Oh god. The thought of his mentor made Peters stomach flip and squirm. Pietro Maximoff/ Quicksilver One day she had to bring Peter with her to the office in a haze of work, she forget about him. Tonys eyes narrowed as he watched Peter Parker start on his fourth pizza. Everything was going great until Y/n accidentally slaughtered her entire family with powers she didn't know she had. Peter Had A Present For Her At His Apartment. How could he have forgotten that Peter had been injured yesterday. There was a feeling that Peter tried to grasp onto. Peter forgets to tell Ned that the Avenger's are coming over for his birthday. Forgotten to be assigned for group projects, forgotten to be assigned a team in PE and on one memorable occasion in the third grade he had been forgotten on a field trip. He hadnt expected the heartfelt conversation that followed. He swallowed thickly and resisted the urge to pick up Pete rand run. Anthony, Marias voice broke up the moment. Steve overhears some conversations that makes him suspicious of Peter Parker. Peter hadnt cared where they were going eat, as long as MJ was happy. Summary: When a series of robberies end in suicide, Tony Stark goes to investigate and finds more than he bargained for when he finds Peter Parker take an internship with the suspected the killer. And it hit Tony that when Pepper and he had explained to Peter about going to kindergarten, they had forgotten to tell him that they would not be attending with him. "C'mon, (y/n). I kept telling you but Mr. Thor was the only who was listening.". You turned to the all too familiar voice, breath hitching in your throat as you met the eyes of a certain brown haired person that played one of your favorite su Peter Parker/ Marvel FANFICTION Youve seen Steve with his shield.. Peter Parker travels back in time to change the future only to find when he returns that nobody remembers who he is. Thor said. Of-course it had to happen today. Stephens words had stuck with Peter. The teenagers strength was often overlooked with soft sweaters and a bright smile. Germany was a shit show. Its Peters birthday and even though he bullies him a bit, Flash gives him a gift anyway. Because Parker Luck had struck again, and Peters class was taking a field trip to the Avengers Tower. Peter was now at the age where basic dancing skills would be required school dances, house parties, billionaires weddings. Could feature, bad may, or sad peter. Thought that it would go smoothly and it would be just like the good old days - but he had forgotten that Spider-Man was a new addition to the team. In the chaos of Tony snapping the gauntlet, rushing him to the nearest hospital and the reality of having saved the universe, the Avengers forgot to actually tell Peter that Tony had survived. Steve can handle this. Its fine. There were no new notifications on his phone, just the photo of the New York Skyline that Peter had taken on one of his patrols. Umm, yeah, about Mr. Stark, Peter said. Mum, my apologies. Daddy, stop him! An avengers training session ends up going horribly wrong when Tony remembers that Clint uses knock out drugs laced with peppermint. *SPOILERS* If Tony couldnt be there to invite him, Peter was forgotten. Alright, who the hell put candy canes on my Christmas tree? Tony huffed, reaching out to flick the offending garment on his beautifully (expensively) decorated tree. She had loving parents, a roof over her head, and enough food to always satisfy her hunger. Morgan and Peter are kidnapped and a knock to the head leaves Morgan confused, forgetting that Peter is her big brother and not the bad guy. Biiiiiggggg difference, Wade corrected. !! If Peter could bring Thanos back to life he would. Bucky/ The Winter Soldier How did you do it? Steve asked, making Tony turn. What if shes an Avenger? I wish you would just stop! Peter choked on a sob, his nails digging into his palms so hard he drew blood. Tony goes on a mission and forget to get his good luck kiss from his son Peter. She turned to stare at the sky where the jet was no longer visible and back to Peter, handing falling away from her face. Please Mr. Stark! After two schools, the Avengers have a routine down, what to say, how to make the kids laugh until Midtown School of Science and Technology. The buried deep into his mind and took root until an idea blossomed. avengers find out about bucky fanfiction. The Avengers forgot to bring Peter on a mission. Stupid. He wasnt alone, Natasha Romanov and Colonel Rhodes with him too, each eyeing him with a heavy amount of scepticism. Peter Parker gets forgotten on a Field Trip, his class leaving him behind at the Avengers Tower. Peter Parker knows that hes been accepted as part of the team when they start to prank him - even if they forgot he had super hearing and could hear everything they planned. The first installment of the 'Made of Iron' series, but can be read alone . Oh. Every agent of HYDRA is acquainted with pain of some sort. Uhhhh, Tony drawled out. He brought it to his lips when a tingle ran down his spine. Peter sulked his way to the comic book store, hands in his pockets and feet dragging on the old broken concrete of New York streets. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Friendship, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Tony Stark Coparenting Peter Parker, Pepper Potts Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Kid Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Precious Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Adorable Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Cute Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Peter Parker & Morgan Stark Friendship (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Peter Parker & James "Rhodey" Rhodes freindship, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Peter Parker is Pepper Potts's Biological Child, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, Tony and Pepper should really check the room, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Pepper Potts & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark, Midtown Highschool of Science and Technology, Morgan Stark | Tony Stark's Male Cousin (Marvel Comics), Canon Divergence - Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Stephen Strange and Peter Parker friendship, Tony Stark Acting as Harley Keener's Parental Figure, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's biological son, Sick Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Peter Parker & Morgan Stark are Siblings (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Stephen Strange Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Spider-Man: No Way Home (Movie) Compliant, Tony Stark/Stephen Strange Parenting Peter Parker | Supremefamily | Strange Family, Morgan Stark Needs a Hug (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Workplace Safety 101 (dont give a nail gun to the new kid), author does not encrouage character bashing, Tony Stark is looking out for Peter Parker, Hurt Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), The author knows nothing about being deaf, Minor Happy Hogan/May Parker (Spider-Man), Tony Stark is taking care of Peter Parker, Fix-It for Movie: Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021), James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark at MIT, Happy Hogan Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Tony Stark/Stephen Strange are idots in love, Deadpool's Guide To Accidental Kidnapping, Tony Stark just wants to keep Peter Parker safe, Peter parker and michelle jones - Freeform, Stephen Strange & Peter Parker friendship, Canon Divergence - Post-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), James "Rhodey" Rhodes is here for Peter's silliness, Peter Parker attacks James "Bucky" Barnes. Tony wants this to be the best Christmas party for Peter and bans peppermint from the tower forgetting that Peter isn't allergic. It wasn't until she had been on the run for months. He let out a silent tear. Birthdays had always been a big deal in the Parker family and this year Peter was getting a dog - if Tony and the other's hadn't forgotten. Sam regretted his words and tried to say sorry but Peter ran off. [ ]. Not following, walking you home. You know how much I love pancakes.". He will have his Christmas Prince moment if it's the last thing he does. Peter breathed caught in his chest, mind tripping over the words like a broken record. Peter forgets that caffeine affects him and proceeds to down a whole energy drink. Thor, the God of Thunder was glaring at the boy. 5 times Peter Parker pretended to be injured and the 1 time he actually was. Ned had forgotten. Steve could only watch with horror as his shield went flying through the air, the speed too fast, at a very familiar figure. Well, not all of it. Now he's missing and nobody can find him to tell him that Tony survived. Pepper has a meeting and forgets that she is supposed to be spending the day with Peter. Nat gestured to the hammer on the table, her eyes flicking from each of them. Peters phone lit up at his touch. When Peter first came to live with his Aunt May and Uncle Ben, they had taken him to Build-A-Bear. Stark and Bruce Banner have created some kind of IQ test, Ned explained, his eyes glued to his computer. Peter's birthday is coming up and Ned is bad at lying. Its a Death Star puzzle. Tony shot Natasha a look that screamed they would be talking more about this later when Peter wasnt in hearing vicinity. What are we doing up here? Peter asked, watching as she went to the table. Peter forgets he has asthma and give Tony a heart attack (not literally but close enough). Mr. His aunt just died. He never really gets to celebrate his birthday, either there was something more important to do, or they forget, or there was a tragic thing. Awe crap, Tony muttered, making Pepper frown at him across the table. Tony asked. Tony? Natasha asked, lowering her gun but her body was still tense. They were on a battlefield; Tony Stark was dying, and a part of Peter died there too. Stark Industries Lunch Party. And apparently, Tony gets to decide these things. Or What could have happened if Tony forgot to give Peter Happys number. A mistake she will not soon forget. Peter groaned partly in embarrassment, partly in pain. Two friends, once again, co-conspired to write a fun little birthday fic starring our favorite father-son duo. Prompts are welcome. MJ and Ned plan a party for Peter's 17th birthday. Tony was beginning to think the universe was screwing with him. He barged through the door, flying through the lobby until he came skidding into the back room with a bang. He laid on his bed and was just thinking about random stuff, not about Toby. Something we're Tony decides to ignore, forget or just neglects Peter. His eyes widened as he took in Captain America in the doorway. Steve, high on adrenaline, comes back to the tower and forgets that Peter is staying the night. Not that Tony minds. It was all a lie. Because Peter had forgotten to put in his application for college. Peter returns to school after the blip and forgets about his hidden scars until someone sees them when he's changing for gym class. He's not better than me, I'm better! The Avengers were going to Peters apartment, inviting him to a dinner with an intern Tony found. Peter could only stare in horror as the Avengers filed into the gym and he slouched down as far as he could, hoping that they hadnt seen him. I wishI wish you had never done this to me. Bucky forgets and calls Peter 'Steve' during a battle leaving Peter to wonder if Bucky only hangs out with him because he reminds him of Steve. What? he choked out. Peter had forgotten about the launch party. From Ned Leeds: Hey MJ and I are debating the best cupcake flavor, wanna chime in?From Peter Parker: I am Suspicious. ,,Okay, PETER. Of all the powers that Peter had received from the spider bite, he would have to say that the super hearing was the worst. #tony Hi guys! Hell, Ive been to board meetings hours late., The joke didnt land, and Peters eyes started to well with tears. When Tony Stark had first added the role of picking Peter Parker up from Midtown Highschool of Science and Technology to his list of duties, Happy had grumbled. One that wont land me in jail. He clapped his hands together, rubbing his palms together. If you ace your English paper, you can have a go in one of the suits., The whoop Peter had let out had been loud and cheerful, his smile so bright his cheeks must have hurt. It wasn't until she had been on the run for months Multi-fandom oneshots. Everytime his birthday goes it's always a sad memory of his past. The Avengers forgot Peter is in the bathroom and when he comes out, everyone is gone. I could ask you the same question, Tony nodded at Steve who was filthy but had no burn marks like Bruce had received. They arrived at the place and knocked on what used to be Peters apartment. Then, he brushed his teeth and then he took shower. What? She looked over her shoulder, spotting Peter immediately. Peter wonders off and finds Tony. In which Pepper forgot that Peters powers dont come from his suit and get the fright of her life. It wasnt unusual for the barley-over-eighteen-year-old to be hungry. Stephen gives the Avengers a magical amulet for protection while there are rogue sorcerers on the lose but forget to give one to Peter. If only he had remembered Spider-Man before they ended up on the news. Once again, she found herself locked back in the compound on house arrest, unable to leave. Karen tells me that Peters foot is trapped, FRIDAY said. ,,No! #natasha Peter sat besides a lake. They didnt forget that Peter hadnt been injured they hadnt known. It turns out it was so much worse. In the hype that surrounded the great capture of the mouse, Tony forgets to warn Peter Parker about the traps he set all around the tower, leading to the first casualty of war. He was sorry and he had never meant to let it get this bad. ,,'am Toby." Stop the bad man!. He wants replace me? As it were, the Avengers often forgot about Peters spider tendencies when he wasnt in his suit and it led to some interesting moments around the tower. A security guard forgets who Peter Stark is and nearly causes an incident. I deviated slightly from the prompt, but only to make it more interesting. Of course, trouble finds Peter. the lady closed the door. !Requests open!!! I believe he found inspiration from you, Stephen said lightly. Peter had woken up with phantom pain in his foot and a pang of grief so strong it took several days to start to subside. Were not doing this again, are we?. ,,Bye Mr. Stark. Peter said with small smile. So when Peter's class shows up and they forget to tell Peter about it, all the interns know to make themselves small and quiet as possible. Tony hadnt been worried. His birthday was three days ago and if she recalled, the avengers did nothing, but watch as james crawled around the room in his little oneies. Lucky for him, his family will bend over backwards to help. He'll work with ya and he'll go to your class too!. It wasnt possible. While in winter it had been a concern, May had pushed it from her mind as they had moved into summer. ,,Yeah, I guess so, and he smiled so Natasha smiled back. In his nervousness and excitement of having his first movie night with the Avengers, Peter forgets to take his epilepsy medication. So enjoy your ending happy days. And he went out of the lab. Thanos, the stones, how did you do it? Steve asked, eyes trailing over Tonys armour that still clung to his skin. : Peter Parker manages to turn himself into a toddler and then leaves Stephen and Tony with the clean up, not remembering a thing. They had forgotten that Peter had been raised by May Parker. Even aunt May had forgotten. Its the Tide Pod Challenge, MJ, Tony recognised, spoke up. Awww crap, Deadpool groaned, head tilting back dramatically. But that couldnt be right. As soon as he saw Captain America and Iron Man walk through the doors of the Compound, Peter knew that he was a dead man walking. Please consider turning it on! Stephen Strange forgets Peter Parker on Titan and Tony Stark is not amused. Following on from What Would Tony Stark Do - Tony takes DUM-E to the park to feed the ducks and realizes that he forgot to invite Peter along. He stunk, covered in things he really didnt want to think about. In the back of Tonys mind, a flicker of a conversation he had with Peter ages ago had his spine stiffening. He was tired and in pain. Tony forgets that Peter is having a games night but he swears Peter never said with who. "Coming!!!" Peter Parker hurts himself in gym and forgets about lab day prompting Tony to come in visit much to Peter's embarrassment. Based on the request: "staying up until exactly 12 am with peter and once it hits, the reader gives him a bunch of kisses & lets him know how happy she is to be with him!!!". Could feature, bad may, or sad peter. Peter froze, his eyes widening. Tony forgets to give Peter a badge and a security guard get rough with Peter. #spidey The kid has spending most of his weekends at the Lake House after patrolling. '' .'' When asked to work an event, he forgets that Tony would be there. May has been acting suspicious and Peter is intent on finding out what is going on with his Aunt. "It's my birthday." The Avengers have been keeping tabs on a mysterious kid who the believe to be a terrorist. You know how he gets.. . In which Bruce and Tony forget how smart Peter is and Peter reminds them in the most Peter Parker way. He needs someone to help him carry the weight, someone to help him get stronger. He turned back to Yelena, his expression still dark. Everytime his birthday goes it's always a sad memory of his past. Have an awesome day! While it was difficult to warm a body up, it was harder to cool a body down. We have to make him cards.. Yeah, yeah, Ill let him know, Tony muttered. Now he's missing and nobody can find him to tell him that Tony survived. She always lets me in., The AI is down for repairs, the guard said sternly. That's all about to cha Thirteen-year-old Natalie Pierce--aka Agent Sola--is no stranger to tough times. What are you doing home? Tony doesn't know whether to be proud or pissed. Sad boy, he turned eighteen today, probably in the streets now." How was he supposed to know that the ancient and creepy looking book was going to turn him into a dog. They were the security for the conference every year and it was their biggest account so naturally the event had to run smoothly. And, okay, so Peter may have forgotten about the warning that Tony had given him , Seriously kid, do not touch anything that anyone leaves around the apartment. Tony pursed his lips together. Kiss from his suit and get the fright of her life Christmas Prince moment if it 's last... 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