown request | View complete answer on jewishrhody.com Wha. There is no scriptural basis for taking the life of a father who does not circumcise a son. at least, not anymore. Zipporah calls Moses a blood-bridegroom, "because she had been compelled, as it were, to acquire and purchase him anew as a husband by shedding the blood of her son" (Glass). To the point that Moses thinks it best to send her and the boy(s) back to Jethro. This is supported by a midrash (Jewish interpretation) in the Book of Jasher (Sepir Ha Yasher) 79:8-12 (which is not the authentic Book of Jasher mentioned in the Old Testament). (Exodus 4:21-26). His first wife was his Kushite half-sister. In verse 24 we are told that God met Moses i.e. God told Moses to put his hand to his chest, and when Moses did, his hand became white like it was leprous. Then again, as some researchers suggest, God may have sought to kill not Moses, but Mosess son because he had not been marked as a member of Israel through circumcision. Most people read over it and dont understand what it all means. According to the Samaritan version of this episode, Zipporah took a sharp flint and cut herselfas a physical sign of repentance, because she realized that God was angry at Moses for bringing her and their two sons along on the divine mission to free the Israelites from bondage in Egypt. And Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and threw it at his feet, and said, "Surely a bloody husband you are to me." Install this BHITB on your iPhone and then Add to Home Screen. God asked Moses what was in his hand, and Moses said a rod. Zipporah said to Moses "A bloody husband you are to me, because of the circumcision." One may wonder why God would come to Moses to kill him before he was circumcised, but I think it's a safe assumption that the Lord had told him to be circumcised but he refused. For the people of Israel, this was no small thing. 26 So he let him go: then she said, A bloody husband thou art, because of the circumcision. In fact, he most likely dreamt in the language of Pharaoh. Why did God seek to kill Moses? Lastly, one final question that I asked as I read the passage was what the situation symbolizes in relation to the entire text. Zipporah immediately takes a sharp stone cuts the foreskin off of her son and throws it at the feet of Moses and declares he is a bloody husband. Yes, yes. Copyright The Sentinel | https://www.lewistownsentinel.com | 352 Sixth Street, Lewistown, PA 17044 | 717-248-6741, And it came to pass, at the encampment (inn), that the Lord met him and sought to kill him., And the uncircumcised male child, who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, that person shall be cut off from his people; he has broken My covenant., Surely you are a husband of blood to me., And Jethro, Moses father-in-law came with his sons and his wife to Moses in the wilderness., I am coming to you with your wife and her two sons.. See References & Notes for the link.14, Copyright 2021, Dr. Ray Hermann It does not seem to me that she was opposed to the circumcision. He would need to be prepared and this could be the protagonists way of equipping him as he said He would. Well, to answer that question, we need a little more background information. Unlike his Egyptian peers, he was circumcised. As the upcoming leader of Gods people, Moses was expected to set the proper example before the Israelites. Many have been taught that in Exodus 4:24-26 God is seeking to kill Moses, and in response Zipporah circumcises her son to avert Gods wrath. God locks his intent on him and by extension all of Egypt's first born. Remind us in you who we truly are and remind your church of the same. The Bible states that the Lord, while Moses was in Midian, told him to go back to Egypt (Exodus 4:19). Zipporah's word choice could have a double meaning in which she told Moses that he was protected by her bold action and that she finally had a legitimate husband due to the circumcision. --Heb., a husband of bloods A husband, i.e., who causes the blood of his children to be shed unnecessarily for some unintelligible reason. (b) Maimon. In Genesis 17:14 it says, And the uncircumcised male child, who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, that person shall be cut off from his people; he has broken My covenant. Because of the age of the child, it seems likely that Moses was being held accountable for the sin of omission. Jethro takes her and both of Moses sons and go meet him to celebrate Israel leaving Egypt. The custom in Egypt was associated with coming into manhood at about fourteen years of age and the entire foreskin was not removed. She is also RCA Global Missions coordinator for Setshabelo Family and Child Services in the Free State Province in South Africa. Where once she was the beneficiary of male benevolence, she then stepped in to save the life of the patriarch. Something extraordinary took place, however, while he and his family travelled to the land of Pharaoh. Exodus 4:24-26: "On the way, at a place where they spent the night, the Lord met him and tried to kill him. Source: The New International Encyclopdia, Volume 11 (Dodd, Mead) 1911 A.D. Zipporah casts the foreskin at Moses feet and calls him a bloody husband simply because she is disgusted by the bloody procedure of circumcision. Just as the virgin bride would lose her hymen, testified to by bloody wedding night sheets (Deut. sect. To understand the appellation and the circumstance leading up to Zipporah's use of it, we will look back about 400 years: Genesis ends with Joseph as the prime minister of Egypt who, by God's providence, saved Egypt from the famine and welcomed all his . But . The story of Moses being born to a Hebrew, hidden from the Pharaohs men until he was three months old, placed in a homemade basket on the Nile River, and found and raised by Pharaohs daughter is one of the most famous tales from the Old Testament. Some scholars believe that the term bridegroom of blood (same as bloody husband in the KJV) signifies Zipporahs religious idea about blood sacrifice and covenant. Verses 22-26 are summarized as follows: In verses 22-23, God tells Moses that God would kill Pharaohs firstborn son. In verse 23, God makes it clear that he will slay Pharaohs firstborn son if Pharaoh refuses to let go of Israel. Why his feet? His wife worried more about him then he worried about himself. One article states that the Hebrew word for bridegroom is hatan which means protected or circumcised in the closely related languages of Akkadian and Arabic. The scripture, after all, did not actually name Moses as who was to be killed; all it states is tried to kill him, (Exodus 4:24b). Zipporah in the Bible was the wife of Moses and the daughter of Jethro, the priest of Midian. God told Moses that those who sought his life in Egypt, meaning especially Pharoah, had died. However, this question cannot be answered without discovering who she was trying to save: Moses or Gershom, her son. Look for the lock in the address bar. This Old Testament procedure showed that the flesh must be physically sacrificed, whereas in this current age, the sacrifice of the flesh is spiritual. But why did Zipporah say that Moses is a "bridegroom [or husband] of blood"? Zipporah's actions give us a clue. Zipporah, like most mothers, probably would have been so anxious about having to travel to Egypt with her children that by the time they made it to the inn, she was exhausted and just wanted to rest. Our study will be but three verses in chapter four of the Book of Exodus. He fled from Egypt because of it. Whats more, God had just revealed himself to Moses and demonstrated great power in and through him. He has also had articles published in The Coming Home Journal and local newspapers and has written a childrens book. 26. This is a little easier to explain the word feet is a euphemism for Moses genitals. One scholar believes that the surrounding verses highlight Moses as fearful or ill-equipped and Zipporah counteracts his timid behavior by stepping up to circumcise her son in order to save Moses and the Hebrews lives. Answer. "She received Moses back from the dead, as it were, and remarried him again." If he was going to Egypt to free his people, his identification with Egypt had to die. Why did Zipporah do what she did? In verse 24, God locks his target on the firstborn son. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. God was able to write Moses or LORD if he wanted to. She received Moses back from the dead, as it were, and remarried him again. This is symbolic of humankind being dead to God, but then he provides redemption through a blood sacrifice and brings humankind back to himself. Moses' wife Zipporah called him a "bloody husband" because of the circumcision she had to perform on their son (Exodus 4:26). Because Moses had chosen to side with the oppressed (the Hebrew slaves) rather than the oppressors (the ruling Egyptians). Zipporah bore for him two sons, Gershom and Eliezer. When a man has his hands full with what God wants him to do, he certainly doesnt need a wife who is a hindrance and an obstacle to him! 22:13-19), the removal of the prepuce would be the grooms parallel loss. (http://www.nocirc.org/symposia/second/larue.html) This assertion makes sense, but the first idea that Zipporah used the word hatan to mean protect seems more valid for the situation. These scholars are thinking too hard. 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